Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

the danger of being a sannyasi in Kali Yuga.
With positions comes power ,with power becomes pride ,the same goes from being a senior devotee and temple administrator .If one thinks I am better than others then it is a symptom of the mode of passion even if we are more advanced in KC ,Krsna does not like pride Citraketa Maharaja was an exalted vaisnava that even saw Lord Sankarsana but due to pride mother Parvati cursed him to fall down and become Vritasura.My former Guru Harikesa made many offences towards me and other devotees and was often not fair he also sometimes made philosophical errors and all his pride build up and I warned the GBC he will fall down .He did 2 years later ,Krsna within my heart prepared me that he would fall down .Still I considered him my Guru till the day he gave up bhakti then he became fully asat ,but he has done much service to Srila Prabhupada so we know sooner or later in this life or another life he will come back .I remember Vipramukya Swami being very jealous of Srila Narayana Maharaja and made offences I warned him please do not make offences he did not listen and fell down .How careful we have to be of Vaisnava aparadha. You may think I am a big manager but a devotee may not have managerial positions like you but actually way more advanced in Krsna , your managerial position will not protect you from falling down.Indradyumna Maharaja was a pious devotee eager to see Lord Visnu ,but he offended Visvasu who he though was a mere herds of Swines ,Visvasu was worshipping Lord Nila Madhava that was worshipped since the beginning of creation of this Universe ,so he was the last worshipper , Nila Madhava told him that now Lord Jagannath will soon appear and you and your descendants will keep worshipping me .But Indradyumna Maharaja tied him up and mistreated him at first it appears he never apologized because in his next life Indradyumna Maharaja became Gajendra the elephant but Krsna used this pastime to liberate us because if we remember how Krsna saved Gajendra and his prayers we go back to Godhead.In his next life Gajendra became Prataparudra Maharaja and the king of Puri and great servant of Lord Jagannath and Lord Caitanya ..the lesson is Krsnas devotees never perish ,but we must be careful we can serve Lord Caitanya favorably .Sannyasa is needed for renouncing the material world but in any asrama we should be a sannyasi .Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura stayed in Grhastha life till end of his life he had many children even but he chanted 192 rounds in Navadvipa and was fully realized that he was a manjari .Who you think is more exalted a modern sannyasi with so much respect or Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura ?Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was personally blessed by Lord Narasimha also ,what to speak of him being an eternal manjari.He has warned about sannyasa abhimana the pride of being in the sannyasa asrama real sannyasis are extremly humble.I once met a very exalted disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada his name was Subal das babaji he lived at Govinda Kunda and every day he chanted 128 rounds ,Any vaisnavas he saw new or old he offered full obaisences to them.To me he was like a father ,he would never accept any donations I tried many times he said I am babaji all I need is full chapaties and subji and little water .Please bless me.I think simply by seeing this exalted Vaisnava Krsna will one day bless me with love of Krsna.What to speak of our fortune to serve Srila Prabhupada .My Gurudeve Srila Narayana Maharaja was also free from all pride, he treated me so many times like a son and said come and sit with me and talk to me .Later when he had so many disciples it was hard to even see him but he never lost his humility even with so many disciples.But if we have even one disciple we will become proud and then how can we chant 64 rounds and 128 rounds or 192 rounds daily .Deenabandhu Prabhu once told me I do not want any disciples ,then I will be busy serving them instead of Srila Prabhupada .Thanks for reading this and I pray I offended no one.

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