Jaya Srila Prabhupada
To ban Bhakti Vikas Swami from preaching at Gainessville and Alachua shows the kind of GBC this Tamohara das, is
out of control.
The fact is that Bhakti Vikas Maharaja does not condone gay blessings, and so many other things ,and properly some
supporters of Hrdayananda Maharaja are not happy.Just like in Gita Nagari some disciples of Bhakti Tirtha Swami is not happy he preached against some of the strange ideas that was sometimes presented by him (about the planet "Mu" etc)
The fact is Bhakti Vikas Swami is properly one of the few ISKCON sannyasis that is not watered down.
He does something revolutionary also , he chants his rounds. Joking aside Bhakti Vikas Swami is a devotee of strong moral character.And those who envy him are no better than the lowest cats and dogs that should be beaten with sticks.
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
I read he also is banned in Seattle, who cares I would never dream of visiting ISKCON Seattle in my nightmares,
I know when I was in Boston Niranjana Swamis disciple Nimai Nitai das who was the TP there for some time, and he was a homosexual and hated Bhakti Vikas Swami
Good job Bhakti Vikas Maharaja ,,,,the resistence is due to your preaching having effect...keep speaking strong
and expose all the hogs ,dogs, camels and asses.....do not let these neophytes deter your preaching.... he is the only ISKCON sannyasi I will give my vote to any time...you mess with him you mess with me also.....
Anyway my humble advise is do not preach any where in ISKCON that has female TP's and GBC's this is all adharmic
The Ban
Sep 13, 2012 — PUNE, INDIA (SUN) —Dear Tamohara Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.n 8 Sep 2012 you wrote the following to HH Bhakti Vikas Swami:"There seems to be some confusion regarding your coming to the Alachua/Gainesville area and giving classes. Both the temple presidents of Alachua and Gainesville have told you that they prefer you do not give classes or preach here. This must be, and will be respected. As the GBC of Alachua, I fully support this decision. We feel that your opinions and style of preaching has tended to be disruptive and at times offensive to devotees, the GBC, and ISKCON. (...)you will NOT be asked to preach, do programs, or give classes. (...)" (emphasis added).
I would like to inform you that I find the content as well as the demeaning, patronising tone in your email extremely offensive. I have never seen anyone calling himself a devotee address a sannyasi disciple of Srila Prabhupada in such a way. Perhaps Prabhupada's proscription that a devotee should at all times behave like a gentleman has eluded you? If you had any genuine reason for preventing a sannyasi disciple from speaking at the two centres, you could have discussed your concerns with his His Holiness in a civil manner. I am sure he would have taken your concerns seriously.You are more than ready to ban someone because you don't like what he says, in spite of the fact that everything he says is fully in accordance with Srila Prabhupada's teachings as well Srila Prabhupada's mood. I have no doubt that Srila Prabhupada would have approved of Maharaja's presentation.Perhaps you could inform myself and the rest of the large number of devotees who feel very concerned about this matter how many other devotees you have banned from speaking and for what reason. Have you banned anyone on the basis that their private conduct made them unworthy of sitting on the Vyasasana, for example? Have you banned a certain sannyasi who has been photographed while embracing young women? Have you banned anyone whose presentation deviates from Srila Prabhupada's? I suspect you have not.Further, do you have any rules or criteria about banning someone, or is it just done on a personal whim?These questions are not rhetorical. I would very much like you to oblige me by responding to them. It will be interesting to see whether you – who do, after all, hold a public office of sorts – feel sufficiently accountable to do so.Let me emphasise something to you: there are many, many devotees in ISKCON who are angry, disillusioned and on the verge of leaving because leaders like you are seen to lack the integrity to act on the basis of correct principles. The correct principle to be applied in these circumstances is: does Bhkati Vikas Swami's presentation deviate from shastra? If it does not (and I think you would struggle immensely to show that it does) then he should never have been banned from speaking, no matter how many so-called followers of Srila Prabhupada found what he said "disruptive" or "at times offensive".It is not and never will be a GBCs job to engage in censorship of sannyasis whose presentation is bona fide.If you don't have the integrity to act in accordance with such correct principles then you should, in my considered opinion, step down from your public office and leave it to someone who does.I look forward to your response, which I hope will address the genuine concerns set out above.Kind regards,Patrick Boch, Esq LL.B. (hons.) Law (Buckingham) Barrister (England & Wales) Advocate (Bombay High Court of Judicature)
Posted by Bhakti Vikas swami's at pamho @ 10/05/2005 11:12 PM PST
FROM: Bhakti Vikas swami (PAMMHO.NET) posted December 20, 2004.
Dear Bhakti Tirtha swami, Please accept my obesiances.
I am very sorry for criticizing your book "Spirital Warrior I." Who am I to dispute that the world's biggest leaders are engaged in human sacrifices to the Devil? They probably are. We all know this is why George Bush gives Vladamir Putin that special "Texas hot sauce" when they meet. And who am I to say that we humans were not placed on earth by alien spaceships on the continent Mu,
http://www.goldenboughbooks.com/books/b-lo...-mu-b.jpgbefore it sank into the Atlantic ocean, and it is now known as Atlantis. And our ancestors escaped by floating off on giant leaves, to England? And we are a colony of space alien's experiments? This all seems quite possible. And who am I to say that the leaders of the Trilateral commission
http://buy.overstock.com/images/products/muze/books/0896081036.jpg are not really other aliens from the lower planets? Maybe they are. And who am I to say that you are not really an African prince
http://www.african-art-work.com/south-africa/0026-shakaland-king.jpg from Motubu? Maybe you are.
And who am I to disagree with you that when the next asteroid passes earth, named Zectoid five, is not really a space ship which going to gather up the faithful citizens of planet Earth? And this will give the faithful Zectoid-ites special space-capable bodies so they can float off to Jupiter and meet Glankon one, the leader of the interplanetary space commission. And this leaves the rest of us earth citizens behind to fight an invasion of "Waroc," the mechanically aided insect - like aliens from the next asteroid, named "Tweeble 1006"? This is all probably going to occur. Why should we GBC ever doubt your holy predictions, which you conducted using the special kwabble tree from the African garden planetarium in Washington DC? Sorry, I have to run off now, going to the store to get my "Waroc" language decoder ring as we speak! Just in case the invasion starts soon, I need to be able to say, "Hold your fire, master Waroc insect race, I am not an employee of 'Bug Hitters.' I will be your house cleaner servant." Thanks for warning us! Your servant, soon to be Waroc interstellar space commander number seven, Bhakti Vikas Swami.
This is a public message from Bhakti Vikas Swami December 17, 2004
I offer obeisances and apologies to all devotees who have been offended by my recent posting regarding my philosophical differences with HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja. It was not my intention to offend but to clarify that my stance had not changed. I did so publicly and succinctly because quite a few devotees have commented or asked me about it. I reiterate that these differences are primarily philosophical and I pray not to harbor bad feelings toward anyone, especially a devotee of the Lord. Although philosophical clarity needs to be upheld, this is undoubtedly a difficult time for Maharaja and those close to him, and my posting seems to have made it more difficult. I apologize for that and hereby withdraw the posting. [end of statement]
My Angry Letter to Bhakti Tirtha Swami Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 06:50 +0200 From: "Bhakti Vikasa Swami" To: "Bhakti-tirtha Swami"
I have been warned that my angry letter to BTS will cause spiritual suicide. But I have reason to be angry. Many devotees around the world are being spiritually murdered by believing BTS's bizarre assertations (in his widely distributed book Spiritual Warrior I), for instance about "motherships" coming from "the fallen continents of Atlantis and Mu"; Skull and Bones society
http://www.livingstonemusic.net/skull_and_bones_files/skullnbones32... the world by conducting human sacrifices; that the world was formerly ruled from Africa (not, as sastra and Srila Prabhupada state, from India), etc.
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