Confession is a big part of the catholics.My wife is a former catholic and she told me how she lived at a convent in Georgetown ,Washington DC when she first came to the US.The nuns wanted her to confess ,she said what is my sins, the priest is also a human being ,why should I confess to him? Ultimatly she left and started her regular job.Kundali Prabhu when he left ISKCON wrote what I thought was a confession of what his weakest moments where.I thought it was very honest.However properly the iccha dvesa will not get better with open confessions...though after one becomes a devotee the Guru is supposed to be like that.In the Catholic church often such confidential confessions have been misussed though I believe they are exceptions.But we should "spill our beans to Krsna and any vaisnava we have faith in" , if we do so we will find how quickly we can advance.That is according to the advancement of the person on confesses to.I remember once in Kartika one devotee came and told me he had fallen down while in Vrindavan (illicit sex) ,I was not pleased to hear it, and it disturbed my meditation and being there for Kartika.I was thinking how can this devotee be helped, or I am better than him and others.Therefor sometimes it is better not to know how can I see the good of others if they tell me their faults, yes present you good side and leave me alone with your sins? No a devotee can confess to a senior devotee to get help
dadāti pratigṛhṇāti
guhyam ākhyāti pṛcchati
bhuńkte bhojayate caiva
ṣaḍ-vidhaḿ prīti-lakṣaṇam
NoI 4: Offering gifts in charity, accepting charitable gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, inquiring confidentially, accepting prasāda and offering prasāda are the six symptoms of love shared by one devotee and another.
Revealing someones mind about their sinful activities is not what Srila Rupa Goswami was talking about.But honesty is better than lies,In Jaiva Dharma there is a mention of one devotee staying in the asrama of a babaji that had started assocaiting with his wife again (from his previous asrama) ,so he told this devotee.Look I am fallen.And told him why.We have to be fully honest with ourselves and others then we can advance nicely in KC.
Guhyam does not refere to sharing about ones fallen stage but how to advance in KC..confidential topics is about KC..not about how one has exploited a visitor to the temple and kept the money or fallen with someones wife etc, that is asat and sinful , by revealing ones mind about this one is polluting a sadhus mind.However if one is abel to take the full rectification of such offences, go ahead and pṛcchati — enquire .The soution of the acaryas and Lord Caitanya is chant Hare Krsna and stop sinning.At the time of initiation one takes a vow, we should strictly follow.Why should anyone fall down in Vrindavana? Srila Prabhupada said in the next life become a monkeya or pig, is Krsnas punishment .For those who strictly atone and take shelter of Sri Nama Prabhu 64 rounds or more,avoiding all offences it is another story as long as one does not commit the the 7 offence to the holy name.Better to take shelter of Sri Nama Prabhu and be saved from offences before they happen,see also Nectar of instruction vers 1.And stay pure forever.We should try to keep our minds as if we lived in Satya Yuga..this is the Golden age of Mahaprabhu.
It is better than Satya yuga lets celebrate it by always chanting Hare Krishna.My advise chant 64 rounds do not bother me with such stories, unless you also will take the chastisement and suggestion to rectifie...I want to hear Krsna Katha.Krsna knows the dirt in everyones heart and their good sides too.We should be concerned with our own advancement in KC.
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