Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Dandavat pranams
Please accept the blessings of my Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada ,Lord Caitanya and all His associates.
My Gurudeva has given such high class katha on Srila Rupa Goswami:
We should all become very eager to follow in the footsteps of Srila Rupa Goswami , we do this by following our Gurudeva and
chant one lahk daily. Srila Gurudeva told so many times all sincere Rupanuga vaisnavas should chant one lahk,why?
In  Prema-vilasa Chapter 17: Shrila Narottama  das Thakura  has explained
prabhura achaye sankhya tina laksha nama;   eka laksha bhaktagane kaila kripa dana.
"Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu standard was to chant 3,00,000 names everyday. But He very mercifully awarded His devotees the process of chanting a minimum of 1,00,000 names of Krishna daily.
shri rupa kail...a laksha granthera varnana;   tathapiha karila laksha nama grahana.
"Shrila Rupa Goswami has explained and quoted from over 100,000 different scriptures. Even though he was such a great scholar and devotee he himself chanted 100,000 Holy Names daily.
dasa gosvamira ache laksha pramana;   ei mata sarva bhakta kare harinama.
"Shrila Raghunatha dasa Goswami also rigidly followed the instructions of Lord Gauranga by chanting 100,000 names daily. In this way all the devotees chanted the Holy Names of the Lord daily without exception.
gauranga shrimukhe rupe kahila vaishnave;   laksha nama sankhya kari avasya karibe.
"Lord Gauranga gave the following instructions to all the Vaishnavas Himself and also through Shrila Rupa Goswami: Please compulsorily chant 100,000 names of Krishna daily
So many neophyte devotees wants to argue that Prabhupada never chanted 64 rounds, they want to find so many excuses not to surrender to Krishna.Srila Prabhupada chanted 64 rounds and told this also to Tamal Krsna Maharaja that he did for many years.If he had not done he would have been disobeying his spiritual master.
All bonafide vaisnavas must chant one lahk  this is the order of Lord Caitanya, if one is not chanting this shows he is simply disobeying Lord Caitanya , instead he will be doing neophyte politics  and not preach pure KC .He will not do Harinama and bookdistributing also.Simply concocts some socalled Bhakti in the name of bhakti..And a if some chant only minimum 16 and do Harinama and bookdistribution they are on the right path back to Godhead, I respect such devotees they are often my friends,   I pray they will have time to chant one lahk and carefully read the books of Srila Prabhupada and the Goswamis .
Especially those who live in Vrindavana should be much ashamed of themself if they call themselves Rupanuga vaisnavas and do not chant one lahk and carefully study the Rupa Siksas the teachings of Srila Rupa Goswami in the Caitanya Caritamrta.
One jealous person has stated why I also sometimes distribute the books of my Gurudeva, why not , you
will benefit if you read, but he is simply  jealous of such an empowered vaisnava...
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das

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