Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures




Please accept my humble obaisences All glories to Srila Prabhupada:


 The fraud in ISKCON is that ISKCON Gurus and sannyasis are free from sex desires is very clear from Sivarama Swamis audio.  Some maybe free, who they are are not known.Because in ISKCON what sannyasi is not constantly surrounded with flattering female disciples? Taking service from them for cooking ,cleaning ,even sewing their Deities dresses etc.So far I have seen maybe Bhakti Vikas Swami only stands out as a sannyasi without material desires and mostly he does not compromise.  So many sannyasis from ISKCON used to hang out with a gay and pedofile Guru Kirtananda ,that they glorify to this day as a pure devotee, though he was in jail for muder and a long list.Who are they kidding.Yes Yadunandana Swami is nice, I like Sivarama Swami , and there is many sincere and nice sannyasis in ISKCON.But their KC level is level is revealed when they preach, basic Kanistha adhikari mentality in many cases.Always staying in the temple and hiding from asat sanga.No Bhakti sakti  to do daily  Harinamas and bookdistribution.And many of their disciples do not chant 16 rounds and follow 4 regs.  Among initiated disciples in ISKCON ,I will say over 75 percent do not chant 16 rounds, and though that is sad it is the fact.However most are sincere in following the 4 regs they try hard.But due to anistha bhakti they struggle. Most pretend to chant 16 rounds and do not even do that.They do not like to do harinama, they do not like to do strict fasting on Janmastami or serve grains which is not allowed.They allow marriage of non devotees at temple ,that Prabhupada forbade.And divorce and remarriage is very common in ISKCON, who are they trying too fool?   Yesterday one sincere devotee said confiscate all sannyasis and ISKCON Gurus passports that go to Thailand and then is not see for days ,without servants and other devotees.I do not think it is that bad , but after the falldown of Prabhavisnu another Guru without sex desires, and when Gopal Krsna Maharaja lets a homosexual and pedofile servant of hook, then what is still going on in ISKCON. Gaura Govinda Maharaja used to shout in his class:" Are you free from all material desires". I chant 64 rounds every day and distribute books for 33 years, though I strictly follow the 4 regs and strictly fast etc, I would be dishonest if I would say I am free from all material desires.I used to not worry about my next meal as a brahmacari and constantly sell books , despite the neophyte politics of TP's sannyasis and GBC's.Simply to find out that my socalled Guru Harikesa was a thief that stole million of ISKCON money and married his own disciple. No ISKCON Gurus are nto free from material desires.Narayana Maharaja used to say they can not give they want is money. I used to not care about money also, but as I am getting older, I have too and am forced too ,to survive in my old age.Srila Prabhupada even struggled for finances.And when he finally let go and left family life and took sannyasa ,did his spiritual life reap the full fruits of his devotion.And the result is his world wide preaching.  I once came to New Vrindavana properly my last visit ever.Nityo ditta  then Swami came  up to me and heavely critizised me for not regularly visiting New Vrindavana. What the hell will I do in New Vrindavana? And he criticized me for having become a grhastha after struggling for years with material desires .You have no peace in mind to be celibate in ISKCON because, there is constantly falldowns, false accusations labeled at you from socalled lazy ISKCON leaders that is 10 times less sincere in KC. And when you have peacefully doing your service in ISKCON more or less free from all material desires, some agitated women will come and want to marry you. And some jealous grhamedhis ,that envy your renunciation and bookdistribution and preaching. Who are they kidding...ISKCON Gurus are not free from material desires,,it is all pretense...  In ISKCON they can not even discriminate that there is something wrong with being gay, both  some socalled Prabhupada disciples and disciples of many Gurus preach that we where all gay in at least another life and being gay is normal...Phuiii ,such gay and gay lovers.I renounce their assocaition as one does stool in the toilet. I realized it is better being a peaceful grhastha living outside an ISKCON temple than have to deal with the politics and deviations in ISKCON.ISKCON does nothing for my spiritual life.I take shelter of Srila Prabhupada, not of any of his disciples or ISKCON as an instituion.It would be false to do so.Yes I love  to visit ISKCON Vrindavana and Mayapure,though even there is full of politics many times.  Well it is the material world and it full of asat sanga.I pray at the lotusfeet of my Gurudeva he will save me from asat sanga and all material desires. I remember Ananta Prabhu who was TP in Boston and when he heard the many low class accusations and fighting instigated by some fallen women at the temple ,not even directed at him.He packed his backs and peacefully left the temple and ISKCON.The months before he had spend all hours of the day from 6 am to 8 pm distributing Srila Prabhupadas books in Philadelphia airport.He was just burned out with insincerity in ISKCON.Who can blame him. Who are they kidding...?? A show of KC will not do only sincere KC will.   Srila Prabhupada wrote in 1961 in his Vyasa puja offering:   Third Vaisistya  21. If everyone sat down together and carefully considered, Then what nice preaching there could be.  22. After all, that is Prabhupada's command -- for all to join together To do this preaching work, merged in your instructions.  23. If you simply imitate, there will be the opposite result, For as long as you try like that, there will be failure.  24. Now all of you are returning here on his order to worship him on his Vyasa-puja day -- All together you are engaged in His worship.  25. But a festival of flowers and fruits is not the real worship: One who serves the guru's message really worships him.  26. The service of the message is the real transcendental vibration. Don't be falsely proud, brother; come back to that.  27. Kalidasa Nag, that Master Masay, One day said in the public assembly,  28. That Kali-yuga's mission was killing the whole world And Lord Caitanya's message is locked in a cage.  29. Oh shame! Brother, aren't you at all embarrassed Behaving like businessmen to increase your followers?  30. Our master has said to preach; Let the neophytes go in the temples to do nothing but ring bells.  Fourth Vaisistya  31. All these are not our master's preaching methods; These are the things done by the caste goswamis.  32. But just take a look at the miserable condition that's arisen: Everyone has become a sense enjoyer and has abandoned preaching.  33. Now the temple doors also are starting to be locked. Go and preach this Bhagavata-dharma; don't delay any longer.  34. Within this Earth there is another Earth Whose sound is the unequalled penetrating force.  35. (There is a Bengali proverb) "The mullah runs just as far as the mosque" (and no further), But an end to this false preaching today!  36. Up to the borders of the seas, all over the earth., pierce the walls of the universe; All assembled together preach the transcendental vibration.  37. Then our master's worship will be in proper order. Today make your firm promise; give up your political play.  38. On this very day, coming together, make your comment; The five of you together, and decide what must be done.  39. You have become renouncers, my brothers, so renounce everything. But if you renounce the instruction of the spiritual master, what kind of renunciation is that?  40. One who renounces the bona-fide spiritual master, or one who tries to enjoy at the expense of his spiritual master, are both useless. First become the servant of your spiritual master, then you will be able to understand these conclusions.     Devotees wonder why one sannyasi  read a books on how to open a bankaccount in Switzerland, yes Srimad Bhagavatam has predicted that sannyasis in Kali yuga will mostly only care about money..yes it is there in Srimad Bhagavatam.Free from material desires who are they kidding... Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga..please save us Nitai Nita Nitai..without Your mercy we are lost  \

 your servant Paramananda das

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