Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Why does ISKCON have no justice system?

dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
all glories to Srila Prabhupada
I here with burn all my bridges to ISKCON Scandinavia, though I joined ISKCON Sweden in 1979 and helped start ISKCON Denmark the same year and following years.Since the time I joined ISKCON Scandinavia was ruled by one fall down after the other, one scandal after the other.Devotees where forced to sell candles and illegal Hong Kong paintings , and an envious person Harikesa was placed as Srila Prabhupadas pure representative, he was not and stole million of dollars and left ISKCON and fell down with a female socalled disciples that was divorced and remarried several times.The continuing harassment of myself because I exposed corruption with money since 1989 ,sometimes I was banned from the temple because I was not willing to sell illegal Hong Kong painting over Srila Prabhupadas books.I actually left in 1984 ,I was not banned I just left the temple and refused to be part of illegal activities.Over the years ISKCON Sweden was also rocked with scandals such as child abuse, and pedophile behavior of their favorite devotee there Tapana Misra that used to stick his fingers in small Gurukula childrens rectum .One of the victims later wrote a book My Karma my fault. Janesvara das one of the leaders of ISKCON Sweden should have reported this to the police he choose not too ,thus covering up for a crime.I am not sure if he was in charge of the Guru kula at this time, but he was one of many blind followers of Harikesa and once stated to me Harikesa had all mystic powers , I challenged Harikesa and his blind disciple Janesvara about this in Srimad Bhagavatam class.The only socalled mystic power of Harikesa was that he made so much money disappear from ISKCON Sweden.I recently have reported some of these things to the police in Denmark though it should have been done long ago . The GBC will never improve ISKCON Scandinavia where ,half of the devotees are banned from visiting the temple ,due to fanatic behavior ,as they are opposed to changes to Srila Prabhupadas books that was not authorized by him. Thus ISKCON Scandinavia follows a dangerous path of cult behavior .ISKCON Denmark under the incompetent leadership of Lalitanath das a fanatic follower of Radhanath Swami that was involved in the murder of Sulocana Prabhu in 1985 ,as was testified in court by several witnesses he pushed for the killing of the murder,I have given the police in Denmark access to witness accounts from courts in USA, The killing might one day continue in ISKCON Denmark , if Radhanath Swami orders the killing and banning of more devotees to his Kali chela disciple Lalitanath .When I left ISKCON Denmark in 1989 I was treatened with violence simply for leaving the temple. Ironically enough when the Harinama party that I was leading on june of 1989 was attacked and a drunk fool was spitting devotees in the face , I stepped up and punched this attacker in the stomach , forcing him to the ground .The goverment in Sweden has closed the Guru kula in ISKCON Almvik ,and will not reopen any Guru kulas in Sweden. 
However Anuttama das from ISKCON Communication here in ISKCON Potomac denies that these things ever took place he denies that there was child abuse at ISKCON Almvik and that the Guru kula is closed .A simple call to the police or goverment in Sweden will verify this is the case.
Devotees that have taken reinitiation from Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja have been asked to not even take darshan from the Deities.I have decided to go with the name given by Srila Narayana Maharaja to me in 1998 because though he had some minor faults in his teachings like about Kalki Avatar ,he was a close friend of Srila Prabhupada and a strict sannyasi till his leaving his body in 2010 and entering the abode of Krsna ,Goloka Vrindavana.ISKCON has a history of covering up for pedophiles ,this is not Srila Prabhupadas desire ,he would never approve of these things. Thus now within ISKCON there is several former pedophiles and child abusers hidding in different temples and authorized by the GBC to be there. As such the GBC has not only made offences to a pure devotee like Srila Narayana Maharaja , they have also engaged in rewarding themselves with fat salaries ,though this was never allowed by Srila Prabhupada .Thus many criminal activities goes on in ISKCON, and as Hrdayananda Maharaja has pointed out in a recent paper ISKCON lacks a justice system. I have been asked to leave a temple in the past because I opposed demigod worship in ISKCON US, imagine the level of offences .Anuttama das at this time called demigodworship for mode of goodness.It clearly shows how compromised and fallen he was.Though Anuttama Prabhu is a good hearted devotee , he is one of those devotees that cover up crimes in ISKCON and mistakes. In ISKCON Potomac one devotee went and hung himself .But they will never talk about that . I had extended my hand to help this devotee and told him if he needed any kind of help please contact me .Someone in the temple talked nonsense about me , he came and then falsly accused and attacked me.One week later he hung himself. 
I can not be part of such insanities . I know the GBC does not care and never will care. BUT I CARE.KRSNA CARES.I have distributed Srila Prabhupadas books for years and though Ravindra Svarupa said get out of my zone because I opposed the demigodworship in ISKCON Potomac in 1985 , I told him this is Srila Prabhupadas zone and Lord Narasimahdevas zone.I will distribute Srila Prabhupadas books where I please if you try to stop me Lord Narasimha will personally rip you open.
Short time after that I distributed Srila Prabhupadas books to the daughter of the president of United States.The President of United States read Srila Prabhupadas books because of my service. Some rascal GBCs like Devamrta Swami , Bhakti Caru Swami and Bhaktivaibhava Swami asked I give up the name given by Srila Narayana maharaja these persons are not my friends and well wishers .I have been asked to take re initiation from Jayapataka Swami that I know does not chant his 16 rounds, and Bhakti Vikas Swami also is very envious of Srila Narayana Maharaja and asked I take diksa from him .Few years back he asked me to try to train some of his diciples in book distribution but they had no interest .I have this burned all my bridges to ISKCON Scandinavia from today, I went to ISKCON Germany 4to 5 years back and Vaidyanath das the brother of Saccinandana Swami had invited me ,he did not chant any rounds the week I spend with him .I also visited ISKCON Denmark at that time and was as usual attacked by former Kamsari ,now Kesava Priya devi dasi .She is still angry with me because in 1980 -.81 when she asked me some questions I suggested to her to dedicate herself to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, so she has told me she will never forgive me for this instruction . ISKCON Denmark acts like a cult, there is no GBC there.Only in name . I was in ISKCON Sweden and most devotees did not attend the morning program ,so I decided I will not go there again.
I am planning with my family to open a temple and restaurant in Denmark ,but it will be ISKCON friendly but have nothing to do with ISKCON Scandinavia as it is now.Should I leave my future grandchildren and great grandchildren to be sexually abused in ISKCON Scandinavia? Hell no .
What is the GBC going to do ???? I know the answer and you do also . ISKCON needs a justice system.Or we can end up like the Catholic church. There is a movie Spotlight that shows how they covered up for pedophile priests in Boston untill the Boston globe exposed it. Almost 2000 years later the Catholic church is suffering with these things of covering up crimes .Anuttama das told me he was sorry I was banned and it was most improper, and he apologized on behalf of the GBC he said . Yeah right he will not even accept this email if I send it to him as he is always trying to cover up things in ISKCON . STOP COVERING UP. WE NEED JUSTICE.
Jesus Christ said glories are those who seek justice the will be given justice but ask Daniel Lutz in Sweden if ISKCON gave him justice.
A disturbed young man that should have been protected in ISKCON .THE GBC HAS FAILED HIM, still to this day and no justice .
Did you know there is victims of Radhanath Swami marrying of 14 year old girls to older devotee men and you think this was normal you think he is an acarya in ISKCON ? HOW BLIND ! DO you want to talk with these victims and hear their story ??????????? Anuttama from ISKCON communication will say it never took place. Gobbles in Germany under the Nazis also denied to the German people that concentration camps took place.Do we want such sick mentality in ISKCON? I told Harikesa in 1986 about the Guru kula children that had been sexually molested by Bhavananda and Satadanya then Swamis in ISKCON.His response was Bhavanandas disciples may kill you .WHAT KIND OF GANGSTER MOVEMENT has these rascals made Srila Prabhuapdas movement into ?ISKCON means what Srila Prabhupada established these crimes where not what Srila Prabhupada set up ,nor did Jesus Christ set up a church of pedophiles priests. But we have to protect religion on behalf of Srila Prabhupada and Krsna 
your servant
Paramananda das

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