Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

The Yamuna Kavacha

Found in the Garga-Samhita

Yamuna devi

This Yamuna Kavacha (Armor) is to protect one against the onslaugbt of maya and to keep one in a pure state so one can serve Lord Krishna. The names in this Yamuna Kavacha, all are names of Yamuna Devi

Yamuna me sirah patu Krishna netra dvayam sada

Syama bhru bhangadesam ca nasikam naka vasini

May Yamuna kindly protect my head and may Krishna be the only protector of my eyes On, Syama please protect my eyebrows and may you, oh Vasini, kindly protect my onse. Kupolau patu me

saksat Paramananda rupini Krishna - vamansa - sambhuta

patu karna dvayam mama

May Paramananda rupini kindly protect my cheeks, Krishna - Vamansa please protect my two; ears.

Adharau patu kalindi cibukam Suryakanya ka

yamasyasa kandharan cat hrdayam me mahanandi

May Kalindi kindly protect my lips and may Surya - Kanya protect my chin, Ob Yamasvasa please protect my shoulders and may you oh Mahanadi kindly protect my heart.

Krishnapriya patu pristm tatini me bhuja dvayam

Sroni tatam ca susroni katim me charudarsana

May Krishnapriya kindly protect my back and may Tatini protect my two arms. Oh Susroni please proteet my hips and may you oh Charudarsana kindly protect my waist

Uru dvayam tu rambhoru rjanuni twa amghribhedini
gulfau rasesyari patu padau papa-pa harini

May Rambhoru kindly protect my thighs and may Amghribhedini be the only protector of my knees. Oh Resesvari please protect my ankles and may you oh Papapahariai protect my feet.

Antarbahi radhasco rdhyam disa su vidisa suca

samantat patu jagatah pari purnatama priya

Oh most beloved of the Lord of the universe(Krishna)pleasc protect me from below and above and from all sides both day and night.

One who chants this Yamuna Kavacha daily will attain Goloka Vrindavana.

Views: 1197

Comment by Paramananda das on November 26, 2020 at 9:37am

This is a beautiful section of Garga Samhita where Saubhari Muni explains the glories ot Yamuna to Sri Mandhata a king in the Isvaku Dynasty

Sri Mandhata said: “O Saubhari, O tiger among sages, please kindly tell me the transcendental Yamuna-Stava, which brings all perfection.”

Sri Saubhari said: “O noble-hearted one, please hear the Yamuna-Stava, which grants all perfection and brings the four goals of life.”

Obeisances to Sri Yamuna, who was born from Sri Krishna’s left shoulder! Obeisances to Sri Yamuna, who has a spiritual form like that of Lord Krishna! O Sri Yamuna, obeisances to you! Obeisances to you!

To a person that is lusty, foolish, polluted with many sins, and fond of quarreling with the devotees, Sri Yamuna, who is filled with many buzzing bees, gives residence in the transcendental abode of Goloka.

O Yamuna, you have a spiritual form like that of Sri Krishna. In your whirlpools, Lord Matsya appears. In your waves, Lord Kurma appears. In each drop of your water, Lord Krishna is splendidly manifest.

I offer my respectful obeisances unto you, who are playful, who are dark as a monsoon cloud, who were born from Lord Krishna’s left shoulder, who move swiftly, who are also named Viraja, who carry all waters, who break the coverings of the universe, who break great mountains and fortresses, who flow through the earth, who have beautiful shores, and who are a garland decorating the earth.

O Yamuna, when it is heard on this earth, your holy name destroys a great mountain of sin. When your name is spoken it again destroys a great host of sins. May your holy name stay in the circle of my words. In the city of your brother, Yamaraja, who is the son of the sun-god, you are known by the name Pracanda.

Sri Yamuna is a rope to pull one out of the blind well of sense gratification. Sri Yamuna is a snake to eat the rat of sin. Sri Yamuna is a beautiful crown of flowers on the usnik poems that are the hair on the head of the Lord’s universal form.
Sri Yamuna gives wealth and good fortune to the people of this world. Even in Goloka, Sri Yamuna is dear, rare, glorious, and without any rival.

O Yamuna, O place where the gopis, gopas, and cows enjoy pastimes, O glory of Lord Krishna, by your shores is a great tumult of swiftly moving waves, by your shores is a great forest filled with the buzzing of bees and the calls of the peacocks, by your shores is a host of cooing cuckoos. May Sri Yamuna, who is decorated with the flowering vines of Vraja, protect me.

Even if they have as many tongues as there are hairs on their bodies or grains of sand on the beach, or even if they are as powerful as Lord Sesa, the most exalted devotees still cannot properly describe all your virtues.

A person who at sunrise hears or recites these prayers glorifying Sri Yamuna attains transcendental auspiciousness. A person who regularly hears and remembers these prayers attains the supreme transcendental abode, where the Supreme Personality of Godhead enjoys pastimes in the forests by the Yamuna’s shore.


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