Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

The blind followers of Prabhavisnu ....

I posted on face book and an neophyte disciple of PrabhaVisnu responded:
очень нравиться вам оскорблять других и копаться в грязном белье?
  • заглянули бы лучше в своё сердце, так ли уж оно чисто? Вайшнав - это тот, кто не ищет недостатки в других.
  • Paramananda Das he is still more respected than devotees that are more strict than him in KC and more advanced in KC this is vaisnava aparadha
  • Paramananda Das my question is do not worship him as your Guru after he went to prostitues in Thailand?
  • Paramananda Das is that very pure thing to do?
  • Paramananda Das He should marry and get a honest  job and become KC
  • Paramananda Das do you know for sure he is not going back to Thailand for more prostitues or somewhere else?
  • Paramananda Das Lokarama wrote: looked better in his heart, so is it pure? A Vaishnava is one who is not looking for flaws in others My response what are you doing here to find faults in me then?
  • Paramananda Das but you russian devotees are often sentimental, and Harikesa also still have some disciples in Russia that follow him blindly
  • Paramananda Das blind following the blind
  • Paramananda Das They see Prabhavisnu as a pure devotee, such foolish blind russian disciples
  • Paramananda Das Lokarama wrote: very please you offend others and dig in dirty linen?  My response :Why is he not washing his heart with chanting 64 rounds  of the Maha mantra and stop cheating others?
Comment : The fact is I warned Prabhavisnu and the whole GBC to chant 64 rounds stay strong in KC and not falldown, less than 6 months later he is having illicit sex again with prosititues in Thailand.
Anyhow one can judge from the company he keeps... and then the GBC states it is ok if he continues to be a Guru for his disciples....where does such stool come from?  Who has all this stool in their brains that a Guru can be bonafide and going to prostitutes?
Jayadvaita Swami comes and yells at me but glorifies Prabhavisnu this is demoniac, one demon supporting another demon
These dogs used to say Prabhavinu was 100 times more advanced than Narayana Maharaja ,where did Prabhavisnu go???
Many Russian devotees are dangerously blind fanatic and sentimental blind following another blind all are going to hell..
Lokarama das is  are a poor ignorant misguided fool

Views: 288

Comment by Paramananda das on August 8, 2012 at 9:36am

SB 5.26.20: A man or woman who indulges in sexual intercourse with an unworthy member of the opposite sex is punished after death by the assistants of Yamarāja in the hell known as Taptasūrmi. There such men and women are beaten with whips. The man is forced to embrace a red-hot iron form of a woman, and the woman is forced to embrace a similar form of a man. Such is the punishment for illicit sex

Comment by Paramananda das on August 8, 2012 at 9:36am

SB 5.26.26: If a foolish member of the twice-born classes [brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya and vaiśya] forces his wife to drink his semen out of a lusty desire to keep her under control, he is put after death into the hell known as Lālābhakṣa. There he is thrown into a flowing river of semen, which he is forced to drink.

Comment by Paramananda das on August 8, 2012 at 9:53am

SB 7.15.36: One who accepts the sannyasa order gives up the three principles of materialistic activities in which one indulges in the field of household life -- namely religion, economic development and sense gratification. One who first accepts sannyasa but then returns to such materialistic activities is to be called a vantasi, or one who eats his own vomit. He is indeed a shameless person.

SB 7.15.37: Sannyasis who first consider that the body is subject to death, when it will be transformed into stool, worms or ashes, but who again give importance to the body and glorify it as the self, are to be considered the greatest rascals.

SB 7.15.38-39: It is abominable for a person living in the grihastha-asrama to give up the regulative principles, for a brahmacari not to follow the brahmacari vows while living under the care of the guru, for a vanaprastha to live in the village and engage in so-called social activities, or for a sannyasi to be addicted to sense gratification. One who acts in this way is to be considered the lowest renegade. Such a pretender is bewildered by the external energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and one should either reject him from any position, or taking compassion upon him, teach him, if possible, to resume his original position.


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