I pray that my mind may become fixed on the Supreme Personality of Godhead who expertly pretended to cry as He rested on a bed, kicked His Lotusfeet and broke the Sakata demon.
Srila Sukadeva Goswami has explained so nicely the killing of the Sakatasura demon in Srimad Bhagavatam 10 Canto chapter 7.
SB 10.7.1-2: King
Parīkṣit said: My lord,
Śukadeva Gosvāmī, all the various activities exhibited by the incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are certainly pleasing to the ear and to the mind. Simply by one's hearing of these activities, the dirty things in one's mind immediately vanish. Generally we are reluctant to hear about the activities of the Lord, but
Kṛṣṇa's childhood activities are so attractive that they are automatically pleasing to the mind and ear. Thus one's attachment for hearing about material things, which is the root cause of material existence, vanishes, and one gradually develops devotional service to the Supreme Lord, attachment for Him, and friendship with devotees who give us the contribution of
Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If you think it fit, kindly speak about those activities of the Lord.
In his commentaries to SB 10.7 4 Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has stated Krsna was 3 months old when this lila took place and he quotes SB 2.7.27
SB 2.7.27: There is no doubt about Lord
Kṛṣṇa's being the Supreme Lord, otherwise how was it possible for Him to kill a giant demon like
Pūtanā when He was just on the lap of His mother, to overturn a cart with His leg when He was only three months old, to uproot a pair of
arjuna trees, so high that they touched the sky, when He was only crawling? All these activities are impossible for anyone other than the Lord Himself.
So during this Utthana festival when a child is to leave the house for first time Krsna was placed under the cart.
Actaully Mother Yasoda held Krsna in her lap ,and then she lie down with him on a cot under a cart situated in a spacious court yard at Nanda bhavan in Gokula. Then when Krsna was sleep she slowly went away and greeted the guests for the Utthana festival, this is the summary of Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakuras purport to SB 10.7.5
Srila Prabhupada explained this Utthana festival like another birthday celebration in his Krsna book and states it was Krsnas first birthday however from SB .2.7,27 this Utthana festival after 3 months after his birth :
When Krsna grew up a little more, He began to turn Himself backside up; He did not merely lie down on His back. And another function was observed by Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja: Krsna's first birthday. They arranged for Krsna's birthday ceremony, which is still observed by all followers of the Vedic principles. (Krsna's birthday ceremony is observed in India by all Hindus, irrespective of different sectarian views.) All the cowherd men and women were invited to participate, and they arrived in jubilation. A nice band played, and the people assembled enjoyed it. All the learned
brahmanas were invited, and they chanted Vedic hymns for the good fortune of Krsna. During the chanting of the Vedic hymns and playing of the bands, Krsna was bathed by mother Yasoda. This bathing ceremony is technically called
abhiseka,and even today this is observed in all the temples of Vrndavana as Janmastami Day, or the of Lord Krsna.
On this occasion, mother Yasoda arranged to distribute a large quantity of grains, and first-class cows decorated with golden ornaments were made ready to be given in charity to the learned, respectable
brahmanas. Yasoda took her bath and dressed herself nicely, and taking child Krsna, duly dressed and bathed, on her lap, she sat down to hear the Vedic hymns chanted by the
brahmanas. While listening to the chanting of the Vedic hymns, the child appeared to be falling asleep, and therefore mother Yasoda very silently laid Him down on the bed. Being engaged in receiving all the friends, relatives and residents of Vrndavana on that holy occasion, she forgot to feed the child milk. He was crying, being hungry, but mother Yasoda could not hear Him cry because of the various noises. The child, however, became angry because He was hungry and His mother was not paying attention to Him. So He lifted His legs and began to kick His lotus feet just like an ordinary child. Baby Krsna had been placed underneath a hand-driven cart, and while He was kicking His legs, He accidentally touched the wheel of the cart, and it collapsed. Various kinds of utensils and brass and metal dishes had been piled up in the handcart, and they all fell down with a great noise. The wheel of the cart separated from the axle, and the spokes of the wheel were all broken and scattered hither and thither. Mother Yasoda and all the
gopis, as well as Maharaja Nanda and the cowherd men, were astonished as to how the cart could have collapsed by itself. All the men and women who were assembled for the holy function crowded around and began to suggest how the cart might have collapsed. No one could ascertain the cause, but some small children who were entrusted to play with baby Krsna informed the crowd that it was due to Krsna's striking His feet against the wheel. They assured the crowd that they had seen how it happened with their own eyes, and they strongly asserted the point. Some were listening to the statement of the small children, but others said, "How can you believe the statements of these children?" The cowherd men and women could not understand that the all-powerful Personality of Godhead was lying there as a baby, and He could do anything. Both the possible and impossible were in His power. While the discussion was going on, baby Krsna cried. Without remonstration, mother Yasoda picked the child up on her lap and called the learned
brahmanas to chant holy Vedic hymns to counteract the evil spirits. At the same time she allowed the baby to suck her breast. If a child sucks the mother's breast nicely, it is to be understood that he is out of all danger. After this, all the stronger cowherd men put the broken cart in order, and all the scattered things were set up nicely as before. The
brahmanas thereafter began to offer oblations to the sacrificial fire with yogurt, butter,
kusagrass, and water. They worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead for the good fortune of the child.
The brahmanas who were present at that time were all qualified because they were not envious; they never indulged in untruthfulness, they were never proud, they were nonviolent, and they never claimed any false prestige. They were all bona fide brahmanas, and there was no reason to think that their blessing would be useless. With firm faith in the qualified brahmanas, Nanda Maharaja took his child on his lap and bathed Him with water mixed with various herbs while the brahmanas chanted hymns from the Rg, Yajus and Sama Vedas.
Actually in SB 10.7.18 it is stated that after Krsna turned 1 he killed Trinivarta:
so in summary :
1. When mother Yasoda's baby Krsna was slanting His body to attempt to rise and turn around, this attempt was observed by a Vedic ceremony. In such a ceremony, called utthana, the child is properly bathed. Just after Krsna turned three months old, mother Yasoda celebrated this ceremony with other women of the neighborhood.
2. After completion of the , Yasoda found that her child closed His eyes in sleep and so she put Him to bed under a cart which contained vessels full of milk and curd. After some time, the child opened His eyes and cried for His milk. As Yasoda was busily engaged in receiving her guests, she did not hear Sri Krishna’s cry.
3. At that time, the child Krsna, demanding to drink the milk of His mother's breast, angrily threw His legs upward. Although His little legs were as soft as leaves, when He struck the cart with His legs, it turned over violently and collapsed. The wheels separated from the axle, the hubs and spokes fell apart, and the pole of the handcart broke. All the vessels scattered hither and thither.
4. When mother Yasoda and the other ladies who had assembled for the utthana festival, and all the men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, saw the wonderful situation, they began to wonder how the handcart had collapsed by itself. They began to wander here and there, trying to find the cause, but were unable to do so.
5. At that time, the small children present asserted that the cart had been kicked apart by the baby Krsna. As soon as the had kicked the cart's wheel, the cart had collapsed.
6. The assembled gopis and gopas, unaware that Krsna is always unlimited, could not believe that baby Krsna had such inconceivable power. They could not believe the statements of , and therefore they neglected these statements as being childish talk. They did not realise the immeasurable strength of that child.
In SB 10.7. 7 Srila Prabhupada quotes from Srila Visvanath Chakravatis purport:
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam10.7.7
Śrī Kṛṣṇa was lying down underneath the handcart in one corner of the courtyard, and although His little legs were as soft as leaves, when He struck the cart with His legs, it turned over violently and collapsed. The wheels separated from the axle, the hubs and spokes fell apart, and the pole of the handcart broke. On the cart there were many little utensils made of various metals, and all of them scattered hither and thither.
Śrīla Viśvanātha
Cakravartī Ṭhākura has commented on this verse as follows. When Lord
Kṛṣṇa was of a very tender age, His hands and legs resembled soft new leaves, yet simply by touching the handcart with His legs, He made the cart fall to pieces. It was quite possible for Him to act in this way and yet not exert Himself very much. The Lord in His
Vāmana avatāra had to extend His foot to the greatest height to penetrate the covering of the universe, and when the Lord killed the gigantic demon Hiraṇyakaśipu, He had to assume the special bodily feature of Nṛsiḿhadeva. But in His
Kṛṣṇa avatāra, the Lord did not need to exert such energy. Therefore, kṛṣṇas
tu bhagavān svayam:
Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. In other incarnations, the Lord had to exert some energy according to the time and circumstances, but in this form He exhibited unlimited potency. Thus the handcart collapsed, its joints broken, and all the metal pots and utensils scattered.
Vaiṣṇava-toṣaṇī remarks that although the handcart was higher than the child, the child could easily touch the wheel of the cart, and this was sufficient to send the demon down to the earth. The Lord simultaneously pushed the demon to the earth and superficially broke the handcart.
This is a very significant purport:
So who was this Sakatasura and did he hide behind the cart or was he assuming the role of the cart?
: Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura answers part of the question in his purport to SB 10.7.7 : "The Brahmanda Purana states that because a heavy demon entered the cart's height decreased .Thus Krsnas short baby legs could touch the cart."
In Garga Samhita we find the pastime of Sakatasura:
Sakatasura-trinavarta-mokshah The Liberation of Sakatasura and Trinavarta
Text 1sri-garga uvaca
ity evam kathitam divyam sri-krishna-caritam varam yah srinoti naro bhaktya sa kritartho na samsayahSri Garga Muni said: A person who with devotion hears Lord Krishna's transcendental pastimes becomes perfect and successful. Of this there is no doubt.
Text 2sri-saunaka uvaca
sudha-kandat param mishtam sri-krishna-caritam subham srutva tan-mukhatah sakshat kritarthah smo vayam muneSri Saunaka said: O sage, hearing from your mouth Sri Krishna's beautiful pastimes, which are sweeter than nectar, we have now become successful.
Text 3sri-krishna-bhaktah santatma bahulasvah satam varah atho munim kim papraccha tan me bruhi tapo-dhanaWhat did Bahulasva, who was a peaceful-hearted devotee of Lord Krishna, and who was the best of the pious, ask the sage then? O saint wealthy in austerity, please tell me this.
Text 4sri-garga uvaca
atha raja maithilendro harshitah prema-vihvalah naradam praha dharmatma paripurnatamam smaranSri Garga Muni said: Happy, overcome with love, and meditating on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the saintly- hearted king of Mithila spoke to Narada.
Text 5sri-bahulasva uvaca
dhanyo 'ham ca kritartho 'ham bhavata bhuri-karmana sango bhagavadiyanam durlabho durghato 'sti hiSri Bahulasva said: Because of you, whose devotional service is very great, I have become fortunate and successful. Association with the Lord's great devotees is very rare and difficult to attain.
Text 6sri-krishnas tv arbhakah sakshad adbhuto bhakta-vatsalah agre cakara kim citram caritam vada me muneWhat wonderful activities did wonderful infant Krishna, who loves His devotees, do? O sage, please tell me.
Text 7sri-narada uvaca
sadhu prishtam tvaya rajan bhavata krishna-dharmina sangamah khalu sadhunam sarvesham vitanoti samSri Narada said: O king, as a devotee of Lord Krishna, you have asked a very good question. Association with saintly devotees brings happiness and auspicious to everyone.
Text 8ekada krishna-janmarkshe yasoda nanda-gehini gopi-gopan samahuya mangalam cakarod dvijaihOn the day of Krishna's birth-star, Nanda's wife Yasoda called together the gopas and gopis and had the brahmanas perform auspicious ceremonies.Text 9raktambaram kanaka-bhushana-bhushitangam balam pragrihya kalitanjana-padma-netram syamam sphurad-dhari-nakhavrita-candra-haram devan pranamya su-dhanam pradadau dvijebhyahTaking her dark boy, who was dressed in red garments and who, His limbs decorated with golden ornaments and His lotus eyes with black anjana, wore a glittering moon necklace of lion's nails, she offered respectful obeisances to the demigods and gave great wealth to the brahmanas.
Text 10prenkhe nidhaya nijam atmajam asu gopi sampujya mangala-dine prati gopikas tah naivasrinot su-ruditasya sutasya sabdam gopeshu mangala-griheshu gatagateshuOn that auspicious day she placed her son in His cradle, and quickly greeted the gopis. As the cowherd people came and went in the auspicious rooms, the gopi Yasoda did not hear the sound of her crying son.
Text 11tatraiva kamsa-khala-nodita utkacakhyo daityah prabhanjana-tanuh sakatam sa etya balasya murdhni paripatayitum pravrittah krishno 'pi tam kila tatada padarunenaThen, when a demon named Utkaca, who had been sent by the demon Kamsa, and who had a body made of air, went to a cart and tried to make it fall on Krishna's head, infant Krishna kicked the cart with the red sole of His foot.
Text 12curne gate 'tha sakate patite ca daitye tyaktva prabhanjana-tanum vimalo babhuva natva harim sata-hayena rathena yukto goloka-dhama nija-lokam alam jagamaWhen the cart broke into pieces the demon fell. Leaving his body of air, he attained a pure spiritual body and, after respectfully bowing down before Lord Hari, in a chariot pulled by a hundred horses went to the Lord's own abode of Goloka.
Text 13nandadayo vraja-jana vraja-gopikas ca sarve sametya yugapat prithukams tad ahuh esha svayam ca patitah sakatah katham hi janitha he vraja-sutah su-gatas ca yuyamHeaded by Nanda, the men and gopis of Vraja at once converged on that place and asked the children, "How could this cart have fallen by itself? O children of Vraja, you were here. You know."
Text 14sri-bala ucuh
prenkha-stho 'yam kshipan padau rudan dugdhartham eva hi tatada padam sakate tenedam patitam khaluThe children said: Staying in the cradle, crying for milk, and kicking His feet, the child hit the cart with one foot and it fell.
Text 15sraddham na cakrur balokte gopa gopyas ca vismitah traimasikah kva balo 'yam kva caitad bhara-bhrit tv anahAstonished, the gopas and gopis did not believe the childrens' words. "What is this three-month old infant in comparison to this heavily-burdened cart?"
Text 16balam anke sa grihitva yasoda graha-sankita karayam asa vidhi-vad yajnam vipraih su-tarpitaihFearing a ghost had come, Yasoda took the infant on her lap, gave offerings to the brahmanas and had them perform a traditional yajna.
Text 17sri-bahulasva uvaca
ko 'yam purvam tu kusali daitya utkaca-nama-bhak aho krishna-pada-sparsad gato moksham maha-muneO great sage, in his previous birth who was this fortunate demon named Utakaca, who attained liberation by the touch of Lord Krishna's foot?
Text 18sri-narada uvaca
hiranyaksha-suto daitya utkaco nama maithila lomasasyasrame gacchan vrikshams curni-cakara haSri Narada said: O king of Mithila, one day the demon named Utkaca, who was Hiranyaksha's son, went to Lomasa Muni's hermitage and broke some trees.
Text 19tam drishtva sthula-dehadhyam utkacakhyam maha-balam sasapa rosha-yug vipro videho bhava durmateSeeing the powerful giant named Utkaca, the brahmana became angry and cursed him, "O evil-hearted one, become bodyless!"
Text 20sarpa-kancukavad-deho 'patat karma-vipakatah sadyas tac-caranopante patitva praha daitya-ratFrom this deed his body at once fell away as a snake's old skin also falls away. The king of demons then fell at the brahmana's feet and spoke.
Text 21utkaca uvaca he mune he kripa-sindho kripam kuru mamopari te prabhavam na janami deham me dehi he prabhoUtcaka said: O sage, O ocean of mercy, please be kind to me. I did not know your power. O lord, please give me a body.
Text 22sri-narada uvaca
tada prasannah sa munir drishtam naya-satam vidheh satam rosho 'pi varado varo mokshartha-dah kim uSri Narada said: Then the sage, who had studied a hundred lessons in morality from the demigod Brahma, became pleased. The anger of saintly persons brings a blessing. How great is that blessing, which brings liberation?
Text 23sri-lomasa uvaca
vata-dehas tu te bhuyad vyatite cakshushantare vaivasvatantare muktir bhavita ca pada harehSri Lomasa said: You may have a body made of air. When the cakshush-manvantara is over and the vaivasvata-manvantra has come, Lord Hari's foot will give you liberation.
Text 24sri-narada uvaca
tasmad utkaca-daityas tu mukto lomasa-tejasa sadbhyo namo 'stu ye nunam samartha vara-sapayohSri Narada said: In this way the power of Lomasa Muni gave liberation to the demon Utkaca. I offer my respectful obeisances to the saintly devotees of the Lord, who have the power both to bless and to curse.
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