Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

when to use anger in Krsnas service

when Krsnas pure devotees are attacked we should become angry, I recall on Harinama in Copenhagen 1989 , one drunk man from Norway started spitting devotees in the face he was obviously drunk, but I did not tolerate it, I went and punched him with a Taekwondo punch in the stomach ,and he was crawling on the ground, bystanders applauded my hitting him the stomach and because I knocked the wind out of him , it was violent but only to the degree it was needed ,that is actually proper martial art only use it for self-defense and according to how much is needed ..Srila Prabhupada got angry in Australia when some men wanted to grap some devotee girls ,he went to the stage and started to swing the kartals in defense of the devotee ladies..once in Sweden on Harinama one crazy man starting punching devotees with fist in the face, Subal das Prabhu ,a devotee from Sweden , went over and hit the man with the kartals hard enough so he went away , will you wait to the police will come you will be injured and other devotee will be injured quick thinking is needed.On Harinama in Copenhagen in 1988 one crazy man threatened to kill us devotees sitting down with a large stone slap he would hurl in our head,,I remained calm and started to chant Narasimha prayer

When devotees were attacked in Mayapure in the 1970th some devotees took guns and fired at the dacoits that stole Sri Sri Radha Madhava ,the blew of the leg of Raghava Swami and was shooting and throwing hand made grenades, now in Mayapure there is guards with guns and in few cases I saw machine guns also so we have to be practical.In the late 1960th devotees in Hamburg Germany were attacked by Hells Angles , this was told to me by Bharata Prabhu a disciple of Srila Prabhupada that joined that time .one devotee from USA who knew martial art and beat up several of these rascals so they many examples are there ...

Lord Chaitanya Attacks Jagai & Madhai

Author: Narottama Dasa Thakura

Book Name: Prema Bhakti Candrika

Language: Bengali



anya abhilāṣa chāḍi, jñāna karma parihari,

kāya mane koribo bhajana

sādhu sańga kṛṣṇa sevā, nā pūjibo anya devā

ei bhakti parama kāraṇa


mahājanera yei patha, tāte hobo anurata,

pūrvāpara koriyā vicāra

sādhana smaraṇa līlā, ihāte nā koro helā

kāya mane koriyā susāra


asat sańgati sadā, tyāga koro anya gītā,

karmī jñānī parihari dūre

kevala bhakata sańga, prema bhakti rasa rańga,

līlā kathā vraja rasa pure


yogī nyāsī karmī jñānī, anya deva pūjaka dhyānī,

iha loka dūre parihari

dharma karma duḥka śoka, yebā thāke anya yoga,

chāḍi bhajo girivaradhārī


tīrtha yātrā pariśrama, kevala manera bhrama,

sarva siddhi govinda caraṇa

sudṛḍha viśvāsa kori, mada mātsarya parihari,

sadā koro ananya bhajana


kṛṣṇa bhakta ańga heri, kṛṣṇa bhakta sańga kori

śraddhānvita śravaṇa kīrtana

arcana smaraṇa dhyāna, nava bhakti mahā-jñāna

ei bhakti parama kāraṇa


hṛṣīke govinda sevā, nā pūjibo devī devā,

ei to ananya bhakti kathā

āra yoto upālambha, viśeṣa sakali dambha,

dekhite lāgaye boḍo vyathā


dehe boise ripu-gaṇa, yoteko indriya-gaṇa,

keho kāro bādhya nāhi hoy

śunile nā śune kāna, jānile nā jāne prāṇa,

doṛāite nā pāre niścoy


kāma krodha lobha mohwa, mada mātsarya dambha saha,

sthāne sthāne niyukta koribo.

ānanda kori hṛdoy, ripu kori parājoy,

anāyāse govinda bhajibo


kṛṣṇa sevā kāmārpaṇa, krodha bhakta-dveṣī jane,

lobha sādhu-sańge hari-kathā.

moha iṣṭa lābha vine, mada kṛṣṇa guṇa gāne,

niyukta koribo yathā tathā


anyathā svatantra kāma, anarthādi yāra dhāma,

bhakti pathe sadā deya bhańga

kibā se korite pāre, kāma krodha sādhakere,

yadi hoy sādhu janāra sańga?


krodha vā nā kore kibā, krodha tyāga sadā dibā

lobha moha ei to kathana

chaya ripu sadā hīna, koribo manera bhina,

kṛṣṇacandra koriyā smaraṇa


āpani pālābe saba, śuniyā govinda raba,

siḿha rabe yeno karigaṇa

sakala vipatti yābe, mahānanda sukha pābe

yāra hoy ekānta bhajana.


nā koriho asat ceṣṭā, lābha pūjā pratiṣṭhā,

sadā cinta govinda caraṇa

sakala vipatti yābe, mahānanda sukha pābe,

prema bhakti parama kāraṇa


asat kriyā kuṭināṭī, chāḍo anya paripāṭī

anya deve nā koriho rati

āpana āpana sthāne, pīriti sabhāya ṭāne,

bhakti pathe paḍaye vigati


āpana āpana patha, tāte hobo anurata,

iṣṭadeva sthāne līlā gāna

naiṣṭhika bhajana ei, tomāre kohilo bhāi

hanumān tāhāte pramāṇa


śrī-nāthe janakī nāthe cābhedaḥ paramātmaniḥ

tathāpi mama sarvasvaḿ rāmaḥ kamala-locanaḥ


deva-loka, pitṛ-loka, pāya tārā mahā-sukha,

sādhu sādhu bole anukṣaṇa

yugala bhajana yārā, premānande bhāse tārā,

tāhāra nichani tribhuvana


pṛthak āvāsa yoga, duḥkamaya viṣaya bhoga,

vrajavāsa govinda sevana

kṛṣṇa kathā kṛṣṇa nāma, satya satya rasa dhāma

vraja janera sańga anukṣaṇa


sadā sevā abhilāṣa, mane kori viśoyāsa,

sarvathāi hoiyā nirbhaya

narottame dāse bole, paḍilu asat bhole,

paritrāṇa koro mahāśaya


1) Srila Rupa Gosvami Prabhupada has said (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11)

"Uttama bhakti, or unalloyed devotion unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, involves the rendering of devotional service in a way that is favourable to the Lord. This devotional service should be free from any extraneous motive and devoid of fruitive karma, impersonal jnana and all other selfish desires."*

2) Rejecting all other desires, and abandoning philosophical speculation and fruitive work, in the company of the devotees I will worship and serve Lord Krsna with my body and mind. I will not worship the demigods and demigoddesses. Devotional service is the reason for my life.

3) Devotedly follow the path of the great devotees in the past. Properly using your body and mind, don't neglect either the regulative devotional practices or the remembrance of the Lord's pastimes.

4) Always reject the company of the impious. Give up attraction to non-devotional songs. Leave the karmis and jnanis far away. Only associate with the devotees. Take pleasure in hearing the nectar descriptions of pure love for Krsna. Become flooded by the nectar of the narrations of the Lord's pastimes in Vraja.

5) Putting the yogis, svamis, karmis, jnanis, demigod-worshippers, and meditators far away, and rejecting the torments that are fruitive work, ordinary religion, and the other yogas, worship Lord Giridhari.

6) The struggle to travel to various holy pilgrimage places is simply the mind's mistake, because to make spiritual advancement all one actually needs is the lotus feet of Lord Govinda. Abandoning pride and envy, and with firm faith in your heart, always worship Lord Govinda without deviation.

7) See the devotees of Lord Krsna, associate with the devotees of Lord Krsna. Faithfully engage in the nine-fold process of devotional service, which includes hearing about the Lord, chanting His glories, worshipping Him, offering obeisances to Him, and remembering Him. Following these activities enlightens the devotees with spiritual knowledge.

8) I shall use these senses to serve Lord Govinda, and I shall decline to worship the various demigods and demigoddesses. I shall only speak about pure devotional service. The numberless different philosophies and conceptions of life are all products of the conditioned soul's pride. Trying to understand them brings no real benefit but only a pain within the mind.

9) The insubordinate senses are like enemies that live within the body. Tell the ear to hear and it may rebel, refusing to hear. Tell the mind to understand a particular point, or become firm in a certain way, and it may very well disobey.

10) I shall fight with lust, anger, bewilderment, greed, madness, envy and pride. Defeating them, I will become blissful at heart, and I will easily become able to worship Lord Govinda.

11) Lust I will engage in offering the fruits of my work to Lord Krsna. Anger I will direct towards the enemies of the devotees. Greed I will engage by being greedy to hear the topics of Lord Hari in the association of the saintly devotees. Bewilderment will be manifested because I cannot immediately attain my worshipable Lord. Madness will be there when I madly glorify the transcendental attributes of Lord Krsna. In this way I will engage each of these in the service of Lord Krsna.

12) If lust is not controlled, then it becomes the breeding ground for a host of vices and checks one's advancement on the path of devotional service. However, if one stays in the association of the saintly devotees, then that association will carry him beyond the influence of lust, anger, and their friends.

13) I shall not become angry. I shall renounce anger. I shall become free from my six enemies, such as greed and bewilderment. I shall control my mind, and always remember Lord Krsnacandra.

14) When lust and his friends hear the word "Govinda" they immediately begin to flee, as a herd of elephants flees when it hears a lion's roar. If one engages in single-pointed devotional service to Lord Krsna, then the worshipper attains transcendental bliss, and all kinds of calamities flee from him.

15) Don't sin. Take no interest in profit, adoration, and distinction. Instead meditate on the lotus feet of Lord Govinda. In this way all sufferings will go far away and transcendental bliss and pure love for Lord Krsna will spontaneously come.

16) Give up the association of the impious non-devotees. Give up the tendency to find fault in others. Don't follow any spiritual path other than devotional service. Don't worship the demigods. If one takes to the worship of the demigods, he becomes deviated from the path of devotional service.

17) O brother, please become attached to your worshipable Lord alone. Serve Him without deviation and sing the glories of His pastimes. I will now quote the words of Hanuman, who demonstrates this exclusive devotion to one's worshipable Deity. Hanuman said: Although He is not different from Lord Narayana, lotus-eyed Lord Rama alone is the be-all and end-all of my life.

18) If one attains the planets of the demigods or Pitas and enjoys celestial happiness there, then I congratulate him, saying: well done, well done. However, I myself would never strive to attain such a thing. For myself I am content simply to worship the Divine Couple and swim and float in the bliss of pure love for Them. This pure love is the most valuable object in the three worlds.

19) Although I have taken great trouble to try to enjoy the miserable sense-gratification available in this world, I shall now give it up. I shall now reside in Vraja, serve Lord Govinda, hear and chant the topics of Lord Krsna, chant the holy names of Lord Krsna, and at every moment relish the transcendental mellows of devotional service in the association of the residents of Vraja.

20) I shall always aspire to serve the Lord, and great faith in the Lord will become manifested in my mind. In this way I shall remain always fearless in all situations. Narottama dasa says: Somehow or other I have accepted the role of a non-devotee. O my master, O great soul, please deliver me.

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