Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Text 2
sri-bhagavan uvaca kutas tva kasmalam idam visame samupasthitam anarya-justam asvargyam akirti-karam arjuna
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the value of life. They lead not to higher planets but to infamy.
Commentary by Srila Prabhupada
Krishna and the Supreme Personality of Godhead are identical. Therefore Lord Krishna is referred to as Bhagavan throughout the Gita. Bhagavan is the ultimate in the Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding, namely Brahman, or the impersonal all-pervasive spirit; Paramatma, or the localized aspect of the Supreme within the heart of all living entities; and Bhagavan, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11) this conception of the Absolute Truth is explained thus:
vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate
“The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding by the knower of the Absolute Truth, and all of them are identical. Such phases of the Absolute Truth are expressed as Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan.”
These three divine aspects can be explained by the example of the sun, which also has three different aspects, namely the sunshine, the sun’s surface and the sun planet itself. One who studies the sunshine only is the preliminary student. One who understands the sun’s surface is further advanced. And one who can enter into the sun planet is the highest. Ordinary students who are satisfied by simply understanding the sunshine—its universal pervasiveness and the glaring effulgence of its impersonal nature—may be compared to those who can realize only the Brahman feature of the Absolute Truth. The student who has advanced still further can know the sun disc, which is compared to knowledge of the Paramatma feature of the Absolute Truth. And the student who can enter into the heart of the sun planet is compared to those who realize the personal features of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Therefore, the bhaktas, or the transcendentalists who have realized the Bhagavan feature of the Absolute Truth, are the topmost transcendentalists, although all students who are engaged in the study of the Absolute Truth are engaged in the same subject matter. The sunshine, the sun disc and the inner affairs of the sun planet cannot be separated from one another, and yet the students of the three different phases are not in the same category.
The Sanskrit word bhagavan is explained by the great authority Parashara Muni, the father of Vyasadeva. The Supreme Personality who possesses all riches, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation is called Bhagavan. There are many persons who are very rich, very powerful, very beautiful, very famous, very learned, and very much detached, but no one can claim that he possesses all riches, all strength, etc., entirely. Only Krishna can claim this because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. No living entity, including Brahma, Lord Shiva, or Narayana, can possess opulences as fully as Krishna. Therefore it is concluded in the Brahma-samhita by Lord Brahma himself that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. No one is equal to or above Him. He is the primeval Lord, or Bhagavan, known as Govinda, and He is the supreme cause of all causes:
ishvarah paramah krishnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam
“There are many personalities possessing the qualities of Bhagavan, but Krishna is the supreme because none can excel Him. He is the Supreme Person, and His body is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. He is the primeval Lord Govinda and the cause of all causes.” (Brahma-samhita 5.1)
In the Bhagavatam also there is a list of many incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but Krishna is described as the original Personality of Godhead, from whom many, many incarnations and Personalities of Godhead expand:
ete camsa-kalah pumsah krishnas tu bhagavan svayam indrari-vyakulam lokam mrdayanti yuge yuge
“All the lists of the incarnations of Godhead submitted herewith are either plenary expansions or parts of the plenary expansions of the Supreme Godhead, but Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.” (Bhag. 1.3.28)
Therefore, Krishna is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, the source of both the Supersoul and the impersonal Brahman.
In the presence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Arjuna’s lamentation for his kinsmen is certainly unbecoming, and therefore. Krishna expressed His surprise with the word kutah, “wherefrom.” Such impurities were never expected from a person belonging to the civilized class of men known as Aryans. The word Aryan is applicable to persons who know the value of life and have a civilization based on spiritual realization. Persons who are led by the material conception of life do not know that the aim of life is realization of the Absolute Truth, Vishnu, or Bhagavan, and they are captivated by the external features of the material world, and therefore they do not know what liberation is. Persons who have no knowledge of liberation from material bondage are called non-Aryans. Although Arjuna was a kshatriya, he was deviating from his prescribed duties by declining to fight. This act of cowardice is described as befitting the non-Aryans. Such deviation from duty does not help one in the progress of spiritual life, nor does it even give one the opportunity to become famous in this world. Lord Krishna did not approve of the so-called compassion of Arjuna for his kinsmen.
Commentary by Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur
Why (kutah) has this bewilderment (kasmalam) at this critical juncture of the war (visame) come upon you (upasthitam), which is not to be experienced by persons firmly established in dharmic principles (anarya justam), which is against both happiness in next life (asvargyam) and this life (akirti karam)?
Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Sridhara Swami's Commentary
The Supreme Lord Krishna said: Whence meaning from where, coming from what source, caused by what reason has such weakness, such bewilderment overpowered him at this critical moment of crisis. This weakness is not sanctioned by honourable men, it is unrighteous and thus guarantees infamy.
Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
There is no commentary for this verse.
Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
There is no commentary for this verse.
Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Kesava Kasmiri's Commentary
By using the unexcelled superlative of Bhagavan in referring to Lord Krishna supreme position as the unparalleled possessor of the six opulences being: omniscience, power, strength, splendour, wealth and dispassion. Lord Krishna desiring to benefit the devotees enquires from Arjuna where has this delusion arisen from in this hour of crisis which afflicts those who do not comprehend the value of human existence.
Srila Prabhupada has given 2 lectures on this sloka:  ,this lecture is nectar also because you can hear Srila Prabhupada sing Radha Madhava.....
"Classless Aryanism"
72/12/11 Ahmedabad, Bhagavad-gita 2.2-6
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sri-bhagavan uvaca kutas tva kasmalam idam visame samupasthitam anarya-justam asvargyam akirti-karam arjuna [Bg. 2.2]
Anarya-justam, "not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life." Aryan. Aryan means who are progressive. So this dejection of Arjuna in the battlefield is described as befitting a non-Aryan. Aryan, according to Aryan civilization as described in the Bhagavad-gita, there are four divisions inaugurated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As we have already explained, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam [SB 6.3.19]. Any systematic religious process is to be understood: "It is given by God." Man cannot make any religious system. So this Aryan system, progressive system, is catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah [Bg. 4.13]. Krsna says, "It is introduced by Me for very good management of the social order." Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. So Arjuna belonged to the ksatriya family. Therefore his hesitation to fight in the battlefield is not befitting the Aryans. For the royal order to become nonviolent, this is not good. The ksatriyas, when they are fighting in the battlefield, the killing is not a sin for them. Similarly, a brahmana, when he's offering sacrifice, sometimes animals are sacrificed; so that does not mean that he is committing sin. This animal sacrifice was made not for eating the animals. It was for testing the Vedic mantra. Whether the brahmanas who were engaged in offering sacrifice, whether they were chanting the Vedic mantra in right way, that was tested by offering one animal and again giving the animal a new youth life. That was animal sacrifice. Sometimes horses, sometimes cows were offered. But in this age, Kali-yuga, they are forbidden because there is no such yajnika-brahmana. All kinds of sacrifices are forbidden in this age.
asvamedham gavalambham sannyasam pala-paitrkam devarena sutotpattim kalau panca vivarjayet [Cc. Adi 17.164]
Asvamedha sacrifice, gomedha sacrifice, sannyasa, and to get child by devara, husband's younger brother, these things are forbidden in this age.
So it was the duty of the ksatriya to fight. Therefore Krsna is condemning his behavior, that "This is not befitting a ksatriya. By this action, you will be defamed." Akirti-karam arjuna. "You are such a nice fighter, soldier, and if you cease to fight, then the other party will defame you in so many ways. What you are thinking of? Especially you are My friend. I am standing here. Despite My becoming your chariot driver, if you decline to fight, certainly it will be a great havoc. Don't do this." Therefore He says, anarya-justam asvargyam. Asvargyam means "You cannot be promoted to the heavenly planet." It is said that a ksatriya who dies in the fight is immediately promoted to the heavenly planet. But because he is dying for the good cause, therefore he is promoted. Asvargyam akirti-karam. "It is defamation on your part." So
klaibyam ma sma gamah partha naitat tvayy upapadyate ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam tyaktvottistha parantapa [Bg. 2.3]
Parantapa means one who can give trouble to the enemies. It is the duty of the ksatriya. Enemies, aggressor, they should be killed. There is no atatayi. Atatayi means one who is aggressor. One who kidnaps one's wife, one who take away by force one's wealth, one who sets fire in one's house, these are called aggressor. So aggressor should be killed. Aggressor should be given trouble. So Krsna does not teach unnecessarily nonviolence. If ksatriya becomes nonviolent, then the whole state will be in chaos. They must learn how to kill any criminal. He should be immediately killed.
Just like Maharaja Pariksit, Arjuna's grandson, when he was touring in his empire... The whole world was at that time Indian empire. Not Indian exactly. Bharata-varsa. Now we have imitated some name, Bharata, the "Indian," "Hindustan." But formerly the whole planet was known as Bharata-varsa. So when he saw that one black man was trying to kill one cow, immediately he took his sword: "Immediately I shall kill you. Who are you, killing cows in my kingdom?" This is ksatriya's business. So... But there is no ksatriya now because so many cows are being killed. Nobody is protesting. It is the duty of the ksatriya to protect every living entity born in the land, in his kingdom. It is not that, as it is going on now, that only the human beings should be protected and not the animals. No animal could be killed except in sacrifice, as prescribed. Unnecessarily, there was no need of killing animals. That is great sin. Dyutam panam striyah suna yatradharmas catur-vidhah. Striya, illicit connection with woman, is sinful life. Unnecessarily killing animals, that is sinful life. Intoxication, that is sinful life. Gambling, that is also sinful life. When this Kali was excused, he surrendered himself to Maharaja Pariksit that "You have asked me to go out of your kingdom, but where is out of your kingdom? The whole world is your kingdom. So kindly give me some place where I can stay." So Maharaja Pariksit gave him these four places, that "You can stay where illicit sex life is going on." That mean prostitution. "And unnecessary animals are killed, slaughterhouse." Striya-suna-pana-dyuta. "Where intoxicants are indulged in or gambling. In these four places you can stay." So at that time, Kali could not find out such place, throughout the whole world. So he was disturbed. So there was conspiracy to kill Maharaja Pariksit because the Kali could understand that so long Maharaja Pariksit would live, it is impossible to find out a slaughterhouse or a brothel or a drinking house or gambling place. No.
So the kingdom was so nice. We have got description from Srimad-Bhagavatam. Maharaja Pariksit, Maharaja Yudhisthira, many. The monarchy was so nice that because they were trained up, rajarsi... They were not ordinary kings. They were as good as great sages and great saintly person. Imam rajarsayo viduh. Krsna said, imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam [Bg. 4.1]. Krsna said to the sun-god Vivasvan. And so He said, "The sun-god transferred the teaching to his son Manu, and Manu transferred the teaching to Maharaja Iksvaku." Evam parampara-praptam [Bg. 4.2]. In this way, the point is that the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita was especially taught to the royal order because they would know. They should know. Because a king is supposed to be representative of God, nara-deva. King is addressed as nara-deva. Even in 500 years ago when Sanatana Gosvami was minister of Nawab Hussein Shah... Sanatana Gosvami wanted to resign. He wanted to join Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement. So when the Nawab understood that Sanatana Gosvami... His name was Dabir Khas. He changed his name. So he said, "No, you cannot resign. Then my whole kingdom will be topsy-turvied. I completely depend, dependent on you." So Sanatana Gosvami said, "My, Your Majesty, I am no more able to serve you. Kindly excuse me." Then the Nawab said that "Then I shall punish you. I am Nawab. I am king." So Sanatana Gosvami said, "Yes, you can punish me because you are representative of God." He never protested "Oh, you are Mohammedan, I am this, Hindu or..." No. He accepted him, that "You can punish me." So the idea is that formerly the monarch, the king, was actually representative of God. They used to rule in such a nice way that nobody was unhappy. During Maharaja Yudhisthira's ruling, reign, you will find in the Bhagavatam that people were so happy that they had no anxiety. Not only they were free from all anxieties, but they had not to bear even scorching heat or shivering cold. No. So they were so happy.
That is the duty of the government. It may be monarchy or democracy. The first duty of the government is to see that all the citizens, they are feeling happy. That is the duty of the government. Not simply collecting taxes and: "All the citizens may go to hell. It doesn't matter." This is not good government. Good government is to see there are... It may be secular government. The secular government does not mean that the whole citizens should be less religious, godless. Secular government should see that even there are many religious sects, just like Hindus or Muslim and Christians, so secular government does not mean that they should neglect. They should see that the Hindus are strictly following the principles of Hindu religion, the Mohammedans are strictly following the principles of Mohammedan religion or... That is government's duty. Nobody should remain unemployed. That is government's duty. There are so many things. They are all described in connection with Maharaja Prthu, one noble king.
So in Bhagavata you'll find everything. Politics, sociology, religion, culture, philosophy -- everything you will find. Vidya bhagavata vadnih.(?) All kinds of cultural and educational instruction are there in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So
klaibyam ma sma gamah partha naitat tvayy upapadyate ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam tyaktvottistha parantapa [Bg. 2.3]
"Give up this cowardice habit. You get up and prepare for your fight. This is ksatriya's business. You should not go behind." Arjuna uvaca. "Arjuna replied."
katham bhismam aham sankhye dronam ca madhusudana isubhih pratiyotsyami pujarhav arisudana [Bg. 2.4]
Now Krsna was encouraging to fight; Arjuna was also very intelligently replying. He addressed Krsna as Madhusudana, Arisudana. Madhusudana means "the killer of Madhu demon" or "the killer or enemy." So his purpose is that "I have to kill Bhismadeva, who is my so kind grandfather, and I have to kill Dronacarya, who is my teacher, from whom I have learned this military art. So You have killed the demons and Your enemy, and why You are inducing me to kill my guru and my grandfather?" This is his argument. Katham bhismam aham sankhye dronam ca madhusudana, isubhih pratiyotsyami: "They, my grandfather, my teacher, may chastise me, but how I can pierce with arrows their body?"
So this is the problem: duty. Arjuna was forgetting duty. And Krsna was inducing him: "Never mind. According to ksatriya rules and regulation, even the opposite party is your own son, you should not hesitate to kill him. This is ksatriya's business." If the opposite party is your own son, but when there is fight, there must be decided: one party must be killed. This is ksatriya's business. So he says, gurun ahatva hi mahanubhavan [Bg. 2.5]. "These guru, this Dronacarya and Bhisma, they are not ordinary men." Mahanubhavan. Bhisma, everyone knows. Bhisma is one of the authorities, authorities of religious principle. There are twelve authorities.
svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh prahlado janako bhismo balir vaiyasakir vayam [SB 6.3.20]
There are four, twelve authorities. One of them is Bhisma. Prahlado janako bhismo balir vaiyasakir vayam. So Bhisma is not ordinary person. Therefore he said, katham, gurun ahatva hi mahanubhavan sreyo bhoktum bhaiksyam apiha loke [Bg. 2.5]. "I do not like to kill my guru, who is so great, and my grandfather. Better I shall become a beggar." A ksatriya's business is not to beg. A brahmana can beg. A brahmana can accept charity, but ksatriya cannot accept any charity from anyone else. Neither he can come down to do business like the vaisyas. That is not. Everyone should stick to his own principle. If this is followed, then it is really secular government. A government must see whether -- you are claiming as a brahmana -- whether you are actually discharging your duties as a brahmana. That is secular government. You are claiming as a ksatriya; whether you are discharging your duties as a ksatriya? You are a vaisya; whether you are discharging your duties as vaisya? This is government's duty. That is catur-varnyam maya srstam [Bg. 4.13]. Now they are eager to wash off this social system. They want classless society. But in the material world there cannot be any classless society. It is not possible. Classless society can be established in the spiritual world. Just like we are propagating this Krsna consciousness movement. This is classless society. Here you will find Europeans, Americans, Indians, Africans, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, but they have forgotten that they are Hindus, Muslims or Christians or Americans or Indians. They are all identifying, "We are all servant of Krsna." This is classless society. This is classless society. There is no distinction. Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brahmana family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaisnava he is classless society. Therefore it is forbidden, vaisnave jati-buddhih. Arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati-buddhih, naraki. Just like we should not consider this Deity before us as made of some metal or wood. No. Arcye sila-dhih. No. Here is the Supreme Personality of Godhead standing. We should take it like that. Otherwise, does it mean that we are offering our obeisances to a metal doll? We have become so fool? No. We take it, "Here is Krsna personally standing." That is the, that, if one cannot feel like that... The sastra says you should feel like that. Arcye sila-dhir gurusu nara-matih. Guru, a spiritual master, should not be considered as ordinary human being. Gurusu nara-matih. The Ganges water, one should not think that it is ordinary water. Or caranamrta. These are forbidden. Similarly, vaisnave jati-buddhih. One should not think, "He is American Vaisnava, he is brahmana Vaisnava, he is African Vaisnava, he is black Vaisnava, he is white Vaisnava." No. Vaisnava is Vaisnava, servant of God. Just like in the Ganges water. There are so many... In Calcutta I have seen so many mill water coming, sewer ditches' water is coming. But when it falls down on the Ganges water, it is no more any other water. Every is Ganges water. Practically we accept it. In Calcutta there are many rigid Hindus, brahmanas. They are taking bath in the Ganges, but even stool is floating there, they set it aside and take bath. Ganges water. Actually, you see chemically, although so many unclean water is coming there, it is still pure. Similarly, Vaisnava, he may come from any family, it doesn't matter. He becomes immediately transcendental. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita:
mam ca yo 'vyabhicarena bhakti-yogena sevate sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate [Bg. 14.26]
Immediately. We are trying to become, to understand aham brahmasmi. So this realization immediately become effective if one is a pure devotee. Mam ca yo 'vyabhicarena bhakti-yogena sevate, sa gunan samatityaitan [Bg. 14.26]. He is above all these three qualities.
So if actually you want to make classless society, then you have to accept this Krsna consciousness movement. There is no other way. If you make artificially classless society, it will never be effective. The Communists are trying to make classless society. That classless society can be formed on spiritual platform, not on the material platform. This will be artificial. Panditah sama-darsinah [Bg. 5.18]. When one is actually advanced in knowledge... Advanced with knowledge means one should understand that "I am eternal servant of Krsna, or God." That is advancement of knowledge. Aham brahmasmi: "I am not this body, I am spirit soul. And Krsna is the supreme soul. I am part and parcel of Krsna." Brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati [Bg. 18.54]. Simply by understanding that "I am spirit soul, I am Brahman," will not help us. You must act like Brahman. Then it will be... Janma, guna-karma-vibhagasah. There must be realization; that is guna. At the same time, there must be practical work. That is Vedic civilization. You should not claim falsely. If you are actually brahmana, you must act as a brahmana. If you are a ksatriya, you must act as a ksatriya. Guna-karma-vibhagasah. Not that "I am a brahmana; now I have become something else." Just like in Calcutta we have seen there are small slaughterhouses, and they have posted one deity, Goddess Kali, and have got sacred thread, and the signboard is: "This meat is slaughtered by a brahmana. Therefore it is pure. Therefore it is pure." And that is going on. Oh, the meat-eaters, they take all this meat, and they think, "It is the prasada of Goddess Kali, and it is slaughtered by a brahmana. There is no sin; it is all right." This is going on. No. Brahmana is not meant for becoming a slaughterer, a killer. No. Brahmana should be truthful, brahmana should be cleansed, no sinful life. Brahmana should be controlling the senses, controlling the mind. Brahmana must be well-educated, jnana, and he must apply the knowledge in practical life and believe in the Vedic injunctions. These are the qualifications of brahmana. Similarly, there are qualification of ksatriyas, vaisyas. We should follow that. And it is the duty of the government to see that "This man is claiming as a brahmana, whether he is actually executing the duties of brahmana?" That is government's duty. Not that they should simply fight that "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim." No. The government's duty is to see that actually whether he is as he claims to be.
So Arjuna says that "I do not like to kill my grandfather or my guru." Not only ordinary guru. Guru is never ordinary. Guru... That I have explained. Never we should consider guru as ordinary human being. As king is the representative for giving protection to the people, similarly, a guru or brahmana is also meant for giving protection to the people from spiritual side. The king, ksatriya, is meant for giving protection to the people from material side. The vaisya is to produce from the material side. Everything is systematically arranged. So brahmana means the intelligent class of men, ksatriya means the administrative class of men, and vaisya means the productive class of men, and the sudra means ordinary worker. These divisions are everywhere. You cannot say that only the brahmanas and ksatriyas and vaisyas are in India. No. When it is a creation of Krsna, or God, it must be everywhere -- in every planet, in every country, every city. Because anywhere you go, either in Europe or America, you will find some classes of men, very intelligent class. They are interested in philosophy, science. Similarly, there is a class of men who are interested in politics. They are ksatriyas you can say. Similarly, there are persons who are interested in making money, vaisyas. And there are ordinary class of men, they neither brahmana nor ksatriya nor... They cannot live independently. Sudra means he must find out a master. A master. Paricaryatmakam karma sudra-karma svabhava-jam. Sudra's business is to find out a master. Just like a dog. A dog must find out a nice master. Otherwise it is a street dog. Its condition is not very good. Similarly, a sudra means he must have a nice paying master. Otherwise his life is at risk. So if you consider in that way, the sastra says, kalau sudra-sambhavah. In this Kali-yuga, everyone is a sudra. You hardly find a real brahmana or real ksatriya or vaisya. Because they are after service. In the sastra it is said that a brahmana, if he is in difficulty, he may take the profession of a ksatriya or up to a vaisya, but never take the business of a sudra like a dog. That is prohibited. And nowadays we are claiming to become brahmana and going here and there with application, "If there is any vacancy, sir?"
So these things are topsy-turvied. Simply it has become a farce. Actually if we want to establish Vedic civilization, then we must follow strictly the principles of Vedas as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita. And if it is practiced, then daiva-varnasrama-dharma. That is required. Daiva-varnasrama-dharma. There must be the four divisions. Just like we have got four divisions in our body: the head division, the arm division, the belly division, and the leg division. The leg division is the sudra, the belly division is the vaisya, and the arm division is the ksatriya, and the head division is the brahmana. So these divisions are now lost. Actually, there is no ksatriya, no brahmana. Maybe there are some vaisyas and sudras. So suppose if your whole body there is only belly and leg, then what is the body? If you have no head and no arm, then how it is? What kind of body it is? So therefore, in the social order of the present day, there is no brahmana, no ksatriya. Only there are some few vaisyas and sudras. So therefore there is chaos all over the world. So this Krsna consciousness movement is meant for creating some real brahmana. At least, there may be head. They are all mad after the influence of the material energy. So there is need of some brahmana who can give advice to the people how to live, how to become God conscious, how to become happy. There is great need of this movement. Simply so-called classless society will not help us. That is not Vedic civilization.
Hatvartha-kamams tu gurun ihaiva bhunjiya bhogan rudhira-pradigdhan. So Arjuna is giving his nice argument that "If I kill my such great-grandfather and such noble, my teacher, then after killing them, if I enjoy this world, it will be mixed with blood and fire. So I cannot fight. I can..." Arjuna clearly declined to fight. Then again he said,
na caitad vidmah kataran no gariyo yad va jayema yadi va no jayeyuh yan eva hatva na jijivisamas te 'vasthitah pramukhe dhartarastrah [Bg. 2.6]
He said that "After killing my family men..." Dhrtarastra, dhartarastrah, pandavah... Dhrtarastra and Pandu, they were two brothers, and their sons, cousin-brothers. So generally, people want to increase his material opulence to show to his friends and relatives. When one person constructs a very new, very nice house, he invites his relatives and his friends to show them that "Now I have become so opulent." So Arjuna is thinking in that term, that "Suppose I conquer over and I get the kingdom. But if my relatives and brothers are dead, whom shall I show?" This is another kind of vairagya. How this material relationship makes one foolish, Arjuna is playing the part of a foolish man, and Krsna will chastise him. We shall see later on. Thank you very much. Hare Krsna. [break]
Question (Indian man): I have got a doubt about this Hiranyaksa, Prahlada's father...
Prabhupada: Hiranyakasipu.
Indian: Hiranyakasipu. Because God has taken the shape of a Narasimha Swami and then He finishes him by tearing his stomach. And then He takes all the intestines and pushes out. That is the picture normally shown. What is the significance and how this is actually, what it is meaning? Why He is this sort of picture is being given and everywhere I see this picture in town and everywhere right from my childhood. I have been seeing this. What does this signify?
Prabhupada: It is no significant. Kesava dhrta-nara-hari-rupa.
tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam dalita-hiranyakasipu-tanu-bhrngam kesava dhrta-nara-hari-rupa, nrsimha-rupe jaya jagadisa hare **
So Krsna assumed the nara-hari, nrsimha-rupa, half-man, half-lion. So these are description in the sastras.
ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan nanavataram akarod bhuvanesu kintu krsnah svayam samabhavat paramah puman yo govindam adi-purusam tam... [Bs. 5.39]
So there is no significance. This Hiranyakasipu wanted to become immortal. Then, when he was refused by Lord Brahma that "You cannot become immortal, that is not possible," then, in a roundabout way, he took benediction from Lord Brahma that he would not die on land, on water, on the sky, no weapon can kill him, no demigod can kill him. In this way, roundabout way, he thought now he has become immortal. So to keep the words of Brahma as it is, the Lord assumed a form which is not within his description. And instead of killing him with a weapon He killed him by the nails. Nail is not considered as a weapon. So He killed him between day and night, because he also took benediction that "I shall not die during daytime or nighttime." So God, Krsna, is so intelligent that we may try to become immortal by so many scientific brain, but there will be some flaw and he wants, must be killed. This is God's intelligence
Indian lady: Swamiji, what would happen if a person (unintelligible)
Prabhupada: I cannot follow.
Indian lady: (unintelligible)
Pradyumna: In college if they start to study biology or zoology, it involves killing animals, dissection. Is that a sin?
Prabhupada: Yes, certainly. You cannot kill even an ant.
Indian lady: Then you could give up such study?
Prabhupada: That is your business. What can I say? (laughter) But any kind of animal killing is sin, sinful. [break] Krsna says, sarva-yonisu sambhavanti murtayo yah, tasam mahad yonir brahma aham bija-pradah pita [Bg. 14.4]. Krsna says that "I am the seed-giving father of all living entities in any form." Sarva-yonisu. Sarva means all, 8,400,000 species and forms. So Krsna is the father, and all living entities are part and parcel of the Lord. They have different dresses according to different karma, but actually, every living entity is part and parcel of God, sons. So suppose a father has got ten sons and one of them or two of them are useless. So if the elder brother wants to make some experiment by killing the younger brother, would the father be pleased? No. Father will be sorry even the intelligent boy is killed or the dull boy is killed. For father, there is no such distinction. Similarly, you cannot kill animals without being sanctioned. That sanction is in the sacrifice. I have already explained, for testing. According to Vedic system, if you kill anybody, then you must be responsible for the sinful life. (end)
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.2-6 -- Ahmedabad, December 11, 1972
© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.
aisvaryasya samagrasya, viryasya yasasah sriyah jnana-vairagyayos caiva, sannam bhaga itingana (Visnu Purana 6.5.47)
The person who possesses all wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan.
sometimes we conditioned souls doubt the protection of Krsna, and His Supreme power, but Krsna has advised us to take shelter of Him without reservation.This is
kind of doubt is here shown by Arjuna as if he was a conditioned soul when in actuality he is Krsnas eternal associate,thus his bewilderment has come about by Yoga maya.
Arjuna also appeared in Gaura lila:
In Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika Srila Kavi Karnapura has stated: 
120. The cowherd boy Arjuna who was a close friend of the Lord in Vrndavana, and the Pandava Arjuna, both joined to become Ramananda Raya, who was very dear to Lord Caitanya.
121. This exalted personality, Ramanda Raya, for many days described to Lord Caitanya the true nature of pure love for Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.
122-124 Some say that Ramananda Raya is the incarnation of Lalita-gopi, and others say that because Lord Caitanya directly told Ramananda Raya's father, Bhavananda Raya, that he was the incarnation of Maharaja Pandu, Arjuna's father, therefore Ramananda Raya must be the incarnation of Pandava Arjuna. The most learned devotees say that Ramananda Raya is the incarnation of both the Pandava Arjuna, and a gopi named Arjuniya. This explanation is also supported by the statements of the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda. From all this we may conclude that Ramananda Raya is the incarnation of Lalita-gopi, Arjuniya-gopi, and Pandava Arjuna.
So we can see that if we accept Ramananda Raya as the incarnation of Arjuna that he  personally spoke with Lord Caitanya that is non different from Krsna.However in Lord Caitanyas lilas ,Lord Caitanya empowered Ramananda Raya to speak very highly about devotional service as we can read in the Caitanya Caritamrta.
So the same Arjuna that in Krsnas pastimes was confused was later in Gaura lila allowed to speak about such high level of devotional service.For a neophyte devotee this Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika will be bewildering best is to see Ramananda Raya as Arjuna, the advanced devotee will understand that all the persons mentioned by Kavi Karnapure was combined in the form of Ramananada Raya, and that Ramananda Raya is really Lalita Sakhi.
Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has given a very wonderful prayer:
Official Name: Svayam Bhagavattvastakam
Book Name: Stavamrta Lahari
Language: Sanskrit
sva-janmany aiśvaryaḿ balam iha vadhe daitya-vitater
yaśaḥ pārtha-trāṇe yadu-puri mahā-sampadam adhāt
paraḿ jñānaḿ jiṣṇau muṣalam anu vairāgyam anu yo
bhagaiḥ ṣaḍbhiḥ pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
caturbāhutvaḿ yaḥ sva-jani samaye yo mṛd-aśane
jagat-koṭīḿ kukṣy-antara-parimitatvaḿ sva-vapuṣaḥ
dadhi-sphoṭe brahmaṇy atanuta parānanta-tanutāḿ
mahaiśvaryaḥ pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
balaḿ bakyāḿ danta-cchadana-varayoḥ keśini nṛge
niṛpe bāhvor ańghreḥ phaṇini vapuṣaḥ kaḿsa-marutoḥ
giritre daityeṣv apy atanuta nijāstrasya yad ato
mahaujobhiḥ pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
asańkhyāto gopyo vraja-bhuvi mahiṣyo yadu-pure
sutāḥ pradyumnādyāḥ sura-taru-sudharmādi ca dhanam
bahir dvāri brahmādyāpi balivahaḿ stauti yad ataḥ
śriyāḿ pūraiḥ pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
yato datte muktiḿ ripu-vitataye yan nara-janir
vijetā rudrāder api nata-janādhīna iti yat
sabhāyāḿ draupadyā varakṛd atipūjyo nṛpa-makhe
yaśobhis tat pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
nyadhād gītā-ratnaḿ trijagad atulaḿ yat priya-sakhe
paraḿ tattvaḿ premṇoddhava-parama-bhakte ca nigamam
nija-prāṇa-presṭhāsv api rasa-bhṛtaḿ gopa-kulajāsv
ato jñānaiḥ pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
kṛtāgaskaḿ vyādhaḿ satanum api vaikuṇṭham anayan
mamatvasyaikāgrān api parijanān hanta vijahau
yadyapy ete śrutyā dhuvatanutayoktās tad api hā
sva-vairāgyaiḥ pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
ajatvaḿ janmitvaḿ ratir aratitehārahitatā
salīlatvaḿ vyāptiḥ parimitir ahaḿtā-mamatayoḥ
pade tyāgātyāgāv ubhayam api nityaḿ sad urarī-
karotīśaḥ pūrṇaḥ sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanayaḥ
samudyat-sandeha-jvara-śata-haraḿ bheṣaja-varaḿ
jano yaḥ seveta prathita-bhagavattvāṣṭakam idam
tad-aiśvarya-svādaiḥ sva-dhiyam ativelaḿ sarasayan
labhetāsau tasya priya-parijanānugya-padavīm
1) May Nanda's son, who is full of six opulences, who from His very birth was supremely (1) opulent, who displayed supreme (2) strength by killing a multitude of demons, who became supremely (3) famous by protecting Arjuna, who manifested supreme (4) wealth at Dvaraka, the capitol of the Yadus, who spoke supreme transcendental (5) knowledge to Arjuna, and who exhibited supreme (6) renunciation in the Yadus' fratricidal war, be pleased with me.
2) May Nanda's son, who is full of great opulences, who at the time of His birth had a four-armed form, who once at clay, who revealed millions of universes within His mouth, who broke a yoghurt pot, and who displayed numberless transcendental forms to Brahma, be pleased with me.
3) He employed the strength of His two lips on Putana, the strength of His arms on Kesi and Nrga, the strength of His feet on Kaliya, the strength of His body on Kamsa and Trnavarta, and the strength of His weapons on Banasura and other demons. May Nanda's son, who possesses all strength, be pleased with me.
4) He possesses all fame because He gives liberation to His enemies, because although He took birth in human society, He defeated Siva and the other demigods, because He is submissive to the humble devotees who offer obeisances to Him, because He gave a benediction to Draupadi in the assembly, and because He was lavishly worshipped in the Rajasuya sacrifice. May Nanda's son be pleased with me.
5) He has numberless gopis in Vraja, numberless queens and sons in Dvaraka, parijata trees, the sudharma assembly house, and other opulences. Outside His door Brahma and the demigods offer prayers and bring gifts. May Nanda's son, who possesses all wealth, be pleased with me.
6) He gave to a dear friend the jewel Bhagavad-gita, which has no equal in the world. With love He gave to Uddhava the ultimate truth of the Vedas. He gave to the saintly gopis, who thought Him more dear than life, the knowledge of the sweetest nectar. May Nanda's son, who possesses all knowledge, be pleased with me.
7) He brought an offensive hunter to Vaikuntha in his own body. He abandoned His own proud relatives, even though the sruti declares that they were already liberated and had eternal spiritual bodies. May Nanda's son, who possesses all renunciation, be pleased with me.
8) Although He is unborn, He takes birth. Although He is affectionate, He is aloof from everything. Although He enjoys pastimes, he is inactive. He is both all-pervading and limited. He possesses and does not possess ego and possessiveness. May Nanda's son, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full of all opulences, be pleased with me.
9) He who serves this Bhagavattastaka, which is an excellent medicine to remove the hundred fevers of doubt, and becomes overwhelmed with happiness by tasting in his mind the sweetness of the Lord's opulences, enters the path that leads to the Lord's personal association

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