Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dandavat pranams

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

On disciple of Hrdayananda wrote:

Now every sannyasi will be afraid to talk to their female disciples, let alone have their picture taken.

Well she is in illusion ,Hrdayanada will shameless keep parading in the arms of a woman.And others follow suit.When I was a brahmacari I once refused to bring a letter from a sannyasis to a female disciple,I told him to use the post office.After that his nonsens

disciple started to chase me, going to where I was on sankirtana etc.I finally told her to leave me alone and not even talk to me, then when I would come for Gurupuja,or mongal artik she would sit on the steps ands cry.This is the wonderfull training some of our ISKCON sannyasis give their female discipels .They are all into the women like Jagadish and so many others Bhagavan ,Jaytirtha ,Hansadutta , Hrdayananda. When I finally told this matajis Guru about his disciples improper behavior, he told me ,she is so beautiful she would never do that. I wrote him if you think she is so beautiful why do you not marry her.

(the rest was a long nightmare due to this sannysis being unfit to be a Guru and sannyasi luckely he is no more in ISKCON due to his offences to many devotees).Did I mention a sannaysi breaking up a marriage to marry his own disciple.I can only spit in great distaste.

Since when is the pleasure of the genitals equal to Krsna loka?

A few years ago there was all this hugging between male and females in ISKCON..introduced by Hrdayananda and the kind.My point is

improper sannyasi dealings with women disturbs all asramas.This is one reason ISKCON is so weak in many places at the moment.Many TP and other leaders are remarried, though it is against GBC rules,,some sannyasis and Gurus encourage remarriage.

They are all rascals.Loose dealings with women in ISKCON is very commen.Very sadly.This is the cause of the many past falldowns

and neglect of sadhana.When I came to Berkely temple the very first day, I was there right next to my room some bhakta and socalled mataji was at it.This is why they did not like me there I..... protested their illicit sex.I have ben told things improved since Harivilasa is not there anymore,with his weak leadership skills and offensive mentality.Many sannaysis in ISKCON have this air of pride around them due to stri sanga and they demand respect, one swami was repported to take of for several days with some mayadevi .

My humble advise chant 64 rounds stay the hell away from the opposite sex and go preach, other sannaysis does not go to temples but stays by themselves in hotels (doing what?),they are not there to chant 64 rounds..or read sastra on their own.

Is it then strange when 2 sannyasis team up to get a brahmacari married against their will to some mayadevi?One disciple complained,

my Guru got me married to this mataji because he was getting to close to her.Yes it is about time the sannyasis and brahmacaries stay clear of women, and grhasthas have to also act properly..Haridas Thakura and Sri Nama Prabhu kindly protect us.

When will we have an ISKCON according to Srila Prabhupada and not Hrdayananda...when oh when wil lthat day be mine, when there is no stealing from any temple funds?WHen eveyone goes out preaching and have strong sadhana? When at every temple devotee do daily Harinama and bookdistribution,when oh when will that day be mine?When will sannyasis stop comforting, and show the real role of sannyasa,when will those who have bankaccounts as sannyasis close them and give that stolen laxmi to Krsna..when oh when?

When will they stop flying first class using the savings from poor sentimental female disciples, acting like they are some kind of pimp or husband ,when will sannyasis stop taking money from a woman..or embrace them..when oh when will this day be mine?When will those unfit to be Guru's stop fooling others?When will every town and village be flooded with the holy name? When will those lazy persons get of their behinds and preach to the innocent?When again will everyone say, here comes the beautifull Hare Krishna people.

Daily we meet people that say :"What happened to the beautiful Hare Krishna devotees(refering to the nice chanting and everything and devotees being blissfull clean wellbehaved etc)

in summary 4 problems.

Improper use of funds

improperly dealings with the opposite sex

improperly using ones time for not preaching and sadhana

and comforting

your humble servant

Payonidhi das

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