What is the meaning even lower than a worm in stool ?
Srila Krsna das Kaviraja was so humble he said I am more lowly than a worm in stool
Cc. Ādi 5.205
jagāi mādhāi haite muñi se pāpiṣṭha
purīṣera kīṭa haite muñi se laghiṣṭha
jagāi mādhāi—the two brothers Jagāi and Mādhāi; haite—than; muñi—I; se—that; pāpiṣṭha—more sinful; purīṣera—in stool; kīṭa—the worms; haite—than; muñi—I am; se—that; laghiṣṭha—lower.
I am more sinful than Jagāi and Mādhāi and even lower than the worms in the stool.
The only person I have read a satisfactory explanation is from Ananda das Babaji from Radha Kunda in his commentary to Trinad Api Sunicena
So he explain a Babaji from Radha Kunda send his disciple to find out who is the most lowly person. He was thinking Duroydhana when getting this task from Dronacarya said there is not one better than me..Yuddhistira considered himself the most lowly of Gods creation seeing all beings serve Krsna.
He thought I can not imitate Yuddhistira Maharaja I need to try to find out for myself ..every time he thought some being had lower qualities than himself then he saw the good in that being ,human ,birds ,reptiles and insect.One day he saw a worm in stool and though ok I am not as lowly as that worm in stool , but then to his amazement he saw the worm when eating stool again transformed the stool into earth , and he became amazed, so he told his Guru I am less than a worm in stool ,because even the worm in stool can produce earth from that stool.More sinful than Jagai and Madhai is easy , they did so many sins ,but I see no records of them eating cows meat and other sins that take place especially in the west ,so yes lower than a worm in stool and more sinful than Jagai and Madhai ...a aspiring devotee or fully engaged devotee may struggle with their minds we all do ..but Jagai and Madhai after they surrendered to Lord Caitanya chanted 120 rounds daily of the Mahamantra and always served all Vaisnavas ,,,so yes more sinful than Jagai and Madhai ,,,because am I always serving the Vaisnavas ? Sometimes we serve them sometimes we fight with them etc...you follow my thought ?
Sri Krsna has stated in His Aila Gita :
ŚB 11.26.21
त्वङ्मांसरुधिरस्नायुमेदोमज्जास्थिसंहतौ ।
विण्मूत्रपूये रमतां कृमीणां कियदन्तरम् ॥ २१ ॥
viṇ-mūtra-pūye ramatāṁ
kṛmīṇāṁ kiyad antaram
tvak — out of skin; māṁsa — flesh; rudhira — blood; snāyu — muscle; medaḥ — fat; majjā — marrow; asthi — and bone; saṁhatau — composed; viṭ — of stool; mūtra — urine; pūye — and pus; ramatām — enjoying; kṛmīṇām — compared to the worms; kiyat — how much; antaram — difference.
What difference is there between ordinary worms and persons who try to enjoy this material body composed of skin, flesh, blood, muscle, fat, marrow, bone, stool, urine and pus?
Are we still trying to enjoy this material body ?

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