Cleanliness is one of the four pillars of spiritual life (the other three are mercy, austerity and truthfulness)
The best way of purifying oneself is the pure chanting of Hare Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada commented on this topic as follows:
1) (Lecture 1976). "If we don't lead a brahminical life, we are not allowed to call ourselves brahmanas. You may be the son of a respected high court judge, but if you don't have the required qualification, you cannot call yourself a judge...there has to be an institution for training and educating brahmanas. Everyone should be classified according to his education and his qualities."
2) "Sri vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-sringara-tan mandira marjanadau. Marjanadau means cleansing. The spiritual master along with his disciples is always engaged in cleansing the temple of Sri Sri Radha Krishna. If the cleanliness is neglected, it is a sure sign of laziness. If one is lazy, one doesn't keep his environment clean. "First let me sleep." This is the mode of ignorance, tama-guna. We have to overcome raja-guna and tama-guna. Satvam visuddham vasudeva sabditam.
The heart has to be pure if we want to receive Krishna and allow Him to reside there pleasantly."
3) (Letter 1971). "In India it is custom that the kitchen is not even in the same building where the living rooms are because living rooms are contaminated. After cooking all the pots are thrown away. This is not possible in your country. Therefore you have to keep the utmost cleanliness. Krsna does not require opulent offerings. He appreciates the sincere endeavor. A clean kitchen is more important than an opulent offering. If the kitchen is neat and clean, then the offering will be good. If the offering is a so called "opulent offering" but the kitchen is not clean, Krsna will not like it."
4) (1971 to Rishi Kumar): "Krsna consciousness means to have a clean bead bag."
5) In the early days of the movement, Srila Prabhupada instructed the devotees to clean their plates and the cooking pots right after honoringprasadam. When one of the leaders saw that the devotees were not following his order, he asked Srila Prabhupada which method he should use to get the devotees to the point of following. "The order of the spiritual master should be sufficient,"replied Srila Prabhupada.
6) In Dallas and Edinburgh the devotees complained that there were rats in the temple. So they asked Srila Prabhupada, whether they were allowed to kill them. Srila Prabhupada's answer was: "No, you should be killed because you took the vow of cleanliness but did not keep it!"
7) Srila Prabhupada once wrote to one devotee in London: "Each room should be clean as a mirror, otherwise you invite the rats..."
8) Once, when Srila Prabhupada was on a morning walk in Hawaii, he passed by the prasadam room. Seeing him, the devotees were in so much ecstasy, that they dropped everything and ran after Prabhupada. His Divine Grace led everyone on the compound and then returned to the temple room. Soon later, Guru Kripa complained to Prabhupada about the left over prasadam and the unclean prasadam room and also mentioned how he had difficulties to bring the devotees to the point of cleaning. Srila Prabhupada: "If a devotee doesn't clean, he can go home again and live with his mother."
9) "When you are clean, you are in the spiritual world, Vaikuntha. When you are dirty, you are in the material world."
10) SB 4.2.14-15: "Those who do not regularly bathe are supposed to be in association with ghosts and crazy creatures."
After breakfast Prabhupada called for Yasodanandana and Mahamsa Maharajas who are both growing their hair and beards on the plea of observingcaturmasya. Srila Prabhupada told them it was inappropriate that they look dirty and unclean on such an important occasion. His criticism had the desired effect for they both left and immediately shaved their heads and faces.
- From "A Transcendental Diary Vol 4" by HG Hari Sauri Prabhu
Prabhupada's Lectures Srimad-Bhagavatam 1972 720530SB.LA
Magnanimous. And the most magnanimous is Lord Caitanya. Namo maha-vadanyaya krsna-prema-pradayate. Magnanimous. Giving krsna-prema, which is very rare. Krsna says, manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye. It is very difficult to understand what is Krsna, and Lord Caitanyais distributing Krsna like anything. Therefore maha-vadanyaya, magnanimous. Mild. Mild and meek. Clean. Always cleanliness. Because you have surpassed the stage of brahminical life. Therefore, must be very clean. By taking bath, by washing cloth, keeping the kitchen very clean, everything clean. Temple... Tan-mandira-marjanadisu. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-srngara-tan-mandira-marjanadau. The temple should be bright always, clean.
My wife had some comments when we recently traveled and visited many temples and also devotee restaurants.
Her first observation was in one Govindas restuarant there was not any warm water or soap for guests and devotees to wash their hands,
and she complained the ladies rest room was very dirty.We where also in two temples where after taking prasadam devotees was gagging and spitting and in one temple a devotee blew his nose into the sink, thus there was left over prasadam and his snot still sitting in the sink.After that she refused to take prasadam at that temple and cooked herself.Her statement is Srila Prabhupada would never approve of devotees doing like this
if health inspectors sees this kind of thing they will shut down the temple this is very lowclas. I work with US Government health and Human service I know.She described her experience in Sudan how the muslims are so filthy and said devotees should not be like these dirty Muslims, they are supposed to be devotees, vaisnavas?One devotee had invited us to his house but was keeping dogs and everything was so filthy,I told him
I know you arranged for some preaching for me here, but there is no place to stay everything is so filthy,where can we stay and we simply left.
My wife also made a comment about using water to clean ones behind after passing stool ,she also called this a filthy muslim habit.
Actually the bacteria can go under the nails even after washing with warm water soap and shower, so she suggested devotees should always use toilet paper and then shower, I agree.For us western devotees we should not loose the good part of the culture we came from.
For Deity worship, personal health and cooking these things are important.
I do not like to take prasadam cooked by anyone that has cleaned their anus even with water and directly contacted e coli bacteria.One sannyasileft his body due to hepatitis ,this can mostly be avoided if things are done properly. Devotees going to India should get over them self and get the proper vaccinations ,or do not if you think it is better to die?
India is not all that in many ways... And often they do not sterilize things with clean soap and water ..
One devotee and his wife we visited though an initiated disciple of Srila Prabhupada was not daily showering or chanting 16 rounds,that was very hard to see.Srila Prabhupada has stated:
"My advice is always chant l6 rounds minimum and follow the fou rregulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point, otherwise they are not my disciples. Let one live anywhere,but stick to the principles. Disagreements will continue in this material world. So one may live in a suitable place, but one must follow these five principles. My disciples must follow these five principles living either in heaven or hell." (Raja-Laksmi-dasi, 2/17/76)
We can not just chant
”Om apavitra-pavitro-va sarva-vastam gato api va yah smaret pundarikaksham sah bhayabhyantara suchih.Sri Visnu Sri Visnu Sri Visnu
And make that our daily bath.Especailly for the month of Kartika is is recommended to be very very clean and shower early in the morning,this is stated in Haribhakti Vilasa.
Your servant
Payonidhi das
(Paramananda das)
One indian doctor told me to be careful with Parikramas in Vrindavana because of all the contaminations one contacts while walking barefoot and she commented that Vrindavana is not as clean as it used to be, so though transcendental one can still get very sick there and die so one should be careful,I think this is solid advise
I like to add:.Especially drinking Yamuna water and water from Radha kunda etc is not a good idea anymore due to the presence of e colietc.Amebic desentary is very common.There is devotees that just do no go to India due to health concerns ...
India is certainly not next to cleanliness neither...
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