Aindra Prabhus apperanceday 2023
dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to my beloved Gurudeva Srila Narayana Maharaja
All glories to Srila Prahbupada
All glories to Nitai Gaura, Radha Shyama Jaya Krsna Balarama
2 days ago was Aindra Prahbus appearance day .I knew Aindra Prabhu since Mayapure festival in 1986 ,I met him in the room he stayed in in Mayapure.He told me he was going to Vrindavana to start 24 hours Kirtana ,this was the 500 years celebration of Lord Caitanyas appearance so I he said this is the perfect time to start 24 hours Kirtana there as Srila Prahbupadas also wished for it .I said I will see you in Vrindavaan because I am going to serve another 6 month in Vrindavana as long my Visa allows me too .That year I stayed 9 month in India and is the longest I ever stayed in India in one row.In Vrindavana we met in the Gurukula I also stayed there and was given a room , I served in book distribution department later I was asked to serve in the Deity department and worship Govardhana and Salagrama Silas daily , I also myself started worship of Salagrama and Govardhana I obtained Salagrama and Govardhana Silas before Aindra Prabhu ,,so he was very eager to learn also ..I told him that my godbrother Kaliya Krsna Prabhu that used to be a head pujari in ISKCON Swizerland .Zurich was the best person to learn from ...I would wake up every morning at 1.30 am and at 2 am after shower etc I would worship Salagrama and Govardhana sila for and hours and half with Kaliya Krsna Prabhu ,,and thus I worshipped my own Silas ..then after mangal artik I would go on the alter in Krsna Balarama mandir and worship Salagrama Sila there, Lord Narasimha deity and Govarshana Silas..that was my service for almost 6 month, at the end I got Jaundice so I could no longer do this service.The well water at Srila Prabhupadas Samadhi was contaminated so many of us devotees got Jaundice .So Aindra Prabhu also started to worship Govardhana and Salagrama Silas and he collected more and more gradually ..his original worship was his small Gaura Nitai deities he had in ISKCON New York also where he would travel all over the city and do Harinama from the truck he had some flat bed truck .When I later first came to New York in 1989 summer I went with some devotees all over New York and did Harinama in the same truck I am not sure what happened to it after that .I recall also I learned many things about Deity worship from Visvambhara Goswami from Radha Ramana temple about especially Govardhana and Salagrama I told Aindra Prabhu and he also became very close to Visvambhara Goswami and took him as a Siksa Guru to learn Deity worship from him.Srila Prabhupada actually in a letter had written that anyone who wants to learn details about Deity worship can consult with Visvambhara Goswami from Radha Ramanana, so Aindra Prabhu and myself did so .Following Srila Prabhupada instruction .The letter was there one day in Srila Prabhupadas room in Vrindavana and I had Aindra Prabhu read it too.I would often read with Aindra Prabhupada every thing from Srila Prabhupadas small books to Krsna book especailly ,he had huge taste to read and hear Krsna book , most devotees I ever knew in ISKCON never had as much taste as him to simply hear Krsna book so I would often read Krsna book when he did his puja ..I went back to Denmark after Janmastami in 1986 ,my Visa was expiring and my health too I was serious weak after getting Jaundice in Vrindavana .I came back around a year later in 1987 and stayed in Vrindavana for 6 months this time,it meant more reading with Aindra Prabhu every day and I would chant 24 hours Kirtana with him , also he stated to do his recordings and I was there when he made some of his first recordings and he asked me to chant and participate in all recordings he did .It was a great honor and I loved his 1987 when I went back to Denmark he ordered me you should start chanting ever day in the streets in your Capital Copenhagen because it sounds like this is a good place to do Kirtana as there are hundreds of thousands of people walking there daily as you have described to me I followed Aindra Prabhus order to me and started a Kirtana program in Copenhagen and daily we would chant 8 hours on the Pedestrian walking street in Copenhagen ...mostly from 10am to 18 pm was our schedule we did this program for almost 2 years I was heading it up and 10 devotees or so would chant we would go out 6 days a week ,normally Sunday was our day of .We distribute lots of prasadam and books also daily .In 1988 I went back to Vrindavana for couple month for Kartika and spend time with Aindra Prabhu again ,and then in 1989 Lokanath Swami had invited me to lead all the Kirtanas at the Padayatra in California for the big Robin George case he really pleaded with me ,I had been on Padayatra in South India in 1985 for 6 month and lead lots of Kirtanas daily for up to 8 hours daily .So I said Ok I had also been invited to come to USA and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books at Radha Govinda temple in New York ..I was a bit unhappy with some of the management in ISKCON Denmark , one TP never attended mangal Artik and was always sleeping during the morning program and some other issues .So i went to USA, and the program in Copenhagen gradually fell apart because no one was determined to go out 8 hours daily ,I had been the main force behind that program .Aindra Prabhu thought it was great I was going to USA and do Harinama and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books so I had all his blessings.We had both started to see Srila Narayana Maharaja since 1986 and Srila Narayana Maharaja always encouraged Aindra Prabhu and myself to chant 64 rounds daily ,,he started doing it and I would as much I could .In Vrindavana I mostly always chanted 64 rounds daily but in the West sometimes I was so busy preaching I had hard time to complete all 64 rounds ..but it was part of my life ...the Gopi bhava club happened in ISKCON Vrindavana ,Aindra Prabhu and I where not impressed, all these Jewish Swamis playing pure devotees and Gopis they were also not chanting 64 rounds daily as instructed by Srila Narayana Maharaja so Aindra Prabhu and myself though this is much artificial .During this time from 1990 to around 1993 I would also study Krsna Bhavanamrta, and Govinda Lilamrta with Aindra Prabhu in his room , other books also like the Sandarbhas that I had from Kusakratha Prabhu sometimes i read from Gopal Campu to him or Garga samhita he was all eager for all these things .Over the years I spend much time with Aindra Prabhu , in 1998 I got married ,Aindra Prabhu did not like it ,actually from 1998 to 2002 , I was not in Vrindavana I was busy distributing Srila Prabhupadas books in USA now a grhastha but I was among the first 5 bookdistributors in USA,,sometimes number 1.Aindra Prabhu said when he saw me in 2002 shame on you Payonidhi Prabhu for entering Grhashta asrama you should never have done 2001 in Vriginia Srila Narayana Maharaja had told me the same ,leave this grhastha asrama and take sannyasa I will give you ,My son was only around 3 at the time.SO I could not .I said Aindra I am no longer Payonidhi I am Paramananda das and initiated by Srila Narayana Maharaja ..he congratulated me for taking reinitiation from Srila Narayana Maharaja that he highly respected ...I told Aindra Prabhu why I married and that I am continuing my book distribution and preaching as an independent grhastha outside of ISKCON temples.Later on in around 2008 or so he wanted I leave the West behind and come an do 24 hours with him in Vrindavana, I told him that will not happen I am chanting 64 rounds daily and distributing Srila Prabhupadas books in the West this in my service.He was showing me a lot of false ego attitude that I was not used too. I never knew his eccentric nature like that before, and it distant myself from 2010 I met him again he said I chant 120 rounds daily , I was not sure if that was true, because I always saw that he seemed to sleep all morning long from 5 am to 2 pm .I was no longer inspired to hang around Aindra Prabhu ,I felt he had a weird following with Govinda das and Bhagavata Purana das , Bhagavata Purana das disciple of Satsvarupa was harrasing me, selling Prabhupadas books is like selling Bibles, I was so angry with him and decided that is to much offenses to Srila Prabhupada ,if that what these idiots learn from Aindra then I am done with him .I told Aindra Prabhu Srila Prabhupada said all devotees should be in the West distributing his books ,BUT IF YOUR ARE TO USELESS FOR that YOU CAN GO TO VRINDAVANA AND EAT AND SLEEP AND CHANT HARE KRSNA .Stop BOTHERING me you are not a bookdistributor and I have no interest in you any longer and your anti book distribution rants.When Aindra Prabhu died in the gas explosion in July of 2010 I was in tears for many days I have never had deeper discussions about KC with anyone but my Gurudeva Srila Narayana Maharaja and Aindra Prabhu ..I knew all his deepest spiritual desires to serve under Srila Rupa Manjari as a manjari.One time I had a dream of Radha Shyamasundara in Vrindavana Their Lordships told me WE HAVE SEND AINDRA to be trained by Narada Muni..I woke up ,that is a real far out dream .The sight of Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara and Their words did seem very real .Aindra Prabhu was frustrated with me why do you not let me in your life and write me here in Vrindavana , you should at least send me letters often so we can communicate ,do we not have a deep bond of affection? I was to heart hearted and never found the right words to write Aindra Prabhu ,If he had given me an email it would be easier, but who writes letters in this computer age? Aindra Prabhu was not much on computers at all I love and miss him, he is one of the person in my life that I love the most despite our sometimes differences of opinion.We walked once to Maan Sarovara and chanted 120 rounds both of us that day , one the way back we got blessed by that famous Devaraha Baba that may you always chant Hare Krsna by the Yamuna as we where going back to Krsna Balarama temple Aindra Prabhu ki Jaya Inline image
Aindra is one of the few devotees and especially Prabhupada disciples that understood the importance of chanting 64 rounds and he did so for years, if he actually did chant 120 rounds daily ,he was right , because the last thing Aindra Prabhu told me was it is great you chant 64 rounds daily now come up to my standard and do 120 rounds daily
your servant
Paramananda das
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