Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


I have been  falsly accused of  one thing .That I teach the chanting of Panca tattva mantra on japa beads.This is not so, I once in a class I gave in LA stated that Prabhupada told a
devotee that the pancatattva mantra IS MORE POWERFUL THAN THE MAHAMANTRA, so a devotee said why do we not chant rounds of it? Srila Prabhupada said because Lord Caitanya asked us to chant Hare Krishna.
After the class one Prabhupada disciples was loudly chanting one rounds of the Pancatattva mantra, I asked him what he was doing.Chanting one round of the Pancatattva mantra,he said.
I had mentioned Srila PRabhupada said not to and he was doing it anyway, I guess to irritate me? Not sure ,I just went away.In a discussion with Basu Ghosh das ,I mentioned that sometimes devotees do this then what can you do.I never condoned it.I have written something about chanting Gaura Nama.I never stated anyone should chant rounds of the panca tattva mantra on beads ,if some do who can stop them?
PAMHO AGTSP Devotees should also chant the names of Lord Caitanya ,even in Goloka Vrindavana this is so:
hema-gaura kalevara, mantra chari-akshara; sahaja vaikuntha-natha shyama.
“The Lord sits on a golden bejeweled throne. He possesses a complexion millions of times more brilliant than the color of molten gold. He is worshipped by all His devotees by the chanting of the four-syllable Mantra raja ‘Gauranga’.”
this is from Shri Chaitanya-mangala Sutra-khanda Verse 527 by Shrila Locana Dasa Thakura In Goloka Vrindavana the associates of Lord Caitanya chants:”Gauranga”
Chaitanya-Charitamrita Madhya lila 1.29:
‘chaitanya’ seva, ‘chaitanya’ gao, lao ‘chaitanya’ nama ‘caitanye’ ye bhakti kare, sei mora prama
Lord Nityananda implored; “Serve Lord Gauranga, sing the Holy Name of Lord Gauranga and chant Lord Gauranga’s Name. Those who worship Lord Gauranga in this way are My life and soul.” Sometimes certain persons say never chant Gauranga, but this is demoniac. When Lord Caitanya says: prthivite ache yata nagaradi-grama; sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama. Chaitanya-bhagavata Antya 4.126
“Very shortly My Name will be chanted, broadcasted and glorified in all various towns, villages, cities, countries and continents of the world.”
His holy name is Gauranga…
Yes we should not chant Japa with the Pancatattva mantra, Srila Prabhupada did not approve of that.
But if someone chants the Panca tattva mantra not on beads more than one time what is the harm? I recall sometimes having chanted the Pancatattva mantra over and over again on bookdistribution praying to the Pancatattva to allow me to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books even to those who think it is not for them…
Lord Shri Nityananda Prabhu Himself has stated:
bhaja gauranga kaha gauranga laha gaurangera nama re; ye jana gauranga bhaje sei amara prana re.
“Worship Gauranga, chant the Gauranga Mantraraja and take the Holy Name of Lord Gauranga. Those who will worship Lord Gauranga in this way by constantly chanting His name are veritably My life and soul and I will give them all protection.”
‎(This verse is also quoted by Shrila Prabhupada in his lecture, Shri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila 7.5, Mayapur, March 7, 1974)
“You can also chant the prayer you asked about. This was spoken by Lord Nityananda while He was preaching in the town. He was addressing the people: ‘My dear brothers, you simply worship Lord Chaitanya; talk of Lord Chaitanya; speak Lord Chaitanya’s Name, so anyone who does so, he is my life and soul.” (SP in Letter to: Mahapurusa, Los Angeles, 7 March, 1968)
Shrila Narada Muni:
gauranga-nama na laiya, yei krishna bhaje giya; sei krishna bahu kale paya. gauranga-nama laya jei, sadya krishna paya sei; aparadha nahi rahe taya.
“If someone endeavours to worship Krishna without regularly chanting the name of Lord Gauranga, then he or she will achieve Krishna only after a very prolonged period of time. But if someone takes shelter of the Name of Lord Gauranga, he or she will achieve Krishna very soon because his or her offenses will immediately cease to exist.
Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura:
grhe ba vanete thake, ‘ha gauranga’ bo’le dake, narottama mage tara sanga.
“One may reside in the house or in the forest, but if he or she is constantly chanting the name of Gauranga, then I (Narottama Dasa Thakura) want his association and want to serve him.”
and also chanting the holy names of Lord Nityananda Prabhu:
‘nityananda’ balite haya krishna-premodaya; aulaya sakala anga,asru-ganga vaya. (Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 8.23)
“Simply by chanting the name ‘Nityananda’ one awakens his love for Krishna. Thus all his bodily limbs are agitated by ecstasy of love of God, and tears flow from his eyes like the waters of the Ganges.”
Lord Caitanya has come to distribute His own holy name: markandeya-purane
golokam ca parityajya, lokanam trana-karanat;
kalau gauranga-rupena, lila-lavanya-vigrahah.
In the Markandeya Purana, the Supreme Lord declares:
“In the Kali-yuga I will give up My own eternal abode Goloka Vrindavana, and I will assume the form of the most handsome and playful Lord Gauranga to rescue all the living entities in the universe.”
Yes of course we have to chant Hare Krsna:
‎”My advice is always chant l6 rounds minimum and follow the fou rregulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point, otherwise they are not my disciples. Let one live anywhere,but stick to the principles. Disagreements will continue in this material world. So one may live in a suitable place, but one must follow these five principles. My disciples must follow these five principles living either in heaven or hell.” (Raja-Laksmi-dasi, 2/17/76)
Actually Lord Caitanya asked for 100.000 names and Srila Prabhupada tried to introduce that in ISKCON but he allowed minimum 16
Shrila Prabhupada in Shri Chaitanya-charitamrita class, Madhya-lila 20.102, Baltimore, July 7, 1976:
“If you simply chant Nitai-Gaura and dance, then you’ll become happy. There is no difficulty. There is no difficulty.”
Shrila Prabhupada inShri Chaitanya-charitamrita class, Adi-lila 7.4, Mayapur, March 4, 1974:
“Narottama dasa Thakura is aspiring for the day when Nityananda Prabhu will be pleased upon him. Just like Jagai-Madhai was delivered by the mercy of Shri Nityananda Prabhu, so we have to pray Nityananda Prabhu. He’s very merciful. He’s so kind, Baladeva, He gives spiritual strength. Then we can approach the Supreme Lord. Therefore we chant “Nitai-Gaura.” This is the process. We cannot change this policy.”
So who is saying not to chant the names of Nitai Gaura?
Shrila Prabhupada’s Purport to Gauranga Bolite Habe, Los Angeles, January 9, 1969:
“As soon as one will chant the name of Shri Krishna Chaitanya, there will be shivering. This is the first symptom that one is getting advanced in the perfectional stage of Krishna consciousness. So Narottama dasa Thakura says, gauranga bolite habe pulaka sarire. He’s expecting. Although he was a great acarya, still, he was expecting, “When that stage will come?” The wording of the song is as follows. G-a-u-r-a-n-g-a, gauranga. Bolite, b-a-l-i-t-e. Habe, h-a-b-e. Gauranga bolite habe pulaka, p-u-l-a-k-a. Pulaka sarira, s-a-r-i-r. Gauranga bolite habe pulaka sarira hari hari, h-a-r-i h-a-r-i. Bolite, b-a-l-i-t-e. Hari hari bolite habe, h-a-b-e. Hari hari bolite kabe. Not habe, kabe, k-a-b-e. Nayane, n-a-y-a-n-e. Babe, b-a-b-e, Nira, n-e-e-r. The meaning is that there will be not only shivering as soon as I utter the name of Gauranga, but there will be torrents of tears in my eyes as soon as I chant Hare Krishna. this is the explanation.”
Shrila Prabhupada’s Letter to: Dina Dayala, Nellore, 6 January, 1976:
“My Guru Maharaja always sees if Krishna’s name or Lord Chaitanya’s name appeared in someone’s writing and would appreciate the writing for this alone.”
Shrila Prabhupada’s Purport to song, Los Angeles, Dec 29, 1968:
“He says: gauranga bolite habe pulaka-sarira. This is the perfection of chanting, that as soon as we chant or take the name of Lord Gauranga, who initiated the Sankirtana Movement, at once there will be a shivering in the body.”
Shrila Prabhupada in Krishna Book Chp 20, Description of Autumn:
“Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura prays that he will have the association of a person-either a householder or a man in the renounced order of life - who is engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord and is always crying the holy name of Lord Chaitanya.”
Shrila Prabhupada’s Letter to: Shachimata, Bombay, 8 December, 1974:
“It is the advice of Narottama das Thakura to chant the holy name of Gauranga either if one remains at home or in the forest. Similarly, do not forget the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra either you live in the temple or at home.” Shrila Prabhupada in Shrimad-Bhagavatam Lecture 2.1.2, Vrindavana, March 17, 1974:
“Then you become gosvami. Then, as Narottama dasa Thakura says, grhe va banete thake ha gauranga bole dake. Ha gauranga, ‘Always chanting Nitai-Gaura, and thinking of Nitai-Gaura,’ such person, Narottama dasa Thakura says… Grhe va… ‘He may be a sannyasi, or he may be a grhastha. It doesn’t matter. Because he is absorbed in the thought of Nitai-Gaura.’ So narottama mage tanra sanga: ‘Narottama is always desiring to associate with such person.’”
‎”The chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is recommended even for persons who commit offenses, because if they continue chanting they will gradually chant offenselessly. By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra without offenses, one increases his love for Krishna.” (SB 6.3.24 purport)
avisranta name nama-aparadha jaya; tahe aparadha kabhu sthana nahi paya.
“Only by continuous chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra day and night can the ten offenses against Krishna’s Name be obliterated. By the constant chanting of Krishna’s Name, the ten offenses will not be able to again implicate the chanter.”
Purport by Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura: “Continuous chanting (avisranta nama)- Only one who chants the Name with great feeling all the time during the day and night except during the time required for fulfilling the most basic bodily necessities like sleep etc. is able to successfully destroy the ten offenses.”
On board the ship Jaladuta, September 13, 1965, Verse 3, by Shrila Prabhupada:
tara iccha balavan pascatyete than than hoy jate gauranger nam prthivite nagaradi asamudra nada nadi sakalei loy krishna nam
“By his (my Guru Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada’s) strong desire, THE HOLY NAME OF GAURANGA will first spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. Then in all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra.
Shri Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 10.43 purport:
“Therefore we have prescribed in our society that all our students must chant at least sixteen rounds daily. Such chanting must be offenseless in order to be of high quality. Mechanical chanting is not as powerful as chanting of the holy name without offenses.”
‎”It is very beneficial to chant the names shri-krishna-chaitanya prabhu-nityananda before chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra because by chanting these two holy names # -shri-krishna-chaitanya prabhu-nityananda-one immediately becomes ecstatic, and if he then chants the Hare Krishna maha-mantra he becomes free of offenses.” (SP in Cc Adi 8.24 purport)
Shrila Prabhupada in Cc Adi-lila 8.31 purport
“It should be noted in this connection that the holy names of Lord Krishna and Gaurasundara are both identical with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore one should not consider one name to be more potent than the other. Considering the position of the people of this age, however, the chanting *** of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s name is more essential than the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra because Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the most magnanimous incarnation and His mercy is very easily achieved.”
‎(1) Yoga Student: “…to chant the names of Nitai-Gauranga before we encourage them so much to chant the maha-mantra?” Prabhupada: “No. Why? Now, what is the difference, Nitai-Gauranga and Hare Krishna? Nitai-Gauranga and Hare Krishna, there is no difference. Nitai-Gauranga is also nice. Whatever he finds convenient, let him chant.” (Shrila Prabhupada’s Room Conversation with Yoga Student specifically regarding Japa, March 14, 1975, Iran)
Shrila Prabhupada in Cc Antya-lila 2.31 purport:
“Worshipers of Shri Gaurasundara accept the four syllables gau-ra-an-ga as the Gaura mantra, but pure worshipers of Radha and Krishna accept the four syllables ra-dha krs-na as the Gaura-gopala mantra. However, Vaishnavas consider Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu nondifferent from Radha-Krishna (shri-krishna-chaitanya radha-krishna nahe anya). Therefore one who chants the mantra “gauranga” and one who chants the names of Radha and Krishna are on the same level.
I have one godbrother that left ISKCON and is now a sannyasi and teach his disciples to chant Gaura Nama on japa along with 64 rounds of Mahamantra, this might be his mood but in ISKCON we focus on the Mahamantra and we can also chant Lord Gaurangas names: Such as
Sri Gauranga-Ashtottara-Shata-Nama-Stotram 108 Names of Lord Chaitanya by Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya
1) namaskritya pravaksyami deva-devam jagad-gurum namnam-ashtotara-shatam caitanyasya mahatmanaha
After offering my respectful obeisances unto the Lord of Lords, Who is the spiritual master of the entire universe, I will now narrate 108 holy names of Lord Chaitanya, the great soul.
2) vishvambharo jita-krodho maya-manusha-vigrahaha amayi mayinam shreshto vara-desho dvijottamaha
Vishvambhara–He sustains the universe Jita-krodha–He is victorious over the influence of mundane anger Maya-manusha-vigraha–He assumes the illusory form of a human Amayi–He is bereft of fraudulent behavior Mayinam Shresta–He is the foremost of (transcendental) cheaters Vara-desha–He appears in the best of lands Dvijottama–He is the ultimate brahmana
3) jagannatha-priya-sutah pitri-bhakto maha-manaha lakshmi-kantah shachi-putrah premado bhakta-vatsalah
Jagannatha-priya-suta–He is the dearest son of Jagannatha Mishra Pitri-bhakta–He is the devotee of His father Maha-mana–He has great mental power Lakshmi-kanta–He is the beloved husband of the Goddess of Fortune Shachi-putra–He is the son of mother Shachi Premada-He is the bestower of ecstatic loving devotion Bhakta-vatsala–He is very affectionate to His devotees
4) dvija-priyo dvija-varo vaishnava-prana-nayakaha dvi-jati-pujakah shantah shrivasa-priya ishvaraha
Dvija-priya–He is dear to the twice-initiated brahmanas Dvija-vara–He is the best amongst the brahmanas Vaishnava-prana-nayaka–He is the hero of the devotees’ life & soul Dvi-jati-pujaka–He is the worshiper of the brahmanas Shanta-He is peaceful and saintly Shrivasa-priya–He is very dear to Srivasa Pandita Ishvara–He is the supreme controller
5) tapta-kanchana-gaurangah simha-grivo maha-bhujaha pita-vasa rakta-pattah sad-bhujo ‘tha chatur-bhujaha
Tapta-kanchana-gauranga–His complexion is like molten gold Simha-griva–His neck is like the lion’s Maha-bhuja–His arms are very muscular Pita-vasa–He wears yellow cloth (when a householder) Rakta-patta–He wears red cloth (when a sannyasi) Sad-bhuja–He exhibits a six-armed form [atha–and furthermore] Chatur-bhuja–He exhibits a four-armed form
6) dvi-bhujash cha gada-panih chakri padma-dharo ‘malaha pancha-janya-dharah sharngi venu-panih surottamaha
Dvi-bhuja–He exhibits a two armed form [ca–and] Gada-pani–He holds the mace Chakri–He holds the discus Padma-dhara–He holds the lotus Amala–He is sinless Pancha-janya-dhara–He holds the Panca-janya conchshell Sharngi–He holds the bow Venu-pani–He holds the flute Surottama–He is the foremost of the demigods
7) kamalaksheshvara prito gopa-liladhara yuva nila-ratna-dharo rupya-hari kaustubha-bhushanaha
Kamalaksheshvara–He is the Lord of the lotus-eyed Lakshmi Prita–He is beloved to all living beings Gopa-liladhara–He is the abode of cowherding pastimes Yuva–He is supremely youthful Nila-ratna-dhara–He likes to wear sapphires Rupya-hari–He likes to wear silver necklaces Kaustubha-bhushana–He is adorned with the Kaustubha gem
8) shrivatsa-lanchano bhasvan-mani-dhrik kanja-lochanaha tatanka-nila-shrih rudra-lila-kari guru-priyaha
Shrivatsa-lanchana–He is decorated with the mark of Shrivatsa Bhasvan-mani-dhrik–His form is embellished with many beautiful jewels Kanja-lochana–He has lotus petal-shaped eyes Tatanka-nila-shri–His majesty is enhanced by sapphire earrings Rudra-lila-kari–He sometimes enacts the pastimes of Lord Shiva Guru-priya–He is very dear to His spiritual master
9) sva-nama-guna-vakta-cha namopadesha-dayakaha achandala-priyah shuddhah sarva-prani-hite rataha
Sva-nama-guna-vakta–He is aware of the attributes of His own holy name Namopadesha-dayaka–He imparts teachings about the holy names Achandala-priya–He is dear even to the lowest outcastes Shuddha–His character is totally immaculate Sarva-prani-hite-rata–He is engaged in the welfare of all living beings
10) vishvarupanujah sandhyavatarah shitalashayaha nihsima-karuno gupta atma-bhakti-pravartakaha
Vishvarupanuja–He is the younger brother of Vishvarupa Sandhyavatara–He incarnated during the time of dusk Shitalashaya–He is desirous of cooling the burning sufferings of living beings Nihsima-karuna–His compassion is limitless Gupta–He is very secretive Atma-bhakti-pravartaka–He preaches devotion unto the true Self
11) mahanando nato nritya-gita-nama-priyah kavihi arti-priyah shuchih shuddho bhavado bhagavat-priyaha
Mahananda–He is absorbed in the greatest bliss Nata–He behaves as a dramatic actor Nritya-gita-nama-priya–He is fond of dancing, singing & chanting the holy names Kavi–He is a learned scholar and poet Arti-priya–He is dear to those who are suffering Shuchi–He is meticulously clean Shuddha–He is spotlessly pure Bhavada–He confers ecstatic loving emotions Bhagavat-priya–He is intimate with the great devotees
12) indradi-sarva-lokesha-vandita-shri-padambujaha nyasi-chudamanih krishnah sannyasashrama-pavanaha
Indradi-sarva-lokesha-vandita-shri-padambuja–His divine lotus feet are worshiped by Lord Indra and all the rulers of various heavenly planets Nyasi-chudamani–He is the crest jewel of renunciates Krishna–He is the all attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead Sannyasashrama-pavana–He is the purifier of the renounced order
13) chaitanya krishna-chaitanya danda-dhrig nyasta-dandakaha avadhuta-priyo nityananda-shad-bhuja-darshakaha
Chaitanya–He is the living force of all creation Krishna-Chaitanya–He is the all-attractive living force Danda-dhrik–He carries the staff of the renounced order Nyasta-dandaka–He abandons the staff of the renounced order Avadhuta-priya–He is dear to the divine madman (Srila Nityananda Prabhu) Nityananda-sad-bhuja-darshaka–He shows His six-armed form to Nityananda
14) mukunda-siddhi-do dino vasudevamrita-pradaha gadadhara-prana-natha arti-ha sharana-pradaha
Mukunda-siddhi-da–He gives perfection to His devotee Mukunda Dina–He behaves with meek and humble mannerisms Vasudevamrita-prada–He gives nectar to this devotee Vasudeva (the leper) Gadadhara-prana-natha–He is the Lord of the life of Gadadhara Pandita Arti-ha–He removes the distress of His devotees Sharana-prada–He bestows ultimate shelter to His devotees
15) akinchana-priyah prano guna-grahi jitendriyaha adosha-darshi sumukho madhurah priya-darshanaha
Akinchana-priya–He is dear to those who possess nothing Prana–He is the life and soul of all creation Guna-grahi–He accepts only the good qualities of others Jitendriya–He is victorious over the influence of the material senses Adosha-darshi–He is blind to the faults of others Sumukha–He has a pleasant face Madhura–He is supremely sweet Priya-darshana–He is very precious to behold
16) pratapa-rudra-samtrata ramananda-priyo guruhu ananta-guna-sampannah sarva-tirthaika-pavanaha
Pratapa-rudra-samtrata–He delivers Maharaja Pratapa Rudra from obstacles Ramananda-priya–He is the beloved of Ramananda Raya Guru–He is the spiritual master of every living being Ananta-guna-sampannah–He is endowed with limitless good qualities Sarva-tirthaika-pavana–He is the sole purifier of all places of pilgrimage
17) vaikuntha-natho lokesho bhaktabhimata-rupa-dhrik narayano maha-yogi jnana-bhakti-pradah prabhuhu
Vaikuntha-natha–He is the Lord of the spiritual world of no anxiety Lokesha–He is the Lord of all the material planets Bhaktabhimata-rupa-dhrik–He assumes different forms according to the desires of His devotees Narayana–He is the supreme shelter for all living beings Maha-yogi–He is the greatest performer of yoga Jnana-bhakti-pradah–He imparts intellectual knowledge of devotion Prabhu–He is the Lord and Master of all
18) piyusha-vachanah prithvi-pavanah satya-vak sahaha oda-desha-jananandi sandohamrita-rupa-dhrik
Piyusha-vachana–His words emit showers of pure nectar Prithvi-pavana–He is the savior of the earth Satya-vak–He speaks truthfully Saha–He can endure all forms of misery Oda-desha-jananandi–He delights the people of Orissa Sandohamrita-rupa-dhrik–He embodies the form of all universal nectar
19) yah pathed pratar utthaya chaitanyasya mahatmanaha shraddhaya parayopetah stotram sarvagha-nashanam prema-bhaktir harau tasya jayate natra samshayaha
It is recommended that upon rising in the morning, one faithfully approach and recite this transcendental sin-destroying prayer to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the great soul. One who does will feel the awakening of ecstatic loving devotion unto Lord Hari; of this there is no doubt.
20) asadhya-roga-yukto ‘pi muchyate roga-sankatat sarvaparadha-yukto ‘pi so ‘paradhat pramucyate
Even if one is afflicted with an incurable disease, one becomes freed from all danger of the ailment. Even if one has committed all types of offenses, one becomes freed from their effects.
21) phalguni-paurnamasyan tu chaitanya-janma-vasare shraddhaya paraya bhaktya maha-stotram japan purch yad yat prakurute kamam tat tad evachiral labhet
If one chants this great prayer with faith and transcendental devotion on Lord Chaitanya’s appearance day (the full moon day in the month of Phalguna), then one perpetually attains the fulfillment of their each and every pure desire.
22) aputro vaishnavam putram labhate natra-samshayaha ante chaitanya-devasya smritir bhavati shashvati
If a devotee couple wishes to have a child but are unable, then they will obtain a Vaishnava child without a doubt. And at the time of death, they will attain remembrance of Sri Chaitanya-deva and enter His eternal pastimes.
Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakura in his Caitanya Chandramrta has stated much about the glories of Gaura Nama, in one sloka he says that : Why are you lamenting has the name of Gauranga not entered your ears ?
your servant
Paramananda das

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