Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Sri Durvasa Muni a great devotee of Lord Narasimha

Durva grass is wheat grass ,and Durvasa Muni got his name from that grass ,he was drinking wheat grass juice since Satya Yuga ,this is explained in Gopala Tapani Upanisad. I can not imagine living on that , that is austere , here in US it is common in healthfood stores ,it is super healthy for you .I normally get some freshly squezed Carrot juice they do it in front of you and then you have a shot of wheat grass juice after ,of course I offer it first so it is prasadam .Imagine in all bars they banned alcohol shots and only served wheat grass juice shots ,would that not be something ?

Did you know that Sri Durvasa Muni was a great devotee of Lord Narasimha ? Most devotee only think of the pastime of Durvasa Muni in Srimad Bhagavatam ,but have never read Gopala Tapani Upanisad and know the role Durvasa Muni played in Vraja lila and in explaining the Gopal Gaytri mantra : Klim Krsnaya Govindaya Gopijanavllabhaya Svaha. Anyhow in the Narasimha Kavacha from Brahma Samhita Durvasa Muni is mentioned :

5. brahma mantra nayam vakshye

bhutadi vinvakaram

yasya prasadad durvasa

trailokya vijayi munih

pathanad dharanad yasya

shasta cha krodha bhairavaha

"I shall speak this essence of all Vedic mantras, which wards off all kinds of ghosts and hobgoblins. By its grace the sage Durvasa became victorious throughout the three worlds, commanding respect and most fearful in his anger."

So Durvasa Muni used to chant this Narasimha Kavacha daily .In 2000 I gave this Narasimha Kavacha to Hh Bhakti Tirtha Swami and told him how Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada used to chant it daily since childhood he got it from his father Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura , so though Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada at one point chanted 192 rounds daily he still also daily chanted the Narasimha Kavacha given by his fahter .Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja gave lecture on this Narasimha Kavacha in New Vrindavana in 2000 after I explained it to him and he said in the class I should have been given that class, but he was senior but he told me he would chant it every day.When Bhakti Caru Swami also read my book Sri Narasimha I saw he started to chant this Narasimha Kavacha...because I have explained its glory and power in my book ..I was told in Vraja Mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja chanted it daily for Sri Krsnas protection ,it is very ancient.One thing more about Durvasa Muni , he was present during Lord Narasimhadevs apperance in Satya Yuga, he stayed on the opposite site of Mathura(other side of Yamuna from Visrama Ghat) his asrama is still there, it was given to Srila Narayana Maharaja to take care of so it is now a Gaudiya math temple also.In Treta Yuga Durvasa Muni had darshan of Lord Ramachandra and in Dvarpara Yuga he played a role in Krsnas pastimes.In Caitanya lila he appeared as Sri Ganga das Pandit , and became Lord Nimai Pandits ,teacher in Navadvipa ...This mantra should be chanted daily and one should chant 64 rounds minimum that is how to chant this Narasimha Kavacha in our Gaudiya line and the example set by His divine grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura is also said that have chanted it daily along with his 64 rounds later120 rounds and 192 rounds daily ...Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura had darshan of Lord Narasimha in Navadvipa I have mentioned this in chapter 12 of my book Sri Narasimha


of the Trailokya Vijaya in the Samhita of Brahma

1. Sri Narada-uvaca

indr-adi deva vrndesa

pateshvara jagat-pate

maha vishnor nrisimhasya

kavacho bruhi me prabho
yasya prana thanad vidvan

trilokya vijayi bhavet

Sri Narad Muni said: “My dear father and lord, master of the Universe, lord of the multitude of demigods headed by Indra, kindly tell me the kavaca mantra of Lord Nrsimha, the incarnation of Visnu. O master, reading this kavaca aloud, a learned man will become victorious throughout the three worlds."

2. sri brahmovaca

srinu narada vaksyami

putra shrestha tapodhana

kavacham narasimhasya

trailokya vijaya bhavet

"Lord Brahma said: My dear Narada, please hear me. O best of my sons, who are rich in austerity, I shall speak this kavaca of Lord Narasimha, which gives victory over the three worlds."

3. yasya prapathanad vayami

trailokya vijayi bhavet

shresthaham jagatam vatsa

pathanat dharanat yataha

"My dear boy, by recitation of this kavaca an eloquent person will become victorious throughout the three worlds. It is by reciting this and meditating deeply on it that I (lord Brahma) am the creator of all these planetary systems."

4. laksmir jagat-trayam pati

samharta cha maheshvaraha

pathanad dharanad deva

babhuvush cha digishvaraha

"It is by reciting and meditating upon this that Laksmi maintains the three worlds, and Lord Siva destroys them. Also the demigods in this way became controllers of the different directions."

5. brahma mantra nayam vakshye

bhutadi vinvakaram

yasya prasadad durvasa

trailokya vijayi munih

pathanad dharanad yasya

shasta cha krodha bhairavaha

"I shall speak this essence of all Vedic mantras, which wards off all kinds of ghosts and hobgoblins. By its grace the sage Durvasa became victorious throughout the three worlds, commanding respect and most fearful in his anger."

6. trailokya-vijayasyasa

kavachasya prajapatih

rshish chandash cha gayatri

nrisimho devata vibhuhu

"For this kavaca, which is directly perceived as giving victory over the three worlds, I (Brahma) am the Rsi, Gayatri is the metre, and the all powerful Nrsimhadev is the Deity."

7+ 8 ksraum bijam me shirah pati

chandra-varno maha-manuhu

"ugram viram maha-visnum

jvalantam sarvatomukham

nrisimham bhishanam bhadram

mrtyu-mrtyum namamy aham"

dva-trimshad aksharo mantro

mantra-rajah sura drumaha

"One should place Lord Nrsimha's mantra bija, ksraum, on one's head, thinking, 'May my head be protected by the moon-colored one, who is the greatest among humans. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Visnu, the fiery one, who's faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nrsimha, who causes the death of even death personified, or the one who can overcome death.' One should place this mantra, composed of thirty two syllables upon his head. It is the king of all mantras. It is like a wish fulfilling tree for the demigods and devotees."

9. kantham patu dhruvam ksraum hrid

bhagavato chakshusha mama

narasimhaya cha jvala

maline patu mastakam

"One should also place ksraum firmly upon his neck for protection. Placing the word bhagavate upon his heart, narasimhaya upon his two eyes, and jvala maline on the top of his head, one meditates upon the different parts of this narasimha mantra protecting the different parts of his body."

10. dipta-damshtraya cha tatha

agni netraya cha nasikam

sarva-raksho-ghnaya sarva

bhuta-vinashanaya cha

"One should place on his nose the syllables dipta damstraya agni netraya sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya. (Obeisances unto Him, whose teeth are blazing, whose eyes are fire, and who destroys all ghosts and raksasas.)"

11. sarva-jvara-vinashaya

daha daha pacha dvayam

raksha raksha sarva-mantra

svaha patu mukham mama

"Meditating on the protection of one's face, one should place there the syllables ‘sarva jvara vinasaya daha daha paca paca raksa raksa. ksraum ugram viram maha visnum jvalanatam sarvatomukham nrsimham bhisanam bhadram mrtyu mrtyum namamy aham. ksraum bhagavate narasimhya jvalamaline dipta damstrayagni netraya sarva rakso ghnaya sarva bhuta vinasanaya svaha’. (This means: Unto He who vanquishes all fevers, oblations. Burn and burn, cook and cook, protect protect. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Visnu, the fiery one whose faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nrsimha, who causes the death of even death personified, or who can overcome even death. Unto the Personality of Godhead Narasimha, garlanded with blazing energy, whose teeth are glowing and whose eyes are fiery, who kills all raksasas and demons and annihilates the ghosts, to You my oblations)"

12. taradi ramachandraya

namah payad gudam mama

klim payat pani-yugmam cha

taram namah padam tataha

narayanaya parshvam cha

am hrim kraum kshraum cha hum phat

"Meditating on the protection of one's rectum, one should first sip water for purification and chant om Ramacandra namah. Sipping water again one should place the bija mantra klim on both of his hands together. Thereafter one should place om namah on his feet and narayanaya on his side, as well as the bija mantras am hrim kraum ksraum hum phat."

13. varaksarah katim patu

om namah bhagavate padam

vasudevaya cha prishtham

klim krishnaya uru-dvayam

"Praying for the protection of one's waist, one should place there the varaksara Om. One should place the syllables om namo bhagavate upon his feet, vasudevaya on his back, and klim krsnaya upon his two thighs."

14. klim krishnaya sada patu

januni cha manuttamaha

klim glaum klim syamalangaya

namah payat pada dvayam

"Upon his knees, one should place the mantra klim krsnaya, thinking that the Lord may always protect me in His form as the best of human beings. Then one should sip water for purification and place the mantra klim glaum klim syamalangaya namah upon his feet."

15. kshraum narasimhaya kshraum cha

sarvangam me sadavatu

"One should meditate upon the constant protection of the body, placing the mantra kshraum narasimhaya kshraum upon all his limbs."

16. iti te kathitam vatsa


tava snehan mayakhyatam

pravaktavyam na kasyachit

"Lord Brahma continued: My dear boy, thus I have told you the embodiment of the potencies of all mantras. Because of your great affection I have explained it to you, although it is not to be spoken to just anyone."

17. guru-pujam vidhayatha

grihniyat kavacham tataha

sarva-punya-yuto bhutva

sarva-siddhi-yuto bhavet

"Having performed worship of the spiritual master, one may accept this kavaca. Having become enriched in his pious activities he will attain all perfections."

18. shatam ashtottaram chaiva

purashcharya vidhih smritaha

havanadin dashamshena

kritva sadhaka-sattamaha

"Performing the ritualistic ceremonies of purification (purascarya) one hundred and eight times is equal to one tenth the effect received by that best of devotees who chants this kavaca."

19. tatas tu siddha-kavacaha

punyatma madanopaman

sparddham uddhuya bhavana

lakshmir vani vaset tataha

"Laksmi, the Goddess of fortune, and Sarasvati, the Goddess of speech and learning, reside in the home of that fortunate soul who has become perfected by this kavaca, giving up the intoxication of competing with others for supremacy."

20. pushpanjalyashtakam dattva

mulenaiva pathet sakrit

api varsa sahasranam

pujayah phalam apnuyat

"Simply offering eight times puspajali and reading only once the original version, one attains the result of even a thousand years of worship."

21. bhurje vilikhya gutikam

svarnastham dharayed yadi

kanthe va dakshine bahau

narasimho bhavet svayam

"If one write this down on a leaf or bark of a tree and keeps it within a golden capsule on his neck or right arm, Lord Nrsimhadev will be personally present."

22. yoshid vama-bhuje chaiva

purusho dakshine kare

vibhryat kavacham punyam

sarva-siddhi-yuto bhavet

"A woman may keep it on her left arm, a man on the right hand. Certainly this most auspicious kavaca brings all perfection to the bearer."

23. kaka-vandhya cha ya nari

mrita-vatsa cha ya bhavet

janma-vandhya nashta putra

bahu-putravati bhavet

"A woman who is totally barren, or who bears only one child, or whose sons are lost or dead may become possessed of many sons."

24. kavachasya prasadena

jivan mukta bhaven-naraha

trilokyam kshobhayasyeva

trailokya vijayi bhavet

"By the grace of this kavaca, a man becomes jivan mukta, liberated soul even within this life time. He is able to move the whole universe, and certainly becomes victorious throughout the three worlds."

25. bhuta-preta-pishachash cha

rakshasa danavash cha ye

tam drishtva prapalayante

deshad deshantaram dhruvam

"Certainly bhutas, pretas, pisacas, raksasas, and danavas all immediately flee from the country and go to another upon seeing it."

26. yasmin gehe cha kavacham

grame va yadi tishthati

tam deshantu parityajyaNo photo description available.

prayanti chatidurantaha

"In the home or even the same village where this kavaca exists, all such demoniac creatures, once having understood its presence, give up that place and go far away."

Thus ends the Sri Nrsimha Kavaca, of the Trailokya Vijaya in the Samhita of Brahma.

Kindly forgive this note, but in Gopal Tapani Upanisad Durvasa Muni accepted a feast from Sri Radha and the Gopis with 64 different preperationes ,so though he mainly lived on Durva Gras juice he sometimes accepted a feast from Grhasthas to benefit them

Durvasa Muni ki jaya ! dear Prabhus and Maharajas please read this link about Durvasa Muni you will not regret it Durvasa - Wikipedia 

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