Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

under attack of crazy Bhakta Brian aka Brghu das

ISKCON is full of nasty politics and for years I did not care to respond.I have already previously written about the nonsense at  ISKCON Berkely .Since Hansadutta was there this temple has been having one more crazy leader after the other just like himself.In 1994 the US BBT and Harivila das invited me to return to distribute books after at failed attempt to marry me of to some fallen female disciple of one fallen ISKCON sannyasi (he was later expelled due to his childmolestation ,Dhanudhara socalled Swami).

 First day at ISKCON Berkley one Mexican Bhakta went into the room of one female disciple of Srila Prabhupada ,I have all explained this previously on Sampradaya SUn .Properly the articles are still there though I know Jagannatha Swami das has been trying to have them removed.
 One person former initiated devotee hung himself in brought  daylight in front of a Kinder garden.I distributed between  100 and 200 of Srila Prabhuapdas  books daily .and tired to mind my own business. Jagannatha Swami das was fighting with Amogha lila das they where Co TP's and Amoghas wife wanted to beat up Amogha so Jagannatha Swami das ran into the bathroom to seek "shelter" from her beating.
ISKCON Beserkly is the nickname given by those who know this place.
 So I ended up in Seattle for 2 or 3 months still just distributing books in Seattle every day all by myself, having to travel a long distance daily to get forth and back.(to the temple in Isaquar or how ever you spell that) 2 persons joined I was preaching to and they also left again. The Deity standard was below ISKCON standards such as Radha  Krsnas plates being washed in the same sink as devotee plates.
 Navayogendra Swami gave a lecture on LAxmi puja day and pressuring and insulting indian congregation to give him more and more money.I have been told by ISKCON authorites in the UK that is why he was never welcome again there due to his agression for money. I mildy complaint to Navayogendra Swami that Srila Prabhupada would nto do what he just had done.I was demonished by Harivilasa and Navayogendra Swami and asked to leave the temple.I was pressured to pay for book I would not even be ablel to distribute this is the kind of demoniac nonsense that Harivilasa was up to.
 So many more things can be said .i stayed a few days with one Bhakta Brian in Berkely .And one day one professional massage terapist offered to loosen up my shoulder blades as I had intense pain due to carryin many books for years on my shoulders. I am not like Harikesa having sex with my massuer like he.She was a lesbian anyway Bhata Brian told me.I know it was not the nest but I agreed and it actually helped my intense pain . So Bhakta Brian aka Brghu das is fabricating lies about me.I distributed 35.000 small books that year and was number one in the world in the catagory of small books.
 Brghu das is a kind person but excentric and crazy .To me the mental scares of this night mare of ISKCON Califoria opened up all over by his offensive attacks on me.
He is a liar and a nonsense that has never distributed Srila Prabhuapdas books like me.Nor do I consider him an advanced devotee he is a nutcase

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