As a child sometimes my dad used to slap me.
And on sankirtana , bookdistribution, 2 times ,somone just came out of envy and punched me.I never retaliated.
But took it as Krsnas mercy, that what have I said wrong that would make someone that angry with my preaching.That was long ago in 1981 -82.
But once in Vrindavana , around holi I had visited Srila Prabhupadas quaters at Radha Damodara temple maybe around 1988. And the ladies was beating all the men with sticks as part of the holi celebration, I also got a good beating.That beating was nectar, I am not worshipping Krsna from not being beaten in hell as stated by King Kulasekhara in his Mukunda Mala:
MM 4: O Lord
Hari, it is not to be saved from the dualities of material existence or the grim tribulations of the Kumbhīpāka hell that I pray to Your lotus feet. Nor is my purpose to enjoy the soft-skinned beautiful women who reside in the gardens of heaven. I pray to Your lotus feet only so that I may remember You alone in the
core of my heart, birth after birth.
MM 5: O my Lord! I have no attachment for religiosity, or for accumulating wealth, or for enjoying sense gratification. Let these come as they inevitably must, in accordance with my past deeds. But I do pray for this most cherished boon: birth after birth, let me render unflinching devotional service unto Your two lotus feet.
MM 6: O Lord, killer of the demon
Naraka! Let me reside either in the realm of the demigods, in the world of human beings, or in hell, as You please. I pray only that at the point of death I may remember Your two lotus feet, whose beauty defies that of the lotus growing in the
Śarat season.
I pray to Radha Krsna if I deserve another beating may it be in your transendental abode as your eternal associate,as a priya narma sakha under the care of Srila Prabhupada ,Ujjvala and Subal Sakha, dear Radha Krsna please direct me eternally in your devotional service.
your eternal servant
Paramanananda das
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