The Lotus Feet and Hands
of Nitai Gaura
Each of the most Auspicious Marks on the Lotus Feet and Hands of Their Supreme Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga have unlimited transcendental meanings associated with them and these should be the object of our meditation when we chant the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantrarajas and the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Thus this webpage will be a very important tool for increasing the intensity and depth of our concentration during Mantra Meditation.
Sources - Shrimad Bhagavatam, Saratha-darshini, (Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti's Bhagavatam commentary), Govinda Lilamrita and Ananda-chandrika (Shrila Visvanatha's tika on Govinda Lilamrita), Shrila Visvanatha's Rupa Chintamani, Shrila Jiva Goswami's Shri-Kara-Pada-Yugala-Samsmrti, Skanda Purana, Matsya Purana, Garga Samhita and numerous other scriptures, quotes and compilations.
"A slight mentioning of the glories of the Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga removes the thirst for everything else. They are expert in destroying the calamities of everyone who meditate on Them and bestow all good fortune. One being highly astonished on seeing Their beauty which gladdens all the senses. Their touch removes all miseries of fatigue and awards infinite happiness. May These Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga fulfill all my desires!
"Simply by meditating on the Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, one attains all spiritual and material fortune, beauty, good qualities and wealth.They are the abode of all pastimes. May Their Lotus Feet be our existence!"
"Even a slight worship of the Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga turns a mere stone into a purposeful gem,a mere cow into a kamadhenu, a mere tree tree into a kalpavriksha - desire tree. They fulfill all the desires of a living being. Who will not take shelter of These Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga."
"The Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga always engladdens the tongues of the honeybee-like devotees with Their fragrance that fills the whole world. Which devotee of taste could give up These Lotus Feet?"
"The Lotus Feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are like red lotus sprouts that please all the five senses with Their great qualities and that are generous like the leaves of a desire tree. We cannot compare These Lotus Feet with anything in this whole creation."
Lord Gauranga's Lotus Feet
gaurangera duti pada, jara dhana sampada,
se jane bhakati-rasa-sara
Shrila Narottama Dasa Thakura sings: "Anyone who accepts the two lotus feet of the Supreme Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu as one's only treasure and wealth in life, becomes qualified to understand the essence of the pure mellows of devotional service to the Lord."
Right Lotus Foot:
16 Most Auspicious Marks
01. Lotus
02. Stick
03. Upcurving line
04. Barleycorn
05. Umbrella
06. Mountain
07. Elephant Goad
08. Thunderbolt
09. Chariot
10. Spear
11. Sacrificial Altar
12. Club
13. Kunda Earrings
14. Swastikas
15. Blackberry Fruits
16. Octagon
Left Lotus Foot:
16 Most Auspicious Marks
02. Sky
03. Jewelled Bangle
04. Pitchers
05. Unstrung Bow
06. Disc
07. Cow's Hoofprint
08. Triangle
09. Half Moon
10. Waterpots
11. Victory Flag
12. Flower
13. Flowery Twig
14. Flower Garland
15. Tortoise
16. Fish.
Thus the total Auspicious Marks on both the Lotus Feet of
Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu = 32
Lord Krishna's Lotus Feet
Right Lotus Foot:
11 Most Auspicious Marks
01. Lotus
02. Upcurving line
03. Barleycorn
04. Disc
05. Umbrella
06. Elephant Goad
07. Thunderbolt
08. Flag
09. Swastikas
10. Blackberry Fruits
11. Octagon
Left Lotus Foot:
8 Most Auspicious Marks
02. Sky
03. Unstrung Bow
04. Cow's Hoofprint
05. Triangle
06. Half Moon
07. Waterpots
08. Fish
Thus the total Auspicious Marks on both the Lotus Feet of
Lord Krishna = 19
Shri Radha's Lotus Feet
Right Lotus Foot:
8 Most Auspicious Marks
01. Sacrificial Altar
02. Mountain
03. Conch
04. Kunda Earrings
05. Club
06. Chariot
07. Spear
08. Fish
Left Lotus Foot:
11 Most Auspicious Marks
02. Disc
03. Upcurving line
04. Lotus
05. Umbrella
06. Elephant Goad
07. Flag
08. Jewelled Bangle
09. Flower
10. Flowery Twig
11. Half Moon
Thus the total Auspicious Marks on both the Lotus Feet of
Shrimati Radha = 19
There are 6 marks common on the Lotus Feet of
Lord Krishna and Shrimati Radha
Lord Gauranga's Lotus Hands
Left Lotus Hand:
21 Auspicious Marks
01. Conch on tip of thumb
02. Conch on tip of index finger
03. Conch on tip of middle finger
04. Conch on tip of Ring finger
05. Conch on tip of Little finger
06. Umbrella
07. Plow
08. Elephant
09.< u > Javelin
10. Horse
11. Pillar of Glory
12. Fan
13. Cow
14. Fan
15. Swastika
16. Half Moon
17. Garland
18. Fish
19. Life Line
20. Fate Line
21. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Right Lotus Hand:
23 Auspicious Marks
01. Lotus on tip of thumb
02. Lotus on tip of index finger
03. Lotus on tip of middle finger
04. Lotus on tip of Ring finger
05. Lotus on tip of Little finger
06. Elephant Goad
07. Iron Club
08. Sword
09. Flag
10. Whisk fan
11. Tree
12. Palace
13. Trumpet
14. Sharp Arrow
15. Unstrung Bow
16. Disc
17. Barley Corn
18. Thunderbolt
19. Pitcher
20. Two carts
21. Life Line
22. Fate Line
23. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Total Marks on the Right and Left Lotus Hands of
Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu = 44
Lord Krishna's Lotus Hands
Left Lotus Hand:
16 Auspicious Marks
01. Disc on tip of thumb
02. Disc on tip of index finger
03. Disc on tip of middle finger
04. Disc on tip of Ring finger
05. Disc on tip of Little finger
06. Umbrella
07. Plow
08. Pillar of Glory
09. Lotus
10. Swastika
11. Unstrung Bow
12. Half Moon
13. Fish
14. Life Line
15. Fate Line
16. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Right Lotus Hand:
17 Auspicious Marks
01. Conch on tip of thumb
02. Conch on tip of index finger
03. Conch on tip of middle finger
04. Conch on tip of Ring finger
05. Conch on tip of Little finger
06. Elephant Goad
07. Iron Club
08. Sword
09. Flag
10. Tree
11. Barley Corn
12. Disc
13. Sharp Arrow
14. Whisk fan
15. Life Line
16. Fate Line
17. Good Fortun/Enjoyment Line
Total Marks on the Right and Left Lotus Hands of
Lord Krishna = 33
Shri Radha's Lotus Hands
Left Lotus Hand:
18 Auspicious Marks
01. Disc on tip of thumb
02. Disc on tip of index finger
03. Disc on tip of middle finger
04. Disc on tip of Ring finger
05. Disc on tip of Little finger
06. Elephant
07. Elephant Goad
08. Whisk fan
09. Horse
10. Tree
11. Cow
12. Flag
13. Sharp Arrow
14. Javelin
15. Garland
16. Life Line
17. Fate Line
18. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Right Lotus Hand:
17 Auspicious Marks
01. Conch on tip of thumb
02. Conch on tip of index finger
03. Conch on tip of middle finger
04. Conch on tip of Ring finger
05. Conch on tip of Little finger
06. Elephant Goad
07. Palace
08. Sword
09. Trumpet
10. Unstrung Bow
11. Iron Club
12. Thunderbolt
13. Two carts
14. Pitcher
15. Life Line
16. Fate Line
17. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Total Marks on the Right and Left Lotus Hands of
Shrimati Radha = 35
There are 24 marks common on the Lotus Hands of
Lord Krishna and Shrimati Radha
Lord Nityananda's Lotus Feet & Hands
nitai-pada-kamala, koti-chandra-sushitala,
je chayay jagata juray
nitaiyer carana satya,tahara sevaka nitya
nitai-pada sada koro asa
"The lotus feet of Lord Nityananda Prabhu and more soothing, cool and mollifying than millions upon milions of moons. The whole spiritual and material creation simply rests on the shelter and under the shadow of His two lotus feet. The only eternal truth in this world is the two lotus feet of Lord Nityananda and the servants of These feet are the eternal and immortal associates of the Lord. Therefore please always aspire to achieve the two lotus feet of Lord Nityananda Prabhu through the chanting of His Holy Name."
Right Lotus Foot:
12 Most Auspicious Marks
01. Barleycorn
02. Lotus
03. Conch
04. Disc
05. Plough
06. Victory Flag
07. Four Arrows
08. Thunderbolt
09. Unstrung Bow
10. Half Moon
11. Sacrificial Altar
12. Blackberry Fruit
Left Lotus Foot:
12 Most Auspicious Marks
01. Sacrificial Altar
02. Sky
03. Lotus
04. Elephant Goad
05. Club
06. Umbrella
07. Flower
08. Cow's hoofprint
09. Spear
10. Flowery Creeper
11. Four pitchers
12. Fish
Thus the total Auspicious Marks on both the Lotus Feet of
Lord Nityananda Prabhu = 24
Left Lotus Hand:
14 Auspicious Marks
01. Conch on tip of thumb
02. Conch on tip of index finger
03. Conch on tip of middle finger
04. Conch on tip of Ring finger
05. Conch on tip of Little finger
06. Plow
07. Umbrella
08. Long Flag
09. Unstrung Bow
10. Arrow
11. Fish
12. Life Line
13. Fate Line
14. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Right Lotus Hand:
14 Auspicious Marks
01. Conch on tip of thumb
02. Conch on tip of index finger
03. Conch on tip of middle finger
04. Conch on tip of Ring finger
05. Conch on tip of Little finger
06. Broom
07. Whisk
08. Fan
09. Sacrificial Altar
10. Club
11. Lotus
12. Life Line
13. Fate Line
14. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Total Marks on the Right and Left Lotus Hands of
Lord Nityananda Prabhu = 28
Lord Advaita's Lotus Feet
Right Lotus Foot:
4 Most Auspicious Marks
1. Barleycorn
2. Disc
3. Upcurving Line
4. Rope
Left Lotus Foot:
4 Most Auspicious Marks
1. Conch
2. Triangle
3. Cow-hoofprint
4. Fish
Thus the total Auspicious Marks on both the Lotus Feet of
Advaita Acharya = 8
Lord Advaita Lotus Hands
Left Lotus Hand:
10 Auspicious Marks
01. Discs on tip of thumb
02. Discs on tip of index finger
03. Discs on tip of middle finger
04. Discs on tip of Ring finger
05. Discs on tip of Little finger
06. Drum
07. Lotus
08. Life Line
09. Fate Line
10. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Right Lotus Hand:
10 Auspicious Marks
01. Conch on tip of thumb
02. Conch on tip of index finger
03. Conch on tip of middle finger
04. Conch on tip of Ring finger
05. Conch on tip of Little finger
06. Triangle
07. Flag
08. Life Line
09. Fate Line
10. Good Fortune/Enjoyment Line
Total Marks on the Right and Left Lotus Hands of
Lord Advaita Acharya = 20
The Transcendental Meanings Of The Most Auspicious Marks
Barleycorn- This mark signifies that the devotees of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga receive all enjoyable opulences of prosperity by serving Their feet. It also means that once one finds shelter at Their feet and Holy Name, then the devotee's former journey through many many births and deaths is actually very tiny, just like a single grain of barley. It further demonstrates that just as the barley grains are the sustenance of life for living beings, similarly it is widely celebrated that Their glorious feet are the nourishment for all souls.
Blackberry Fruits (jambu-phala)- This mark is indicative that The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are the only worshipable objects for all those who are residents of this region of Jambudvipa (island of the Blackberry Fruits, according to Vedic cosmogrophy).
Chariot (ratha)- This mark symbolizes the universe as a chariot and The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga show in which direction for all souls to travel. It further indicates that Lord Gauranga is so merciful to His devotees that He even becomes the chariot driver for them. It also shows that the supreme goal may be easily attained, just as there is no trouble when one rides on a chariot to visit the forest. Whoever sits upon the chariot of Their feet emerges victorious in the battle with maya or the illusory energy.
Club (gada)- This mark is to show that The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are capable of chastising the elephant of sinful lust. It further indicates that for whoever takes shelter of Their feet all their ancestors will also receive benefit.
Conch (shankha) - This auspicious mark indicates that those who take shelter of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga's lotus feet are always rescued from all sorts of distress. Just as during the arati ceremony the conchshell is used to hold water that is offered directly after the fire of the ghee-lamp, similarly Their feet hold transcendental water that soothes Their devotees from the blazing fire of material miseries. Also, this symbol proclaims ultimate victory for the devotees of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, since the conchshell mark on Their feet contains the entire ocean of material existence that may now be easily crossed. This mark also shows that those who resort to Their feet become com-pletely fearless. And furthur, the mark is also symbolic of the jala-tattva or principle of water since from Gauranga's feet has manifested the river Ganga, purifier of all the worlds. On Gauranga's foot, this mark also indicates the water-principle that soothes Krishna so that He feels no burning pain whenever He is separated from Radha's company or while feeling the mood of separation.
Cow's Hoof print (gospada)- This mark signifies that for those who have taken full shelter of uninterrupted meditation on the lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, the great ocean of material worldly existence becomes very small and insignificant like the water held in a calf's hoof-print, and thus is easily crossed over.
Disc (chakra)- This mark cuts down the six enemies of The devotees of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga - lust. anger, greed, illusion, envy, and bewilderment. It indicates tejas or the principle of brilliance by which They destroy the darkness of sin from within Their own devotees' hearts. Furthermore, this mark on Gautranga's feet shows that He is the ruler of His own kingdoms formed by the circle of Navadvipa-mandala and Vraja-mandala. Sky (ambara) - This mark of two circles, one within the other indicates that the The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are all-pervading throughout the entire creation, both within and without all manifestations. It also shows that even though Their feet are everywhere, they are unattached just like the sky.
Elephant Goad (ankusha)- This mark indicates that meditation on The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga brings the elephants of Their devotees' minds under control and keeps them on the right path. It also shows that those who thus stay on the path toward Their feet and Holy Names become superior among men, just as one riding on top of an elephant travels far above the rest. This mark when on Gauranga's foot, indicates that even though Krishna's elephant-like mind attempts to have like many different kinds of heroines, the lotus feet of Radha are still powerful enough to easily conquer Him and bring Him under control and force Him to assume the golden complexion of Radha to become Gauranga.
Fate Line
Fish (matsya)- This mark shows that just as a fish cannot live without water, similarly the surrendered devotees cannot live a moment with-out directly associating with The lotus feet and the Holy Names of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga. This mark on Gauranga's foot shows that Lord Gauranga is like a fish out of water, cannot live for a moment without relishing His own love and chanting His own Names. It also shows that all the most cherished desires and longings of those who resort to the lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga will be truly fulfilled. It also means that the mind is very fickle, just like a fish who wavers this way and that, and so only after much medita-tion on Their lotus feet while chanting Their Holy Names it will finally become steady and fixed of the Lord. It also indicates that Their feet will come to live in one's heart only if the heart has been liquified by soft loving emotions; Their feet do not thrive where it is dry. Further, it shows that Lord Gauranga's foot bears this mark of the fish, which is the emblem flying on the banner of Cupid, so His lotus feet are the seed and bestower of pure conjugal love for Their Lordships Shri Shri Radha and Krishna. He also has this mark on His feet to indicate that He has conquered Cupid, thereby displaying Cupid's flag of surren-der on the soles of His feet. And it is a reminder that during the great universal devastation and flood Lord Gauranga assumed the form of Matsya, the fish-incarnation, and thereby saved His devotees.
Flag (dhvaja)- This mark announces that for the devotees meditating on the feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, the Lords give full security and safe protection from all sorts of fear. Furthermore, this mark on Gauranga's foot indicates that there will be supreme victory for all the associates of Lord Gauranga who are aware of the glories of His lotus feet.
Flower (pushpa)- This mark, unique to Gauranga's feet, shows that the divine fame of His feet spreads everywhere just like the fragrance of a flower. It also shows that His feet are not hard, but soft as flower petals. And it means that just as every fruit comes into being after the plant blooms, similarly all spiritual fruits come into being after first blossoming at the soles of Lord Gauranga's lotus feet.
Flower Garland
Good Fortune and Enjoyment Line
Half Shaped Moon (ardha-chandra)- This mark symbolizes how The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga truly accomplish the desired objectives of the devotees. It signifies that even gods like Lord Shiva have decorated their own heads with the soles of Their feet and their mouths by Their Holy Name. It also shows that devotees who likewise decorate their own heads with Their feet can become exalted like Shiva. Just as the moon showers nectar with its cooling rays, similarly Their feet shower nectar upon Their devotees, extinguishing the three-fold material miseries. So that the minds of the devo-tees may reside at Their feet. They bear the symbol of the moon (which is the devata or presiding deity of the mind) upon Their feet. Just as the moon is one, yet destroys the darkness seen by many people simultaneously, similarly the Lord Gauranga is one and yet by His cleverness can deliver many souls at the same time. The half-moon also indi-cates that since Their toenails appear like ten splendrously full moons, the real moon has shriv-eled up in shame and appears in half-form. It also means that the half-hearted attempts of those who are abhakta (improperly devoted), kurasika (relishing transcendental topics with the wrong attitude); and kutila (crooked or duplicious) cannot approach Their feet. Also, just as the half-moon is in the process of increasing, similarly the benefit for one who is day-by-day expanding the glorifica-tion of Their feet and Holy Names in a spotless manner certainly increases.
Iron Club
Jeweled Bangle (valaya)- This mark, unique to Gauranga's feet indicates that His feet are always present on the hands of His devotees who are massaging His feet after His sankirtana dancing pastimes, just as a bracelet always accompa-nies the hand.
Kunda Earrings (kundala)- Gauranga's lotus feet hold this emblem to indicate how Krishna's ear is always listening for the tinkling sound of the charming anklebells of Radha's lotus feet; thus Lord Krishna lives for the shelter of Her feet, which give Him all happiness. It also shows that Lord Gauranga's two lotus feet are the theorum that is proven by the system of sankhya.
Lotus (kamala)- This mark increases greed for nectar in the minds of the beelike devotees who meditate on The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga. Furthermore, this mark on Gauranga's foot refers to the services of His devotees who massage His feet with their lotus hands. The lotus also signifies that just as a lotus grows out of water, similarly those whose eyes swell with tears upon chanting the Nityananda and Gauranga Mantrarajas receive the highest benefit. This mark also shows that the goddess of fortune, Sri Lakshmi Devi, always resides at Their feet rendering humble service. It signifies that Their feet are so soft that they can only be compared to lotus petals; indeed, upon first glancing at Their lotus feet. you would think you are directly seeing fresh lotus blossoms. It also reveals that just as a lotus blooms by day and contracts by night, similarly those who remain steeped in meditation on the Lotus Feet and Holy Names of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga always feel the blossoming unfoldment of' brilliant spiritual ecsta-sies that dispel the darkness of ignorance. This mark also indicates that just as bees live inside lotus flowers, similarly the minds of the Gauranga Bhaktas always reside in the nectar of Their lotus feet. It also shows that this lotus (or consciousness of Their lotus feet) will not grow unless there is profusion of prema-jala or the water of pure divine love. It also means that the bee of the devotee's mind cannot fly beyond the bondage of gyana (speculative knowledge) and vairagya (renunciation) without the temptation offered by the superior nectar of Their lotus feet. It denotes that Their feet always reside in the Navadvipa forest, which is shaped like a lotus; thus the mark is indicative of Their Supreme Lordship over all of creation. Even Lord Vishnu knows that the Lotus Feet and Holy Names of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are the supreme abode of happiness, and in His eternal service to Their feet He holds the four weapons (beginning with the lotus, disc, club and conchshell). Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga bestow benedictions by use of the lotus and other items like Lord Vishnu does since They are the original Vishnus, and therefore Their lotus feet are also marked with these symbols.
Mountain (parvata)- This mark on the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga reveals that even though Giri Govardhana is worshiped by all of Vraja as the best of mountains, stilt Govardhana Hill in turn serves the feet of the Divine Couple in the form of Lord Gauranga in Navadvipa.
Octagon (ashta-kona)- This mark symbolizes that those who worship The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are well-protect-ed in the eight directions. It also shows that nothing within the kingdom of eight directions is unattainable for the devotees. Further, Their devotees automatically and easily achieve the use of the eight mystic perfections in the course of performing service to Their feet and Their Holy Names.
Pillar of Glory
Plough (hala)- Lord Nityananda Balarama being the Original spiritual master cultivates the field of our heart with his golden plow and makes it fertile for planting the seed of pure devotional service to Lord Gauranga and Their Lordships Shri Shri Radha and Krishna. He also removes the unwanted weeds of material desires in this process and thus grants us qualification for chanting Gauranga's Holy Name.
Sacrificial Altar (vedi)- This mark proclaims that the sins of those who meditate upon The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are burned up as if on the altar of sacrifice. Further-more, it indicates that just as the universe is nourished by the brahmanas offering fire-sacrific-es, similarly those who offer their minds in sacri-fice to Their lotus feet stimulate universal nourishment that affects all of creation. The universe is the form of Gauranga, and the offering is the form of Nityananda; this perfect union is indicated by the mark of a sacrificial altar.
Spear (shakti)- This mark assures those who wish to have the miserable bonds of the mundane sphere cut, and who take shelter of The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga immediately slash all entangle-ments and difficulties. It also indicates that They are shaktimana or the natural possessors of all divine potencies, whereas Their servants are not endowed with separate, independent power but are completely dependent on Them.
Swastikas (Auspicious symbol )- This mark signifies that for those who resort to The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga, all is well. It also shows that nothing inauspicious could possibly remain for one who holds Their feet to their heart.
Thunderbolt (vajra)- This mark reveals that meditation on The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga smashes to pieces the mountain of Their devotees' karmic reactions to past sins. It also indicates that whoever holds on to Their feet becomes as exalted as Lord Indra (whose weapon is the thunderbolt). This mark also shows that the glories of Krishna's dynasty were established by His own grandson named Vajranabha, who preserved the many places of His pastimes, built shrines, installed various Deities and initiated regular festival celebrations.
Triangle (tri-kona)- The meanings of this mark are: that the devotees who resort to The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga will be saved from the snares of the three-fold modes of maya; that Their feet are the first and last refuge for the inhabitants of the three worlds; that Their feet are the safest sanctuary for demigods, human beings and animals as well; that Their feet are the sole desired object of the muktas (liberat-ed), mumukshas (those desirous of liberation) as well as vishayi (sense-gratifiers); and that Their feet should be resorted to by everyone with full concentration of their body, mind and speech. It also shows that Krishna, the conqueror of Cupid, is the Lord and husband of all women, whether they are in the category of wedded wives, unwedded lovers, or prostitutes. It also shows that Gauranga is the original source of His three expanded manifestations of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Gauranga also bears this mark upon His foot to indicate that the three energies of Shri, Bhu and Nila are His maidser-vants. It refers to His stepping over the three worlds Svarga (heavenly planets), Bhu (earthly region) and Pata!a (lower planets), with one step (in His incarnation as Vamana Deva). Also that His feet remove the threefold miseries of adhyatmika (caused by one's own body or mind), adhidaivika (caused by demigods, such as natural disasters), and adhibhautika (caused by other living beings). It further signifies that Lord Gauranga's lotus feet may be attained by worshippers performing any of the three methods of sadhana-bhakti, gyana and vairagya. It denotes that Lord Gauranga never goes anywhere other than Navadvipa, Jagannatha Puri and Vrindavana. Also that whether one is sura (godly), nara (human) or asura (demon), Lord Gauranga sees everyone equally and bestows the same bhakti. Also that His lotus feet have attracted the fixed gaze of the three eyes of Lord Shiva.
Twig (valli) - This mark unique to Lord Gauranga's foot, symbolizes how the desire-creeper of the devotees grows and grows and gradually seeks refuge at His lotus feet. It also shows that His feet are always found in the forest of Navadvipa, where many vines and creepers thrive. It also proves that Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu is the supreme Lord of herbal medicine, and that His lotus feet are the ideal cure for healing the disease of materialism. Further, it means to show that Radha is like the creeper wrapping around the tree that is Krishna and thus combining to manifest the form of Gauranga. And it also shows that Lord Gauranga's lotus feet traverse ground that abounds with groves and vine-laden bower-houses. It further indicates that intelligent persons hold on to Lord Gauranga's Lotus Feet and Holy Name just as a creeper firmly grasps whatever it is ascending.
Umbrella (chatra)- This mark proves that those who take shelter of The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga are shielded from the incessant rainfall of material miseries. Furthermore, this mark on Lord Gauranga's feet indicates that His feet provide relief to His devotees from the scorching heat felt in His separation. It also refers to Gauranga in His form of Krishna holding Govardhana Hill up like an umbrella to protect Vraja from the devastating rainfall caused by the anger of Indra. It also denotes that those who sit in the shade of Their feet becomes exalted just like maharajas (great kings), who usually have umbrellas held over their heads.
Unstrung Bow (dhanu)- This mark reveals that those who take shelter of the lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga will perpetually be freed from all worries and difficulties. It also shows that those who are stupefied in the material world remain motionless like a target and do not come to Their feet and Their Holy Name; whereas those who come to the ultimate goal of Their feet and Holy Name remain there and never go back to the material world. Further. when the mind of the devotee meets the target of Their feet, then pure love condenses as a result and overflows as the tears showering from their eyes.
Upcurving-line (urdhva-rekha)- This mark signifies that the devotees who cling to The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga and Their Holy Names, as if holding on to a life-line, will be transported to the higher realms. Indeed, they will not fall down. It shows that such devotees need never be doubtful of their upward passage; they cannot be held captive within the small egg-like material universe. It also indicates that the path to Their feet, being free of external designations, is very direct. It also reveals that Their feet can reach down to the lowest of fallen souls and deliver those who have taken shelter of Them.
Water pot (kalasa)- This mark shows that The lotus feet of Their Lordships Shri Shri Nityananda Gauranga hold the golden pitcher full of purely nectarean ambrosia to be freely consumed by the surren-dered souls; indeed, they will never be bereft of nectar, for this pitcher always remains full. This mark also indicates that Their feet can pour out nectar that extinguishes the buring fire of separa-tion felt by the gopis as well as the blazing three-fold miseries of Their separated devotees. It also refers to Their feet as the source of the Ganga river, which is supremely purifying. Further, the full pitcher is a symbol to show that no inauspiciousness can come near Their devotees, but rather that Their feet bring ripples of happiness emanating from divine auspiciousness. Also in order to hear the joking statements of the gopis, Lord Gauranga bears this emblem of their jug-like breasts upon His feet.
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