Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

There is no female diksa Gurus at the burning Ghats

Find a Female Diksa at the Burning Ghats


Nov 10, 2012 — BARODA, INDIA (SUN) —

The following  excellent message was composed by Gita Nagari dasa, long time Vrindavan  resident, now at Mayapur. One note: Mandodari, the wife of Ravana, is also one  of the "pancha kanyas", devoted wives, as is Gandhari, etc., as per the verse  below:

Ahalya  Draupadi Sita Tara Mandodari tatha Pancha kanya smaret nityam mahapataka  nashanam

"The daily  remembrance of the five Pativratas, namely, Ahalya, Draupadi, Sita, Tara, and  Mandodari eradicates great sins".

Gita Nagari  dasa wrote:

Dear Basu Gosh  Prabhu,

Please accept my  humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami  Prabhupada.

I have been again  reading your e-mails about women becoming initiating spiritual masters , and I  feel compelled to make a second comment.

At the pinnacle  of Vedic civilization, there was one stark compelling way in which Vedic women  proved beyond doubt to everyone and all their transcendent "beyond the modes of  material nature", "beyond the bodily concept of life" superior consciousness (if  they had truly attained such consciousness). Their superior spiritual elevation  was displayed to all beyond doubt by one amazing act.

No-----they did  not become initiating Gurus ----so all would know of their advance spiritual  elevation. It is not in this way that they displayed their advancement. But they  displayed their superior consciousness -------they displayed their  advancement------ by voluntarily mounting the funeral pyre of their husbands and  following them into the next life. What an act of utterly compelling complete  transcendence!!!!!!!

Our sastra is  filled with women who choose to perform this act-----Madri, Arci,  Ghandhari-----to name a few. Yet at no time in ISKCON do we ever have to send  out guards to the burning ghats, to stop the "transcendent" women of ISKCON from  mounting the funeral pyres of their husbands. We don't have to stop them from  displaying their spiritual elevation by following these examples from the  sastra. Matter of fact , many of our ISKCON women cannot even get their heads  around this kind of transcendent act. By the time most of our men get to the  funeral pyre many of the wives are long gone, bolted for greener pastures. The  men are dying alone ------without the wife in sight-------never mind being  followed by their wives into the afterlife.

I am duly  initiated and not seeking a spiritual master. But I suppose I would take a  female guru. The female guru I would accept is the one that had to be dragged  off of the funeral pyre of her deceased husband kicking and screaming against  her will. That is the spiritually advanced woman. Not the women who has ejected  or moved on from her husband for the greener pastures of life (and death)  without the complications of serving her husband to the very last breath.

Hare Krishna Your servant Gita Nagari Dasa

dear Basu Ghosh Prabhu

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

It is a joke , still that lady will  not be fit to be a diksa Guru but at least she is highly faithful according to Vedic culture, but this Sati is not recommended for Kali yuga, nor does any husband deserve Sati

ISKCON women are often trained to be prostitues and remarry many times and so does many ISKCON devotee men

(male whores?)

.The GBC has passed a law that no divorcee can hold  position in ISKCON still it is going on..

There is no question of Sati in ISKCON, just our sannyasis have to stop going to Thailand to pick up hookers like ex Swami -Prabhavisnu.

The solution is to ban illicit sex in ISKCON ,divorce, women chasing men, and many other bogus things that goes on.

Even in US Goverment CIA

David Petraeus ,"Mr Be -tray -us "had extramarital affair and had to resign.

Why not in ISKCON.Ramabhadra das in New York is one such TP that I told in 1990 to please not chase women in the temple.He did in any way and got remarried and ran a bingo hall ...should any women do Sati for such a bogus person?

Sati is banned for all ISKCON TP's and GBC's no one should   allow their wife to do Sati   ....

Since Ganga Mata Goswami there is no diksa Gurus in Gaudiya line, let any woman float on Ganga in Puri then we can consider that example is much better...

your servant

Paramananda das


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