Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

The real glories to the Syamantaka jewel is it eternally belongs to Srimati Radharani


I sometimes meditate on the pastime of Krsna and the Syamantaka jewel because others defame me .That is good because this pastime

protects against defamation. The mistakes a devotee does is seen in the light of Api ced sudaracaro ...But the material energy gives a devotee a kick to get out of Samsara . Even Lord Caitanya was falsely accused by his socalled Goduncle Ramachandra Puri .So if some of my socalled Goduncles are nasty and mistreat me and make up lies about me ,let them do what they want everyone pays a prize for aparadhas .

   Taking the instruction of my Gurudeva on my head to daily chant 64 rounds , these things are  like water that falls of  a Swan when it rains.

Anyhow I am not here to speak about me but about Radha and Krsnas sweet pastimes. In Lalita Madhava , in a conversation with Vrindadevi and Purnamasi ,we see how Kamsa wanted to kidnap Radharani having heard about Her glories ,He send Sankacuda the Yaksa demon to kidnap Radharani ,However He was killed by Krsna and the jewel he had stolen from Kuvera was then given to Radharani personally by Lord Baladeva. This is also explained in Srimad Bhagavatam 10 canto. Thus jewel was then worn by Radharani . Radharani appeared then in Krsnas pastime as Satyabhama in Dvaraka as She is an expansion of Radharani in Dvaraka  Radharanis jewel also known  the Sankacuda mani .The way Srila Rupa Goswami has explained in Lalita Madhava is that Radharani along with this jewel went to the Sungod after having entered Yamuna and the was given as a daughter to Satrajit along with the Syamantaka jewel. Some ideas is there that the Symanataka jewel is a ruby since the Sun God is worshipped with rubies, and some say a black sapphire that resembles the transcendental colors of Krsnas  transcedental body.Anyhow this Syamantaka  jewel eternally belongs to Srimati Radharani and decorate Her chest along with a pendent with Krsnas picture .Krsna has a pendent with Radhas picture around His neck and the Kaustubha gem.Thus the divine couple are all attractive also with Their beautiful nosepearls as described by Madhavendra Puri in his Yugal Kisora astakam .The rest of the lila should be known by all from Krsna book and Srimad Bhagavatam.

I am writting this for the pleasure   of the Dvine couple, Lord Caitanya and the vaisnavas , may they all bestow their blessings on me so I can float for ever in the waves of love of Radha- Krsna and Lord Gauranga.

your servant Paramananda das

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