I really think there is not much difference in the 2 editions,so the editing issue really does not bother me so much. I like KBI books they have old pictures, they made me a devotee, they have shrinkrap ,to protect the book.My connection with Srila Prabhupada will always be through distriubting his boks.Reading his books ,living his books etc.
Jayadvaita Swami said distribute BBT books and become recongnized for that (as if fame mattered to me) He obviously think I am in the mode of passion like all other bookdistributors, because the internal memo is that bookdistributors are in the mode of passion otherwise they could not do this service (because they are to lazy to imagine doing it themselves)
Yes Srila Prabhupada had made statements about not editing his books but also about supporting the BBT. What does BBT do with the money or KBI, well obviously they both print Srila Prabhupadas books.Is one more legal than the other? Is BBT the only "bonafide source"?
Maybe ,maybe not...
Niranjana Swami used to tell devotees they should get married to sell more books, well where is sankirtana in Boston, from being a brahmacari temple to not having even one fired up brahmacari.And no bookdistribution ,except for a few organized by the congregation.
Will I sell BBT books in the future , yes why not or KBI ,yes why not.Whatever books Srila Prabhupada provide me without trouble I will do.
Will there be someone in an office sitting on his lazy butt ,taking credit for my sankirtana ,you bet. That always goes on.On the east coast on USA there is no more brahmacaries selling books, except maybe Kansas and few devotees in LA.Very sad indeed.
To me everyone that ditributes Srila Prabhupadas books are doing the best service to save humanity.
Should temple, give out thousands of free books, and how many end up in the trash. Well so many end up in trash no matter if you sell them or give them out free. And many hopefully most get taken home and sit on a shelf .And if I meet one person that has actually read on of Srila Prabhupadas books I am always surprised and extremely extremely happy.
The fact is ISKCON is based on doing Harinama and bookdistribution, this is real life, all the temple politics has no use. I spend most of my time in ISKCON on traveling sankirtana or in a temple selling Srila Prabhupadas books.And so did thousands of devotees in US and Europe and the sad part ISKCON does not care about past sankirtana devotees, many and most have simply left.
Sankirtana devotees are very rare ,but ISKCON does not appriciate sankirtana devotees, only those who stay right there and collect for the comfort of the BBT staff, and TP salaries.
Well material world. !..another beautiful day to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, it is impersonalistic to not do so,,I am a personalist so I care ....
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