Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Sri Astadasa Chandah Stava vers 7 part 2 by Srila Rupa Goswami

 Subject: Sri AstadasaChandahStavavers 7 part 2 by SrilaRupaGoswami
O Krsna the nectar of whose holy names where revealed by Garga Muni after one year of Your childhood pastimes had passed.O Krsna Who decorated the home of Nanda Maharaja with your pastimes of crawling about.O Krsna who delighted the hearts of Gokula with your sweetness. O Krsna who was draged about by a restless calf, whose tail You had grasped. O Krsna whose pastimes delighted the Gopis
housewives, and made them forget all about their household duties. O Krsna who became curious and released the calves at the wrong time.O Krsna who frightened because of Your stealing activities ,restlessly glances here and there.O Krsna who laughed when the elderly Gopis rebuked you.O Krsna whose face expertly conceals Your guilt as a thief. O Krsna who climbed up on the wooden mortar. O Krsna who poked holes in the jars suspended from ropes. O Krsna who delighted the monkeys by giving the milk products to them.O Krsna who broke 
the clay pots full of fresh yogurt O Krishna into whose frightened eyes Your mother gazed, O sun who makes the lotus flower of Gokula bloom, all glories to You.All glories to You
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purport by Paramananda das:
Garga Muni did the Nama Karan samskara for Krsna but when?
In the Krsna books Srila Prabhupada has described this pastime in chapter 8:
After this incident, Vasudeva asked his family priest Garga Muni to visit the  place of Nanda Maharaja in order to astrologically calculate the future life of  Krsna. Garga Muni was a great saintly sage who underwent many austerities and  penances and was appointed priest of the Yadu dynasty. When Garga Muni arrived  at the home of Nanda Maharaja, Nanda Maharaja was very pleased to see him and  immediately stood up with folded hands and offered his respectful obeisances. He  received Garga Muni with the feeling of one who is worshiping God or the Supreme  Personality of Godhead. He offered him a nice sitting place, and when he sat  down, Nanda Maharaja offered him a warm reception. Addressing him very politely,  he said: "My dear brahmana, your appearance in a householder's place is  only to enlighten. We are always engaged in household duties and are forgetting  our real duty of self-realization. Your coming to our house is to give us some  enlightenment about spiritual life. You have no other purpose to visit  householders." Actually a saintly person or a brahmana has no business  visiting householders who are always busy in the matter of dollars and . If it is asked, "Why  don't the householders go to a saintly person or a brahmana for  enlightenment?" the answer is that householders are very poor-hearted. Generally  householders think that their engagement in family affairs is their prime duty  and that self-realization or enlightenment in spiritual knowledge is secondary.  Out of compassion only, saintly persons and brahmanasgo to householders'  homes.
Nanda Maharaja addressed Garga Muni as one of the great authorities in  astrological science. The foretellings of astrological science, such as the  occurrence of or  lunar , are  wonderful calculations, and by this particular science, a person can understand  the future very clearly. Garga Muni was proficient in this knowledge. By this  knowledge one can understand what his previous activities were, and by the  result of such activities one may enjoy or suffer in this life.
Nanda Maharaja also addressed Garga Muni as the "best of the brahmanas." A brahmana is one who is expert in the knowledge of  the Supreme. Without knowledge of the Supreme Absolute, one cannot be recognized  as a brahmana. The exact word used in this connection is brahmavidam, which means those who know the Supreme very well. An expert brahmana is able to give reformatory facilities to the sub-castes--namely  the ksatriyas and vaisyas. The sudras observe no  reformatory performances. The brahmana is considered to be the spiritual  master or priest for the ksatriya and vaisya. Nanda Maharaja  happened to be a vaisya, and he accepted Garga Muni as a first class brahmana. He therefore offered his two foster sons--namely Krsna and  Balarama--to him to purify. He agreed that not only these boys, but all human  beings just after birth should accept a qualified brahmanaas spiritual  master.
Upon this request, Garga Muni replied, "Vasudeva has sent me to see to the  reformatory performances of these boys, especially Krsna's. I am their family  priest, and incidentally, it appears to me that Krsna is the son of Devaki." By  his astrological calculation, Garga Muni could understand that Krsna was the son  of Devaki but that He was being kept under the care of Nanda Maharaja, which  Nanda did not know. Indirectly he said that Krsna, as well as Balarama, were  both sons of Vasudeva. Balarama was known as the son of Vasudeva because His  mother Rohini was present there, but Nanda Maharaja did not know about Krsna.  Garga Muni indirectly disclosed the fact that Krsna was the son of Devaki. Garga  Muni also warned Nanda Maharaja that if he would perform the reformatory  ceremony, then Kamsa, who was naturally very sinful, would understand that Krsna  was the son of Devaki and Vasudeva. According to astrological calculation,  Devaki could not have a female child, although everyone thought that the eighth  child of Devaki was female. In this way Garga Muni intimated to Nanda Maharaja  that the female child was born of Yasoda and that Krsna was born of Devaki, and  they were exchanged. The female child, or Durga, also informed Kamsa that the  child who would kill him was already born somewhere else. Garga Muni stated, "If  I give your child a name and if He fulfills the prophecy of the female child to  Kamsa, then it may be that the sinful demon will come and kill this child also  after the name-giving ceremony. But I do not want to become responsible for all  these future calamities."
On hearing the words of Garga Muni, Nanda Maharaja said, "If there is such  danger, then it is better not to plan any gorgeous name-giving ceremony. It  would be better for you to simply chant the Vedic hymns and perform the  purificatory process. We belong to the twice-born caste, and I am taking this  opportunity of your presence. So please perform the name-giving ceremony without  external pomp." Nanda Maharaja wanted to keep the name-giving ceremony a secret  and yet take advantage of Garga Muni's performing the ceremony.
When Garga Muni was so eagerly requested by Nanda Maharaja, he performed the  name-giving ceremony as secretly as possible in the cowshed of Nanda Maharaja.  He informed Nanda Maharaja that Balarama, the son of Rohini, would be very  pleasing to His family members and relatives and therefore would be called Rama.  In the future He would be extraordinarily strong and therefore would be called  Balarama. Garga Muni said further, "Because your family and the family of the  Yadus are so intimately connected and attracted, therefore His name will also be  Sankarsana." This means that Garga Muni awarded three names to the son of  Rohini--namely Balarama, Sankarsana, and Baladeva. But he carefully did not  disclose the fact that Balarama also appeared in the womb of Devaki and was  subsequently transferred to the womb of Rohini. Krsna and Balarama are real  brothers, being originally sons of Devaki.
Garga Muni then informed Nanda Maharaja, "As far as the other boy is  concerned, this child has taken different bodily complexions in different yugas[millennia]. First of all He assumed the color white, then He  assumed the color red, then the color yellow and now He has assumed the color  black. Besides that, He was formerly the son of Vasudeva; therefore His name  should be Vasudeva as well as Krsna. Some people will call Him Krsna, and some  will call Him Vasudeva. But one thing you must know: This son has had many, many  other names and activities due to His different pastimes."
Garga Muni gave Nanda Maharaja a further hint that his son will also be  called Giridhari because of His uncommon pastimes of lifting Govardhana Hill.  Since he could understand everything past and future, he said, "I know  everything about His activities and name, but others do not know. This child  will be very pleasing to all the cowherd men and cows. Being very popular in  Vrndavana, He will be the cause of all good fortune for you. Because of His  presence, you will overcome all kinds of material calamities, despite opposing  elements."
Garga Muni continued to say, "My dear King of Vraja, in His previous births,  this child many times protected righteous persons from the hands of rogues and  thieves whenever there was political disruption. Your child is so powerful that  anyone who will become a devotee of your boy will never be troubled by enemies.  Just as demigods are always protected by Lord Visnu, so the devotees of your  child will always be protected by Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  This child will grow in power, beauty, opulence--in everything--on the level of  Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore I would advise that you  protect Him very carefully so that He may grow without disturbance."
Garga Muni further informed Nanda Maharaja that because he was a great  devotee of Narayana, Lord Narayana gave a son who is equal to Him. At the same  time he indicated, "Your son will be disturbed by so many demons, so be careful  and protect Him." In this way, Garga Muni convinced Nanda Maharaja that Narayana  Himself had become his son. In various ways he described the transcendental  qualities of his son. After giving this information, Garga Muni returned to his  home. Nanda Maharaja began to think of himself as the most fortunate person, and  he was very satisfied to be benedicted in this way.
  There Srila Prabhupada did not mention at what age this took place:
Also in  his purports to Srimad Bhagavatam Srila Prabhupada has not mentioned this.  But Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has mentioned this in his commentaries   SB 10 Canto chapter 8 vers 1:
gargaḥ purohito rājan
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, namely Gargamuni, who was highly elevated in austerity and penance, was then inspired by Vasudeva to go see Nanda Mahārāja at his home
Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura writes in his Saratha darsini purports to this vers (translated by Bhanu Swami and published by Mahanidhi Swami ):
"This chapter describes Krsnas name giving ceremony,His crawling and stealing butter.His eating dirt and displaying the universal form.After telling how Krsna killed a series of demons up to Trinivarta, Sukadeva remembered Krsnas name giving ceremony, which took place before the killing of Trinivarta, and the narrated the story."
Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has in  previous   commentaries to the earlier chapters mentioned how Sakatasura was killed when Krsna was 3 month old and Trinivarta was  killed after Krsna turned one.And Putana when was she killed? Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has not mentioned this but from all descriptions this appeared before Sakatasura was killed and likely within few days of Krsnas transcendental apperance in Gokula.
  Kamsa had first send his demoniac soldiers to kill all children in Gokula see SB 10.4.31.. However Krsna and His associates (like the sakhas and Sakhis that appeared around the same time as Krsna) where not killed.Srila Rupa Goswami has also described Putana trying to abduct Radharani ......
    So this chapter 8 of 10 canto of Srimad Bhagavatam describing Krsnas Nama  karana Samskara took place before the killing of Trinavarta.This is the expert opinion of Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura.
    Srila Prabhupada has translated this chapter 8 of Srimad Bhagavatam 10.Canto and given us his beautiful purports:
SB 10.8.1: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, namely Gargamuni, who was highly elevated in austerity and penance, was then inspired by Vasudeva to go see Nanda Mahārāja at his home.
SB 10.8.2: When Nanda Mahārāja saw Gargamuni present at his home, Nanda was so pleased that he stood up to receive him with folded hands. Although seeing Gargamuni with his eyes, Nanda Mahārāja could appreciate that Gargamuni was adhokṣaja; that is, he was not an ordinary person seen by material senses.
SB 10.8.3: When Gargamuni had been properly received as a guest and was very comfortably seated, Nanda Mahārāja submitted with gentle and submissive words: Dear sir, because you are a devotee, you are full in everything. Yet my duty is to serve you. Kindly order me. What can I do for you?
SB 10.8.4: O my lord, O great devotee, persons like you move from one place to another not for their own interests but for the sake of poor-hearted gṛhasthas [householders]. Otherwise they have no interest in going from one place to another.
SB 10.8.5: O great saintly person, you have compiled the astrological knowledge by which one can understand past and present unseen things. By the strength of this knowledge, any human being can understand what he has done in his past life and how it affects his present life. This is known to you.
SB 10.8.6: My lord, you are the best of the brāhmaṇas, especially because you are fully aware of the jyotiḥ-śāstra, the astrological science. Therefore you are naturally the spiritual master of every human being. This being so, since you have kindly come to my house, kindly execute the reformatory activities for my two sons.
SB 10.8.7: Gargamuni said: My dear Nanda Mahārāja, I am the priestly guide of the Yadu dynasty. This is known everywhere. Therefore, if I perform the purificatory process for your sons, Kaḿsa will consider Them the sons of Devakī.
SB 10.8.8-9: Kaḿsa is both a great diplomat and a very sinful man. Therefore, having heard from Yogamāyā, the daughter of Devakī, that the child who will kill him has already been born somewhere else, having heard that the eighth of Devakī could not bring forth a female child, and having understood your friendship with Vasudeva, Kaḿsa, upon hearing that the purificatory process has been performed by me, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, may certainly consider all these points and suspect that Kṛṣṇa is the son of Devakī and Vasudeva. Then he might take steps to kill Kṛṣṇa. That would be a catastrophe.
SB 10.8.10: Nanda Mahārāja said: My dear great sage, if you think that your performing this process of purification will make Kaḿsa suspicious, then secretly chant the Vedic hymns and perform the purifying process of second birth here in the cow shed of my house, without the knowledge of anyone else, even my relatives, for this process of purification is essential.
SB 10.8.11: Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: Having thus been especially requested by Nanda Mahārāja to do that which he already desired to do, Gargamuni performed the name-giving ceremony for Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma in a solitary place.
SB 10.8.12: Gargamuni said: This child, the son of Rohiṇī, will give all happiness to His relatives and friends by His transcendental qualities. Therefore He will be known as Rāma. And because He will manifest extraordinary bodily strength, He will also be known as Bala. Moreover, because He unites two families — Vasudeva's family and the family of Nanda Mahārāja — He will be known as Sańkarṣaṇa.
SB 10.8.13: Your son Kṛṣṇa appears as an incarnation in every millennium. In the past, He assumed three different colors — white, red and yellow — and now He has appeared in a blackish color. [In another Dvāpara-yuga, He appeared (as Lord Rāmacandra) in the color of śuka, a parrot. All such incarnations have now assembled in Kṛṣṇa.]
SB 10.8.14: For many reasons, this beautiful son of yours sometimes appeared previously as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore, those who are learned sometimes call this child Vāsudeva.
SB 10.8.15: For this son of yours there are many forms and names according to His transcendental qualities and activities. These are known to me, but people in general do not understand them.
SB 10.8.16: To increase the transcendental bliss of the cowherd men of Gokula, this child will always act auspiciously for you. And by His grace only, you will surpass all difficulties.
SB 10.8.17: O Nanda Mahārāja, as recorded in history, when there was an irregular, incapable government, Indra having been dethroned, and people were being harassed and disturbed by thieves, this child appeared in order to protect the people and enable them to flourish, and He curbed the rogues and thieves.
SB 10.8.18: Demons [asuras] cannot harm the demigods, who always have Lord Viṣṇu on their side. Similarly, any person or group attached to Kṛṣṇa is extremely fortunate. Because such persons are very much affectionate toward Kṛṣṇa, they cannot be defeated by demons like the associates of Kaḿsa [or by the internal enemies, the senses].
SB 10.8.19: In conclusion, therefore, O Nanda Mahārāja, this child of yours is as good as Nārāyaṇa. In His transcendental qualities, opulence, name, fame and influence, He is exactly like Nārāyaṇa. You should all raise this child very carefully and cautiously.
SB 10.8.20: Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: After Gargamuni, having instructed Nanda Mahārāja about Kṛṣṇa, departed for his own home, Nanda Mahārāja was very pleased and considered himself full of all good fortune.
Madan Gopal the deity of Nilambara Chakravati Thakura

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Comment by Paramananda das on November 14, 2012 at 12:17am
Sometimes neophyte devotees give little credit to Garga Muni this is however due to great ignorance, Nanda Maharaja has gloried Garga Muni in great details , and non of the praises are false.Thus any truely aspiring Raganuga Sadhakas must also offer obaisences with all their hearts to the lotusfeet of Garga Muni as was exemplified by Nanda Maharaja Himself.
pratyutthāya kṛtāñjaliḥ
tam — him (Gargamuni); dṛṣṭvā — after seeing; parama-prītaḥNanda Mahārāja was very much pleased; pratyutthāya — standing up to receive him; kṛta-añjaliḥ — with folded hands; ānarca — worshiped; adhokṣaja-dhiyā — although Gargamuni was visible to the senses, Nanda Mahārāja maintained a very high respect for him; praṇipāta-puraḥsaramNanda Mahārāja fell down before him and offered obeisances.
When Nanda Mahārāja saw Gargamuni present at his home, Nanda was so pleased that he stood up to receive him with folded hands. Although seeing Gargamuni with his eyes, Nanda Mahārāja could appreciate that Gargamuni was adhokṣaja; that is, he was not an ordinary person seen by material senses.
Comment by Paramananda das on November 14, 2012 at 12:20am
   We can not even imagine the exalted Garga Muni and his devotion for Lord Krsna ,but we can carefully read his Garga Samhita and always pray for his mercy .In Gaura lila  Garga Muni appeared as Nilambara Chakravati  the father of  Srimati Sacidevi   did the astrologic chart of Lord Caitanya:
:Nilambara Chakravari Thakuras doing the astrological chart of Lord Caitanya is explained in  Caitanya Bhagavat Adi lila chapter 3:

Sri Chaitanya Bhagavat

Adi Lila Chapter Three

Even before He took his birth, the Lord  propagated the chanting of His holy name.
Streams of people went for their bath in the Ganga at the time of the eclipse  and all the way they chanted the Lord's name.
Some, who from their birth never once uttered the Lord's name, now chanted  that name on their way to the Ganga.
The sound of chanting emanated from every direction and the Supreme Lord, the  best of the brahmins, smiled to Himself as He made His appearance.
Sri Jagannatha Misra and Srimati Sacidevi glanced at their child's beautiful  face and were overcome with unbounded joy.
Ladies stood around the child not knowing what to do; fussily they ululated  in jubilation.
Relatives and friends hurried to see the new born child; Sri Jagannatha  Misra's house was a scene of great exultation.
Srimati Sacidevi's father, Sri Nilambara Cakravarti, found esoteric and  wonderful signs in every house of the child's astrological chart.
Sri Cakravarti was astounded by the baby's beauty and saw all divine symbols  on His person.
A much accepted prophesy in Bengal was that someday a king would be born in  Bengal as a brahmin's son, so Sri Cakravarti thought that only the future would  prove whether this was the child.
In the presence of all, Sri Nilambara Cakravarti, an expert astrologer, began  explaining the ramifications of different astrological signs in the Lord's  chart.
The further he delved into the child's exalted chart, the more difficulty he  found in describing the Lord's position.
The child will conquer Brhaspati (the sign for learning and education) and be  a scholar; He will be a natural repository of all divine qualities.
Present in that gathering was a great saint in the guise of a brahman who  made predictions on the Lord's future.
The brahman said, "This child is the Supreme Lord Narayana Himself. He will  establish the essence of all religion.
"He will initiate a wonderful preaching movement and deliver the whole world.
"He will give everyone that which is forever desirable even by Lord Brahma,  Lord Siva or Srila Sukadeva Gosvami.
"Upon seeing Him people will feel compassion for all living entities and  become callous toward material pains and joys. This will be the great  benediction for the whole world.
"Not to mention ordinary men, even hard-core atheists will worship the  child's lotus feet.
"He will be glorified throughout the entire creation and people from all  orders of life will come to worship Him.
"He is the personification of pure Bhagavat religion (eternal religion), the  benefactor of brahmanas, cows and devotees and the affectionate, devoted son of  His parents.
"This child has come to accomplish great works, just as the Supreme Lord  Narayana incarnated to re-establish religious principles
"Who can explain the imports of this child's exalted astrological and  esoteric symptoms?
"How fortunate you are, Sri Jagannatha Misra, a leader amongst men. I offer  my obeisances to you, the illustrious father of this child.
"I feel greatly fortunate that I could calculate his astrological chart. His  name accordingly will be Sri Visvambhara.
"He will be known to all as Navadvipa-candra (the moon of Navadvipa). He is  spiritual bliss personified."
The brahmin did not speak further about Lord Caitanya's pastime of accepting  the renounced order of sannyasa since that would disturb the loving emotion of  His parents.
Sri Jagannatha Misra was enthralled with ecstasy over the descriptions of his  son. He immediately wanted to offer gifts to the brahmin.
He was a poor man with few possessions, yet feeling great jubilation Sri  Misra fell at the brahmin's feet and cried.
The brahman also caught Sri Misra's feet, and everyone present shouted "Hari,  Hari" in great joy.
The relatives and friends were all praise for the child, and they blessed Him  as they heard the super-natural predictions about His future.
Soon the musicians arrived playing their respective instruments - clay drums,  flutes and shanhai (a reed instrument) - and filled the air with wonderful  music.
Ladies from the higher planets mingled freely yet unnoticed with the ladies  from earth in this wonderful gathering.
The mother of the demigods (Aditi) smiled and placed her right hand holding  auspicious grass and paddy on the child's head to bless him saying, "Long life".
"Please remain eternally in this material world and manifest Your pastimes".  This explained the expression "Long life".
Srimati Sacidevi and the others noticed the extraordinary beauty of these  ladies but they hesitated to inquire about their identity.
The demigods respectfully took the dust from Sacidevi's feet, and she lost  her speech in extreme exultation.
Neither the Vedas nor Lord Ananta Sesa could describe the waves of jubilation  that drowned Sri Jagannatha Misra's house. Entire Nadia seemed to be present at  Sacidevi's house to experience that undescribable joy.
Wherever the people were - in their houses, or on the banks of the Ganga, or  on the streets, - they all loudly chanted the Lord's name.
Everyone jubilantly celebrated the Lord's birth, unknowingly thinking the  festivity was actually for the lunar eclipse.
Lord Caitanya appeared on the full moon night of the month of Phalguna; this  day is the most worshipable by Lord Brahma and other great personalities.
This day of the Lord's appearance is the holiest of holy occasions; this day  is devotion personified.
Lord Caitanya appeared on the full moon night of Phalguna and Lord Nityananda  appeared on the 13th night of the waxing moon. Both these days are all  auspicious and transcendental occasions.
If one properly follows these two holy occasions he develops love of Godhead  and cuts asunder the knots of material illusion.
The appearance days of pure Vaisnava devotees like the appearance day of the  Supreme Lord, are also all-auspicious and transcendental.
Whosoever hears the narrations of Lord Caitanya's birth is freed from all  miseries in life and in death.
Anyone who hears Lord Caitanya's pastimes immediately gets love of God and  becomes his eternal servitor; he comes with the Lord each time He advents in  this material world.
The Adi Khanda text is wonderful to hear because it contains descriptions of  Lord Caitanya's appearance.
The Vedic literature describes these pastimes of the Lord as eternal,  although He sometimes appears and sometimes disappears.
Lord Caitanya's pastimes have no beginning and no end; I write them down by  the mercy of the Lord.
I offer my humble obeisances at the Lord's feet and at the feet of all His  devotees. I pray that I may be excused from all offenses.
I, Vrndavana dasa, offer this song to the lotus feet of my life and soul,  Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya and Lord Sri Nityananda Prabhu.
In the Caitanya Bhagavata Adi lila chapter 3 "
And Nilambara Chakravati Thakura doing the Nama Karana is described in chapter 4:
Days passed wrapped in mystery until the day of the name giving ceremony  arrived.
Sri Nilambara Cakravarti and other learned scholars and friends assembled  there.
Respectable, chaste ladies who looked as fresh and glowing as Laksmi devi,  the goddess of fortune, attended the ceremony in beautiful saris.
Everyone discussed which name the child would have. Some ladies made one  suggestion while other ladies made another.
"This child will have no younger brother or sisters, so being the last child  of the family, he should be named Nimai", said one lady.
After considering all points the scholars said there was one name appropriate  for the child.
As soon as He was born, famine ended in the land and the farmers were blessed  with the long-awaited rain.
Happy and healthy conditions returned to the land at His birth. It was  similar to the ancient story of Lord Narayana protecting and upholding the  universe during devastation.
Hence, His name should be Sri Visvambhara (sustainer of the world). This is  confirmed in His horoscope, for He is the brightest torch-bearer of His family.
The name Nimai that the respected ladies gave will be His second name.
The name was given at a auspicious moment when all the planetary indications  were right and amidst readings of Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, and the  Vedas, etc. by the brahmins.
The demigods and humans assembled together on this occasion and offered  benedictions. They chanted Lord Hari's all-auspicious holy names while blowing  conch shells and ringing bells.
Rice, paddy, books, roasted paddy, coins, gold and silver were placed for the  child to hold (testing the child's tendency).
Sri Jagannatha encouraged his son, "My dear Visvambhara, take whatever your  heart desires".
Sacidevi's son, the Supreme Lord, ignored all items and picked up the Srimad  Bhagavatam and embraced it.
The ladies loudly glorified the Lord. Everyone was impressed and said, "He  will be a great scholar".
Some commented that the child would turn out to be an elevated Vaisnava  devotee with the extraordinary capacity to easily grasp the imports of the  scriptures.
Whoever saw Lord Visvambhara's enchanting smile became drenched in showers of  bliss.
Once the ladies had the child on their laps, they would not put Him down.  This child, the Supreme Lord, is almost unapproachable even by demigods.
And whenever the Lord started crying the ladies clapped their hands and  chanted Lord Hari's name.
Hearing the chanting the Lord swayed blissfully as though He were dancing on  their laps. This excited the ladies who in turn increased their chanting.
The Supreme Lord, by His desire, had everyone constantly chanting the Lord's  name, on any available pretext.

MadanGopal \(Deity of Nilambara Chakravarti)

In Gaura Ganodessa Dipika we find this:
104. Before the assembled relatives and  friends, Nilambara Cakravarti spoke the astrological prediction of Lord  Caitanya's future life. For this reason it is said the Nilambara Cakravarti is  the incarnation of Garga Muni.

37. Srimati Yasoda-devi and Vraja's king  Nanda, who had been like two great oceans of the nectar of love for Krsna during  the Lord's pastimes in Vrndavana, appeared during Lord Caitanya's pastimes as  Srimati Saci-devi and Sriman Jagannatha Purandara. Of this there is no  doubt.

In His Krsna lila Stava Srila Sanatana Goswami has glorified the Nama Karana Samskara of Krsna:
sādhu-rakśā-karaḿ duṣṭa-
mārakaḿ bhakta-vatsalam
mahā-nārāyaṇaḿ vande
jaya riṇgana-līlāḍhya
1) [“I offer my humble obeisances to Krsna”] Delighted by Garga Muni's eloquent words, Nanda Maharaja brought Krsna  to a secluded place, where Garga Muni, performing the auspicious name-giving ceremony for the  Lord, enumerated the Lord's glories and opulences.
2) I offer respectful obeisances to Krsna, who is very  affectionate to the devotees, protecting them, and destroying the demons. He is  the great Lord Narayana and He increases the bliss of Nanda Maharaja.
3) O Krsna, eagerly  crawling about on Your hands and knees, and performing  the pastimes of an innocent child, you enchant the minds ¨ of the devotees). All to You.
4) O Krsna, delighted by  the sounds (of other people's) ankle-bells, You would  crawl in the mud of Vraja (as if to follow them). the top of Your head was decorated with a jewel, and  Your neck appeared very splendid, ornamented with the nails of a  tiger.
5) O Krsna, you appear  very charming, anointed with the mud of Vraja, and  Your and hips becoming gradually stronger as You grew  older. O Lord, You desired to see the reflection of Your face and You saw that reflection, You playfully imitated  Your own movements.
6) O Krsna, holding You  with her hands as she was breast-feeding You, Mother Yasoda little teeth beginning to grow in Your smiling mouth,  which was speaking the charming inarticulate words of a small child. At that  time You began to walk, Your amazing activities  occasionally decorated with stumbling.
In Ananda Vrindavana Campu ,Kavi Karnapure has described  the Nama Karana cermony done by Garga Muni it should be read and relished over and over and worshipped with all love and reverenge:
The Name Giving  Ceremony of Krishna
Vasudeva, the  embodiment of pure goodness, sent the famous pries GargaMuni to Gokula to perform the name giving  ceremony of Krsn; and Balarama.By his  purity, Vasudeva blessed everyone and liberated hi ancestors fromtheir sinful reactions. Because of having  perfectly con trolled hissenses, his  fame spread in every direction for all time. The essence ofyajna is mantra, and the essence of Garga Rsi  was his vas intelligence,which he used  to give expert advice. As Kapila Muni ha< previouslydescribed the twenty-four elements of  material nature, Garg; Muniexplained  the truth of the planetary movements. He perfectly un derstoodthe four Vedas and the twenty-two different  intonations of chant ing Vedicmantras.  As the ocean is the source of all rivers, Garga Rs stood as arich storehouse of all branches of Vedic  knowledge.
Comment by Paramananda das on November 14, 2012 at 12:23am
As the sun removes  darkness and manifests simultaneously in man; places,Garga Muni destroyed the ocean of ignorance  and became fa mous everywherefor his  austerities. He also established a dynasty in hi name. As cloudsgather over Mt. Sumeru, the best of  mountains, am pour profuse rain duringthe monsoon season, wherever Garga Mun stayed in Vrndavana he  showeredeveryone with unlimited joy.  Due t< his exceptional character, he broughtgood fortune to all. Garga Muni the acarya of the Yadu dynasty, did  notimmediately disclose the reasoi for  his visiting Nanda Maharaja. VrajarajaNanda received him respec tively, offered obeisances, worshiped him,  andwashed his feet. Servinj the great  sage filled Nanda's heart withremarkable bliss.
Afterwards Nanda  Maharaja took Garga Muni to a private place sprinkled thesage's caranamrta on his head, and spoke  submissively, "O best of thesages!  Saints of your caliber show compassion to others b; your exemplarybehavior. You remove the sufferings of birth,  death, dis ease, old age,and other  miseries. Without a doubt, sages like you sanctif the world.Indeed, I have attained unlimited fortune by  drinking you caranamrta.Simply a  particle of dust from the feet of a realized soul lik< you, whopossesses all auspicious qualities, can  liberate the entire universe frommountains of sin. Those who worship saintly persons usu­ally have  manydesires to fulfill. Simply by  seeing you today the creeper of my desirehas borne fruit.
"Although you are  physically strong, you are devoid of desire. You actonly to benefit others by relieving their  distress. Your presence here hasmade my  life successful, so I need not ask why you have come. But listen,I have something to say which you may not  like. I am praying to youbecause you  are famous throughout the world for your compassion andselflessness. Your glories illuminate the  whole world. "I am disturbed byvarious  anxieties, but I feel somewhat afraid to ap­proach you because ofyour exalted position. Nevertheless, since  your heart is very soft, I feelinclined  to reveal my mind to you. O Master! The fame of Anakadundubhi(Vasudeva) is heard throughout the world like  the sound of a dundubhidrum. I will be  pleased and indebted if you pub­licly announce the namesof our two sons Rama and Krishna. Please  per­form the necessary rituals forTheir  auspicious name-giving ceremony." Favorably inclined, Garga Munireplied,"O Vrajaraja! Your humility conquers the hearts ofeveryone, and your submissive request is free  from pride and arrogance. Asthe  soothing rays of the moon bring pleasure to the kumuda flower, I willsatisfy your cherished desire in all  respects. There is no one in thisworld  like the wicked King Kamsa. He is notorious for his cruelty andcannot stand to see anyone else enjoy. He is  like a poisonous fruit on adangling  creeper. He defeated the demigods and put everyone in distress.Now without any challenge, he has seized  control of your country.
"Kamsa is always  meditating upon the son of Vasudeva and inquiring aboutHis whereabouts. He hisses loudly like a  snake hiding in a moun­tain cave.He  knows I am the acarya of the Yadu dynasty. Therefore, O VrajarajaNanda! If I perform the auspicious name  giving ceremony of your son, thenthe  inimical kings, who are moving amongst us in disguise, willimmediately disclose the news to that wicked  king. All the sinful kings ofthe Bhoja  dynasty will treat us cruelly due to their malice. And amongthem, Kamsa is envious and malicious. As a  fire burning within a treecauses  continual pain, such kings give relentless suffering to others. Itis very difficult, therefore, to execute this  ceremony." Overwhelmed withlamentation  over Garga Muni's words, Nanda Ma­haraja replied, "O myMaster! Your statements are certainly  correct. Is there anyone alive whocould  be envious of you? O affectionate one! The foolish people will notknow if we secretly hold the name-giving  ceremony in my house. Besides ourfour  eyes, there are no other eyes here to see. "No one else will find outif we observe the ceremony along with my  intimate family members. Sinceyou are  the embodiment of fortune, your presence alone can easily removethe misery of material existence. There is no  need for the external pompof drums,  cymbals, and other musical instruments. You alone can performthe ceremony by chanting all the necessary  hymns and mantras." GargaMuni's face  beamed happily upon hearing Nanda's words. As a glass bowl ofoil reveals the objects within it, Garga  Muni's executing this serviceshowed his  inner prema rasa. Mother Yasoda and Rohini then brought Krishnaand Rama before the great sage. While gazing  at Krishna, Garga Muni mused,"The body  of this little boy holds within Himself all the truths of theUpanisads, and He firmly establishes the  existence of God. Is He a floweron the  desire tree causing all our good fortune? Is His form the origin ofthe nectar ocean of condensed bliss? Jnanis  see Him as Brahman or the Lordof the  universe. Mental speculators see Him as the creator. Mystic yogissee Him as the Supersoul and saintly devotees  worship Him as Bhagavan.
"Although beyond the  influence of time and space, that very samePer­sonality of Godhead plays in the lap of His pure devotees Nanda  andYasoda. O what an amazing sight! Is  He the causeless origin of a beautifullight within the dense darkness of ignorance? Ah! His form is  completelyastonishing. Though reclining  on the lap of His mother, He floods my heartwith a stream of joy. His darsana satisfies my eyes like a lamp of  coolingcamphor. The fragrance of His  body resembles the sweet smell of burningaguru and sandalwood." "Krishna causes my body to manifest ecstatic  symptomssuch as shaking, hair standing  erect and mental bewilderment. I came hereto do His name giving ceremony, but if this joyous state continues it  willbe impossible for me to do  it."
Considering the  situation, Garga again pondered, "If I hold on to His feeteveryone will say, 'This Garga Muni has gone  crazy.' If I embrace Him tomy chest  people will say I am acting frivolously. Alas! If I hold back anddo nothing, I will become filled with anxiety  and lose my pa­tience. Butnever mind;  let it be like this. Today my life has really becomefortunate. My eyes have attained perfection,  my learning and exalted birthhave now  become blessed. The Lord has shown His compassion upon me andmade my life successful by making me the  acarya of the divine Yadudynasty."
Thinking thus, Garga  Muni simultaneously drank nectar and bathed in anocean of bliss. Due to this he seemed to be  sleeping though awake; to bein illusion  though wise; to have fallen unconscious though alive; to beblind though seeing; to be deaf though  hearing; to be speaking thoughappearing  dumb, and to be frivolous though patient.
Yasoda and Rohini  brought Krishna and Rama to Garga Muni. Full of all goodfortune, these two boys remove all  misfortune. Before naming the children,Garga Muni blessed Them by chanting auspicious mantras. Af­ter  dispellingall negative elements, Garga  Muni selected appropriate names and initiatedthe ceremony saying, "The son of Vasudeva is as powerful as the  SupremePersonality of Godhead, and He  shall be named Bala because He possessesextraordinary power. In the future He will enjoy wrestling so He will  alsobe called Baladeva. Sometimes His  friends will defeat Him in the sport ofcracking jokes. At that time they will say, 'O Deva! Now show us  yourstrength.' For His relishing of  hasya rasa (mellow of humor), He will becalled Balarama.
"He is the  personification of fame and perfection and more glorious thanthe creator. Since He will attract all people  and remove their sins, thename  Sankarsana also befits Him. Handsome and pleasing to every­body, thisboy will become famous as Rama. Because He  will show ex­traordinarystrength while  playing He will be called Balarama. "As bhakti-yoga isfound among the four castes, your youngest  son ap­pears in four colors:white, red,  yellow, and dark blue. Although your son resembles the hue ofa blue sapphire, in every millenium He  manifests a different color to showHis  compassion. In Satya-yuga, the people lived religious lives free fromsin. Your son appeared in that age in a white  color. In Treta-yuga, firehad three  names: daksine-dgni, gdrhapatya-agni, and ahavdnya-dgni. In thatage your son appeared as the combination of  these three fires known asYajna. In  Dvapara-yuga, the Lord appears in a dark blue color resemblingthe shyama color (dark blue complexion) of  your son. In Kali-yuga, the ageof  quarrel, He has a golden color."He will be addressed as Krishna which is a  combination of five letters: ka,ri, ?a,  na, a. By the first four letters of His name He assumed thedifferent colors of the four yugas. His  present syama color signifiesVishnu,  which is indicated by the last letter of Krishna's name. Therefore,He, who now assumes the color of a blue  sapphire, is the origin of all the other  yuga avataras and shall be known as Krishna.
"He will be called  Krishna for His ability to attract the hearts of Hislovers and take away the sins of His  devotees. The word krs means existenceand the letter na signifies bliss. His primary name is Krishna because He  isthe personification of bliss and  eternality. Sometimes your younger soncombines with Yogamaya to appear as the son of the liberated soulVasudeva. For this reason He will also be  known throughout the world asVasudeva.  Your son has all the qualities of Narayana such as mercy,for­giveness, truthfulness, and cleanliness.  Sarasvati, the goddess oflearning, has  put these concepts in my mind. Although Narayana is equal toKrishna, your son is the origin and Narayana  is His expansion. Since yourson  pos­sesses the power to maintain the universe, everyone will call HimNarayana.
"Not only Sarasvati  proclaims this, but I also agree. My words fail toreach the extent of your son's unlimited  glories. Nanda Maharaja! You arefortunate to have such a phenomenal child. By His mercy you will  easilyovercome all difficulties now and  in the future. Not only that, but anyonewho loves your son will have all his desires fulfilled. Though the  panditshave attained the rare fortune  of knowing everything, still they will notbe able to fathom the identity of your son. Do not reveal thisconfidential truth to  anyone."
Then Garga Muni picked  up Krishna, who removes all distress, and placed Himon his lap. From the touch of Krishna, the  sage experienced ecstaticsymptoms such  as horripilation and hairs standing erect. At that momentGarga Muni thought, "Aha! This boy is  displaying unprecedented effulgence.How  can this child's transcendental brilliance appear along with materialobjects such as kajala, a cloud, a blue  lotus, and a blue sap­phire?Expert  pandits have explained this by saying that the Brahman has appearedon earth as the effulgence of your jewel-like  son." After giving the boys a final loving embrace, Garga Muni placed Them  onNanda's lap and prepared to leave.  Nanda Maharaja stood up andrespectfully  escorted Garga Muni outside.
Comment by Paramananda das on November 14, 2012 at 12:53am


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