Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
 The nasty behavior of many ISKCON leaders is unimaginable, they are just into it for themselves. There is hardly any cooperation with others
to help others just to promote their own agendas.And they will use any means up to expelling and even killing in the case of Sulocana Prabhu.
 Srila Prabhupada did not allow salary , but I think that it is good ISKCON has completely disobeyed this instruction by Srila Prabhuapda because devotees needs to be cared for and not just after 20 to 50 years of service one day find themselves on the street.One mataji in France thought this would happen to her and she hung herself. The same happened in ISKCON Potomac. Harikesa stole millions of dollars from ISKCON (as some of his own leading disciples and godbrothers did  ).
 One devotee that recently blamed me from having taken diksa from Narayana Maharaja , then objected when I told him his comment was aparadha.The he said do not blame others. This is the logic used in ISKCON.ISKCON train devotees for few years then throw them away like garbage in the street when they are  fully exploited.
 In the worst companies in the karmi world the employer keeps rehiring new people so others will not advance .This is often an unofficial ISKCON standard.But anyone that comes to ISKCON must the cherished and helped.And that some sannyasis and Tp's think they can bulldoze over other devotees is vaisanva paradha and should not be accepted by anyone.
 ISKCON has lot of improvement to do , to please Srila Prabhuapda.But at least I am hopefull we are gradually learning , I could be wrong.
 Your servant
Paramananda das

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