Re: Sri Astadasa Chandah Stava vers 7 part one
Sri Astadasa Chandah Stava vers 7 part one
O Krsna whoes mother became absorbed in the Utthana cermony, O Krsna who rested on a bed under a handcart. O Krsna who cried out of thirst to drink from Your mothers breast.O Krsna who broke the cart with a kick, O Krsna whoes extraordinary activities where described by the nearby children.O Krsna who was approached by your anxious parents.O Krsna who expertly chanted mantras to counteract the evil influence.O Krsna who became so heavy,Your mother could no longer carry You.O Krsna whom the demons wish to kill.O Krsna who was carried away in a moment by a demon.O Krsna who killed the demon by holding unto his neck.O Krsna for whose sake Your anxious mother cried aloud .O Krsna who was discovered by the crying gopis.O Krsna who created a great festival of happiness for Your mother and friends.O auspiciousness of Gokula, please fill me with transcendental happiness.
Comments: In this vers Srila Rupa Goswami completes the pastime of Krsna killing Sakatasura.These lilas as called Naimitika lilas occasional lilas and all the pastimes mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam 10 Canto is Naimitika lilas. And then there is Krsnas daily pastimes known as Asta kaliya lilas.
Srila Prabhupada writes:
The Sakatasura was a ghost who had taken shelter of the handcart and was looking for the opportunity to do mischief to Krsna. When Krsna kicked the cart with His small and very delicate legs, the ghost was immediately pushed down to the earth and his shelter dismantled..."
Srimad-Bhagavatam 10:7:9 Purport "Krsna had been placed underneath a household handcart, but this handcart was actually another form of the Sakatasura, a demon who had come there to kill the child. Now, on the plea of demanding to suck His mother's breast, Krsna took this opportunity to kill the demon. Thus He kicked Sakatasura just to expose him. Although Krsna's mother was engaged in receiving guests, Lord Krsna wanted to draw her attention by killing the Sakatasura, and therefore he kicked that cart-shaped demon. Such are the pastimes of Krsna. Krsna wanted to draw the attention of His mother, but while doing so He created a great havoc not understandable by ordinary persons. These narrations are wonderfully enjoyable, and those who are fortunate are struck with wonder upon hearing of these extraordinary activities of the Lord. Although the less intelligent regard them as mythological because a dull brain cannot understand them, they are real facts. These narrations are actually so enjoyable and enlightening that Maharaja Pariksit and Sukadeva Gosvami took pleasure in them, and other liberated persons, following in their footsteps, become fully jubilant by hearing about the wonderful activities of the Lord." Srimad-Bhagavatam 10:7:6 Purport "When Sri Krsna was only three months old and was just trying to turn backside up, before He even attempted to crawl, mother Yasoda wanted to observe a ritualistic ceremony with her friends for the good fortune of the child. Such a ritualistic ceremony is generally performed with ladies who also have small children. When mother Yasoda saw that Krsna was falling asleep, because of other engagements she put the child underneath a household cart, called sakata, and while the child was sleeping, she engaged herself in other business pertaining to the auspicious ritualistic ceremony. Underneath the cart was a cradle, and mother Yasoda placed the child in that cradle. The child was sleeping, but suddenly He awakened and, as usual for a child, began to kick His small legs. This kicking shook the cart, which collapsed with a great sound, breaking completely and spilling all its contents. Children who were playing nearby immediately informed mother Yasoda that the cart had broken, and therefore she hastily arrived there in great anxiety with the other gopis. Mother Yasoda immediately took the child on her lap and allowed Him to suck her breast. Then various types of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies were performed with the help of the brahmanas. Not knowing the real identity of the child, the brahmanas showered the child with blessings." Srimad-Bhagavatam 10:7 Summary "While churning the butter, mother Yasoda was singing about the childhood activities of Krsna. It was formerly a custom that if one wanted to remember something constantly, he would transform it into poetry or have this done by a professional poet. It appears that mother Yasoda did not want to forget Krsna's activities at any time. Therefore she poeticized all of Krsna's childhood activities, such as the killing of Putana, Aghasura, Sakatasura and Trnavarta, and while churning the butter, she sang about these activities in poetical form. This should be the practice of persons eager to remain Krsna conscious twenty-four hours a day. This incident shows how Krsna conscious mother Yasoda was. To stay in Krsna consciousness, we should follow such persons." Srimad-Bhagavatam 10:9:1-2 Purport ![]() Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Sri Caitanya Siksamrita describes the demons Krishna killed in His Vrindavana pastimes and the anarthas (unwanted things) that they represent.
Some demons are also killed by Lord Balarama like Pralambasura and Dhenukasura : Some demons are also killed by Lord Balarama like Pralambasura and Dhenukasura : Some demons are also killed by Lord Balarama like Pralambasura and Dhenukasura :
In his Ananda Vrindavana Campur Srila Kavi Karnapure has described the killing of Sakatasura and Trinivarta in details:
Chapter Four
The Killing of Shakatasura and Trinavarta
At the age of three months Krishna rolled over and crawled out of the house.To commemorate this event Yasoda observed a special ceremony. gopis, looking like creepers of maternal affection, felt intoxicated withbliss by taking part in this function. It seems this pleasure came as aresult of their previous piety. Since the gopis' hearts overflowed withcompassion, they always observed auspicious rituals for the satisfactionand protection of Krishna.
All the Vrajavasis anxiously rushed to see Krishna. The arrival of thesplendidly dressed elderly gopis greatly enhanced the joyous atmosphereof the festival. Yasoda and other gopis smeared oil on Krishna's body tocelebrate the auspicious occasion of His leaving home for the first timeto crawl about on His hands and knees. Mrdangas played melodiously whileYasoda bathed her son and honored the guests. Krishna-kumara lookedextremely beautiful after His auspicious bath and the ofkajala to His lotus eyes.Vrajesvari Yasoda pleased all her relatives byperforming the traditional family rituals. Vrajaraja Nanda also relishedboundless happiness during the festival. As an expert in domestic affairs,Rohini remembered her husband and distributed charity to all the guests.Afterwards, Yasoda put Krishna to rest on a soft , which was whiterthan powdered camphor, in an ornately decorated cradle, which she placedunder a handcart. Mother Yasoda worshiped the guests while Krishna restedpeacefully. Melodious music from rumbling mrdangas, bherries, dundubhisand other instruments filled the air. The waves of music produced by thetalented musicians sweetened all directions. Satisfied brahmanas recitedVedic hymns to bless the child. Yasodanandana, whose beauty defeats beautypersonified, started crying due to hunger and a desire to drink Yasoda'sbreast milk. But Vrajesvari could not hear Him due to the loud music andsinging.
At this time, Krishna decided to kill Sakatasura, a demon who was hiding inthe cart under which He lay. Opening His joyful eyes, Krishnasimultaneously destroyed the cart and killed the demon by playfullykicking His feet. Without any effort Krishna vanquished that demon with Histender feet, which were unlimitedly beautiful and softer than the petalsof a lotus flower. These were not the thunderbolt nails He used to killHiranyakasipu; nor were they the legs He extended throughout the universein His Vamana incarnation. The gentle tinkling of Krishna's ankle-bellsincreased the splendor of His delicate little legs.Although the cart stoodconsiderably higher than the child, Krishna easily kicked the wheel of thecart with His feet. The brass pots on the cart made a tremendously loudsound as they tumbled over the ground. From the force of Krishna's kick thewheels split from the axle, the hubs and spokes fell apart, and thehandcart collapsed. Everyone's hearts stopped when they heard theshattering sound of Sakatasura falling down dead. Thinking that Krishna mayhave been hurt, the Vrajavasis filled with anguish. Their heartsoverwhelmed in fear, they anxiously rushed to the spot.
With great anxiety they met Krishna and said, "Alas! Is this the beginningof some imminent danger? This cart represented auspiciousness since itremained in their house for so long without moving. How did this cartsuddenly become inauspicious? This perfect boy is the sum total of allpious activities. Although many heavy brass pots crashed 'down, none ofthem touched the tender limbs of Krishna whose glossy body is smeared withmusk. O Lord of Vrndavana, Nanda Maharaja! In any assembly you are thenatural leader, and along with your wife Yasoda you are the embodimentsof all fortune. Our words fail to describe the extent of your wonderfulglories." Thus the Vrajavasis praised the King of Vrndavana. The cowherdboys met their parents and described the heroic deeds of Krishna in brokenlanguage. They said, "It is not His fault. He felt hungry and startedcrying loudly for some milk. When He did not get any, then why blame Himif He did something wrong? You should not scold Him. Unless driven by thewind how can a lotus bud move, similarly, the cart broke and fell to theground because Krishna kicked it with His legs while crying." Assuming theremust be some unknown cause, the elderly persons did not believe thestatements of the children.Fearing that the death of Sakatasura must havebrought some danger to her son, Yasodarani fell down on the ground. Rohiniand the gopis affectionately picked up Yasoda, and pacified her with thegood news about Krishna's safety. By their comforting words Yasoda regainedher senses and wiped away her tears.Mother Yasoda said, "Alas! Mythree-month old baby, whose body is softer than butter, has suffered somuch. Suddenly this cart broke and fell upon my son. Since my heart didnot stop upon hearing about this, it must be harder than a thunderbolt.Shame on my motherly love! Alas! I am His mother in name only."
"The earth shook from the crashing of the cart and the people becamespeechless. When that cart fell down around my child He cried in fear, butdid not get hurt. I guess it must be the result of my misfortune.Otherwise, why are such evil events occurring like Putana's visit and thebreaking of the cart? Therefore the auspicious King of Vrndavana must arrange toprevent any further calamities coming to my child. From this incident Ican only guess what further misfortune awaits me."Thus lamenting and feeling apprehensive, Mother Yasoda ran quickly to herson. She saw His attractive face conquering the effulgent beauty of themoon with its ever-increasing charm. Yasoda drowned in an ocean ofsweetness when she placed Krishna on her lap. Surcharged with feelings ofbliss, Yasoda's mind became pacified and free from worry.
Nanda and Yasoda observed an auspicious religious ritual on behalf ofKrishna-kumara, whose radiant body looked gorgeous. Although Krishna is theSupreme Brahman, He appeared in Vrndavana as a boy with curly dark bluehair and a tender transcendental form. As Yasoda fondly fed Krishna the milkdripping from her breasts, He gradually fell asleep. Then she tucked Krishnaback in His bed under the cart just as before. Rohini, the wife ofVasudeva, whose lustrous beauty surpasses all the women of heaven, engagedthe brahmanas in chanting auspicious mantras to counteract the evileffects caused by Sakatasura.
Trnavarta Demon Vanquished One blissful day during Krishna's first year,Yasoda lifted up her resplendent, jewel-like son while passing throughthe main chamber of the palace. She lovingly fondled and caressed Him.With His perfect intelligence Krishna immediately perceived some danger.Employing His Yogamaya potency, Krishna decided to reveal an ecstaticchildhood pastime to show compassion to those rotting in the materialworld.
Thinking thus, Krishna made His body so heavy that He forced His mother toset Him down. Mother Yasoda, who is worshipable by all the three worlds,suddenly felt very tired from carrying her heavy son. As a creeper hangsdown from the weight of ripened fruits, similarly, mother Yasoda bent overfrom the heavyweight of her maternal affection. Afraid of dropping herbeloved son, Yasoda carefully sat Krishna down. By the sweet will of the Lord, Yogamaya influenced Yasoda's mind. Withoutthe slightest worry, She left Krishna alone outside the house and wentinside to perform other domestic duties. Mother Yasoda had no idea thatshe had left Krishna in a dangerous position. Yasoda's bewilderment had noother apparent cause than the all-powerful manifestation of her son'smajesty. Realizing her mistake upon entering the house, Yasoda quickly ranback to get Krishna. Meanwhile a demon named Trnavarta descended upon Vrndavana. Taking theform of a huge cyclone, he terrorized all the people and animals. Thewhirlwind created by the demon seemed like an exhalation of hot breathfrom the wives of thousands of snakes burning in separation from theirhusbands. It appeared as if the earth transformed into a blacksmith'sbellows emitting a loud sound in all directions. Or was it the ears of theelephants controlling the four directions, which look like large flattrays used for winnowing grain, flapping back and forth causing the wholesky to fall down?
The body of Trnavarta, full of high winds and a dense covering of dust,resembled the body of a diseased man infected with ignorance and passiondue to fever and cough. Although a crooked person may externally show some sweetness, he will never let anyone enter his bitter heart. Just asexcessive wine drinking covers the intelligence and makes one go crazy,Trnavarta covered all directions with dense darkness. As a battlefieldfills with darkness due to the movement of masses of elephants, similarly,Trnavarta's whirlwind body enveloped Vrndavana in a dense cloud ofdarkness. Trnavarta, an extremely powerful demon sent by Kamsa, disturbed thenatural balance of the material world made of five gross elements. Heconverted the three worlds into one element, namely wind. Although thedust particles within that whirlwind danced joyfully, the Vrajavasis feltgreatly distressed. At its zenith the whirlwind touched the heavens, andit was so dense that it blinded everyone on earth. It seemed like thecloud of smoke created by the lord of the snakes during the dissolution ofthe universe. Intent on killing Krishna, Trnavarta quickly attacked with hispowerful winds. He dropped a deadly shower of dust, grass, and broken potson the people of Vrndavana. Mother Yasoda worried about her son's safety.She did not realize that her darling son, whose soft hands and feetpossess the beauty, fragrance, and coolness of a lotus flower, couldeasily kill the biggest giants or the immortal demigods in heaven. Suddenly Trnavarta kidnapped that tender baby who would soon cause hisdeath. But Krishna, who is worshiped by Brahma, Siva, and all the demigods,did not feel the slightest pain or distress. The whirlwind sent the sweetfragrance of Krishna's body into the celestial abodes. Krishna happily assumeda powerful feature while contemplating how to kill the demon. Trnavartafelt that he was carrying a fire bound in a cloth, a deadly poison withinhis throat, or death personified.To satisfy the celestial damsels desirousof His darsana, Krishna rode the whirlwind into the heavens. He looked likea man running up a flight of stairs as He continually rose upward atopTrnavarta. When Krishna struck the demon with His hand, which smelled likemusk and looked as splendid as the stem of a lotus, the demon's life airslowly left his body. Then with a final blow Krishna crushed the demon todust.Krishna looked like a blue sapphire locket hanging from the demon';throat. When they crashed on the ground the demon died, but Krshna landedsafely on the earth. Seeing this amazing feat, the Vrajavasis fillec withjoy. Though appearing as a mere baby, Krishna proved His supremacy bydisplaying His unlimited potency. That great whirlwind demon, when showereddust, rain, and clumps of earth all over Vrndavana, touched Krishna's bodyand attained the supreme fortune of becoming eligible for liberation. ThusTrnavarta did the best possible act to purify his family line When Yasoda could not find her son after the cessation of the storm her heart turnedinto a desert of lamentation. At that time, she lost al patience, andunconsciousness personified appeared as her only compan ion. Feelinghelpless and overwhelmed, Mother Yasoda collapsed on the arth. Thoughsuffering immensely, Yasoda's faint breathing indicatec that she stilllived. Understanding her intense pain of lamentation, the Vrajavasis tried torevive Yasoda by sprinkling water on her face and speaking comfortingtwords. They said, "O pious and learned lady! The extent of yourgoodfortune is unlimited. Your son gives happiness to the eyes of everyoneThe honey-sweet dealings of Krishna-kumara continually increase our attachment to Him. Due to your purity your son is still alive.
"O King and Queen of Vrndavana! Now we realize that all your fortunatelyand prestige is caused by your illustrious son. Ma Yasoda! Although yoiare apprehensive about your son's safety, you can give up your distressfor the illusion has left our village. Do not let your mind burn anylongei Lift up your son and rejoice." o"Previously Providence protected myson from the poisonous breasts Putana and the falling cart demon. Now Ipray to Him to alwaysprotect my beloved son. Alas! I got my son backbecause of the Lord's protectionFrom now on I will never take Him off mylap and put Him on the grouni Quickly help me find my son. Where is He?Has the wind demon snatche Him and carried Him away? As long as I live Iwill never again leave Hii outside alone."
Saying this, Yasoda fell down unconscious. Sympathizing with the plightofYasoda, the elderly gopis again tried to pacify her. Due to the burnigfire of lamentation, Yasoda's lotus face looked morose and took on the hueof a red lotus. Her sadness submerged the Vrajavasis in an ocean ofdistress.
On the outskirts of the village, where He had previously played upon thebreast of Putana, Krishna-kumara triumphed over His enemy by smashing himon the earth. This location brought success, just as victory is assuredfor one choosing a favorable constellation before fighting. Whilevanquishing that demon, Krishna, the greatest of all relishers, looked likea blossoming apardjitd flower amidst a garden of thorns, or a blue lotusrising above a lake choked with tall reeds, or a small shining lamp atop adense cloud of darkness. Krishna stood as the embodiment of transcendentalknowledge amidst an ocean of ignorance. He resembled a river of nectarflowing in a desert, or a flower of personified bliss atop of a tree ofmisery.
Seeing the beautiful blue baby in a safe position, the crowds graduallydispersed. One person commented, "This low-class, faithless demon has keptthe demigods from blessing us with their association. Taking the form of awhirlwind, he prevented all auspicious acts and tortured Mother Earth.Finally he destroyed himself by the reaction of his heinous sin ofattempting to kidnap the Prince of Vrndavana. Since he did even haveenough piety to approach Krishna's house, he died outside of town instead."Someone else said, "O look at this boy! He is the eternal Parambrahma andthe Supreme Personality of Godhead! The effulgence of His unlimitedopulence is always expanding. He is an invincible razor sharp swordannihilating the asuric kings with His awesome power. From the verybeginning, Krishna established the glories of His name by killing thePutana demon. It is He who freed everyone from distress by destroyingSakatasura. He also demolished that demon who terrorized the threeworlds." Another Vrajavasi said, "Like King Indra, Nanda Maharaja musthave performed severe austerities and done many good deeds to accrue suchvast piety. As a result, Nanda Baba received a boon that enabled his sonto defeat formidable asuras like Putana and others. There is no other wayto explain how all these demons met their death." Having accepted Krishna asthe wealth of their lives, the Vrajavasis rejoiced upon finding Him freefrom danger. Picking Him up in their loving arms, they carried Krishna intoYasoda's inner chambers. The atmosphere filled with the happy news ofKrishna's well-being. Witnessing the pleasure of the Vrajavasis also broughtwaves of bliss to the mind of Asurari, Krishna, the destroyer of demons. Observing this joyful pastime of Krishna, the elderly gopis smiled and said,"Hey Bhagavati! You are worshipable by everyone in the world. Due to yourgood fortune your son is now safe and happy." Such reassuring wordsgreatly pleased the mind of Yasoda. When rain clouds forcefully pour wateron a burned out forest, a fresh abundance of life reappears to beautifythat forest with elegance and contentment. In a similar way, Yasoda lookedrefreshed and beautiful upon regaining her beloved son.
Though happy, Yasoda felt somewhat anxious and confused by the unusualevent. In this state of bewilderment she said, "Where is He? Where is He?"Compassionately taking charge of Yasoda, the Vrajavasis gradually nursedher back to consciousness. At that time Yasoda's eyes looked like a pairof lotus flowers moistened with cool drops of dew. Her name, fame, andposition surpass everyone in creation. Waking from her trance, Yasodastood up and drowned in an ocean of joy upon beholding her all-attractiveson. Other ladies glorified Krishna-kumara, "Hey Krishna! Hey Krishna!" A dying manreceives new life by taking sanjivani rasa. Similarly, Yasoda, who nearlydied in separation, revived upon meeting her dearest son Krishna. She feltshe had retrieved an invaluable lost treasure. Sitting Krishna on her lap,she lovingly gazed at Him with unblinking eyes. But being onlysemi-conscious, Yasoda could not relish the full bliss of Krishna's directassociation.
As her sleeping senses awoke in the service of her beloved son, she said,"O darling! From the time of Your birth You have caused so much trouble toYour mother. Of course, this is not Your fault, so how can I blame You? Iam the one who left You outside and unprotected. This shows my heart is asdry as wood, and therefore I qualify as Your mother in name only. Butsince I am known as Your mother, You have never treated me cruelly.
"Although that demon kidnapped You, because You of Your innocence Yousomehow escaped and returned. O my beloved! Your love for me isunprecedented and transcendental. I should be punished for my gravemistake." Out of intense motherly affection, Mother Yasoda suckled Krishnawith her breast milk and put Him to rest. Although appearing in a humanform to act as the son of Yasoda, Krishna-kumara eternally exists as thepersonification of transcendental bliss.
Srila Sanatana Goswami has described this lila in his Krsna lila Stava:
Twentieth Obeisance
Verse 79
yashoda--Yashoda; utsanga--contact; paryankam--bed; lila--pastimes; avishkrita--manifest; gauravam--heaviness; matri--of the mother; vismaya--amazement; kartaram--cause; trinavarta--by the Trinavarta demon; apavahitam-carried away.
O Lord Krishna, while sitting on mother Yashoda's lap You greatly amazed her by performing the pastimes of becoming very heavy. (After she had put You down), You were carried away by the demon Trnavarta.
Verse 80
janani--by Your mother; margita--searched; gatim--destination; trinavarta--by Trinavrta; ati--very; durvaham--difficult to bear; gala--neck; grahana--grasping; nishceshta--without activities; trinavarta--Trinavarta; nipatanam--falling.
O Lord Krishna, Yourmother searched for You, and the demon Trinavartabecame unable to carry You.Grasping the demons throat, You caused him to fall to the ground, lifeless and inactive.
Verse 81
gopi-dhatry-arpitam vande
tvam vrajananda-dayakam
trini-krita--made as insignificant as a blade of grass; trinavartam--the demon; Trinavarta; rudat--crying; gopangana--by the gopis; ikshitam--observed; gopi--gopi; dhatri--to the nurse; arpitam--given; vande--I offer respectful obeisances; tvam--to You; vraja--of vraja; ananda-bliss; dayakam--giving.
O Lord Krishna, in this way You made the Trinavarta demon become as harmless and insignificant as a blade of grass.The crying gopis saw You and You were given to Your mother, the gopi Yashoda, who began to nurse You.O Lord, O Giver of bliss to the inhabitants of Vraja, I offer respectful obeisances unto You.
Twenty-first Obeisance
Verse 82
yashodanandanaham te
yashoda-lalitava mam
yashoda--of Yashoda; stanya--by the breast milk; mudita--pleased; lyashoda--of Yashoda; mukha--the face; vikshaka--seeing; yashoda--of Yashoda; nandana--O delight; aham--I; te--unto You; ; yashoda--by Yashoda; lalita--caressed; ava--please protect; mam--me.
O Lord Krishna, , You are pleased by drinking the breast milk of Mother Yashoda, Delighted by seeing Yourface, Mother Yashoda caresses You.O Lord I offer respectful obeisances unto You.Please protect me.
Views: 1766
Oh Krsna who had the Brahmanas chant the Vedic mantras expertly ,that is the correction
Re: Sri Astadasa Chandah Stava vers 7 part one
Lord Krishna carried by the demon Trinavarta
Sri Astadasa Chandah Stava vers 7 part one
O Krsna whoes mother became absorbed in the Utthana cermony, O Krsna who rested on a bed under a handcart. O Krsna who cried out of thirst to drink from Your mothers breast.O Krsna who broke the cart with a kick, O Krsna whoes extraordinary activities where described by the nearby children.O Krsna who was approached by your anxious parents.O Krsna, the Brahmanas expertly chanted mantras to counteract the evil influence.O Krsna who became so heavy,Your mother could no longer carry You.O Krsna whom the demons wish to kill.O Krsna who was carried away in a moment by a demon.O Krsna who killed the demon by holding unto his neck.O Krsna for whose sake Your anxious mother cried aloud .O Krsna who was discovered by the crying gopis.O Krsna who created a great festival of happiness for Your mother and friends.O auspiciousness of Gokula, please fill me with transcendental happiness
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