Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


 Yesterday I had a nice talk with Svavasa Prabhu and I am going to distribute books for ISKCON LA again . My heart was never into distributing KBI books because though they deny it they have ritvik ideology . Of course I am not a fan of many changes to Srila Prabhupadas books as they are simply wrong .But I am distributing mainly small and medium books so it does not matter there is no major changes to them. Though I prefere the old cover of Krsna and Arjuna on Perfection of Yoga, it is a detail I can live without, though I wish BBT would have kept that beautiful picture of Krsna and Arjuna. It is purifying not only for the person that gets the book but also for the distributor. I have simply been harassed by these ritvik guys like Palaka and Maduha etc. Come on sell out ritvik books.To hell with them. 
  I like to mention that I keep a sticker of Lord Jagannatha with with all Srila Prabhupadas books online and give everyone one of those also as they then have access to read all of Srila Prabhupadas books online .
This is from the other day :
  nice being on book distribution after a lot of snow here , I was sitting on the train on my way to sankirtana and one educated lady asked me what I was reading . I said verses from the Bhagavad Gita ,she knew of the Bhagavad Gita , I gave her my Jagannatha sticker with (or ,com) and asked her to please read it on line. She said she was looking forward to read it.Many people on sankirtana prefere to read Srila Prabhupadas books online so I refer them to or net and .The good thing with the Jagannatha sticker is that everyone can go and read the books online wether they donated for getting a book or not
  When I last visited Vrindavana in 2010 I was attacked many times for distributing Srila Prabhupadas books especially by disciples of Satsvarupa Maharaja .They follow the Aindra doctrine that Harinama is more important than bookdistribution. I have all respects for Harinama Sankirtana, but Srila Prabhupada asked every devotee in ISKCON to distribute his books see SB 7,9.44 purport.
 Nityadita das asked  me last year why I am not going to Vrindavana the last couple years,First of all I find ISKCON Vrindavana to full of neophyte politics secondly a major subject there is summarized here: 
this whole concept wether Srila Prabhupada is a gopi a sakha or priya narma sakha is a useless waste of time. Srila Prabhupada never once said I am a manjari ,Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada revealed he was Nayana Manjari and so has other acaryas revealed their internal svarupa to few disciples . More important is to go and preach and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books stop wasting time in this discussion it just shows you have nothing better to do.
 I do pray and hope that BBT will gradually just print books that only have those changes that was absolutly needed "like planet of the trees" .But I can not support the Ritvik agendas nor the push in ISKCON to make women Isvaris ,GBC;s, Gurus, sannyasis , and TP;s it is not Vedic .It is against Srila Prabhupadas teachings. Those who support these things only have my personal disapproval and I stay clear of them from now on.Anyone who pushes for these ideas I reject them as asat --unwanted matererialistic association .
 I feel happy and being back in the fold of BBT , I want to serve Srila Prabhupadas Bhaktivedanta booktrust life after life.I joined ISKCON with a desire to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books and it is still my service in ISKCON after 37 years I have no other aspiration but simply to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.
 your servant
Paramananda das 
  I had a major fall out with Bhagavat Purana das 24 hour kirtana walla in ISKCON Vrindavana and follower of Aindra das, he called the distribution of Srila Prabhupadas books for Bible sales . I take strong offence to this kind of demoniac mentality ,Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada established a printing press in front of Sri Sri Gandarvika Giridhari  at Sri Caitanya Sarasvata Math   in Navadvipa close to the birthplace of Lord Caitanya  and when the sound of the printing press was so loud someone asked him ".Gurudeva is this noise of the printing press not bothering Sri Sri Gandarvika Giridhari ?.He said no it is the sweetest kirtana ,it is the sound of the Brhad Mrdanga . There is so many envious persons ,let them bark like dogs the caravan will pass .
 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada described that real service to Sri Navadvipa is distributing transcendental books and he personally ordered our Srila Prabhupada to print books. I do not need these envious persons to try to run or ruin  my life. My gurudeva Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja also liked I always distributed Srila Prabhupadas books .Srila Prabhupada said those who distribute these books will go back to Godhead in this lifetime.And one devotee said Srila Prabhupada we are willing to take birth ,birth after birth to distribute your books .Srila Prabhupada smiled and said:" Jaya,that is pure devotional service"
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya .Brhad Mrdanga ki jaya.

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