Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Vrindavana institute for racial discrimination

I used to attend classes in VIHE Vrindavana institute for Higher education .But there was a clear undertone of Rascail discrimination ,because it was run by Bhurijana and Dhanudhara if you are not born Jewish you are a son of a bitch.I stopped attending classes there in 1992 as I realized I was being discriminated against.Especially also because I refused to marry a female disciple of Dhanudhara, so the whole institute became corrupt.Only Jewish teachers was desired back then mainly , there were many good classed by Giriraja Swami , Tamal Krsna Maharaja there was a sloka class learning all Srila Prabhupada's favorite slokas in a month with Rohininandana Prabhu from the UK excellent class, Prahladanandas Krsna books class was excellent he is a lover of reading the Krsna book and knows many chapters even by heart .But I was suprised on such a high level in ISKCON you start discriminate devotees based on birth and not being Jewish was also something that was taught by the GOPI bhava club at the time in Vrindavana..only we Jews are qualified to hear from Narayana Maharaja about Gopi Bhava,,, I made a complain to the GBC via Bhakti Vikas Swami , and finally in around 1995 they shot down the Sahajiya club in ISKCON ..these imaginary Jewish sannyasis had no adhikara for Raganuga Bhakti ..Srila Narayana Maharaja had already told Aindra Prabhu and myself in 1990 that raganuga Bhakti only takes places with adding 64 rounds also to ones Sadhana.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada was never against Raga Marg ,but dare not mention anything if you are not a lakesvara.Even then he was select full who this subject was talked about .At Radha Kunda Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada once gave lecture on Sb 1,1 for a whole month ..which is very unusual for lectures at Radha kunda ..Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura would also lecture from Radha Kunda at his house there but nothing was of limit ...Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada did not want anyone to take Raganuga Bhakti cheap and wrote after you have chanted 64 rounds for 20 years you can discuss Rasa Tattva also with advanced devotees it is right there in Gaudiya Math Publications .

"Those who have chanted laksha harinama (100,000 Holy Names daily) for fifteen or twenty years should know such things (rasa-shastra, pastimes of Shri Shri Radha-Krishna). The beginners need not hear these topics or they will misunderstand."
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada in the Gaudiya 1934

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada about Chanting 64 Rounds, and Other Acaryas

22. "Bhagavan will not accept anything which is offered by a person who doesn’t chant Harinama one-hundred thousand times daily and such a person is considered a ‘patita’.

23. By sincerely endeavoring to chant Harinama without offenses and remaining fixed in chanting constantly, one’s offenses will fade and pure Harinama will arise on the tongue."

Srila Bhakti Pramod Puri Gosvami Maharaja about his guru, Om Vishnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada, in his Vyasa-puja offering:

“Unfailingly as a daily vow, he used to chant one hundred thousand names of the Lord (64 rounds) and his instruction to all his disciples was to do likewise. Keeping this vow intact, he would allot his times incredibly to cover all his preaching schedules and literary work, being a source of inspiration to all who came in contact with him."

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur in an article in The Gaudiya, 1934:

"Those who have chanted laksha harinama (100,000 Holy Names daily) for fifteen or twenty years should know such things (rasa-shastra, pastimes of Shri Shri Radha-Krishna). The beginners need not hear these topics or they will misunderstand."

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada states as quoted in the Art of Devotion and elsewhere:

“Everyone living in Gaudiya Math must make an effort to chant one lakh (100,000) of holy names (64 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-man tra) daily. Otherwise, different types of material attachments may creep in one’s heart that will hamper one’s devotional service. In fact, the Lord does not accept food offerings from one who does not chant one lakh of holy names. One should balance his time so that he can finish one lakh of holy names per day and also perform his other allotted duties.”

“The name should be chanted keeping a careful count. One should try to increase this to one lakh of holy names daily. Not being able to do so means one is simply ‘fallen’. One should rise up from this state by chanting seriously.”

“One of the best ways to counteract bad association is to increase the chanting of the holy names. Atheists cannot present any impediments to your devotional service if you chant one lakh of nama everyday. Please try to adjust your time so you can chant one lakh (64 rounds) of holy names daily. Otherwise, one is considered fallen. One should attempt to transcend this fallen state.”

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur about chanting 64 rounds:

Sadhu-vritti, Sajjana Toshani 11/12:

tinei sad-grihastha-jini pratyah laksha-nama grahana karena, tanhara grihei shuddha-vaish nava-gana prasada grahana karibena.

“Only those devotees are sad-grihasthas (true and ideal householders) who chant 1,00,000 names of Krishna (64 rounds) daily. The pure devotees should accept prasada (foodstuffs) only in the homes of these sad-grihasthas and nowhere else

From Hari-nama-cintamani it is said:

mane habe-aja laksha nama ye kariba;
krame krame tina laksha nama ye smariba.
mahagraha habe citte namera sankhyaya;
acire jabe jadya sadhura kripaya.

“When one’s mind desires to chant and remember one hundred thousand holy names (64 rounds) daily and furthur desires to slowly increase it to three hundred thousand and when one’s mind becomes very attached and eager to complete the fixed number of rounds daily and pushes one to complete the sankhya everyday, then it is understood that very soon the laziness or apathy in chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra will vanish by the mercy of the devotees and one’s chanting will bring one the desired fruit of pure love for Krishna.”

Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji

The main teaching of Srila Jagannatha20dasa Babaji Maharaja is as follows:

“If you want to achieve perfection in Krishna consciousness, you must take a vow to chant a minimum of two hundred thousand or otherwise one hundred thousand of holy names every day, and you must execute that without fail. Before you retire at night you must finish this specific number of rounds, then you can achieve perfection in Krishna consciousness.”

From Narottama-vilasa 10th Vilasa:

"Rupamala, the queen of a distant country became so happy on getting initiation from Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura that she took a vow to take 100,000 Harinama (64 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra) daily. Seeing her determination, everyone began to sing the glory of Shrila Narottama dasa Thakura Mahashaya."

Shri Rasika-mangala, Eastern part, 6th Wave:

“When Shri Rasikananda was a child, he did not waste time playing games like other children. Rather, he would meditate on the maha-mantra. His daily practice was to chant 100,000 Holy Names (64 rounds). He would refuse to accept his mother’s foodstuffs until he completed his above chanting.”

I am sure VIHE is doing great now many years later but I never went back and have no plans too .I do not need to study sastra under anyone who is not a Lakesvara that would be a waste of my time

I am that I am I Am that I Am - Wikipedia should be replaced with Aham Brahmasmi I am spirit soul I am not this body or race etc

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