Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

"10 offences" (against offenders ),unwritten ISKCON laws

 the  10 socalled offences against ISKCON leaders (that are not real leaders but simply demons in the role of ISKCON leaders)
1 ) One should  never complain about any ISKCON leader not matter what he does, wether he has someone killed ,took salary, ran a bingo hall in a temple for personal profit  ,
ran a giftshop for personal profit   
2) One should never expose any ISKCON sannyasi , Guru and GBC engaging in illicit sex,who the hell are you to do so?
3) ISKCON leaders are supposed to make as much money for their  leadership and place it in personal accounts ,wheras general devotees work for free
4) Never  question a sannysi that has millions of dollars in personal accounts, remember he is better than Krsna , better than the Lord
5) All ISKCON leaders, TP/s ,Gurus ,sannaysis and GBC are incarnations of Godhead refusing to see them as such can cause your excommunication from ISKCON  
6) Moral rules does not apply to ISKCON leaders they are above the laws of ISKCON ,above Srila Prabhupada and above the law of the country
7) If an ISKCON leader assaults you ,steals you money or threatens you ,or chastise you ,he still remains God
8) ISKCON leaders are infallible, outside of ISKCON there is no vaisnavas they are all demons , and only ISKCON leaders are real Paramahamsas
9) Krsna assumed the personal form of TPs,GBCs: and sannyasis
10 )Even Krsna has to obey the GBC ,TP's and any ISKCON sannyasi , if HE refuse to obey the GBC ,Krsna will not be worshipped and also removed from ISKCON
11 to be fully inattentive to Srila Prabhupadas instructions is the goal of ISKCON, no ISKCON leader is allowed to go on Harinama of bookdistribution unless you make money doing so , remember money is the honey, and your false prestige is the goal of life , unless you leave this world and have your own Samadhi in Mayapure after you die you life was not complete.Make sure you take grains on all Visnu tattva days , and never tell anyone you do not complete you 16 rounds because you are an ISKCON leader and you are God ....
remember to follow the demoniac principles of the Bhagavad Gita and think ISVARA AHAM AHAM  BHOGI
book changes is the goal of life ( even change what Prabhupada said the more changes to Prabhupadas teachings the better)the goal of life is to make the body comfortable and stay in the temple for personal profit and laziness, not attending the morning programs is the impurity to remain an impure leader that can manipulate others
Never chastise offenders ,only the righteous devotees
Utility is the principle it means all money belongs to you
Book are the basis ,,na only if it makes you some money
Om tat asat
impurity is the force,
money if for you
and you are God

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