Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

As the month of Kartika is approaching I am preparing myself to be in a better mindset of KC, this is the blessings of such months as Kartika and Purosottama Mas and Caturmasya.Easy we can forget these auspiscious times, as we can ignore ekadasis and the apperance days of the Acaryas and of the Supreme Lord Krsna in His various forms and not honor them, but that is a great crime .Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung:
mādhava-tithi, bhakti-jananī, jetane pālana kori kṛṣṇa-basati, basati boli', parama ādare bori
That we should honor ekadasi and Janmastami and not take grains on these days, best is to fast Janmastami fasting is not optional for real vaisnavas:
śuddha-bhakata-caraṇa-reṇu, bhajana-anukūla bhakata-sevā, parama-siddhi, prema-latikāra mūla
(2) mādhava-tithi, bhakti-jananī, jetane pālana kori kṛṣṇa-basati, basati boli', parama ādare bori
(3) gaur āmāra, je-saba sthāne, koralo bhramaṇa rańge se-saba sthāna, heribo āmi, praṇayi-bhakata-sańge
(4) mṛdańga-bādya, śunite mana, abasara sadā jāce gaura-bihita, kīrtana śuni', ānande hṛdoya nāce
(5) jugala-mūrti, dekhiyā mora, parama-ānanda hoya prasāda-sebā korite hoya, sakala prapañca jaya
(6) je-dina gṛhe, bhajana dekhi, gṛhete goloka bhāya caraṇa-sīdhu, dekhiyā gańgā, sukha sā sīmā pāya
(7) tulasī dekhi', jurāya prāṇa, mādhava-toṣaṇī jāni' gaura-priya, śāka-sevane, jīvana sārthaka māni
(8) bhakativinoda, kṛṣṇa-bhajane, anakūla pāya jāhā prati-dibase, parama-sukhe, swīkāra koroye tāhā
1) The dust of the lotus feet of pure devotees,  enthusiastic devotional service, and service to the pure devotees of the highest  order are the roots of the creeper of devotion.
2) The holy days like Ekadasi and Janmastami are the  mother of devotion for those devotees who respect them. Let the holy places of Krsna's pastimes be my places of worship, and bless  me.
3) May I always visit all the holy places associated  with the lila of Lord Caitanya and His devotees.
4) When I hear the sound of the mrdanga in my heart I always desire to join in kirtana; and when I hear the bonafide songs describing Lord Caitanya's pastimes, my heart dances in  ecstasy.
5) Whenever I see the transcendental sri-vigrahas of Radha-Krsna I am  in bliss, for by taking Their Lordships' prasada we  can conquer over the material elements.
6) One day while performing devotional practices, I  saw my house transformed into Goloka Vrndavana. When I take the caranamrta of the Deity, I see the holy Ganges waters that  come from the feet of Lord Visnu, and my bliss knows  no bounds.
7) By seeing the tulasi  tree my heart feels joy and Lord Madhava (Krsna) is also satisfied. When I eat the prasada favored by Lord Caitanya  it is a new life's experience. (Lord Caitanya was very  fond of a green vegetable preparation called sak, and  there is another song in this book that tells of the amazing effects of this  type of prasada.)
8) Bhaktivinoda concludes  by saying: "Whosoever attains the stage of enthusiasm for these devotional  practices will be supremely blissful wherever he may be."
Srila Narottama das Thakura has sung:
  Gauranga Nistha from  Prarthana
(1) are bhai bhaja mora gauranga-carana na bhajiya mainu duhkhe dubi' grha-bisa-kupe dagdha kaila e panca parana
(2) tapa-traya-bisanale ahar-nisi hiya jwale deha sada haya acetana ripu-basa indriya haila gora-pada pasabila bimukha haila hena dhana
(3) hena gaura dayamaya chadi' saba laja-bhaya kaya mane laha re sarana parama durmati chila tare gora uddharila ta'ra haila patita-pabana
(4) gora dwija-nata-raje bandhaha hrdaya-majhe ki karibe samsara-samana narottama dasa kahe agora-sama keha nahe na bhajite deya prema-dhana
1) O brother, please worship the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga. I have not worshipped them, but instead have dived into the poisonous well of materialistic household-life, and as a result my five life-airs are burning with the poison of material life.
2) Day and night I burn in the poisonous fire of the threeforld miseries of material life, and as a result I repeatedly faint. mys senses are overwhelmed by lust, agreed, and numberless other enemies, and I am averse to the great treasure which is the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga.
3) O brother, give up all fear and shyness, and take shelter of merciful Lord Gauranga. Lord Gauranga rescues those who are most wicked at heart, and therefore He is known as Patita-pavana, the savior of the fallen.
4) If you place Lord Gauranga, the brahmana king of dancers, within your heart, then what will death be able to do to you? Narottama dasa says: There is no one equal to Lord Gauranga. Even if one will not become His devotee, still Lord Gauranga will freely give him the treasure of love of Krsna.
This month of Kartika is the most sacred as it is worship of Krsna in Vraja, we can also worship Lalita and Visakhadevi the formost of the Varistha Gopis the asta sahkis.
Srila Raghunath das Goswami has given such a beautiful prayer to Visakha in his Stavavali.Radha teaches Visakha the art of music and dance, and She teaches the whole spiritual world to worship Krsna.
tābhir ya eva nija-rūpatayā kalābhiḥ
goloka eva nivasaty akhilātma-bhūto
govindam ādi-puruṣaḿ tam ahaḿ bhajāmi
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, residing in His  own realm, Goloka, with Radha, resembling His own spiritual figure, the embodiment  of the ecstatic potency possessed of the sixty-four artistic activities, in the  company of Her confidantes [sakhis], embodiments of the extensions of Her bodily form,  permeated and vitalized by His ever-blissful spiritual rasa.
Sri Visakhanandabhidha-stotra translated by Kusakrata Prabhu
Visakha devi
Prayers with Names That Are the Bliss of Visakha
Translated by Sriman Kusakratha dasa
Text 1
bhava-nama-gunadinam aikyat sri-radhikaiva ya krishnendoh preyasi sa  me sri-visakha prasidatu
May Sri Visakha who, because her nature, names,  qualities, and features are like those of Sri Radha, is very dear to Lord  Krishnacandra, be merciful to me.
Text 2
jayati srimati kacid vrindaranya-viharini vidhatus  taruni-srishti- kausala-sriri ihojjvala
All glories to beautiful Sri Radha, who enjoys  transcendental pastimes in Vrindavana forest To Her the creator Brahma has given  splendor, intelligence, opulence, and eternal youth.
Text 3
chinna-svarna-sadrikshangi- rakta-vastravagunthini nirbandha-baddha-venika caru-kasmira-carcita
Her complexion is like pure gold. She is dressed  in red garments. Her hair is carefully braided. She is charmingly anointed with  kunkuma.
Text 4
dvi-kalendu-lalatodyat- kasturi-tilakojjvala sphuta-kokanada-dvandva- bandhuri-krita-karnika
Her forehead decorated with musk tilaka is like a  crescent moon on the second day. She wears two red-lotus-flower earrings.
Text 5
vicitra-varna-vinyasa- citriti-krita-vigraha krishna-cora-bhayac  coli- gumphi-krita-mani-stani
Her transcendental form is decorated with  colorful aromatic powders, who out of fear of the thief Krishna carefully ties  the bodice around Her jewel breasts.
Text 6
hara-manjira-keyura- cuda-nasagra-mauktikaih mudrikadibhir anyais  ca bhushita bhushanottamaih
She is decorated with necklaces, anklets, a  peacock feather, a pearl on the tip of Her nose, finger-rings, and many other  beautiful ornaments.
Text 7
su-dipta-kajjaloddipta- nayanendivara-dvaya- saurabhojjvala-tambula- manjula sri-mukhambuja
Her glistening dark lotus eyes shine with black  mascara. Her beautiful lotus mouth is splendid and fragrant with betelnuts.
Text 8
smita-lesa-lasat-pakva- caru-bimba-phaladhara madhuralapa-piyusha- sanjivita-sakhi-kula
Her gently smiling lips are glistening ripe bimba  fruits, the nectar of whose sweet words brings Her friends to life.
Text 9
vrishabhanu-kulotkirti- vardhika  bhanu-sevika kirtida-khani-ratna-srih sri-jita-srih sriyojjvala
She expands the fame of Maharaja Vrishabhanu's  dynasty. She is a faithful worshiper of the sun-god. She is a valuable jewel  taken from the mine known as Kirtida-devi. She is very beautiful. Her beauty  defeats the goddess of fortune.
Text 10
ananga-manjari-jyeshtha sridamananda-danuja mukhara-drishti-piyusha- varti-naptri  tad-asrita
She is Ananga-manjari's elder sister. She is  Sridama's younger sister. She brings great happiness to him. She is the  granddaughter that is nectar for Mukhara's eyes. She is Mukhara's shelter.
Text 11
paurnamasi-bahih-khelat- prana-panjara-sarika subala-pranayollasa tatra  vinyasta-bharaka
Her life is a caged parrot set free by  Paurnamasi. She is splendid with love for Subala,
Text 12
vrajesyah krishnavat prema- patri tatrati  bhaktika amba-vatsalya-samsikta rohini-ghrata-mastaka
Mother Yasoda loves Her as much as she loves  Krishna. She is devoted to Mother Yasoda. Kirtida showers Her with maternal  love. Her head is affectionately smelled by Rohini.
Text 13
vrajendra-caranambhoje 'rpita-bhakti-parampara tasyapi prema-patriyam pitur bhanor iva sphutam
She is eternally devoted to the lotus feet of  Maharaja Nanda. She is the object of love for Her father, Maharaja Vrishabhanu.
Text 14
guru-buddhya pralambarau natim dure vitanvati vadhu-buddhyaiva  tasyapi prema-bhumiha hri-yuta
Considering Him to be Her spiritual master, She  offers respectful obeisances to Balarama from far away. Considered by Him to be  His sister-in-law, She is the shy object of Balarama's love,
(this is a very amazing vers because Lord Baladeva is the Adi Guru and even the Guru of Viskhadevi, we must always try to remember the lotusfeet of Lord Balarama)
Text 15
lalita-lalita  sviya- pranoru-lalitavrita lalita-prana-rakshaika- rakshita  tad-vasatmika
She is embraced by Lalita. She considers Lalita  more dear than life. She is devoted to Lalita's protection. She is submissive to  Lalita's wishes.
Comment: Lalita devi is superior of all the Gopis and of all the Astasahkis, Sri Rupa Manjari always serves the lotusfeet of Lalita and Visakhadevi)
Text 16
vrinda-prasadhitottunga- kudungananga-vesmani krishna-khandita-manatval lalita-bhiti-kampini
When Krishna did not come to the rendezvous in  the forest cottage carefully decorated by Vrinda, She trembled in fear of  Lalita's reproaches.
commments: Visakhadevi also sometimes arranges the meetings of Radha and Krsna, the mood of Vraja is to bring Radha and Krsna together, the priya narma sakhas also have this function as well as some of the Sahkis always trying to arrange that Radha and Krsna will meet)
Text 17
visakha-narma-sakhyena sukhita  tad-gatatmika visakha-prana-dipali- nirmanchya-nakha-candrika
She is delighted by Visakha's playful friendship.  She has given Her heart to Visakha. The moonlight of Her toenails is worshipped  by the arati lamps of of Visakha's every breath.
CommentL Srila Raghunath das Goswami has given a very mysterious vers here, who is worshipping Visakha ,it appears to be Lalitadevi...we can not start to fathom the glories of Visakhadevi and Lalitadevi their glories are so confidential the Srimad Bhagavatam has not even mentioned them by names.But Srila Raghunath das Goswami does not want us to be ignorant of their glories:  In his Vraja Vilasa he writes: 
Flooded with the nectar of intense love for her two friends (Sri Sri Radha-Krsna), who more dear to her than her own life, affectionately arrogant in their presence, and daily arranging their rendezvous, Lalita-devi expertly teaches her friend Radha the art of jealous anger. I pray Lalita-devi will one day accept me as one of her associates.
Visakha-devi is the place where youthful divine couple enjoys affectionate and playful joking pastimes. Her sweet transcendental singing eclipses the voices of the cuckoos. I pray that Vishaka-devi may become pleased with me and accept me as her student.
In his Manah Siksa he writes:
mad-isa-nathatve vraja-vipina-candram vraja-vane- svarim tan-nathatve tad-atula-sakhitve tu lalitam   visakham siksali-vitarana-gurutve priya-saro- girindrau tat-preksa-lalita-rati-datve smara manah
O mind, please meditate on Krsna, the moon of Vraja forest, as the Lord of my controller, Srimati Radharani. And please meditate upon Srimati Radharani, the queen of Vraja forest, as Krsna’s controller. Also please meditate upon Lalita as the peerless friend of Radha and Krsna, Visakha as the guru who teaches Them many things, and Radha-kunda and Govardhana Hill as two places the mere sight of which bestows charming transcendental love for the divine couple.
We should pray that after many many lives we will be qualified to know what is it the Visakha devi even teaches the Divine couple Radha and Krsna, what kind of things she is teaching. When Lord Caitanya appeared He also met Visakha that had appeared as Ramananda Raya and Lord Caitanya asked and empowered Ramananda Raya to speak to many glories of devotional service.
Text 18
sakhi-vargaika-jivatu- smita-kairava-koraka sneha-phulli-krita-sviya- gana  govinda-vallabha
The lotus bud of Her smile is the life of Her  friends Her friends blossom with love for Her. She is the beloved of Lord  Govinda.
comment: So many lilas are there in Govinda Lilamrta showing the great love of Visakhadevi
Text 19
vrindaranya-maha-rajya- maha-seka-mahojjvala goshtha-sarva-janajivya- vadana  radanottama
Crowned the empress of Vrindavana forest, She  shines with great splendor. Her face is the life of all the people in Vraja. Her  teeth are very handsome.
Text 20
jnata-vrindatavi-sarva- lata-taru-mriga-dvija tadiya-sakhya-saurabhya- surabhi-krita-manasa
She personally knows each vine, tree, animal, and  bird in Vrindavana forest. Her heart is fragrant with love for them all.

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Comment by Paramananda das on October 20, 2012 at 7:35pm
Text 21
sarvatra kurvati sneham snigdha-prakritir  abhavam nama-matra-jagac-citta- dravika dina-palika
From birth She has been naturally affectionate to  all. Her name melts the hearts of the entire world. She is the protectress of  the poor and unfortunate.
Text 22
gokule  krishnacandrasya sarvapac-chanti-purvakam dhira-lalitya-vriddhy-artham kriyamana-vratadhika
She follows many vows and performs many  austerities to free Lord Krishnacandra from any disturbance and also to enjoy  playful pastimes with Him.
Text 23
guru-go-vipra-sat-kara- rata  vinaya-sannata tad-asih-sata-vardhishnu- saubhagyadi-gunancita
She worships the spiritual masters, elders, cows,  and brahmanas. She humbly bows down before them. She is worshiped by the good  fortune and virtues obtained by hundreds of their benedictions.
Text 24
ayur-go-sri-yaso-dayi- pako durvasaso varat atah  kundalata-niya- mana rajnyah samajnaya
She was blessed by Durvasa that food cooked by  Her would bring long life, many cows, handsomeness, and fame to the person who  eats it. On the order of Queen Yasoda. She was brought by Kundalata (to cook at  Nanda's house).
Text 25
goshtha-jivatu-govinda- jivatu-lapitamrita nija-pranarbuda-sreni- rakshya-tat-pada-renuka
She is prepared to give many millions of  lifetimes to protect a single particle of dust at Lord Krishna's feet. The  nectar of Her conversation is the life and soul of Lord Govinda, the life of  Vraja.
Text 26
krishna-padaravindodyan- makaranda-maye muda arishta-mardi  kasare snatri nirbandhato 'nvaham
Every day She happily bathes in Radha-kunda, the  lake of honey sprung from the lotus flower of Lord Krishna's feet.
Text 27
nija-kunda-puras-tire ratna-sthalyam ahar-nisam preshtha-narmalibhir  bhangya samam narma vitanvati
In a jeweled pavilion on the shore of Her lake  She jokes with dear and playful friends day and night.
Text 28
govardhana-guha-lakshmir govardhana-viharini dhrita-govardhana-prema dhrita-govardhana-priya
She is the treasure hidden in a cave of Govardhana Hill. She enjoys transcendental pastimes on Govardhana Hill. She is deeply in love with the lifter of Govardhana Hill. She is the beloved of the lifter of Govardhana Hill.
Text 29
gandharvadbhuta-gandharva radha badhapaharini candrakantis  calapangi radhika bhanu-radhika
She is known as Gandharva because She was  formerly a wonderful Gandharva girl. She is known as Radha because the worship  (radha) of Her removes all distress. She is known as Candrakanti because She is  like a candrakanti (cakora) bird that gazes at the moon of Lord Krishna from the  corner of Her restless eyes. She is known as Bandhuradhika because She worships  (radhika) Her friend (bandhu) Krishna.
comment: Radharani is also known as Gandharvika ..and once appeared in Gandharva loka in Her expanded form...
Text 30
gandharvika sva-gandhati- sugandhi-krita-gokula iti pancabhir  ahuta namabhir gokule janaih
She is known as Gandharvika because Her bodily  fragrance (gandha) makes Gokula fragrant. The people of Gokula address Her by  these five names,
Text 31
harini harini-netra rangini  rangini-priya rangini-dhvaninagacchat suranga-dhvani-hasini
She has a fair complexion. Her eyes are the eyes  of a doe. She is cheerful and happy. She is fond of Her pet doe Rangini. She  smiles to hear the sound of Krishna's pet deer Suranga, approaching when he  hears the sound of Rangini.
Text 32
baddha-nandisvarotkantha kanta-krishnaika-kankshaya navanuraga-sambandha- madironmatta-manasa
She wishes to visit Nandisvara. She longs to see  her lover, Sri Krishna. Her heart is intoxicated by drinking the new nectar of  love for Him.
Text 33
madanonmadi-govindam akasmat prekshya hasini lapanti rudati  kampra rushta dashtadharatura
Seeing Lord Govinda suddenly overwhelmed with  passion, She spoke with Him, sometimes crying, sometimes trembling, and  sometimes biting Her lip in anger.
Text 34
vilokayati govinde smitva caru-mukhambujam pushpakrishti-mishad  urdhve dhrita-dor-mula-calana
She smiles to see lord Govinda's handsome face.  On the pretext of being attracted to His flower garland, She touches His  shoulder.
Text 35
samaksham api govindam avilokyeva bhavatah dale vilikhya  tan-murtim pasyanti tad-vilokitam
Blinded by ecstatic love, and not seeing Govinda  standing before Her, She gazed at the picture of Him She drew on a leaf.
Text 36
lilaya yacakam krishnam avadhiryeva bhamini girindra-gahvaram  bhangya pasyanti vikasad-drisa
Playfully contemptuous of the pleading Krishna,  proud Radha turned from Him, and deceitfully concealing her actual wishes, fixed  Her wide-open eyes on the blank wall of the cave in the king of mountains.
Text 37
subala-skandha-vinyasta- bahau pasyati madhave smera  smeraravindena tamalam tadayanty atha
When She saw Lord Madhava with His arm around  Subala's shoulder, She became envious, outwardly smiled approvingly, and later  tried to punish Krishna by striking His effigy tamala tree with a blossoming  lotus flower.
Text 38
lilaya keli-pathojam smitva cumbita-madhave smitva  bhalatta-kasturi- rasam ghritavati kvacit
She kissed Lord Madhava and at the same moment  playfully smelled both His toy lotus and the musk anointing His forehead.
Text 39
maha-bhavojjvalac-cinta- ratnodbhavita-vigraham sakhi-pranaya-sad-gandha- varodvartana-suprabham
The love of the gopis for Krishna is full of  transcendental ecstasy. It appears to be a brilliant jewel, and enlightened by  such a transcendental jewel, Radha's body is further perfumed and decorated with  kunkuma.
Text 40
karunyamrita-vicibhis tarunyamrita-dharaya lavanyamrita-vanyabhih snapitam  glapitendiram
In the morning Her body is bathed in the nectar  of compassion, in the afternoon in the nectar of youth, and in the evening in  the nectar of luster itself. In this way the bathing is performed, and Her body  becomes as brilliant as the cintamani jewel. She eclipses the goddess of fortune  Lakshmidevi.
Text 41
hri-patta-vastra-guptangim saundarya-ghusrinancitam syamalojjvala-kasturi- vicitrita-kalevaram
Her dress is composed of various kinds of silken  garments, which may be compared to Her natural shyness. Her beauty is more and  more enhanced, being decorated with kunkuma, which is compared to beauty itself,  and with blackish musk, which is compared to conjugal love. Thus Her body is  decorated with different colors. The kunkuma is red and the musk is black.
Texts 42 and 43
kampasru-pulaka-stambha- sveda-gadgada-raktata unmado jadyam ity  etai ratnair navabhir uttamaih
klptalankriti-samslishtam gunali-pushpa-malinim dhiradhiratva-sad-vasha- pata-vasaih  parishkritam
Her ornaments embody the natural symptoms of  ecstasy: trembling, tears, jubilation, stunning, perspiration, faltering of the  voice, bodily redness, madness, and dullness. In this way the entire body is  bedecked with these nine different jewels. Over and above this, the beauty of  Her body is enhanced by Her transcendental qualities, which hang as a flower  garland on Her body. The ecstasy of love for Krishna is known as dhira and  adhira, sober and restless. Such ecstasy constitutes the covering of Sri Radha's  body, and it is adorned by camphor.
Text 44
pracchanna-mana-dhammillam saubhagya-tilakojjvalam krishna-nama-yasah-srava- vatamsollasi-karnikam
Her transcendental anger toward Krishna is  embodied as the arrangement of the hair on Her head, and the tilaka of Her great  fortune shines on Her beautiful forehead. The earrings of Sri Radha are the holy  names of Krishna, as well as the hearing of His name and fame.
Text 45
raga-tambula-raktoshthim prema-kautilya-kajjalam narma-bhashita-nihsyanda- smita-karpura-vasitam
Her lips are always reddish due to the betelnut  of ecstatic affection for Krishna. The black ointment around Her eyes is Her  tricky behavior with Krishna brought about by love. Her joking with Krishna and  gentle smiling is the camphor with which She is perfumed.
Text 46
saurabhantah-pure garva- paryankopari lilaya nivishtam  prema-vaicittya- vicalat-taralancitam
She sleeps in Her room with the aroma of pride,  and when She lies down in Her bed, the transcendental variety of Her loving  ecstasies is like a jeweled locket in the midst of Her necklace of separation.
Text 47
pranaya-krodha-sac-coli- bandha-gupti-krita-stanam sapatni-vaktra-hric-chosi- yasah-sri-kacchapi-ravam
Her transcendental breasts are covered by Her  sari in the form of affection and anger toward Krishna. She has a stringed  instrument known as a kacchapi-vina, which is the fame and fortune that actually  dries up the faces and breasts of the other gopis.
Text 48
madhyatatma-sakhi-skandha- lila-nyasta-karambujam syamam  syama-smaramoda- madhuli-parivesikam
She always keeps Her hands on the shoulder of Her  gopi friend, who is compared to Her youthful beauty, and although She is highly  qualified with so many spiritual assets, She is nonetheless affected by the  Cupid known as Krishna. Thus She is defeated.
Text 49
subhaga-valgu-vincholi- mauli-bhushana-manjari a-vaikuntham  ajandali- vatamsi-krita-sad-yasah
She is a crown of flowers decorating the heads of  all fortunate girls. Her transcendental glories are the earrings worn by the  spiritual and material worlds.
Text 50
vaidagdhyaika-sudha-sindhus caturyaika-sudha-puri madhuryaika-sudha-valli guna-ratnaika-petika
She is a nectar ocean of intelligence, a nectar  city of beauty, a nectar vine of sweetness, a treasure-chest of the jewels of  transcendental virtue.
Text 51
govindananga-rajive bhanu-srir  varshabhanavi krishna-hrit-kumudollase sudhakara-kara-sthitih
The daughter of Maharaja Vrishabhanu is the  sunshine on the rajiva lotus of Lord Govinda's amorous desires, and then again  She is the nectar moonlight that makes the kumuda lotus of Lord Krishna's heart  blossom with happiness.
Text 52
krishna-manasa-hamsasya manasi sarasi  vara krishna-cataka-jivatu- navambhoda-payah-srutih
She is the Manasa-sarivara lake where the swan of  Lord Krishna's heart swims, and She is the fresh rainwater that sustains the  life of the cataka bird known as Lord Krishna.
Text 53
siddhanjana-sudha-vartih krishna-locanayor  dvayoh vilasa-sranta-krishnange vatali madhavi mata
She is the nectar ointment decorating the eyes of  Lord Krishna. She is the pleasant spring breeze that pleases the transcendental  body of Lord Krishna fatigued by enjoying many pastimes.
Text 54
mukunda-matta-matanga- viharapara-dirghika krishna-prana-maha-mina- khelanananda-varidhih
She is the shoreless lake where the maddened  elephant of Lord Mukunda sports. She is an ocean of bliss where the great fish  of Lord Krishna's life-breath enjoys pastimes.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 20, 2012 at 7:36pm
Text 55
girindra-dhari-rolamba- rasala-nava-manjari krishna-kokila-sammodi- mandarodyana-vistritih
She is the fresh mango blossom that attracts the  black bee known as Giridhari. On Mandara Mountain She is the garden that  delights the cuckoo known as Sri Krishna.
Text 56
krishna-keli-vararama- viharadbhuta-kokila nadakrishta-bakadveshi- vira-dhira-mano-mriga
She is the wonderful cuckoo playing in the  beautiful garden of Lord Krishna's pastimes. The music of Her voice attracts the  deer of hero Krishna's gentle heart.
Text 57
pranayodreka-siddhy-eka- vasi-krita-dhritacala madhavati-vasa  loke madhavi madhava-priya
By using the mystic power of Her intense love for  Lord Krishna She has brought Him completely under Her control. Submissive to  Lord Madhava, She is known as Madhava's lover and the beloved of Lord Madhava.
Text 58
krishna-manjula-tapinche vilasat-svarna-yuthika govinda-navya-pathode sthira-vidyul-latadbhuta
She is a splendid vine of golden yuthi flowers  embracing the handsome tamala tree of Lord Krishna. She is a wonderful  stationary lightning flash at the new monsoon cloud of Lord Krishna.
Text 59
grishme govinda-sarvange candra-candana-candrika site  syama-subhangeshu pita-patta-lasat-pati
In the hot summer She is camphor, sandal paste,  and moonlight cooling the limbs of Lord Govinda. In the winter She is the  glittering yellow silk garment on the handsome limbs of Lord Syamasundara.
Text 60
madhau krishna-tarullase madhu-srir  madhurakritih manju-mallara-raga-srih pravrishi syama-harshini
In spring She is the charming beauty that makes  the tree of Lord Krishna blossom with happiness. In the monsoon She is the  beauty of the graceful melody mallara, which delights Lord Syamasundara.
Text 61
ritau saradi rasaika- rasikendram iha sphutam varitum hanta  rasa-srir viharanti sakhi-srita
In the autumn season She becomes the beauty of  the rasa dance as She and Her friends enjoy pastimes with the rasa dance's king.
Text 62
hemante smara-yuddhartham atantam raja-nandanam paurushena  parajetum jayasrir murti-dharini
In the winter She whose beauty defeats even the  goddess of fortune tries to defeat restless prince Krishna in Their amorous  battle.
Texts 63 and 64
sarvatah sakala-stavya- vastuto yatnatas cirat saran akrishya tair  yuktya nirmayadbhuta-sobhaya
sva-slagham kurvata phulla- vidhina slaghita  muhuh gauri-sri-mrigya-saundarya- vandita-sri-nakha-prabha
Comparing Her to all that is most wonderfully  beautiful, Lord Brahma praises Her at every moment and worships the splendor of  Her toenails, the beauty of which Gauri and Sri yearn to attain.
Text 65
sarat-saroja-subhramsu- mani-darpana-malaya nirmanchita-mukhambhoja- vilasat-sushama-kana
The host of autumn lotus flowers, moons, and  jewel mirrors worships a tiny fragment of the splendid beauty of Her lotus face.
Text 66
sthayi-sancari-suddipta- sattvikair anubhavakaih vibhavadyair  vibhavo 'pi svayam sri-rasatam gata
She is filled with the ecstasies of sthayi-bhava,  sacari-bhava, suddipta-bhava, sattvika-bhava, anubhava, andvibhava. She is the  personification of transcendental nectar.
Text 67
saubhagya-dundubhi-prodyad- dhvani-kolahalaih  sada vitrasti-krita-garvishtha- vipakshakhila-gopika
The continuous tumult of the dundubhi drums of  Her good fortune frightens all Her gopi rivals.
Text 68
vipaksha-laksha-hrit-kampa- sampadaka-mukha-sriya vasi-krita-bakarati- manasa  madanalasa
The beauty of Her face makes the hearts of  hundreds of thousands of gopi rivals tremble in fear. Lord Krishna is under Her  dominion. She is listless with love for Him.
Text 69
kandarpa-koti-ramya-sri- jayi-sri-giridharina cancalapanga-bhangena vismarita-sati-vrata
Aroused by the restless sidelong glances of Lord  Krishna, whose charming handsomeness defeats millions of Kamadevas, She has now  completely forgotten all the vows of a chaste wife.
Text 70
krishneti-varna-yugmoru- moha-mantrena  mohita krishna-deha-varamoda- hridya-madana-madita
The two-syllable Krishna-mantra has cast its  spell on Her. The aroma of Krishna's body maddens Her with amorous desire.
Text 71
kutila-bhru-calac-canda- kandarpoddanda-karmuka nyastapanga-sara-kshepair vihvali-krita-madhava
Firing many arrows of sidelong glances from the  formidable curved Cupid's bow of Her eyebrows, She agitates Lord Madhava.
Text 72
nijanga-saurabhodgara- madakaushadhi-vatyaya unmadi-krita-sarvaika- madaka-pravaracyuta
Carried by the wind, the fragrance of Her  transcendental body is a powerful aphrodisiac that maddens the all-enchanting  and infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Text 73
daivac  chruti-pathayata- nama-nihara-vayuna prodyad-romanca-sitkara- kampi-krishna-mano-hara
By chance entering the pathway of His ears, the  cooling breeze of Radha's name steals Krishna's heart, makes Him tremble with  cold, and makes the hairs of His body stand erect with excitement.
Text 74
krishna-netra-lasaj-jihva- lehya-vaktra-prabhamrita krishnanya-trishna-samhari sudha-saraika-jharjhari
The tongue of Lord Krishna's glistening eyes  drinks the nectar of the beauty of Her face. She is a swiftly-moving nectar  mountain stream that removes from Lord Krishna the desire to enjoy anything  else.
Text 75
rasa-lasya-rasollasa- vasi-krita-balanuja gana-phulli-kritopendra pikoru-madhura-svara
With the nectar happiness She brought Him in the  rasa dance She brought Krishna under Her complete control. Her songs more sweet  than the cuckoo made Lord Krishna blossom with happiness.
Text 76
krishna-keli-sudha-sindhu- makari makara-dhvajam vardhayanti sphutam  tasya narmasphalana-khelaya
She is a shark playing in the nectar ocean of  Lord Krishna's pastimes. By speaking playful joking words She arouses the  amorous desires of Lord Krishna.
Text 77
gatir matta-gajah kumbhau kucau gandha-madoddhurau madhyam  uddama-simho 'yam tri-balyo durga-bhittayah
Her walking is the graceful movement of a  maddened elephant. Her breasts, fragrant with musk, are two waterpots. Her waist  is the waist of a powerful lion. The three folds of skin on her abdomen are  three impenetrable ramparts.
Text 78
romali naga-pasa-srir nitambo ratha ulbanah danta  durdanta-samantah padangulyah padatayah
The line of hairs on her abdomen is the  snake-noose of Varuna. Her hips are a great chariot. Her teeth are powerful  feudal barons. Her toes are infantry soldiers.
Text 79
padau padatikadhyakshau pulakah prithu-kankatah uru  jaya-mani-stambhau bahu pasa-varau dridhau
Her feet are two generals. Her thighs are two  jeweled victory columns. Standing erect, the hairs of Her body are a great suit  of armor. Her arms are two great ropes.
Text 80
bhru-dvandvam karmukam kruram katakshah sanitah sarah bhalam  ardhendu-divyastram ankusani nakhankurah
Her eyebrows are two formidable bows. Her glances  are sharpened arrows. Her forehead is a glittering half-moon arrow. Her nails  are spears.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 20, 2012 at 7:37pm
Text 81
svarnendu-phalakam vaktram kripani karayor dyutih bhalla-bharah  karangulyo gandau kanaka-darpanau
Her face is a moon-shaped golden shield. The  splendor of Her hands is a sword. Her fingernails are crescent-shaped arrows.  Her cheeks are golden mirrors.
Text 82
kesa-pasah katu-krodhah karnau maurva-gunottamau bandhukadhara-rago  'ti- pratapah kara-kampakah
Her braids are bitter with anger. Her ears are  two beautiful bowstrings. The powerful redness of Her bandhuka flower lips makes  Lord Krishna's lips tremble.
Text 83
dundubhy-adi-ravas cuda- kinkini-nupura-svanah cibukam svastikam  sastam kanthah sankho jaya-pradah
The tinkling of Her bracelets, anklets, and bells  is a tumult of dundubhis and other drums. Her chin is glorious and beautiful.  Her neck is conchshell proclaiming victory.
Text 84
parishvango hi viddhy-astram saurabham madakaushadam vani  mohana-mantra-srir deha-buddhi-vimohini
Her embrace is a brahmastra weapon. Her bodily  fragrance is a powerful aphrodisiac. Her words are a magic spell that enchants  the body and mind of Lord Krishna.
Text 85
nabhi ratnadi-bhandaram nasasrih sakalonnata smita-leso 'py  acintyadi vasi-karana-tantrakah
Her navel is a treasury of precious jewels. Her nose is beautiful. Her gentle smile casts a spell on the infallible Personality of Godhead and brings Him under Her control.
Text 86
alakanam kulam bhishmam bhringastram bhanga-dayakam murtih  kandarpa-yuddha-srir veni sanjayini dhvaja
Her curling locks of hair are a dangerous bhringa  weapon. She is splendid in amorous battle. Her braided hair is a victory flag.
Text 87
iti te kama-sangrama- samagyo durghatah paraih idrisyo  lalitadinam senaninam ca radhike
"O Radhika, You and Your generals headed by  Lalita possess all weapons for amorous battle that are very difficult for others  to obtain.
Text 88
ato darpa-madad yutam danindram avadhirya  mam mahamara-maha-raja- niyuktam prathitam vraje
"Intoxicated by pride, you disrespect Me, even  though I am well known in Vraja as Kama's tax-collector.
Texts 89-92
sushthu simanta-sindura tilakanam  vara-tvisham harangadadi-colinam nasa-mauktika-vasasam
keyura-mudrikadinam kajjalodyad-vatamsayoh etavad-yuddha-vastunam parardhyanam  parardhyatah
tatha dadhy-adi-gavyanaam amulyananam vrajodbhavat adattva me karam  nyayyam khelantyo bhramateha yat
tato maya samam yuddham kartum icchata budhyate kim caiko 'ham satam  yuyam kurudhvam kramasas tatah
"I shall now collect the proper taxes from you  all. You must immediately give Me the red sindura decorating your parted hair,  your splendid necklaces and bracelets, the pearls decorating your noses, your  bodices and other garments, your peacock-feather ornaments, your rings, the  black mascara decorating your eyes, your earrings, and all the millions of other  conjugal weapons you carry. You must also give many jugs of yogurt and the other  priceless dairy-products of Vraja. If you are foolish you may ignore My demands,  avoid this tax, and continue to enjoy pastimes in this place. If this is your  decision, then you must fight with Me. Since I am alone and there are a hundred  of you, you should approach Me one-by-one, and I will fight each of you in  single combat.
Text 93
prathamam lalitoccanda caratac canda-sangaram tatas tvam tad anu  preshtha- sangarah sakalah kramat
"First the ferocious Lalita will fight with Me.  Then You will fight with Me. Then all Your warlike friends, one after another  will fight with Me.
Text 94
atha cen militah kartum kamayadhve ranam madat agre sarata tad  dorbhyam pinashmi sakalah kshanat
"If together you foolishly wish to fight with Me,  then all of you rush at Me, and with My arms I will pound you all into dust in a  moment."
Text 95
iti krishna-vacah srutva satopam narma-nirmitam sanandam  madanakranta- manasali-kulanvita
Hearing Lord Krishna's arrogant joking words in  the company of Her friends, Sri Radha became jubilant and Her heart became  overpowered with amorous passion.
Text 96
smitva netranta-banais tam stabdhi-kritya madoddhatam gacchanti  hamsavad bhangya smitva tena dhritancala
Smiling, She stunned Krishna with the arrows of  many sidelong glances and aroused His desire to enjoy amorous pastimes. As She  walked as gracefully as a swan, smiling Krishna approached Her and clutched the  edge of Her garment.
Text 97
lilayancalam akrishya calanti caru-helaya puro ruddha-patham tam  tu pasyanti rushtaya drisa
She continued walking. He playfully tugged at the  edge of Her garment. She rebuked Him with charming words. He blocked Her path.  She stared at Him with angry eyes.
Text 98
manasa-svardhunim turnam uttaritum tarim srita kampitayam tarau  bhitya stuvanti krishna-navikam
She entered a boat to cross the Manasa-ganga.  When the boat violently rocked to and fro She became afraid and prayed to the  boatman Krishna.
Text 99
nija-kunda-payah-keli- lila-nirjitam acyutam hasitum yunjati  bhangya smera smera-mukhih sakhih
Defeating the undefeatable Supreme Personality of  Godhead as They both played in the waters of Her lake, She smiled and spoke many  crooked joking words to make Her smiling friends laugh out loud.
Text 100
makanda-makula-syandi- maranda-syandi-mandire keli-talpe  mukundena kunda-vrindena mandita
In a cottage decorated with mango buds dripping  honey She sat on the pastime-couch and Lord Mukunda decorated Her with jasmine  flowers.
Text 101
nana-pushpa-mani-vrata- pincha-gunja-phaladibhih krishna-gumphita-dhammillot- phulla-roma-smarankura
As Krishna decorated Her braided hair with many  different flowers, jewels, peacock feathers, gunja, and other ornaments, Her  desire to enjoy with Him became aroused and the hairs of Her body stood erect  with excitement.
Text 102
manju-kunje mukundasya kucau citrayatah karam kshapayanti  kuca-kshepaih su-sakhya-madhunonmada
In a beautiful forest grove Lord Mukunda painted  pictures on Her breasts. By moving Her breasts She made His hand tremble. She  was intoxicated by the honey of Their intimate friendship,
Text 103
vilase yatnatah krishna- dattam tambula-carvitam smitva vamyad  agrihnana tatraropita-dushanam
When in Their pastimes Lord Krishna offered Her  betelnuts He had chewed, out of contrariness She rejected His offer, imagining  the betelnuts to be defective.
Text 104
dyute pani-kritam vamsim jitva krishna-su-gopitam hasitvacchidya  grihnana stuta smerali-sancayaih
When She won the flute in the dice-game, Krishna  tried to carefully conceal it from Her. Finding it, She laughed and broke it to  pieces, cheered on by Her smiling friends.
Text 105
visakha-gudha-narmokti- jita-krishnarpita-smita narmadhyaya-varacarya bharati-jaya-vagmita
She smiled when Visakha defeated Krishna in the  duel of veiled joking words. She is the best teacher of the science of joking.  Her eloquence defeats goddess Sarasvati.
Text 106
visakhagre rahah-keli- kathodghataka-madhavam tadayanti dvir  abjena sa-bhru-bhangena lilaya
When Lord Madhava described Their confidential  pastimes to Visakha, Radha knitted Her eyebrows and playfully struck Him twice  with a lotus flower.
Text 107
lalitadi-purah sakshat krishna-sambhoga-lanchane sucyamane drisa  dutya smitva hunkurvati rusha
When, speaking with a glance a gopi messenger  revealed to Lalita and the other gopis the signs of Radha's having enjoyed with  Krishna, smiling Radha angrily rebuked her.
Text 108
kvacit pranaya-manena smitam avritya maunini bhitya smara-sarair  bhangya- linganti sa-smitam harim
Sometimes, driven by the anger of love, She  covers all smiles a refuses to speak to Krishna. Sometimes, afraid of Kama's  arrows, She crookedly embraces the smiling Lord Hari.
Text 109
kupitam kautukaih krshnam vihare badha-mauninam katara  parirabhyasu manayanti smitananam
Angered by Her playful tricks, Krishna refused to  speak to Her. Tormented, She suddenly embraced Him. She respectfully worshiped  the smiling Lord Krishna.
Comment by Paramananda das on October 20, 2012 at 7:37pm
Text 110
mithah pranaya-manena maunini mauninam harim nirmauna smara-mitrena nirmaunam vikshya sa-smita
Pushed by jealous anger, Radha and Krishna  refused to speak to each other. Seeing Her friend Kamadeva force Krishna to  speak to Her, Radha smiled and spoke to Him.
Text 111
kvacit pathi milac-candra- vali-sambhoga-dushanam srutva  krura-sakhi-vaktran mukunde manini rusha
Hearing from the mouth of a cruel friend that  Mukunda had met candravali on the path and enjoyed with her, Radha became filled  with jealous anger.
Text 112
pada-laksha-rasollasi- siraskam kamsa-vidvisham krita-kaku-satam  sasra pasyantishac-calad-drisa
Krishna placed the red lac from Radha's soles on  His head and begged Her forgiveness with hundreds of plaintive speeches. She  looked at Him, Her slightly moving eyes filled with tears.
Text 113
kvacit kalindaja-tire pushpa-trotana-khelaya viharanti  mukundena sardham ali-kulavrita
Sometimes, accompanied by Her friends on the bank  of the Yamuna, She enjoys pastimes of picking flowers with Lord Mukunda.
Text 114
tatra pushpa-krite kopad vrajanti prema-karitat vyaghotita  mukundena smitva dhritva patancalam
Agitated with loving anger, She suddenly left  these flower-pastimes. Krishna immediately followed Her, smiling, and tugging at  the edge of Her sari.
Text 115
vihara-srantitah kantam lalita-nyasta-mastakam vijayanti svayam  premna krishnam rakta-patancalaih
Exhausted from enjoying many pastimes, Krishna  places His head on Lalita's lap. With great love Radha personally fans Her lover  with a red cloth.
Text 116
pushpa-kalpita-dolayam kala-gana-kutuhalaih premna  preshtha-sakhi-vargair dolita hari-bhushita
Decorated by Lord Hari, She moves to and fro on  the swing of flowers, lovingly pushed by Her jubilant, sweetly singing, dear  friends.
Text 117
kunda-kunjangane  valgu gayad-ali-gananvita vinanandita-govinda- datta-cumbena lajjita
In a forest courtyard by a lake Radha played the  vina as her friends sweetly sang. Pleased by Her musical skill, Krishna suddenly  kissed the embarrassed Radha.
Text 118
govinda-vadanambhoje smitva tambula-vitikam yunjatiha mitho  narma- keli-karpura-vasitam
Smiling, Radha places in Lord Govinda's lotus  mouth betelnuts aromatic with the camphor of Their joking words.
Text 119
girindra-gahvare talpe govindorasi salasam sayana  lalita-vijya- mana sviya-patancalaih
In a cave of Govardhana Hill, as Lalita fans Her  with the edge of her sari, tired Radha sleeps on Lord Govinda's chest.
Text 120
apurva-bandha-gandharva- kalayonmadya madhavam smitva  harita-tad-venu- hara smera-visakhaya
As smiling Radha charms Madhava with Her  unprecedented musical skill, smiling Visakha steals His garland and flute.
Text 121
vina-dhvani-dhutopendra- hastac-cyotita-vamsika cuda-svana-hrita-syama- deha-geha-patha-smritih
The sound of Radha's vina makes Krishna tremble  and the flute slips from His hand. The tinkling of Her bracelets and ornaments  makes Him forget His own body and the path that leads to His home.
Text 122
murali-gilitottunga- griha-dharma-kula-sthitih sringato  datta-tat-sarva- sa-tilapo-'njali-traya
Krishna's flute has swallowed up Radha's concern  for Her noble household duties and the good reputation of Her family. Because of  Krishna's buffalo-horn bugle She offers for them a funeral oblation of three  palms full of sesame seeds and water.
Text 123
krishna-pushti-karamodi- sudha-saradhikadhara sva-madhuritva-sampadi- krishna-padambujamrita
Radha feeds Krishna the most sweet and fragrant  nectar of Her lips. It is Her sweetness that creates the nectar of Krishna's  lotus feet.
Text 124
radheti nija-namnaiva jagat-khyapita-madhava madhavasyaiva  radheti jnapitatma jagat-traye
Lord Madhava is famous in the three worlds  because His name is connected to the name of Radha. Sri Radha is famous in the  world because Her name is connected to the name of Lord Madhava.
Text 125
mriganabheh sugandha-srir ivendor iva candrika taroh  sumanjariveha krishnasyabhinnatam gata
Just as the sweet fragrance of musk perfume is  not different from the substance musk, just as moonlight is not different from  the moon, and just as the beautiful blossoms of a tree are not different from  the tree, in the same way Sri Radha is not different from Lord Krishna.
Text 126
rangina  sanga-rangena sananga-ranini-krita sananga-ranga-bhangena surangi-krita-rangada
Lord Krishna, wishing to associate with Sri  Radha, approached Her as if He were a passionate deer, and She responded by  assuming the role of an amorous doe. Krishna began His amorous dance, and She  delighted Him by gracefully responding.
Texts 127-130
ity etan-nama-lilakta- padyaih  piyusha-varshakaih tad-rasasvada-nishnata- vasana-vasitantaraih
giyamanam janair dhanyaih sneha-viklinna-manasaih natva tam  kripayavishtam dushto 'pi nishthurah sathah
jano 'yam yacate duhkhi rudann uccair idam  muhuh tat-padambhoja-yugmaika- gatih kataratam gatah
kritva nija-ganasyantah karunyan nija-sevane niyijayatu mam  sakshat seyam vrindavanesvari
Many fortunate persons, their hearts melting with  devotional love and yearning to taste the nectar of Her service, glorify Sri  Radha by reciting these verses filled with Her holy names and transcendental  pastimes, which are like many showers of nectar. Bowing down, this sinful,  cruel, unhappy criminal, who considers Her lotus feet the only goal of his life,  loudly weeping, begs: "May the queen of Vrindavana be merciful. May She accept  me as one of Her associates and engage me in her direct service."
Text 131
bhajami radham aravinda-netram smarami radham  madhura-smitasyam vadami radham karuna-bharardram tato mamanyasti gatir na  kapi
I worship lotus-eyed Radha. I meditate on  sweetly-smiling Radha. I glorify supremely merciful Radha. She is the only goal  of my life. I have no other goal.
Text 132
lila-namankita-stotram visakhanandadabhidham yah pathen niyatam  goshthe vasen nirbhara-dina-dhih
A person who, thinking himself the lowest and  most fallen of persons, regularly reads this prayer, which is filled with the  holy names and pastimes of Sri Radha , and which bears the name Visakhanandada  (Prayers That Delight Visakha), will live eternally in the abode of Vraja.
Text 133
atmalankriti-radhayam pritim utpadya moda-bhak niyojayati tam  krishnah sakshat tat-priya-sevane
To that reader Lord Krishna grants love for Sri  Sri Radha-Krishna. That reader Lord Krishna engages in the direct service of His  beloved.
Text 134
srimad-rupa-padambhoja- dhuli-matraika-sevina kenacid grathita  padyair malaghreya tad-asrayaih
A certain servant of the dust of Srila Rupa  Gosvami's lotus feet has strung this garland of verses glorifying Sri Radha's  lotus feet. They who have taken shelter of Srila Rupa Gosvami will be able to  appreciate the sweet fragrance of this garland of verses.
I am afraid to explain to many glories of Radha and Krsna and Visakha as so many persons will not appriciate and take these matters very lightly, it is the 9th offence to the Holy name to broadcast to many intimate glories of the holy name and the Divine Couple. 
Except for Radha Krsna what use is anything of this world??? Bewildered by Maya I constantly forget Their lotusfeets, may they still be merciful to this ignorant fool that is trying to glorify Them...
Comment by Paramananda das on October 20, 2012 at 7:38pm
preshthalibhih  sevyamanau smarami
"I mediate on Shri Shri Radha and  Govinda, who sit on an effulgent throne underneath a desire tree in a temple of  jewels in Vrindavana. They are being served by Their most confidential  associates, the gopis." (Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, 1.16)
meghabham  vaidyutambaram
dvi-bhujam  jnana-mulradhyam
vana-malinam  ishvaram
sakhibhih  pariveshtitam
chid-ananda-ghanam  krishnam
shri krishnam  shri-ghana-shyamam
dvi-bhujam  sarva-devesham
"I meditate on the Supreme Lord,  Shri Krishna, who possesses beautiful lotus eyes, whose color is that of a new  cloud, whose clothes are like lightning, who possesses two arms and a beautiful  forest garland, and whose hand is indicating divine knowledge by exhibiting the  jnana-mudra. That Krishna is decorated with glittering ornaments and is  surrounded by all the cowherd friends of Shrimati Radharani. While being  embraced by Shrimati Radharani Herself, His form is intensified consciousness  and bliss. Shri Krishna, who is intensely bluish-black, in His two-armed form,  is the Lord of all the demigods, and His body is full of transcendental  bliss."
samsara-sagaran  natha
goptarau me yuvam  eva
"O Radha-Krishna, You are my  protectors from the ocean of material existence which is characterized by sons,  friends, household and land. Therefore You are known as the destroyers of the  fear of those who are surrendered unto You."
tavasmi  radhika-natha
karmana manasa gira
krishna-kante  tavaivasmi
yuvam eva gatir  mama
sharanam vam  prapanno 'smi
prasadam kuru dasyam  bho
mayi dushte  'paradhini
"O Lord of Shrimati Radharani, I  am Yours; my actions, mind and words. O lover of Shri Krishna, Shrimate  Radharani, I belong to You alone. You both are my only shelter. O Radha and  Krishna, ocean of mercy, I am taking shelter of You. Please be pleased upon me  and make me Your servant, although I am such a fallen offender."
bhumau  skhakita-padanam
bhumir evavalambanam
tvayi jataparadhanam
tvam eva sharanam  prabho
"Just as the ground is the only  support for those whose feet have slipped, so also You alone are the only  shelter, even for those who have committed offense to You."
govinda-vallabhe  radhe
prarthaye tvam aham  sada
tvadiyam iti janatu
govindo mam tvaya  saha
"O Shrimati Radharani, the  dearest of Lord Govinda, this is always my request to You--please let Lord  Govinda, along with Yourself, consider me to be one of Your assistants."
radhe  vrindavanadhishe
kripaya  nija-padabja-
dasyam mahyam  pradiyatam
"O Shrimati Radharani, O Queen of  Vrindavana, You are a river flowing with the nectar of mercy. Please be kind  upon me, and give me a little service at Your lotus feet."
The best way to worship Visakhadevi is to glorify Radharani:
Grhe Radha Vane Radha
Radha Stotram
Author: Vyasadeva
Book Name: Brahmanda Purana
From a conversation between Shrila Brahma and Shrila Narada in the Brahmanda Purana
grihe raadhaa vane raadhaa raadhaa prishthe purah sthitaa yatra yatra sthita raadhaa raadhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (1)
Radha is in the home, Radha is in the forest, and She is both behind and before me. I worship the all-pervading Radhaji, wherever She is present.
jihvaa raadhaa shrutau raadhaa raadhaa netre hridi sthitaa sarvaanga-vyaapini raadhaa radhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (2)
Radha is on my tongue, Radha is in my ears, Radha is in my eyes and inside my heart. I worship Radhaji, who is within the bodies of all.
pujaa raadhaa japo raadhaa raadhikaa chaabhivandane smritau raadhaa shiro raadhaa radhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (3)
Radha is in my puja, Radha is in my mantra-japa, Radha is in my , Radha is in my memory, and Radha is in my head - I worship that Radhaji.
gane raadhaa gune raadhaa radhikaa bhojane gatau raatrau raadhaa divaa raadhaa raadhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (4)
Whenever I sing, I sing about the qualities of Radha, everything I eat is Radha’s prasada, wherever I go I always remember Radha, Radha is in the night, Radha is in the day - I worship that Radhaji.
maadhurye madhura raadhaa mahattve raadhikaa guruh saundarye sundari raadhaa raadhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (5)
Radha is the sweetness within anything that is sweet; of anything that is important, Radha is the most important; and of everything that is beautiful, Radha is the supreme beauty - I worship that Radhaji.
raadhaa rasa-sudhaa-sindhu raadhaa saubhaagya-manjari raadhaa vrajaangaNaa-mukhyaa raadhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (6)
Radha is an ocean of nectarean rasa, Radha is the flower-bud of all good fortune, Radha is the foremost gopi of Vraja - I worship that Radhaji.
raadhaa padmaanana padmaa padmodbhava-supujitaa padme vivechita raadhaa raadhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (7)
Because Radha’s face is like a spotless lotus flower, She is known as Padma. She is worshiped by Brahma who appeared on the lotus emanating from Vishnu’s navel, and when She was first discovered by Her father, She was resting upon a lotus - I worship that Radhaji.
raadhaa krishNaatmikaa nityam krishNo raadhaatmako dhruvam vrindaavaneshvari raadhaa raadhaaivaaraadhyate mayaa (8)
Radha is eternally immersed in Shri Krishna, Krishna is certainly always immersed in Radha, and Radha is the queen of Vrindavana - I worship that Radhaji.
jihvaagre raadhika-naama netraagre raadhikaa-tanuh karne cha raadhikaa-kirtir maanase raadhikaa sadaa (9)
Radha’s name is on the tip of my tongue, Radha’s beautiful form is always before my eyes, descriptions of Radha’s fame are always in my ears, and Radha always resides in my mind.
krishNena pathitam stotram raadhikaa-pritaye param yah pathet praayato nityam raadhaa-krishNaantigo bhavet (10)
Whoever regularly recites with great care this spoken by Shri Krishna will attain loving service for the feet of Shri Radha-Krishna.
aaraadhita-manah krishNo raadhaaraadhita-maanasah krishNaakrishta-mana raadhaa raadhaa-krishNeti yah pathet (11)
Shrimati Radhika worships Shri Krishna in Her heart and mind, and Krishna worships Shrimati Radhika in His heart and mind; Shri Krishna attracts Radhika’s heart and mind, and Radhika attracts Krishna’s heart and mind. Whoever lovingly recites this prayer will become similarly attracted to the lotus feet of Shri Radha-Krishna.
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
Comment by Paramananda das on October 22, 2012 at 3:34am

Śrī Caitanya CaritāmṛtaMadhya 8.23

svābhāvika prema dońhāra udaya karilā

duńhā ālińgiyā duńhe bhūmite paḍilā


svābhāvika — ; prema — love; dońhāra — of both of them; udaya — awakening; karilā — there was; duńhā — both; ālińgiyā — embracing; duńhe — both of them; bhūmite — on the ground; paḍilā — fell down.


Their natural love for each other was awakened in them both, and they embraced and fell to the ground.


Śrīla Rāmānanda Rāya was an incarnation of the gopī Viśākhā. Since Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself, there was naturally an awakening of love between Viśākhā and Kṛṣṇa. Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Mahāprabhu is the combination of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī and Kṛṣṇa, and the gopī Viśākhā is a principal gopī assisting Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī. Thus the natural love between Rāmānanda Rāya and Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu awakened and they embraced.


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