Text 1
shri-krishna krishna-chaitanya
gopala raghunathapta-
vraja-vallabha pahi mam
shri-krishna-O Shri Krishna; krishna-chaitanya-O Shri Krishna Chaitanya; sa-sanatana-rupaka-O Lord whose form is eternal; gopala-O protector of the cows; raghunathapta-attained by the master of the Raghus; vraja-vallabha-O beloved of Vraja; pahi-save; mam-me.
O Shri Krishna, O Lord who appears as Shri Krishna Chaitanya, O Lord whose form is eternal, O protector of the cows, O Lord who appears as Shri Ramacandra, O beloved of Vraja, please protect me.
Note: Shrila Jiva Gosvami has placed in this verse the names of Shrila Rupa Gosvami, Shrila Sanatana Gosvami, Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, Shrila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Shrila Raghunatha Bhatöa Gosvami, and his own cousin Vallabha.
Texts 2 and 3
nandanandana ity uktas
gopinam patir eva yah
tam rajiva-vilocanam
ballavi-nandanam vande
krishnam gopala-rupinam
nandanandana-Nandanandana; ity-thus; uktah-said; trailokyananda-vardhanah-inbcreasing the bliss of the three worlds; anadi-without beginning; janma-birth; siddhanam-of the perfect; gopinam-of the gopis; patih-the master; eva-indeed; yah-who; navina-nirada-shyamam-dark as a monsoon cloud; tam-to Him; rajiva-vilocanam-lotus eyes; ballavi-of the gopis; nandanam-the happiness; vande-I bow down; krishnam-to Shri Krishna; gopala-of a gopa; rupinam-the form.
I offer my respectful obeisances to the Shri Krishna, who is known as Nanda's son, who is the protector of the cows, who fills the three worlds with bliss, who is the master of the birthless and perfect gopis, who is dark as a monsoon cloud, and whose eyes are lotus flowers.
Text 4
vrindaranye jaran jivah
kashcit praha manah prati
mriyase sampratam mudha
gudham etam sudham piba
vrindaranye-in Vrindavana; jaran-growing old; jivah-a living entity; kashcit-a certain; praha-says; manah-to his mind; prati-to; mriyase-you are dying; sampratam-now; mudha-O fool; gudham-secret; etam-this; sudham-nectar; piba-drink.
A person gradually growing old in Vrindavana tells his mind: Fool, now you are close to death. Drink this nectar I give you.
Note: Shrila Jiva Gosvami has placed his name in this verse.
Text 5
tam pibann eva he svantah
svam ca gokula-sangatam
sevam ca vanchitam kancid
bhava-bhedena bhavaya
tam-that; pibann-drinking; eva-indeed; he-O; svantah-mind; svam-you; ca-qnd; gokula-sangatam-in Gokula; sevam-service; ca-and; vanchitam-desired; kancit-something; bhava-bhedena-with love; bhavaya-meditate.
O mind, as you drink this nectar think of yourself being in Gokula and think of the lovingly service you wish to give the Lord.
Text 6
mangalah sarva-lokanam
bhavyam pallavayan payad
mangalah-auspicious; sarva-lokanam-of all people; gopa-kshauni-bhrid-angajah-the son of ther gopa king; bhavyam-auspiciousne4ss; pallavayan-making bloom; payat-may protect; ballavi-jana-of the gopis; vallabhah-the beloved.
May the gopa-prince Krishna, who makes the devotees blossom with happiness, and who is the auspiciousness of all the worlds and the gopis' beloved, protect us.
Texts 7-9
aho bakity-adi-kirtih
krishnas tu bhagavan svayam
asti yas tasya pitradi-
taya citraya klptavan
stutas tad bhuri-bhagyeti
tatha cettham satam iti
nemam virincety evam
nayam striya iti vrajah
yas tam ko nashrayan natra
kshitav indriyavan narah
tasmad bhratar nija-tratah
svantah svantas tam ashraya
aho bakity-adi-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 3.2.23; kirtih-fame; krishnah-Krishna; tu-indeed; bhagavan svayam-the Original Supreme Personality of Godhead (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.28); asti-is; yah-who; tasya-of Him; pitraditaya-beginning with His father; citraya-wonderful; klptavan-did; stutah-glorified with prayers; tat-that; bhuri-bhagyeti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.14.38; tatha-so; cettham satam iti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.12.11; nemam virincety-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.9.20; evam-thus; nayam striya-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.60; iti-thus; vrajah-Vraja; yah-who; tam-to Him; kah-who?; na-not; ashrayan-taking shelter; na-not; atra-here; kshitav-on the earth; indriyavan-sensible; narah-person; tasmat-therefore; bhratah-O brother; nija-own; tratah-O protector; svantah-O mind; svantah-O mind; tam-Him; ashraya-take shelter.
What sensible person on this earth will not take shelter of Lord Krishna, who filled His parents with wonder, who is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead as described in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.28, and whose glory is seen in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 3.2.23, 10.14.38, 10.12.11, 10.9.20, and 10.47.60? O mind, O brother mind, O my protector, please take shelter of Him.
Text 10
upadesham desha-rupam
mama manaya manasa
sudhadharadharah so 'yam
kalpah syat kalpa-bhuruhah
upadesham-instruction; desha-rupam-for this place; mama-my; manaya-please accept; manasa-O mind; sudha-of nectar; adharadharah-a monsoon cloud; sah ayam-He; kalpah-proper; syat-is; kalpa-bhuruhah-a kalpa-vriksha tree.
O mind, please understand what I will now teach you: Krishna is a monsoon cloud of nectar. He is a kalpa-vriksha tree that fulfills all desires.
Text 11
mulam janmadi-lilasya
skandhah syan nitya-lilata
shakhas tat-tad-ritu-shlokah
phalam premamayi sthitih
mulam-the root; janma-with birth; adi-beginning; lila-pastimes; asya-of Him; skandhah-the trunk; syan-is; nitya-lilata-the eternal pastimes; sakhah-the branches; tat-tad-ritu-the pastimes in the various seasons; shlokah-verse; phalam-the fruit; premamayi-full of love; sthitih-the condition.
The root of that kalpa-vriksha tree is the pastimes that begin with His birth. The trunk is His eternal pastimes. The branches are the verses describing His pastimes in the different seasons. The fruit is love for Him.
Chapter One
Lord Krishna's Birth and Other Pastimes
Text 12
yas tantra-mantrayor guptam
uktah shri-nanda-nandanah
tad-rupatam nijam vyanjit
kutashcit kutukad bhuvi
yah-who; tantra-mantrayoh-of the Tantras and mantras; guptam-hidden; uktah-said; shri-nanda-nandanah-the son of Nanda; tad-rupatam-His fom; nijam-own; vyanjit-manifest; kutashcit-somewhere; kutukat-joyfully; bhuvi-in this world.
Shri Krishna, the son of Nanda, who, although He hides from the Vedic rituals and He is not in the Vedic mantras, does happily appear before some persons in this world, . . .
Note: Here begins a very long sentence that finds its end in Text 266.
Text 13
yah prag iti hi padyabhyam
nandatmajataya svatah
vasudevataya karya-
vashad gargena nishcitah
yah-who; prag-before; iti-thus; hi-indeed; padyabhyam-with two verses; nandatmajataya-as the son of Nanda; svatah-Himself; vasudevataya-as the son of Vasudeva; karya-vashat-because of duty; gargena-by Garga Muni; nishcitah-determined.
. . . who, even though He is naturally Nanda's son, was said by Garga Muni (in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.8.14) to be out of duty the son of Vasudeva, . . .
Text 14
yah shri-nanda-yashodantar-
hridi sphurtim gatas tatah
udyamsh cakre dugdha-sindhor
indor janma-vidambanam
yah-who; shri-nanda-of Shri Nanda; yashoda-and Shri Yashoda; antah--in; hridi-the heart; sphurtim-manifestation; gatah-attained; tatah-then; udyan-appearing; cakre-did; dugdha-sindhoh-of the ocean of milk; indoh-of the moon; janma-birth; vidambanam-imitation.
. . . who first appeared in the hearts of Nanda and Yashoda and then was born like the moon from the milk ocean, . . .
Text 15
yah sarvarddhi-vrajam nanda-
vrajam svam janma-matratah
ramanam jayamananam
aramam dhama nirmame
yah-who; sarva-all; riddhi-opulence; vrajam-filled; nanda-of Nanda; vrajam-the cowherd village; svam-own; janma-matratah-simply by birth; ramanam-of goddesses of fortune; jayamananam-being born; aramam-the garden; dhama-the abode; nirmame-created.
. . . who, simply by being born brought to this world His own forest-garden home, Nanda's all-opulent cowherd village where many beautiful goddesses were also born, . . .
Text 16
yah sva-madhurya-piyusham
sarvatra pariveshayam
jigaya mohini-rupam
yah-who; sva-madhurya-piyusham-the nectar of His own sweetness; sarvatra-everywhere; pariveshayam-going; jigaya-defeated; mohini-rupam-charming; kshira-niradhi-tira-gam-to the shore of the milk ocean.
. . . the nectar of whose sweetness flowed everywhere, defeating even the form of Mohini on the milk-ocean's shore, . . .
Text 17
yah kripam janmato vyanjan
putanam api putanam
nitam dhatri-gatim sphitam
cakarshin nutanarbhakah
yah-who; kripam-mercy; janmatah-from birth; vyanjan-manifesting; putanam-to Putana; api-even; putanam-purified; nitam-brought; dhatri-gatim-to to status of a nurse; sphitam-great; ca-and; akarshit-dragged; nutanarbhakah-small child.
. . . who from the moment of His birth was very compassionate, who when He was a small child defeated Putana, purified her, and made her His nurse, . . .
Text 18
yah komala-padagrena
shakatam tad-vishankatam
sva-jyotsnavaranam matva
cikshepakshepavan iva
yah-who; komala-padagrena-with His soft toes; shakatam-a cart; tad-vishankatam-great; sva-jyotsna-glory; avaranam-hiding; matva-considering; cikshepa-kicked; akshepavan-throwing away; iva-as if.
. . . who, confident that His glory would remain hidden, with His soft toes kicked a great cart and made it collapse, . . .
Text 19
yah pujita-pada-kshepa-
shobhaya lobhayam asa
balikah kula-palikah
yah-who; pujita-worshiped; pada-kshepa-by the kick; kujita-warbling; smita-smile; rocisham-splendor; shobhaya-with splendor; lobhayam asa-desired; balikah-girls; kula-palikah-saintly.
. . . who with the sound of His kick and the glory of His smile filled many saintly girls with desire, . . .
Text 20
yah sva-namadyam asadya
gargad vargan nijan anu
harsham vavarsha nyag jalpann
om ittham soma-jin-mukhah
yah-who; sva-nama-His names; adyam-beginning with; asadya-attaining; gargat-from Garga Muni; vargan-groups; nijan-own; anu-following; harsham-happiness; vavarsha-showered; nyag jalpann-speaking broken words; om-Om; ittham-thus; soma-jin-mukhah-His face defeating the moon.
. . . whose face eclipses the glory of the moon, who after receiving His names from Garga Muni spoke the word "Om" (yes) in the broken words of an infant, and thus showered His relatives with happiness, . . .
Text 21
yas trinavartam asadya
sadyah samvarta-vartanam
samvartayams tam aninye
yah-who; trinavartam-Tranavarta; asadya-attaining; sadyah-at once; samvarta-vartanam-whirlwind; samvartayan-whirling around; tam-him; aninye-brought; viparita-paritatam-to the opposite condition.
. . . who made the Trinavarta whirlwind fall and gave him the opposite of what he expected, . . .
Text 22
yah shri-ramam nijaramam
sangacchann accha-khelaya
balan anandayan nanda-
yah-who; shri-ramam-Shri Balarama; nijaramam-to Hiw own garden; sangacchann-going; accha-khelaya-with splendid pastimes; balan-to the boys; anandayan-delighted; nanda-raja-of King Nanda; keshari-nandanah-the lion's cub.
. . . who was King Nanda's lion-cub son, who, going to His own forest-garden, delighted Balarama and the boys with many splendid pastimes, . . .
Text 23
yah pundram rocanarucyam
kancukam kancana-prabham
dadhan matus tat tad asid
utsangasi yadajani
yah-who; pundram-tilaka; rocanarucyam-spkendid with gorocana; kancukam-garments; kancana-prabham-splendid as gold; dadhan-wearing; matuh-of Hismother; tat tat-whenevr; asit-was; utsangasi-on the lap; yada-when; ajani-was.
. . . who, wearing clothes splendid with gold and tilaka splendid with gorocana, sat on His mother lap, . . .
Text 24
yah kurvan kardama-kridam
nirvyajam anaya dhritah
dvayoh sukhena duhkhena
snigdhan digdhan vinirmame
yah-who; kurvan-doing; kardama-in th mud; kridam-playing; nirvyajam-truthfully; anaya-by her; dhritah-held; dvayoh-of them both; sukhena-with happiness; duhkhena-with unhappiness; snigdhan-affectionate; digdhan-anointed; vinirmame-did.
. . . who, a small child playing in the mud, was suddenly picked up by Mother Yashoda, who then anointed both Himself and His mother with mud, affection, distress and happiness, . . .
Text 25
yah samam saha-jatena
ringann angana-kardame
kincit katara-dhih pashyan
mataram drutam iyivan
yah-who; samam-with; saha-jatena-His bother; ringan-crawling; angana-kardame-in the mud of the courtyard; kincit-somehwat; katara-dhih-agitated at heart; pashyan-seeing; mataram-to His mother; drutam-at once; iyivan-went.
. . . who, seeing that His mother became alarmed when He and His brother crawled in the muddy courtyard, quickly went to her, . . .
Text 26
yas tayalingitah sasra-
smitam stanyam ananya-dhih
apayi sushthu capyayi
smitam bibhrad udaikshi ca
yah-who; taya-by her; alingitah-embraced; sa-with; asra-tears; smitam-smile; stanyam-breast milk; ananya-dhih-without any other thought; apayi-drank; sushthu-nicely; ca-and; apyayi-drunk with kisses; smitam-the smile; bibhrat-holding; udaikshi-saw; ca-and.
. . . who was embraced by His mother with a tear-filled smile, who without thinking of any other thing drank the milk of her breast, who, kissed by her again and again, smiled and gazed at her, . . .
Text 27
yas tada matur aninye
sarvam vismriiti-vismritam
rudann iva hasan mugdha-
yah-who; tada-then; matuh-of His mother; aninye-brought; sarvam-all; vismriiti-forgetfullness; vismritam-forgotten; rudan-crying; iva-as if; hasan-laughing; mugdha-charming; bala-lion; simha-cub; avalokanah-glance.
. . . who, laughing and roaring, and His charming eyes like those of a lion cub, made His mother forget everything but Him, . . .
Text 28
yas tada mrittikam bhakshann
alakshyam anaya dhritah
dayaya kim bhayad asyas
tratah srag yogamayaya
yah-who; tada-then; mrittikam-clay; bhakshann-eating; alakshyam-unseen; anaya-by her; dhritah-held; dayaya-with kindness; kim-what?; bhayat-out of fear; asyah-of her; tratah-protected; srag-at once; yogamayaya-by Yogamaya.
. . . who when His mother wasn't looking ate clay, who was caught by Her and gently asked, "What is this?", who was at once rescued by His Yogamaya potency, . . .
Text 29
yah shri-ramanvayi kaman
nanata saha-patavam
vriddhanam sukham riddhanam
kurvanas tala-palanam
yah-who; shri-ramanvayi-with balarama's friends; kaman-at He wished; nanata-danced; saha-patavam-with great skill; vriddhanam-elder; sukham-with happiness; riddhanam-wealthy; kurvanah-doing; tala-palanam-keeping time.
. . . who, keeping time and pleasing His fortunate elders, expertly danced with Balarama's friends, . . .
Text 30
yah krinan kara-vibhrashta-
mulyenapy amitam phalam
phalany ananya-labhyani
dade vikrinatim prati
yah-who; krinan--purchasing; kara-from the hand; vibhrashta-fallen; mulyena-with the price; api-also; amitam-limitless; phalam-fruits; phalany-fruits; ananya-labhyani-not attainable in another way; dade-gave; vikrinatim-purchase; prati-to.
. . . who, the grains He was about to give as payment slipping from His hand, purchased limitless fruits and gave the woman who was selling them many priceless jewels in return, . . .
Text 31
yas tarnakan pura muncann
ancan bala-balanvitah
dohanukaranam kurvan
sukha-dohaya klptavan
yah-who; tarnakan-the calves; pura-before; muncan-releasing; ancan-bending; bala-balanvitah-with Balarama and the boys; doha-milking; anukaranam-imitation; kurvan-doing; sukha-dohaya-for enjoyment; klptavan-engaged.
. . . who, accompanied by Balarama and the boys, released the calves and enjoyed a game of pretending to milk them, . . .
Text 32
yah karshann api vatsasya
puccham sankarshananvitah
tena karsham vrajan bhratri-
bharyabhih paryahasyata
yah-who; karshann-dragging; api-even; vatsasya-of a calve; puccham-the tail; sankarshananvitah-with Balarama; tena-by it; karsham-pulling; vrajan-going; bhratri-bharyabhih-by His aunts; paryahasyata-laughed.
. . . who, accompanied by Balarama, tugged at a calves tail and was pulled here and there as His aunts laughed, . . .
Text 33
yah kurvann api gavyanam
cauryam bhavyaya didyute
yasya tabhir vivadash ca
yah-who; kurvann-doing; api-also; gavyanam-of the milk products; cauryam-theft; bhavyaya-for good fortune; didyute-giving; yasya-of whom; tabhih-by them; vivadah-dispute; ca-and; sukha-happiness; samvada-words; siddhaye-for perfection.
. . . who stole milk and yogurt to give a blessing and to enjoy the happiness of seeing the gopis argue over whether He had indeed been a thief, . . .
Text 34
yah svam damodaram shrinvan
samoda-vridam ancati
balyasvehantarad api
yah-who; svam-Himself; damodaram-His waist bound with arope; shrinvan-hearing; samoda-vridam-with shyness and happiness; ancati-bends; prasu-of His mother; shiksha-taching; maya-consisting of; snehat-out of love; balyasva-of childhood; iha-actions; antarat-out of another; api-also.
. . . who, hearing His mother affectionately call Him by the name "Damodara", would come, both embarrassed and happy, from His childhood play, . . .
Text 35
yah sushthu khelayavishtah
sva-matra pranayan muhuh
krishna krishnaravindakshety
ahuto 'py ashu nayayau
yah-who; sushthu-nicely; khelaya-with pastimes; avishtah-entered; sva-matra-by His mother; pranayat-out of love; muhuh-again and again; krishna-O Krishna; krishna-O Krishna; aravindaksha-O lotus-eyed; iti-thus; ahutah-called; api-even; ashu-at once; na-not; ayayau-came.
. . . who was so rapt in playing that at first He would not come when again and again His mother lovingly called, "Krishna! Lotus-eyed Krishna!", . . .
Text 36
yah shri-vrindavanam prancan
bhratra saha vanaspadam
hasayan bhashayam asa
matarau yatarau mithah
yah-who; shri-vrindavanam-to Shri Vrindavana; prancan-going; bhratra-His brother; saha-with; vanaspadam-to the forest; hasayan-making laugh; bhashayam-making talk; asa-did; matarau-the two mothers; yatarau-sisters-in-law; mithah-together.
. . . who as He was leaving with Balarama for Vrindavana forest inspired Yashoda and Rohini to talk and joke and laugh, . . .
Text 37
yah shri-vrindavane labdhe
prarabdha-kridam anvabhut
rama-damadibhih sakhyam
tat-prakhyam bhramaradibhih
yah-who; shri-vrindavane-Shri Vrindavana; labdhe-attained; prarabdha-kridam-playing; anvabhut-experienced; rama-damadibhih-the boys headed by Balarama and Shridama; sakhyam-friendship; tat-prakhyam-resembling; bhramaradibhih-beginning with bees.
. . . who, imitating the bees and other creatures, played with Balarama, Shridama, and other friends in beautiful Vrindavana forest, . . .
Text 38
yah shri-ramena tatrapi
vikshya pritim agat param
vrindavanam govardhanam
yamuna-pulinany api
yah-who; shri-ramena-with Shri Balarama; tatrapi-still; vikshya-seeing; pritim-happiness; agat-went; param-great; vrindavanam-to Vrindavana; govardhanam-to Govardhana; yamuna-pulinany-to the Yamuna's shore; api-also.
. . . who, in Lord Balarama's company gazing at Vrindavana, Govardhana, and the Yamuna's shore, became very happy, . . .
Text 39
yah prapta-madhya-kaumarah
pitra sardham vanam vrajan
pricchan namani dhamani
pashyan mudam avaptavan
yah-who; prapta-madhya-kaumarah-in the middle of boyhood; pitra-His father; sardham-with; vanam-to the forest; vrajan-going; pricchan-asking; namani-the names; dhamani-the abodes; pashyan-seeing; mudam-happiness; avaptavan-attained.
. . . who in the middle of His boyhood went to the forest with His father, asked the names of the different creatures, and became happy as He gazed at the different places, . . .
Text 40
yah kridan shishur avridam
agrajena vrajendra-jah
jalpajalpi mithash cakre
hastahasti padapadi
yah-who; kridan-playing; shishuh-aboy; avridam-without shyness; agrajena-with His elder brother; vrajendra-jah-the son of Vraja's king; jalpajalpi mithah-taking together; cakre-did; hastahasti-foot by foot; padapadi-hand in hand.
. . . who was the prince of Vraja, who without shyness played with His elder brother Balarama, talked with Him, and wrestled with Him hand-to-hand and foot-to-foot, . . .
Text 41
yash carayan nijan vatsan
vatsakam nama danavam
bakam bakavad akaram
darayan muktim ardayat
yah-who; carayan-herding; nijan-His own; vatsan-calves; vatsakam-vatsasura; nama-named; danavam-a demon; bakam-Baka; bakavat-like a duck; akaram-form; darayan-killing; muktim-liberation; ardayat-gave.
. . . who herded the calves, who killed Vatsasura and the duck-demon Bakasura and gave them liberation, . . .
Text 42
yah svair viharanam cakre
vyomam ca vyomatam ninye
kurvantam prati-lomatam
yah-who; svaih-with His own friends; viharanam-playing; cakre-did; meshi-harana-samjnitam-the game of stealing lambs; vyomam-Vyoma; ca-and; vyomatam-to the void; ninye-led; kurvantam-doing; prati-lomatam-hostility.
. . . who played the game of "stealing lambs" with His friends, who pushed His enemy Vyomasura into the impersonal void, . . .
Text 43
yah kurvams tam agham khandam
vidher agham atah param
ninye sva-jyotishi prancam
tad arvag bhakti-tejasi
yah-who; kurvamh-doing; tam-to him; agham-Agha; khandam-broken; vidheh-of teh creator Brahma; agham-Agha; atah param-then; ninye-brought; sva-jyotishi-to His effulgence; prancam-intelligent; tat-that; arvag-after; bhakti-tejasi-in the power of devotional service.
. . . who killed Aghasura and pushed Him into the Brahman effulgence, who led the creator Brahma to the glory of devotional service, . . .
Text 44
yah kaumaram atikramya
cakre gopalatam gacchal
yah-who; kaumaram-kaumara; atikramya-surpassing; ramya-paugandha-mandanah-decorated with the handsome features of the pauganda age; cakre-did; gopalatam-the protector of the cows; gacchal-going; loka-palaka-palatam-the protector of the planets' protectors.
. . . who, leaving behind the kaumara age, and now decorated with the handsomeness of the pauganda age, became the protector of the cows, even though He was already the protector of the rulers of the planets, . . .
Note: The fifth year is the time when the kaumara age ends and the pauganda age begins.
Text 45
yah kalakuta-nishpishta-
cetanam vraja-ketanan
cetayam asa kripaya
yah-who; kalakuta-by poison; nishpishta-crushed; cetanam-consciousness; vraja-ketanan-the people of Vraja; cetayam asa-revived; kripaya-with mercy; locanamrita-vrishtibhih-with the shoer of nectar from His eyes.
. . . who, when the boys of Vraja fainted, their consciousness crushed by drinking poison, compassionately revived them with a shower of nectar from His eyes, . . .
Text 46
yah kaliyam api vyaktam
vyanjan mameti sharana-
gatan anyan aranjayat
yah-who; kaliyam-to Kaliya; api-also; vyaktam-manifested; nijanghri-yuga-of His two feet; mudraya-with the mark; vyanjan-manifesting; mama-of Me; iti-thus; sharana-shelter; gatan-attained; anyan-others; aranjayat-delighted.
. . . who placed His footprints on the Kaliya snake, footprints that proclaimed, "This is My servant", who delighted the other snakes that took shelter of Him, . . .
Texts 47 and 48
yah shukena vraja-premas-
padatvenettham iritah
krishnarpitatma-suhrid ity
adi procya prashocya ca
sarve 'nga pashu-vrittayah
nirjagmatur gokulad dinah
yah-who; shukena-by Shri Shukadeva; vraja-of Vraja; prema-of love; aspadatvena-as the abode; ittham-thus; iritah-declared; krishna-to Lord Krishna; arpita-offered; atma-self; suhrit-friend; ity-thus (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.16.10); adi-beginning; procya-saying; prashocya-lamenting; ca-and; a-bala-vriddha-vanitah-the women and girls; sarve-all; anga-indeed; pashu-vrittayah-the cowherd people; nirjagmatuh-went; gokulat-from Gokula; dinah-distressed; krishna-of Krishna; darshana-for the sight; lalasah-yearning.
. . . who, as Shrila Shukadeva explained in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.16.10, was the object of love for Vraja's people, for whose sake the gopas and gopi, young and old, left Gokula, lamenting and yearning to see Him, . . .
Text 49
yas tasmin sambhrame rodhan
nishkranta vraja-kanyakah
mene tah prathamam pashyan
svam kritartham kritav iha
yah-who; tasmin-in that; sambhrame-bewilderment; rodhan-crying; nishkranta-stopped; vraja-kanyakah-the girtls of Vraja; mene-thought; tah-they; prathamam-first; pashyan-seeing; svam-own; kritartham-benefit; kritau-in the activity; iha-here.
. . . who, when He saw that the girls of Vraja had come in spite of all obstacles, thought that this activity was now a success, . . .
Text 50
yas tada dahanam goshtha-
premnas tasya parikshartham
iva drag apibat prabhuh
yah-who; tada-then; dahanam-fire; goshtha-of Vraja; premna-with love; akrishta-extracted; vivecanah-expert; premnah-of love; tasya-of that; parikshartham-to test; iva-as if; drag-at once; apibat-drank; prabhuh-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
. . . who quickly swallowed the forest-fire He expertly created to test Vraja's love for Him, . . .
Text 51
yah sparshad amriti-kurvan
visham visha-dharam ca tam
svashritan amriti-kartum
kriti kaimutyam aikshayat
yah-who; sparshat-from the touch; amriti-kurvan-turning into nectar; visham-poison; visha-dharam-poisonous snake; ca-and; tam-that; svashritan-because of taking shelter of HIm; amriti-kartum-to change into nectar; kriti-doing; kaimutyam-how much more?; aikshayat-showed.
. . . who by a single touch turned nectar to poison and made the Kaliya snake immortal, who even more so gave immortality to the devotees taking shelter of Him, . . .
Texts 52-55
yas tu bhandiram asadya
malla-tandavam acaran
yakshendrabhata ity evam
klpta-samjnaih kumarakah
sa-vayobhih sukham yatra
lebhe kashcit kumarikah
gopali palika dhanya
vishakha dhyana-nishthika
radhanuradha somabha
taraka dashami tatha
kautukaya gata yasu
malli malliti-namra-krit
madhv ajya-nibham asavdya
yabhih klptam sma madyati
yah-who; tu-indeed; bhandiram-to Bhandiravan; asadya-went; malla-tandavam-wrestling; acaran-doing; subhadra-mandalibhadra-bhadravardhana-gobhatah-Subhadra, Mandalibhadra, Bhadravardhana, Gobhatah; yakshendrabhata-Yaksendrabhata; ity-thus; evam-thus; klpta-samjaih-with names; kumarakah-boys; sa-vayobhih-the smae age; sukham-happiness; yatra-where; lebhe-attained; kashcit-some; kumarikah-girls; gopali-Gopali; palika-Palika; dhanya-Dhanya; vishakha-Visakha; dhyana-nishthika-Dhanya-nisthika; radha-Radha; anuradha-Anuradha; somabha-Somabha; taraka-Taraka; dashami-ten; tatha-so; kautukaya-for happiness; gata-attained; yasu-in whom; malli-girl wrestlers; malli-wrestler; iti-thus; namra-krit-bending; madhv-honey; ajya-ghee; nibham-like; asadya-attaining; yabhih-with whom; klptam-made; sma-indeed; madyati-is delighted.
. . . who went to Bhandiravana forest and enjoyed wrestling pastimes with His friends, the boys Subhadra, Mandalibhadra, Bhadravardhana, Gobhatah, and Yakshendrabhata, who joked with the ten gopis Gopali, Palika, Dhanya, Vishakha, Dhyana-nishthika, Radha, Anuradhaa, Somabha, and Taraka, declaring "I am wrestler, and you are also wrestlers," and enjoyed with them as if drinking madhu liquor, . . .
Note: The lists of names here are direct quotes from scripture, the gopas' names quoted from Shri Bhakti-rasamrita-sindu 3.3.23, and the gopis' names from Shri Bhavishya Purana.
Text 56
yah kamye kamyake gatva
sarah sagara-sannibham
nityam divyati sangibhih
yah-who; kamye-in Kamyavana forest; kamyake-beautiful; gatva-going; sarah-lake; sagara-sannibham-like an ocean; lanka-Lanka; kalpakritakalpam-imagining; nityam-again and again; divyati-plays; sangibhih-with His friends.
. . . who went to beautiful Kamyavana forest and, pretending that a lake was the ocean and the shore was Lanka, played with His friends, . . .
Text 57
yah kaishoram tatah sajjan
vasantam iva shatpadah
lolayann atmanash cittam
lolayam asa padminih
yah-who; kaishoram-the kaisora age; tatah-then; sajjan-attaining; vasantam-to a flowering vasanta vine; iva-like; shatpadah-a bee; lolayan-yearning; atmanah-His own; cittam-heart; lolayam asa-yearned; padminih-for the lotuslike gopis.
. . . who when He attained adolescence yearned after the lotuslike gopis as a bumblebee yearns after a flowering vasanta vine, . . .
Text 58
yas ta vraja-rama nitya-
preyasih kutukatmana
lila-shaktyanyatha bhanam
nita guptam aranjayat
yah-who; tsh-to them; vraja-rama-the beautiful girls of Vraja; nitya-eternal; preyasih-beloveds; kutukatmana-eager at heart; lila-pastimnes; shaktya-by the potency; anyatha-otherwise; bhanam-manifestation; nita-bringing; guptam-hidden; aranjayat-pleased.
. . . who with the help of His pastime-potency eagerly took the beautiful girls of Vraja, His eternal beloveds, to a secluded place and pleased them with many pastimes, . . .
Text 59
yah shri-ramena dhenunam
rakshayam dhenukasuram
nighnan vighnam apakarshid
akarshid abhayam divi
yah-who; shri-ramena-with Shri Balarama; dhenunam-of the cows; rakshayam-in the protection; dhenukasuram-Dhenukasura; nighnan-killing; vighnam-impediment; apakarshit-led; akarshit-did; abhayam-fearlessness; divi-in heaven.
. . . who in Balarama's company protected the cows, killed troublesome Dhenukasura, and removed the fears of the demigods in heaven, . . .
Text 60
yash cakre dhenum adaya
sayam vrajam upagatah
purva-ragam kishorinam
apurvam vyativikshaya
yah-who; cakre-did; dhenum-cow; adaya-taking; sayam-in the evening; vrajam-to Vraja; upagatah-went; purva-ragam-the beginnings of love; kishorinam-of the young gopis; apurvam-unprecedented; vyativikshayawith mutual sidelong glances.
. . . who, in the evening returning to Vraja with the cows, exchanged sidelong glances with the young gopis, glances that were the beginning of Their love, . . .
Text 61
yah purvam lajjaya duta-
vijahan nija-netrantam
ninye nutana-dutatam
yah-who; purvam-before; lajjaya-with shyness; duta-messenger; kama-lekha-loveletter; ady-beginning with; upayatam-attained; vijahan-abandoning; nija-netrantam-the corner of His eye; ninye-led; nutana-dutatam-to a new messenger.
. . . who, throwing away the love-letter He had timidly written, made His sidelong glance the messenger of His love, . . .
Text 62
yas tasu sphutam asajya
virajya laghu sarvatah
venu-shiksham asadhayat
yah-who; tasu-for them; sphutam-manifested; asajya-attaining love; virajya-renouncing; laghu-insignificant; sarvatah-all; tad-anga-of their limbs; sanga-touch; bhiksha-begging; artham-for the purpose; venu-shiksham-the teaching of the flute; asadhayat-attained.
. . . who, now passionately in love with the gopis and thinking everything else uninteresting, had the music of His flute send a message begging in charity the touch of their limbs, . . .
Text 63
yash cetanacetanalim
karshann apy ashu venuna
tah krashtum sushthu nashaknod
yatas ta lajjaya sitah
yah-who; cetana-conscious; acetana-and unconscious; alim-multitude; karshann-attracting; apy-also; ashu-at once; venuna-with the flute; tah-them; krashtum-to attract; sushthu-nicely; na-not; ashaknot-was able; yatah-then; ta-them; lajjaya-with shyness; sitah-bound.
. . . who with His flute-music at once attracted all conscious and unconscious entities although He could not attract the gopis tightly bound with shyness, . . .
Text 64
yah shri-bhandira-namanam
vatam shashvad atann adhat
nana-kridam sva-nidanam
adabhram bibhrad-utsavam
yah-who; shri-bhandira-namanam-namd Bhandiravana; vatam-the banyan tree forest; shashvat-always; atann-wandering; adhat-placed; nana-kridam-various pastimes; sva-nidanam-of the birds in their nests; adabhram-great; bibhrad-utsavam-having a festival.
. . . who, again and again wandering in the banyan forest named Bhandiravana, and enjoying many pastimes there, gave a great festival of happiness to the birds in their nests, . . .
Text 65
yah shridamna sudamna ca
khela-dambha-balac cakre
yah-who; shridamna-with Shridama; sudamna-with Sudama; ca-and; bhadrasenarjunadibhih-with
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Text 194
dharayantiti ca procya
pratyagamanam uddishan
ballavyo ma iti prakhyat
tasmad eva nyajigamat
dharayanti-holding; iti-thus; ca-and; procya-saying; pratyagamanam-return; uddishan-indicating; ballavyah-gopis; me-My; iti-thus; prakhyat-said; tasmat-therefore; eva-indeed; nyajigamat-returned.
. . . who (in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.6) said, "Because they have heard that I will return, the gopis struggle somehow or other to remain alive.", and thus affirmed they He would return to them, who used the words "My gopis," and in these words also affirmed that He would return to them, . . .
Text 195
gamanam mama taj jajne
svam avashyam kritim prati
agamya sviyatam tasam
purayishyamy aduratah
gamanam-going; mama-of me; tat-that; jajne-manifested; svam-own; avashyam-inevitably; kritim-pious deed; prati-to; agamya-arriving; sviyatam-the state of being His wives; tasam-of them; purayishyamy-I will fulfill; aduratah-soon.
. . . who promised, "Soon I will return to Vraja. Then I will formally marry all the gopis.", . . .
Text 196
yas tasu bahudha-jnanam
nidishyapi mudha vidan
sakshad eva nidishtavan
yah-who; tasu-to them; bahudha-many; jnanam-knowledge; nidishya-speaking; api-also; mudha-in vain; vidan-thinking; sakshat-directly; atmiya-His own; sampraptim-attainment; sakshat-directly; eva-indeed; nidishtavan-indicated.
. . . who, thinking that the message of transcendental knowledge He sent the gopis was not successful in appeasing them, decided that He would visit them and teach them personally, . . .
Text 197
mayy aveshya manah krishne
vimuktashesha-vritti yat
anusmarantyo mam nityam
aciran mam upaishyatha
mayi-in Me; aveshya-placing; manah-minds; krishne-in Krishna; vimuktashesha-vritti-abandoning all other actions; yat-which; anusmarantyah-remembering; mam-Me; nityam-always; aciran-soon; mam-Me; upaishyatha-will attain.
. . . who said to the gopis, "Because your hearts and minds are fixed on Me, Shri Krishna, because you have renounced everything for My sake, and because you always think of Me, very soon you will attain My company.", . . .
Note: This verse is a quotation from Shrimad-Bhagavatam (10.47.36).
Text 198
ya maya kridata ratryam
vane 'smin vraja asthitah
alabdha-rasah kalyanyo
mapur mad-virya-cintaya
yah-who; maya-with Me; kridata-enjoyed pastimes; ratryam-at night; vane-forest; asmin-in this; vraje-in Vraja; asthitah-situated; alabdha-not attained; rasah-the rasa dance; kalyanyah-fortunate; ma-Me; apuh-attained; mad-virya-cintaya-thinking of My glories.
. . . who said to the gopis, "Even the gopis in Vraja village that could not go to the rasa dance I was enjoying at night in the forest became very fortunate. Always thinking of My glories, they attained Me.", . . .
Note: This verse is a quotation from Shrimad-Bhagavatam (10.47.37).
Text 199
yas tada sandishan sandi-
pitam etad vinirmame
tad etac chrinu mac-citta
gupta-vittam manushva ca
yah-who; tada-then; sandishan-teaching; sandipitam-inflamed; etat-this; vinirmame-created; tat-that; etat-that; shrinu-please hear; mac-citta-My heart; gupta-hidden; vittam-treasure; manushva-think; ca-and.
. . . who when He spoke these words became agitated and said to Himself, "O heart, please listen. Please understand the value of this carefully hidden treasure.", . . .
Text 200
vrittir yad anya nirmucya
mayy amucya manah-sthitah
mam apsyatha drutam tasman
mama natra svatantrata
vrittih-actions; yat-what; anya-other; nirmucya-abandoning; mayy-Me; amucya-ataining; manah-sthitah-staying in the heart; mam-Me; apsyatha-will attain; drutam-soon; tasman-therefore; mama-of Me; na-not; atra-here; svatantrata-independence.
. . . who said to the gopis, "You have renounced everything for My sake. You always think of Me. You will attain Me very soon. I am under your dominion. I am not independent.", . . .
Text 201
mayity anena prapte 'pi
krishne krishna-padam bruvan
anya-rupam manyamanan
hanyamanan vyadhat prabhuh
mayI-in me; iti-thus; anena-by that; prapte-attained; api-even; krishne-Krishna; krishna-padam-Krishna's abode; bruvan-saying; anya-rupam-another form; manyamanan-thinking; hanyamanan-being killed; vyadhat-killed; prabhuh-the Lord.
. . . who said to the gopis (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.36), “Because your hearts and minds are fixed on Me, Shri Krishna, because you have renounced everything for My sake, and because you always think of Me, very soon you will attain My company.", who with these words affirmed that the gopis would attain His abode, the abode of Shri Krishna, and they wold attain the company of Shri Krishna Himself, not another form of the Lord, . . .
Text 202
mayity evam mam iti ca
procya mam ity avocata
tac cavrittya dridhi-kritya
matam paridridhi-kritam
mayi-in Me; iti-thus; evam-thus; mam-Me; iti-thus; ca-and; procya-saing; mam-Me; ity-thus; avocata-said; tat-that; ca-and; avrittya-returning; dridhi-kritya-making firm; matam-opinion; paridridhi-kritam-made firm.
. . . who, speaking the word "Me" again and again in Shrimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapters 46 and 47, made it very clear that the gopis would attain His company, . . .
Text 203
krishne iti padam labdhe
mayity asya visheshane
mam dvaye 'py apalabdha sa
tad-visheshanata svatah
krishne-Krishne; iti-thus; padam-word; labdhe-attained; mayi-in Me; iti-thus; asya-of Him; visheshane-modifying; mam-Me; dvaye-two; api-also; apalabdha-attained; sa-that; tad-visheshanata-modifying that; svatah-personally.
. . . who said to the gopis (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.36), “Your hearts and minds are fixed on Me, Shri Krishna," who thus idenified Himself with two words (Me and Krishna), . . .
Text 204
mayi krishne 'tra mam krishnam
mam krishnam iti sidhyati
kalyanya iti sambodhya
prabodhyam kritavan idam
mayi-in Me; krishne-Krishna; atra-here; mam-to Me; krishnam-Krishna; mam-to Me; krishnam-Krishna; iti-thus; sidhyati-established; kalyanyah-O fortunate ones; iti-thus; sambodhya-addressing; prabodhyam-awareness; kritavan-did; idam-this.
. . . who by again and again speaking in these verses the word "for me, Krishna," and "to me, Krishna," and by describing the gopis as "fortunate," made the the gopis aware of the actual truth, . . .
Text 205
na tasam iva mat-praptir
deham vah param ihate
ity evam anyad apy atra
manyamanam manah kuru
na-not; tasam-of them; iva-like; mat-praptih-the attainment of Me; deham-the body; vah-of Us; param-then; ihate-endeavors; ity-thus; evam-thus; anyat-another; apy-also; atra-here; manyamanam-considering; manah-the mind; kuru-do.
. . . who said the gopis that were stopped from going to the rasa dance and at that moment died did not give up their bodies and attain new bodies, but rather in their very same bodies attained Him, who therefore urged the gopis to think of Him always, . . .
Text 206
yah shri-ramena sandishya
priyasu nija-hrid-gatam
yathavad vyajnayam asa
shri-parashara-gir yatha
yah-who; shri-ramena-with Lord Balarama; sandishya-instructing; priyasu-His beloveds; nija-hrid-gatam-to His own heart; yathavat-as; vyajnayam asa-manifested; shri-parashara-gih-the words of Parashara Muni; yatha-as.
. . . who sent with Lord Balarama a message to the gopis, a message explaining the feelings in His heart, a message described by Parashara Muni in the Vishnu Purana, . . .
Text 207
sandeshaih sama-madhuraih
prema-garbhair agarvitaih
ramenasvasita gopyah
sandeshaih-with a message; sama-consoling; madhuraih-sweet; prema-garbhaih-creating love; agarvitaih-humble; ramena-by Lord Balarama; ashvasitah-comforted; gopyah-the gopis; krishnasya-of Lord Krishna; ati-manoharaih--very beautiful.
. . . who sent with Lord Balarama a sweet, humble, beautiful, comforting message that greatly consoled the gopis, . . .
ext 208
yah kurukshetra-yatraya
vyajan matradikamsh cirat
santyajyamun vishrijyanyan
saha-vasa-mudam dadhe
yah-who; kurukshetra-yatraya-the pilgrimage to Kurukshetra; vyajan-manifesting; matri-His mother; adikan-beginning with; cirat-for a long time; santyajya-abandoning; amun-them; vishrijya-abandoing; anyan-others; saha-with; vasa-residence; mudam-happiness; dadhe-placed.
. . . who on the pretext of going on a pilgrimage to Kurukshetra slipped away from the Yadavas and visited His mother and the other people of Vraja, bringing them great happiness, . . .
Text 209
yah sura-ghnan vraje gantum
vighnan hantum vrajeshituh
vraje gamanam acarya
dvaraka-gatim adade
yah-who; sura-the demigods; ghnan-destroying; vraje-in Vraja; gantum-to go; vighnan-obstacles; hantum-to destroy; vrajeshituh-of Vraja's king; vraje-in Vraja; gamanam-going; acarya-doing; dvaraka-gatim-the destination of Dvaraka; adade-accepted.
. . . who killed the demons that prevented His return to Vraja, returned to Nanda's Vraja, and then went to Dvraka, . . .
Text 210
yah kramadbhih su-dirghena
sushthu kroshtum vrajam prati
amuktah pasha-sankasha-
manasa vraja-vasibhih
yah-who; kramadbhih-walking; su-dirghena-very long; sushthu-nicely; krashtum-to forcibly bring; vrajam-Vraja; prati-to; amuktah-freed; pasa-sankasha-by ropes; manasa-the mind; vraja-vasibhih-by the people of Vraja.
. . . whose thoughts the Vrajavasis captured, bound, and forcibly dragged to the land of Vraja, . . .
Text 211
yah prakasham maha-raja-
sampadam dadhad ikshitah
vrajaya vraja-rajadyen-
ahutah purvavad gira
yah-who; prakasham-manifestation; maha-raja-O great king; sampadam-opulence; dadhat-placing; ikshitah-seen; vrajaya-for Vraja; vraja-rajadyena-headed by the king of Vraja; ahutah-called; purvavat-as before; gira-with words.
. . . who, even though he had riches greater than the greatest kings, felt drawn to Vraja by the calls of Nanda and the others, . . .
Text 212
yas tesham sushthu nirninye
yan-manah svagati-sprihi
tenantah-karshanam praptah
karsham anyena narhati
yah-who; tesham-of them; sushthu-nicely; nirninye-was led; yan-manah-whose mind; svagati-own abode; sprihi-desiring; tena-by that; antah-within; karshanam-attraction; praptah-attained; karsham-happiness; anyena-by another; na-not; arhati-deserves.
. . . whose thoughts were captured and drawn away only by the people of Vraja and by no one else, . . .
Text 213
yah sviya-shobhitas tesham
sviya-kaman apurayat
krishne kamala-patrakshe
yah-who; sviya-own; shobhitah-made glorious; tesham-of them; sviya-kaman-own desires; apurayat-filled; krishne-Krishna; kamala-lotus; patra-petal; akshe-eyes; sannyasta-abandoned; akhila-all; radhasam-possessions.
. . . who is all-attractive, who has lotus eyes, who is glorious in the company of His devotees, who fulfills the desires of the devotees that have given up everything for His sake, . . .
Note: the last two lines of this verse are a quotation from Shrimad-Bhagavatam (10.65.6).
Text 214
agamishyety adirghenety
asha-labdham yad-ipsitam
tad-artham eva tan arthan
ye svi-cakruh paran api
agamishyaty-will return; adirghenety-soon; asha-labdham-attainment of desire; yad-ipsitam-what is desired; tad-artham-for that purpose; eva-indeed; tan-those; arthan-purposes; ye-who; svi-cakruh-accepted; paran-others; api-also.
. . . whose promise, sent through Uddhava, that "Krishna will return very soon," was accepted, with other promises, by the people of Vraja, . . .
Text 215
yah svagamana-maryadam
preyasishu nijam vyadhat
maranam sarva-taranam
yah-who; svagamana-maryadam-return; preyasishu-to the beloved gopis; nijam-own; vyadhat-placed; dantavakra-with Dantavakra; anta-ending; shatrunam-of the enemies; maranam-the death; sarva-taranam-resvuing all.
. . . who, after He had killed the enemies of whom Dantavakra was the last, returned to Vraja, . . .
Text 216
api smaratha nah sakhyah
svanam artha-cickirshaya
gatamsh cirayitan shatru-
api-whether?; smaratha-you remember; nah-us; sakhyah-O friends; svanam-own; artha-cickirshaya-for the purpose; gatan-gone; cirayitan-for a long time; shatru-paksha-enemies; kshapana-destruction; cetasah-mind.
. . . who said to the gopis, "Friends, do you remember Me? I was gone for a long time, My heart intent on protecting My relatives and killing the demons.", . . .
Note: This verse is a quotation from Shrimad-Bhagavatam (10.82.41).
Text 217
mayi bhaktir hi bhutanam
amritatvaya kalpate
dishtya yad asin mat-sneho
bhavatinam mad-apanah
mayi-to Me; bhaktih-devotional service; hi-certainly; bhutanam-of the living entities; amritatvaya-the eternal life; kalpate-brings about; dishtya-by good fortune; yat-which; asin-was; mat-for Me; snehah-the affection; bhavatinam-of all of you; mat-of Me; apanah-the attaining.
. . . who said to the gopis, "Devotional service rendered to Me by the living entities revives their eternal life. O My dear damsels of Vraja, your affection for Me is your good fortune, for it is the only means by which you have attained My favor.*", . . .
Note: This verse is a quotation from Shrimad-Bhagavatam (10.82.44).
Text 218
yas tat-kalika-shanty-arthe
tathapi jnanam adishat
ahush cety adike padye
prarthitas tabhir anyatha
yah-who; tat-kalika-of that time; shanty-arthe-for peace; tathapi-still; jnanam-knowledge; adishat-taught; ahuh-they said; ca-and; iti-thus; adike-beginning; padye-in the verse; prarthitah-begged; tabhih-by them; anyatha-otherwise.
. . . who tried to pacify the gopis by teaching them transcendental knowledge, although they themselves asked (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.82.49) for something other than what He taught them, . . .
Text 219
tatranghri-smriti-yacna tu
lakshyam eva vinirmame
sa tu paryavasayate
tatra-there; anghri-feet; smriti-memory; yacna-request; tu-indeed; lakshyam-to be considered; eva-indeed; vinirmame-made; tat-pratyagati-His return; tatparya-the meaning; sa-that; tu-indeed; paryavasayate-is completed.
. . . who heard the gopis' request that they may always remember His lotus feet, who heard the gopis' request that He return to Vraja, . . .
Text 220
mayi tah preyasam ity ady-
uktam tena svayam yatah
tasmat tac-cintanasaktya
vyaktya tad-darshanarthita
mayi tah preyasam ity ady-uktam-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.5; tena-by Him; svayam-personally; yatah-from which; tasmat-from that; tac-cintana-meditating on Him; asaktya-attachment; vyaktya-manifest; tad-darshanarthita-to see Him.
. . . who in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.5 described the gopis' constant meditation on Him and their yearning to see Him, . . .
Text 221
tathanugrihya bhagavan
gopinam sa gurur gatih
ity anena munih procya
tasam vanchita-puranam
tatha-so; anugrihya-being kind; bhagavan-the Lord; gopinam-of the gopis; sa-He; guruh-the guru; gatih-the goal; ity-thus; anena-by him; munih-the sage; procya-saying; tasam-of them; vanchita-the desire; puranam-fulfillment.
. . . whose fulfillment of the gopis' desires was described by the sage Shukadeva in the words (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.83.1), “Then Lord Krishna, their master, teacher, and goal, gave His mercy to the gopis.", . . .
Text 222
mayi bhaktir hiti krishna-
proktam eva nyajigamat
mayy aveshya manah krishna
ity adyapi ca tad-vacah
mayi bhaktir hi iti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.82.44; krishna-by Lord Krishna; proktam-said; eva-indeed; nyajigamat-returned; mayy aveshya manah krishne ity ady-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.36; api-and; ca-also; tad-vacah-His words.
. . . who in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.82.44 and 10.47.36 promised that He would return to Vraja, . . .
Text 223
yah prithivya guna-stome
satyenadav abhishtutah
satyam vidhatum satyam tan
navrajet kim vraje bata
yah-who; prithivya-of the earth; guna-stome-full of good qualities; satyenadav-beginning with truthfulness; abhishtutah-requested; satyam-truth; vidhatum-to do; satyam-truth; tat-that; na-not; avrajet-returned; kim-how?; vraje-in Vraja; bata-indeed.
. . . who is full of good qualities beginning with truthfulness, who is true to His promise, about whom how could it be said that He did not keep His promise and return to Vraja?, . . .
Texts 224 and 225
sambhavana mamaiveyam
iti natra vicaryatam
vraja-sthanam vraja-prana-
varyasyapy avadharyatam
krishna-kanta-ganasya ca
uddhavam prati gir idrig
drishyatam dashamadishu
sambhavana-thought; mama-of Me; eva-indeed; iyam-this; iti-thus; na-not; atra-here; vicaryatam-should be considered; vraja-in Vraja; sthanam-of they who stay; vraja-of Vraja; prana-the life; varyasya-best; api-also; avadharyatam-is determined; shrimad-vrajadhirajasya-of the king of Vraja; krishna-kanta-ganasya-of Lord Krishna's gopi beloveds; ca-and; uddhavam-Uddhava; prati-to; gih-words; idrig-like this; drishyatam-may be seen; dashamadishu-in the Tenth Canto and other places.
. . . who spoke to Uddhava words recorded in Shrimad-Bhagavatam's Tenth Canto and in other places of the scriptures, words that said, "Please deliver this message to the people of Vraja, the king of Vraja, and the gopis.", . . .
Text 226
yas tu yarhy ambujaksheti
stavadbhir dvaraka-janaih
kadacid vrajam agad ity
abhyadhayi kadacana
yah-who; tu-indeed; yarhy ambujaksha iti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.11.9; stavadbhih-by the prayers; dvaraka-janaih-by the people of Dvaraka; kadacit-at a certain time; vrajam-Vraja; agat-went; ity-thus; abhyadhayi-is explained; kadacana-at one time.
. . . who returned to Vraja, as the people of Dvaraka explained in the prayer recorded in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.11.9, . . .
Text 227
yas tatha shruyate padmo-
ttara-khandad api sphutam
adad vrajaya sva-prapti-
mangalam nityam ity api
yah-who; tatha-so; shruyate-is heard; padma-from the Padma Purana; uttara-khandat-Uttara-khanda; api-also; sphutam-manifested; adat-gave; vrajaya-to Vraja; sva-prapti-His own attainment; mangalam-auspiciousness; nityam-always; ity-thus; api-also.
. . . who grants His auspicious presence to the people of Vraja eternally, as is described in the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, . . .
Text 228
dattva tat krita-krityah san
pradurbhavantaram gatah
jagama dvarakam ity apy
ashravity api yuktimat
dattva-having given; tat-that; krita-krityah-successful; san-being so; pradurbhava-manifestation; antaram-another; gatah-attained; jagama-went; dvarakam-to Dvaraka; ity-thus; apy-also; ashravi-is heard; iti-thus; api-also; yuktimat-suitable.
. . . who, staying in Vraja, assumed another form and went to Dvaraka, this action clearly recorded in the scriptures, . . .
Text 229
agamishyaty adirghenety
uddhavad buddham anyatha
yatha na syat tatha bhavyam
kathanya vitatha mata
agamishyaty-will return; adirghena-soon; iti-thus; uddhavat-from Uddhava; buddham-understood; anyatha-otherwise; yatha-as; na-not; syat-is; tatha-so; bhavyam-will be; katha-words; anya-other; vitatha-untrue; mata-considered.
. . . about whom Uddhava said, "Krishna will soon return to Vraja" (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.34), who must have returned to Vraja, for otherwise Uddhava had spoken a lie, . . .
Text 230
yas tyajann api gam akhyat
tam uddhavakam utsukah
ramena sardham ity adyam
tasam kamita-lambhanam
yah-who; tyajann-abandoning; api-also; gam-the land; tam-to him; uddhavakam-to Uddhava; akhyat-said; tam-to him; uddhavakam-Uddhava; utsukah-eager; ramena-with Balarama; sardham-with; ity-thus; adyam-beginning; tasam-of them; kamita-desired; lambhanam-attainment.
. . . who, as He was about to depart, eagerly described (in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.10) to Uddhava the nature of the gopis' desires, . . .
Text 231
rameneti dvayenaha
viyuktair yad-vyatitatam
tena nasti viyuktih sa
tadanim iti bhavyate
ramena iti-beginning with the word "raena; dvayena-two verses; aha-said; viyuktaih-separated; yad-vyatitatam-passed; tena-by Him; na-not; asti-is; viyuktih-separation; sa-that; tadanim-then; iti-thus; bhavyate-will be.
. . . who (in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.10-11) described the gopis' sufferings in separation from Him, who after speaking these words explained that the gopis were never actually separated from Him, . . .
Text 232
mayi tah preyasam preshtha
iti praktana-vag-dvaye
viyukter vartamanatvam
drishtva nishtankyatam idam
mayi tah preyasam preshtha iti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.5; praktana-vag-dvaye-previous two statements; viyukteh-of separation; vartamanatvam-being in the present time; drishtva-seeing; nishtankyatam-is guessed; idam-this.
. . . who in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.5-6 explained the gopis' feelings in separation from Him, . . .
Text 233
svena tasam punah sange
yad-vrittam prathame 'hani
tad apy atitarity aha
pritya sandadhad uddhavam
svena-own; tasam-of them; punah-again; sange-in the company; yad-vrittam-whose actions; prathame-in the first; ahani-on the day; tat-that; apy-also; atitari-passed; iti-thus; aha-said; pritya-with love; sandadhat-placed; uddhavam-Uddhava.
. . . who had Uddhava, on the first day of his meeting with the gopis, speak His mesaage of love for them, . . .
Text 234
ta navidann iti proce
yatra tasam mad-atmatam
babhuva sah maha-bhavah
sarvasam paratah parah
ta navidann iti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.12; proce-said; yatra-where; tasam-of them; mad-atmatam-My self; babhuva-became; sah-He maha-bhavah-great love; sarvasam-of all the gopis; paratah-than the greatest; parah-greater.
. . . who in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.12 explained that the gopis were rapt in meditation on Him and their love for Him was greater than the greatest love, . . .
Text 235
tatash ca nama-rupatmany
udbhute sviya-vaibhave
pravishta iva na spashtam
pravishta gaty-abhavatah
tatah-then; ca-and; nama-names; rupa-forms; atmany-in the Self; udbhute-manifested; sviya-vaibhave-own potency; pravishta-entered; iva-like; na-not; spashtam-clealry; pravishta-entered; gaty-abhavatah-because of not moving.
. . . into whom the gopis, rapt in meditation, seemed to enter with their names and forms, although they did not actually enter but kept their individuality (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.12), . . .
Text 236
drishtanta-yugalam tat tu
navidann iti kevale
avedanam nadi-pakshe
'py abdhy-anya-rasata-hatih
drishtanta-yugalam-the pair of examples; tat-that; tu-indeed; na avidan iti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.12; kevale-in monism; avedanam-without awareness; nadi-pakshe-in the river; api-also; abdhi-of the ocean; anya-other; rasata-kind of water; hatih-destruction.
. . . who spoke in this verse (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.12) two examples: the example of the great sages and the example of the rivers entering the ocean, examples that do not confirm the impersonalist theory because the river water is very different from the water in the ocean, . . .
Text 237
samadhav iti drishtantasy-
syad angam tad-bhida dvayoh
samadhau-in trance; iti-thus; drishtantasya-of the example; anga-limb; rupataya-as the form; iritam-is said; darishtantikasya-the example; anusangah-the relation; syat-is; angam-the limb; tad-bhida-different; dvayoh-of both.
. . . who spoke in this verse the example of the great sages in spiritual trance, an example that also does not prove the impersonalist theory because a single limb can never equal the whole body, and therefore the limb and the body are different, . . .
Text 238
mat-kama ramanam jaram
asvarupa-vido 'balah
brahma mam paramam prapur
iti padye tu tat-pare
mat-kama-desiring Me; ramanam-handsome; jaram-lover; asvarupa-vidah-not knowing the true nature; abalah-women; brahma-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mam-Me; paramam-the Supreme; prapuh-attained; iti-thus; padye-in the verse; tu-indeed; tat-pare-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
. . . who said, "Desiring Me as their handsome lover, and unaware of My true identity, the gopis attained the company of Me, the perfect Supreme Personality of Godhead.", . . .
Note: This verse is a quote from Shrimad-Bhagavatam (11.12.13).
Text 239
pacyantam vividhah paka
itivatrarthikah kramah
ta brahma prapur ity evam
ta ity asyatra canvayah
pacyantam vividhah paka iti-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.24.26; va-or; atra-here; arthikah-the meaning; kramah-sequence; tah-they; brahma-theSupreme Personality of Godhead; prapuh-attained; ity-thus; evam-thus; ta-they; ity-thus; asya-of Him; atra-here; ca-and; anvayah-the meaning.
. . . whose true nature the gopis did not understand, as is seen the Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.24.26 and other verses, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead attained by the gopis, . . .
Text 240
kidrig brahmeti bodhaya
yat praha paramam padam
tatrapy akankshayavadin
mam iti svam punah prabhuh
kidrik-like what?; brahma-Brahman; iti-thus; bodhaya-for understanding; yat-what; praha-said; paramam-supreme; padam-aqbode; tatrapy-nevertheless; akankshaya-with desire; avadit-said; mam-Me; iti-thus; svam-own; punah-again; prabhuh-the master.
. . . about whom the question is asked, "What is the nature of the Supreme?", about whom the answer is given, “The Supreme is the supreme abode," who affirms that He is Himself the Supreme, who uses the word "Me" to describe the Supreme, . . .
Text 241
mayi bhaktir hiti vakyad
aha prag etad eva hi
dharayanty ati-kricchrenety
uktya vyanag idam pura
mayi bhaktir hi iti vakyat-from the words of Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.82.44; aha-said; prag-first; etat-this; eva-indeed; hi-indeed; dharayanty ati-kricchrena iti uktya-by the statement of Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.4; vyanak-manifested; idam-this; pura-before.
. . . who, speaking Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.82.44 and 10.46.6, revealed that He is the perfect Supreme Personality of Godhead, . . .
Text 242
prana-tyagena mat-praptir
nanyavat tasu man-mata
mat-kama iti purvardhe
cakhyat prapti-vibhaktatam
prana-life; tyagena-by giving up; mat-praptih-attinment of Me; na-not; anyavat-another; tasu-them; man-mata-thinking of Me; mat-kama-desiring Me; iti-thus; purvardhe-in the first half; ca-and; akhyat-said; prapti-vibhaktatam-the attainemnt.
. . . who, saying, "Giving up their lives thinking of Me, the gopis attained Me," "The gopis thought of Me alone and no one else," and "The gopis desired me as their lover," described how the gopis attained Him, . . .
Text 243
asvarupa-vidah satyah
prapur jara-dhiyety avak
svarupam hi tadiyakam
asvarupa-vidah-unaware of the true nature; satyah-saintly girlsd; prapuh-attained; jara-dhiya-thinking as a paramour; iti-thus; avak-said; nitya-eternal; tat-His; preyasi-beloveds; rupa-svarupam-nature; hi-indeed; tadiyakam-His.
. . . whom the saintly gopis, unaware of His true nature and thinking Him to be their paramour, attained, who is the eternal lover of His eternally dear gopis, . . .
Text 244
yat purvam bhavayan bhavam
bhavininam amudrisham
mat-kama iti nikshipya
jaratve 'sthairyam akshipat
yat-who; purvam-before; bhavayan-manifesting; bhavam-love; bhavininam-of the beautiful gopis; amudrisham-them; mat-kama-desiring Me; iti-thus; nikshipya-placing; jaratve-in the status of a paramour; asthairyam-instability; akshipat-discarded.
. . . who described in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.13 the nature of the gopis' passionate love for Him, . .
Text 245
mayi kamah sada yasam
ta mat-kama itiritam
kamash ca ramanatvena
sprihatra pratipadyate
mayi-for Me; kamah-desire; sada-always; yasam-of whom; ta-they; mat-kama-desiring Me; iti-thus; iritam-said; kamash-desire; ca-and; ramanatvena-as a lover; spriha-desire; atra-here; pratipadyate-is established.
. . . who in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.13 spoke the word “mat-kamah", which means "as girls passionately desire their lover, so the gopis desired Me.", . . .
Text 246
asminn api batety adi
shri-radha-gir alim prati
vivicyatam tatah sarvam
anyad anyad vivicyatam
asmin-in this; api bata iti adi-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.21; shri-radha-gih-the words of Shri Radha; alim-a bee; prati-to; vivicyatam-should be considered; tatah-then; sarvam-all; anyat-another; anyat-another; vivicyatam-should be considered.
. . . who thought again and again about the words Radha spoke to a bee (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.21), . . .
Text 247
atrarya-putrah shabdah syat
patyav eva prasiddhi-bhak
tathapi sveshu kainkaryam
dainyam kanyavadiritam
atra-here; arya-putrah-the son of an exalted father; shabdah-theword; syat-is; patyau-for a husband; eva-indeed; prasiddhi-bhak-appropriate; tathapi-still; sveshu-on their own; kainkaryam-service; dainyam-humbleness; kanya-by a girl; avadiritam-dishonored.
. . . about whom (in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.21) Shri Radha used the word "arya-putra" (son of an exalted father), a word properly used only by a wife addressing her husband, even though She also referred to Herself and the gopis as His maidservants, . . .
Text 248
sanklptah patita tabhih
punar ittham udiritam
shyamasundara te dasya
iti yadvat tatheha ca
sanklptah-created; patita-fallen; tabhih-by them; punah-again; ittham-thus; udiritam-said; shyamasundara-O Lord Shyamasundara; te-of You; dasya-the maidsrvants; iti-thus; yadvat-as; tatha-so; iha-here; ca-and.
. . . of whom the gopis affirmed they were the maidservants (Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.22.15), . . .
Text 249
arya-putrah kadasmakam
kinkarinam tu murdhani
bhujam dhasyaty evam asam
arya-putrah-the son of an exalted father; kada-when?; asmakam-of us; kinkarinam-the maidservants; tu-indeed; murdhani-on the head; bhujam-the arm; dhasyati-will place; evam-thus; asam-of them; tat-patni-pada-kamata-the desire to become the wives.
. . . whom Shri Radha, saying (in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.47.21) "When will Lord Krishna place His hand on the heads of us, His maidservants?", yearned to marry, . . .
Text 250
tat-kamata hi siddha cet
tena tad-danam avyayam
ye yatha mam prapadyante
iti yadvat pratishravah
tat-kamata-that desire; hi-indeed; siddha-fulfilled; cet-if; tena-by Him; tad-danam-that gift; avyayam-eternal; ye yatha mam prapadyante iti-Shrimad-Bhagavad-gita 4.11; yadvat-as; pratishravah-heard.
. . . who, following His promise in Bhagavad-gita 4.11, fulfilled that desire, . . .
Text 251
ballavyo me mad-atmana
iti yat proktam atmana
sarvesham vacasam urdhvam
tad astam sarva-murdhani
ballavyah-the gopis; me-of Me; mad-atmana-the self; iti-thus; yat-which; proktam-said; atmana-by the self; sarvesham-of all; vacasam-the word; urdhvam-above; tat-that; astam-is; sarva-all; murdhani-on the head.
. . . who spoke the words (in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.46.6) “ballavyo me mad-atmikah", which mean "the gopis have given their hearts to Me", who with these words explained that the gopis stand at the head of all exalted persons, . . .
Text 252
yan mat-kama iti proce
tasam praptis tatha svayam
tan-maya sadhu tat proktam
tasam kamita-lambhanam
yat-which; mat-kama-desiring Me; iti-thus; proce-said; tasam-of them; praptih-attainment; tatha-so; svayam-pewrsonally; tan-maya-consisting of that; sadhu-good; tat-that; proktam-said; tasam-of them; kamita-lambhanam-the attainment of the desire.
. . . who in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.13 explained that the gopis did attain Him and their desires were all fulfilled, . . .
Text 253
mat-kama iti padyasya
turyamshe tv idam ucyate
parash ca sangatas tasam
prapuh shata-sahasrashah
mat-kama-desiring Me; iti-thus; padyasya-of the verse; turyamshe-in the fourth part; tv-indeed; idam-this; ucyate-is said; parah-great; ca-and; sangatah-association; tasam-of them; prapuh-attained; shata-sahasrashah-hundreds and thousands.
. . . who in fourth line of Shrimad-Bhagavatam 11.12.13 said that hundreds of thousands of gopis attained Him, . . .
Text 254
yah shri-garga-vacah purnam
turnam cakre svayam dvayam
esha vah shreya adhasyad
ya etasmin maheti dik
yah-who; shri-garga-vacah-the owrds of Garga Muni; purnam-fulfilled; turnam-quickly; cakre-did; svayam-personally; dvayam-both; esha-He; vah-of you; shreya-best; adhasyat-will place; ya-who; etasmin-in this; maha-Maha; iti-thus; dik-the direction.
. . . who quickly fulfilled the predictions Garga Muni made in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.8.16 and 10.8.18, . . .
Text 255
nashad vighnasya kamsadeh
paty-abhasadi-jasya ca
sada svam adadad yasmad
vraje kanta-vrajeshv api
nashat-from the destruction; vighnasya-of the obstacles; kamsadeh-beginning with Kamsa; paty-abhasadi-jasya-beginning with being a paramour; ca-and; sada-always; svam-Himself; adadat-took; yasmat-from which; vraje-in Vraja; kanta-vrajeshv-of His beloved gopis; api-even.
. . . who stopped the troubles caused by Kamsa and a host of demons, who stopped the obstruction cause by the gopis' so-called husbands, who gave Himself to His dear gopis, . . .
Text 256
yah pradad vraja-vasibhyah
purva-ritya nijam gatim
vrindavana-stham goloka-
namnim yam prag alokayat
yah-who; pradat-gave; vraja-vasibhyah-to the people of Vraja; purva-ritya-before; nijam-own; gatim-destination; vrindavana-stham-in Vrindavana; goloka-Goloka; namnim-named; yam-which; prag-before; alokayat-showed.
. . . who showed the people of Vraja His abode named Goloka, who gave them Goloka as their home, . . .
Text 257
yam shri-brihad-gautamiye
praha vrindavanam prati
sarva-deva-mayash caham
na tyajami vanam kvacit
yam-which; shri-brihad-gautamiye-in Shri Brihad-gautamiya Tantra; praha-said; vrindavanam-Vrindavana; prati-to; sarva-deva-all demigods; mayah-consisting; ca-and; aham-I; na-not; tyajami-leave; vanam-forest; kvacit-ever.
. . . who said in the Brihad Gautamiya Tantra, "I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of the all the demigods, never leave the forest of Vrindavana. . . .
Text 258
avirbhavas tirobhavo
bhaven me 'tra yuge yuge
tejomayam idam ramyam
adrishyam carma-cakshusha
avirbhavah-appearance; tirobhavah-disappearence; bhaven-is; me-of Me; atra-here; yuge-yuga; yuge-after yuga; tejomayam-splendid; idam-this; ramyam-beautiful; adrishyam-invisible; carma-material; cakshusha-to eyes.
. . . who said in the Brihad Gautamiya Tantra, “Millennium after millennium I appear in Vrindavana and then again I disappear. Vrindavana cannot be seen with material eyes.", . . .
Text 259
tad etad vishtarad brahma-
samhitayam nirupitam
goloka-nama tan-madhye
golokakhyam hareh padam
tad etat-this; vishtarat-elaborately; brahma-samhitayam-in Brahma-samhita; nirupitam-described; goloka-Goloka; nama-named; tan-madhye-in the middle there; golokakhyam-named Goloka; hareh-of Lord Krishna; padam-the abode.
. . . whose abode named Goloka is elaborately described in Brahma-samhita, . . .
Text 260
na tyajamiti yat tat tu
dvidhabhiprayakam matam
virahe 'pi vraje sphurtya
purtya shighragater api
na-not; tyajami-I leave; iti-thus; yat-what; tat-that; tu-indeed; dvidha-two; abhiprayakam-meanings; matam-considered; virahe-in separation; api-also; vraje-in Vraja; sphurtya-with the manifestation; purtya-with the fulfillment; shighra-quick; agateh-of the arrival; api-also.
. . . whose words, "I never leave Vrindavana" may be interpreted in two ways: either, "I am always present in Vrindavana, even when it seems that I have left," or "If somehow I leave Vrindavana I always quickly return.", . . .
Text 261
yah sva-puryor api sthairyam
yati nityam yathaha ca
mathura bhagavan yatra
nityam sannihito harih
yah-who; sva-puryoh-of His two cities; api-also; sthairyam-steadiness; yati-attains; nityam-eternally; yatha-as; aha-says; ca-and; mathura-Mathura; bhagavan-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; yatra-where; nityam-eternally; sannihitah-stays; harih-Krishna.
. . . . who eternally stays in His two cities (Mathura and Dvaraka), as Shrimad-Bhagavatam (10.1.28) explains, "The city and district of Mathura are very intimately connected with Krishna, for Lord Krishna lives there eternally.*", . . .
Texts 262 and 263
dvarakam harina tyaktam
samudro 'plavayat kshanat
varjayitva maha-raja
nityam sannihitas tatra
bhagavan madhusudanah
dvarakam-Dvaraka; harina-by Lord Krishna; tyaktam-abandoned; samudrah-the ocean; aplavayat-flooded; kshanat-in a moment; varjayitva-abandoning; maha-raja-O great king; shrimad-bhagavad-alayam-the Lord's abode; smritva-remambering; ashesha-all; ashubha-inauspicious; harah-remving; sarva-mangala-mangalam-attaining all auspiciousness; nityam-always; sannihitah-staying; tatra-there; bhagavan-Lord; madhusudanah-Krishna.
. . . about whose abode of Dvaraka, Shrimad-Bhagavatam (11.31.23-24) explains, "O great king, the moment Lord Krishna left, the ocean flooded the city of Dvaraka, leaving only the Lord's palace. Lord Krishna eternally resides in Dvaraka. Simply by remembering Dvaraka, a person becomes free of all sins and attains auspiciousness.", . . .
Text 264
yas tasmad ubhayatrapi
rajatiti shukena ca
jayatity adi vakyena
varnitah kshitipam prati
yah-who; tasmat-from that; ubhayatra-in bith places; api-also; rajati-is manifested; iti-thus; shukena-by Shri Shukadeva Gosvami; ca-and; jayati iti adi-Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.90.84; vakyena-by the statement; varnitah-described; kshitipam-the king; prati-to.
. . . who eternally stays in both places (Mathura and Dvaraka), as Shrila Shukadeva Gosvami explained to King Parikshit in Shrimad-Bhagavatam 10.90.48), . . .
Text 265
yash campu-yugala-prantam
idrik-siddhantam iritam
jivantaryamitam praptas
turnam purnam acikarat
yah-who; campu-yugala-prantam-at the end of the two campus; idrik-siddhantam-the same conclusion; iritam-spoken; jiva-in Jiva Gosvami; antaryamitam-the state of being the Superosul; praptah-attained; turnam-at once; purnam-full; acikarat-made.
. . . and who, as the Supersoul in Jiva Gosvami's heart, made the final portion of Shri Gopala-campu present the same conclusion, . . .
Text 266
sa tu harir adhivartma dantavakram
yudhi samayan vraja-vasam asasada
tam abhiyayur ami vrajesha-mukhyah
shashinam iva kshudhitash cakora-varah
sa-He; tu-indeed; harih-Lord Krishna; adhivartma-on the path; dantavakram-Dantavakra; yudhi-in a fight; shamayan-making quiet; vraja-vasam-residence in Vraja; asasada-attained; tam-that; abhiyayuh-went; ami-they; vrajesha-mukhyah-headed by the king of Vraja; shashinam-to the moon; iva-like; kshudhitah-hungry; cakora-varah-cakora birds.
. . . killed Dantavakra on the open road, and then returned to live in Vraja. King Nanda and the other people of Vraja went to Him like hungry cakora birds gazing at the moon.
Note: The very long sentence that began in Verse 12 ends here.
Text 267
sa ca janaka-mukhan nirikshya shushkan
sva-drig-amritena shritena sincati sma
pulaka-kula-mishad yathankuranam
tatim adadhur bata te 'pi gopa-vrikshah
sah-he; ca-and; janaka-mukhan-headed by His father; nirikshya-seeing; shushkan-dry; sva-drig-amritena-with the nectar of His sight; shritena-flowing; sincati-sprinkled; sma-indeed; pulaka-kula-hairs standing erect; mishat-on the pretext of; yatha-as; ankuranam-new shoots; tatim-series; adadhuh-did; bata-indeed; te-they; api-also; gopa-of the gopas; vrikshah-the trees.
Seeing His father and the people of Vraja were withered and dry from not having seen Him, Lord Krishna splashed them all with the nectar of His presence. Pretending to stand with the hairs of their bodies erect, the trees that were the cowherd people again and again sprouted new shoots of joy.
Text 268
atha harir harini-drishash ca tarhi
sphuranam iva pratipadya purva-tulyam
nayana-gatatayanyatha ca matva
muhur agaman bhramam abhramam ca tatra
atha-then; harih-Lord Krishna; harini-drishash-doe-eyed girls; ca-and; tarhi-then; sphuranam-manifestation; iva-like; pratipadya-showing; purva-before; tulyam-equal; nayana-to the eyes; gatataya-the state of having gone; anyatha-otherwise; ca-and; matva-considering; muhuh-again and again; agamat-went; bhramam-wandering; abhramam-not wandering; ca-and; tatra-there.
Then Lord Krishna, showing the same features as before, approached the doe-eyed gopis. Wondering whether Lord Krishna had actually come before them, the gopis were bewildered, not bewildered, and bewildered again, moment after moment.
Text 269
vrajam atha vishatah sa-ratnam arat-
rikam anulabdhavatash ca tasya lokah
kusuma-kula-sahodaram vitanvan
jaya jaya ghosham uvaca bhadra-vacam
vrajam-Vraja; atha-then; vishatah-entering; sa-ratnam-with a jewel; aratrikam-arati; anulabdhavatah-attained; ca-and; tasya-of Him; lokah-the people; kusuma-kula-sahodaram-many flowers; vitanvan-showering; jaya-Glory; jaya-Glory; ghosham-the sound; uvaca-said; bhadra-auspicious; vacam-words.
As He entered Vraja the people offered arati to Him with many jewels, showered Him with flowers, called out “Glory! Glory!", and greeted Him with auspicious words.
Text 270
vrajam atha sukhayan vinita-vaca
kramam anulabdha-tadiya-sangamash ca
druta-gati jananim sukhena sektum
griham adasiyam iyaya krishnacandrah
vrajam-Vraja; atha-then; sukhayan-pleasing; vinita-vaca-with humble words; kramam-grqadually; anulabdha-atained; tadiya-of Him; sangamah-the association; ca-and; druta-gati-quickly going; jananim-to His mother; sukhena-with happiness; sektum-to sprinkle; griham-to His home; adasiyam-who was there; iyaya-went; krishnacandrah-Lord Krishnacandra.
Pleasing them with graceful and humble words, Lord Krishna gave His association to the people of Vraja. Then, to shower His mother with happiness, He quickly entered His home.
Text 271
ciram api viracayya sharma tasyas
tad anumatim pratilabhya tat-tanujah
saha-sakhi-nikarena divya-shayyam
sukham adhishayya nisha-virama-drishtah
ciram-for a long time; api-also; viracayya-making; sharma-happiness; tasyah-of her; tat-that; anumatim-permission; pratilabhya-attaining; tat-tanujah-her son; saha-sakhi-nikarena-with His friends; divya-shayyam-on a slpendid bed; sukham-happily; adhishayya-lying; nisha-night; virama-stopping; drishtah-seen.
For a long time He pleased her. Then, with her permission He lay down on a splendid bed and, surrounded by all His friends, slept at night.
Text 272
punar api nija-vrinda-saukhya-vrindam
vidadhad uditya sa nitya-citra-mitrah
nija-mukha-kamalam vikashya netra-
bhramara-madhutsavam atatana tatra
punah-again; api-also; nija-vrinda-saukhya-vrindam-the happiness of His friends; vidadhat-doing; uditya-rising; sa-He; nitya-citra-mitrah-with His eternal and glorious friends; nija-mukha-kamalam-His own lotus face; vikashya-making blossom; netra-eyes; bhramara-bees; madhu-of honey; utsavam-a festibal; atatana-did; tatra-there.
Rising from bed, glorious Krishna brought great happiness to His eternal friends. His lotus face blossoming with happiness, He began a great festival of nectar for the bumblebee eyes of His friends.
Text 273
ahar ahar idam eva tatra purvam
pratinava-bhavam avapa kevalam na
jana-samuditir apy adrishta-purvam
vapur anukantim iyaya shashvad eva
ahar ahah-day after day; idam-this; eva-indeed; tatra-there; purvam-before; pratinava-bhavam-newer and newer love; avapa-attained; kevalam-exclusive; na-not; jana-of the people; samuditih-multitude; apy-also; adrishta-purvam-not seen before; vapuh-form; anukantim-handsomenss; iyaya-attained; shashvat-eternal; eva-indeed.
Day after day the people of Vraja loved Krishna with a love greater than before. Day after day they saw that Krishna's handsomeness was greater than they had seen before.
Text 274
divasa-katipaye tadatiyate
nija-ratha-tarasa ninaya goshtham
saha-janani-kavalam tam uddhavam ca
divasa-katipaye-some days; tada-then; atiyate-passed; pashupati-palaka-of the king of the gopas; diptata-glory; drik-sight; icchuh-desiring; nija-ratha-tarasa-with His swift chariot; ninaya-taking; goshtham-to Vraja; saha-with; janani-His mother; kavalam-multitude; tam-that; uddhavam-Uddhava; ca-and.
Yearning to see King Nanda after some days, Lord Krishna took Rohini, Uddhava, and many others and quickly went by chariot to Vraja.
Text 275
agharipu-su-drisham dhavabhimanishv
akrita tanu-pratimah pura tu maya
sarabhasa-madhuna sma ta vibhajya
prakrita-tanus tanute pramaspadani
agharipu-of Lord Krishna; su-drisham-beautiful eyes; dhava-as their husband; abhimanishu-considering; akrita-made; tanu-of the form; pratimah-a statue; pura-previously; tu-indeed; maya-maya; sarabhasa-madhuna-with sweet honey; sma-indeed; ta-they; vibhajya-worshiping; prakrita-natural; tanuh-form; tanute-manifests; prema-of love; aspadani-abodes.
Goddess Yogamaya created a Deity form of Krishna. The beautiful-eyed gopis that yearned to marry Krishna worshiped that Deity with the honey of their passionate love.
Text 276
atha gatavati murti-bheda-ritya
yadu-puram atra ca rajamana-dhamni
matir udiyat tava citta gopa-krishne
atha-then; gatavati-went; murti-bheda-ritya-with adifferent form; yadu-puram-to the city of the Yadavas; atra-here; ca-and; rajamana-splendid; dhamni-in the abode; vraja-bhava-jana-matra-drishya-rupe-in a form visible only to they who are like the people of Vraja; matih-idea; udiyat-may arise; tava-of you; citta-O heart; gopa-krishne-for the gopa Krishna.
When Lord Krishna asumed a different form and went to the city of the Yadavas, His original form was visible only to the people in the glorious village of Vraja. O mind, please always think of that form of the gopa Krishna.
Chapter Two
Eternal Pastimes
Text 1
prakatatara-vikasha-bhaji vrinda-
vana iha bhati kim apy adrishya-dhama
vraja-jana-sahitah sa yatra krishnah
sukha-vihritim vidadhad vibhati nityam
prakatatara-vikasha-bhaji-manifested; vrinda-vane-in Vrindavana; iha-here; bhati-manifestes; kim api-something; adrishya-dhama-invisible abode; vraja-jana-sahitah-with the people of Vraja; sa-He; yatra-where; krishnah-Krishna; sukha-vihritim-happiness; vidadhat-placing; vibhati-shines; nityam-eternally.
Within the realm of Vrindavana manifested on the earth, an unmanifested realm of Vrindavana, invisible to ordinary eyes, exists. In that invisible realm Lord Krishna eternally enjoys blissful pastimes with the people of Vraja.
Text 2
parilasati payah-samudra-sima
vraja-yuva-raja-samaja-loka eshah
amum anu chaturasram atra vanya
parilasati-shines; payah-samudra-sima-the greatest milk ocean; vraja-yuva-the yoith of Vraja; raja-king; samaja-assembly; loka-people; eshah-thisd; amum-to Him; anu-following; chaturasram-square; atra-here; vanya-forest; giri-hill; sarit-streams; ancita-with; caruta-beauty; ati-dhanya-very glorious.
That realm is very splendid, beautiful and glorious with forests, hills, streams, the friends of Vraja's prince, and a great ocean of milk.
Text 3
giri-samuditir atra sushthu govar-
dhana-valita paribhati citra-tulya
vilasati yamunadika nadinam
tatir api manasa-gangayanushakta
giri-of hills; samuditih-manifestation; atra-here; sushthu-great; govardhana-Govardhana; valita-manifested; paribhati-shines; citra-wonder; tulya-equal; vilasati-shines; yamunadika-beginning with the Yamuna; nadinam-of rivers; tatih-multitude; api-also; manasa-gangaya-with the Manasa-ganga; anushakta-attached.
That realm is splendid with wonderful mountains around Govardhana, with many streams around the Yamuna, and with many lakes around the Manasa-ganga.
Text 4
bhuvanam idam paribhati yatra vrikshah
tad-anukriti-para ruca samriddhya
hari-rati-dayitaya ca ye vibhatah
abhiruci-happiness; dada-giving; ratna-jewel; citra-wonder; mitram-sun; bhuvanam-world; idam-this; paribhati-shines; yatra-where; vrikshah-tree; tad-anukriti-para-imitation; ruca-with splendor; samriddhya-opulent; hari-to Lord Krishna; rati-pleasure; dayitaya-giving; ca-and; ye-who; vibhatah-splendid.
That realm is splendid like a cintamani-jewel sun. The splendid and opulent trees there bring great pleasure to Lord Krishna.
Text 5
vilasati chaturasra-dhamni ghasra-
upavanam adhi patram atra krishna-
vilasati-shines; chaturasra-dhamni-in the courtyard; ghasra-kshiti-pati-bimba-of the sun; mahah-splendor; sahasra-a thousand; patram-petals; upavanam-garden; adhi patram-to a petal; atra-there; krishna-of Krishna; priyatama-dara-with His ebloved gopis; vihara-sara-varah-enjoying pastimes.
In the courtyard of the realm is a thousand-petal lotus shining like the sun. In each of its petals is a garden where Lord Krishna enjoys with His gopi-beloveds.
Text 6
iha kamala-dala-dvayali-madhya-
sthiti-pathi-vrindam ati-sphutam vibhati
shruti-vihitany ayanani yat tu jetri
iha-here; kamala-lotus; dala-petals; dvaya-two; ali-host; madhya-middle; sthiti-situation; pathi-on the path; vrindam-host; ati-sphutam-very clearly; vibhati-is manifested; apara-para-gata-between one and another avacakshushani-beyond the eyes; shruti-vihitani-placed on the ears; ayanani-paths; yat-which; tu-indeed; jetri-victorious.
Between the petals of this lotus are many splendid paths, paths invisible to the material senses, paths known only by the Vedas.
Text 7
manijani-kamalasya tasya cagra-
surabhi-gana-vrita sudhabha-dugdha
surabhi-tatih shrayate shubhamyu goshtham
manijani-kamalasya-a jewel lotus; tasya-of that; ca-and; agra-before; avali-multitudes; valaya-circles; pratisandhi-contact; labdha-attained; sandhi-contact; surabhi-gana-vrita-filled with beauty and virtue; sudhabha-dugdha-with nectar milk; surabhi-tatih-surabhi cows; shrayate-rests; shubhamyu-auspicious; goshtham-in a cow place.
In that jewel lotus is a place of many beautiful and virtuous surabhi cows filled with nectar milk.
Text 8
atha dala-valayasya madhya-bhagam
pratilasati vraja-raja-rajadhani
paridhivad abhitah samasta-gopa-
prakara-grihavalir atra yatra bhati
atha-then; dala-valayasya-of the circle of petals; madhya-bhagam-in the middle; pratilasati-shines; vraja-raja-of the king of Vraja; rajadhani-the capitol; paridhivat-like a circle; abhitah-around; samasta-gopa-of all the gopas; prakara-grihavalih-palaces; atra-here; yatra-where; bhati-is manifested.
In the middle of the circle of petals is the splendid palace of Vraja's king. In a circle around it are the splendid palaces of all the gopas.
Text 9
vraja-nripa-bhavanam tu tatra cantar
dinakara-vad vidadhati rashmi-shrishtim
ruci-splendor; lasat-shining; avabodha-palace; madhya-bhagam-middle; sa-parishat-with assembly halls; antima-final; shashtha-sixth; bhaga-part; pushtam-completed; vraja-nripa-bhavanam-the home of Vraja's king; tu-indeed; tatra-there; ca-and; antah-within; dinakara-vat-like the sun; vidadhati-places; rashmi-shrishtim-the creation of light.
In the middle of that glorious place is the King of Vraja's palace, filled with royal opulences and royal assemblies, and splendid like the sun.
Text 10
yad api manimayam tad-eka-rupam
tad api sad-adbhuta-madhya-madhya-bhagam
yadi bahu-vidham uhitum samiha
smara mama manasa gopa-campu-yugmam
yat-what; api-also; manimayam-made of jewels; tad-eka-rupam-the most beautiful; tat-that; api-also; sad-adbhuta-wonderful; madhya-middle; madhya-middle; bhagam-part; yadi-if; bahu-vidham-in many ways; uhitum-to know; samiha-desire; smara-remember; mama-my; manasa-heart; gopa-campu-yugmam-the two Gopala-campus.
Although that palace is the most beautiful, its inner inner part is even more wonderfully beautiful. O heart, if you wish to know all about that place, then please remember my Gopala-campu.
Texts 11 and 12
iha sahacara-tarakali-pushtah
smitam anu yasha ity anudya kaumudy-
avatarity uditat kaveh su-tushtah
vraja-kula-kumudavali-mudam yah
satata-maha-maha-krid-vidhav atandrah
pitri-mukha-sadasi priyavalinam
mahasi ca nandati gopa-krishnacandrah
iha-here; sahacara-companions; taraka-stars; ali-multitude; pushtah-opulent; svaka-own; paricari-companions; cakora-cakoras; vara-multitudes; jushtah-endowed; smitam-smiling; anu-following; yasha-glory; iti-thus; anudya-descending; kaumudi-moonlight; avatari-descent; iti-thus; uditat-risen; kaveh-of the poet; su-tushtah-satisfied; vraja-kula-of the people of Vraja; kumudavali-of the lotus flowers; mudam-the happiness; yah-who; satata-eternal; maha-great; maha-festival; krit-doing; vidhau-in the action; atandrah-without becoming tired; pitri-mukha-sadasi-in His father's assembly; priyavalinam-of His dear associates; mahasi-in the festival; ca-and; nandati-is happy; gopa-krishnacandrah-the moon of the gopa Krishna.
Surrounded by the stars and cakora birds of His friends, gently smiling, the moonlight of His glories shining, happy with the words of the poet devotees, never tiring of giving a great festival of happiness to the lotus flowers of His devotees, surrounded by His father and elders, and enjoying great festivals with the dear gopis, in that place the moon of Gopa Krishna enjoys blissful pastimes.
Text 13
sa jayati gokula-raja-vamsha-rajah
sura-pati-mani-with sapphires; manita-worshiped; anga-sangha-limbs; pata-graments; patuta-expertness; krita-done; hema-ranga-golden arena; bhangah-breaking; guna-gana-virtues; bhrita-manifesting; bharati-of eloquence; samajah-assembly; sa-He; jayati-is glorious; gokula-raja-vamsha-rajah-the king of Gokula.
His limbs worshiped by sapphires, His garments eclipsing the land of gold, and His Self the home of eloquence and a host of virtues, the ruler of Vraja shines with great splendor.
Text 14
iha hari-vihritir atita-ritya
shrinu kathayami sadapi nati-bhinnah
yad anritam api purva-riti-cetah
pravishati nadyatanam tatha yathartham
iha-here; hari-vihritih-Lord Krishna's pastimes; atita-ritya-beyond; shrinu-please hear; kathayami-I will tell; sada-always; api-also; na-not; ati-bhinnah-different; yat-what; anritam-untruth; api-also; purva-riti-cetah-previous descriptions; pravishati-enters; na-not; adyatanam-now; tatha-so; yathartham-appropriate.
In this place Lord Krishna enjoys pastimes. Please listen, and I will tell them to you in detail. They are not different from His manifest pastimes. I will not say anything that is not true. Now it is not right to say anything like that.
Text 15
iha ca yad uditam haresh caritram
tad akhilam eva dig eva tasya gamya
prati-lavam api citram asya tat tat
ka iva sudhir avasanam adadita
iha-here; ca-and; yat-what; uditam-said; hareh-of Lord Krishna; caritram-the pastimes; tat-that; akhilam-all; eva-indeed; dig-the direction; eva-indeed; tasya-of that; gamya-to be attained; prati-lavam-a small part; api-even; citram-wonder; asya-of Him; tat-that; tat-that; ka-who?; iva-indeed; sudhih-intelligent; avasanam-satiation; adadita-accepts.
I will only point the direction to all that has been said of Lord Krishna's pastimes. Even the smallest part of His pastimes is a great wonder. What wise man will ever tire of hearing Lord Krishna's pastimes?
Text 16
atha nishi rahasa gatantarayam
balajam ite stava-vadya-vidya-loke
vraja-bhavana-janah sahaiva jagran
manasi harim dadhad agatam nananda
atha-now; nishi-at night; rahasa-in secret; gata-gone; antarayam-in the heart; balajam-to the gate; ite-vome; stava-vadya-vidya-loke-in the poets learned in offering prayers; vraja-bhavana-janah-the people of Vraja; saha-with; eva-indeed; jagran-waking; manasi-in the heart; harim-Lord Krishna; dadhat-placing; agatam-come; nananda-rejoiced.
When the night had ended and the poets expert at composing prayers stood at the door, the people of Vraja awakened and became very happy at heart when Lord Krishna appeared before them.
Text 17
sa-mathana-ninadam sa-gita-nadam
sa-surabhi-doha-ravam sa-gopa-vadam
vraja-kulam ullasitam didhinva krishnam
sa-mathana-of churning; ninadam-the sound; sa-gita-nadam-the sound of singing; sa-surabhi-doha-ravam-the sound of milking trhe cows; sa-gopa-vadam-with the sound of the gopas; amrita-mathana-yuk-payodhi-tulyam-like the chruning of an ocean of nectar; vraja-kulam-the people of Vraja; ullasitam-happy; didhinva-pleased; krishnam-Lord Krishna.
The sounds in Vraja of the cowherd people talking and singing, the the cows being milked, and the butter being churned, sounds like the churning of a nectar ocean, filled Lord Krishna with happiness.
Text 18
vraja-pati-mithunam tadatha putra-
tanaya-jaya-virut-tatim pathadbhyah
pracurataram vitatara vara-varam
vraja-pati-mithunam-the king and queen of Vraja; tada-then; atha-then; putra-son; pramada-mada-with intense love; shlathita-slackened; pradana-of charity; setu-limits; tanaya-to the son; jaya-glory; virut-calling out; tatim-series; pathadbhyah-reciting; pracurataram-greatest; vitatara-manifested; vara-varam-again and again.
Overcome with love for their son, the king and queen of Vraja again and again gave limitless charity to the poets reciting virut poems praising Him.
Text 19
iha lasati harer vilasa-geha-
pratatir udara-sudara-sara-dhara
shayana-sukhamayi nikunja-vithih
kva ca na ca tadrishatam gata vibhati
iha-here; lasati-shines; hareh-of Lord Krishna; vilasa-geha-home of pastimes; pratatih-multitude; udara-exalted; sudara-beautiful wives; sara-best; dhara-flood; shayana-sukhamayi-in the happiness of sleep; nikunja-vithih-the forest path; kva-where?; ca-and; na-not; ca-and; tadrishatam-the state of being like that; gata-attained; vibhati-is manifested.
In that place are many pastime cottages and many beautiful and exalted gopis dear to Lord Krishna. On what forest path are there not gopis, cottages, and pastime couches?
Text 20
nija-nija-shayanam gatam tam aling-
ana-valitam vidadhur vidhu-sutanvah
rajani-viramanam yatha yathasid
aghatata dor-dradhima tatha tathasam
nija-nija-shayanam-to their own beds; gatam-gon; tam-Him; alingana-valitam-embraced; vidadhuh-did; vidhuh-Krishna; su-tanvah-the slender girls; rajani-viramanam-the end of the night; yatha-as; yatha-as; asit-was; aghatata-was; doh-of the arms; dradhima-firmness; tatha-so; tatha-so; asam-of them.
Lord Krishna went to each gopi's bed. The beautiful slender gopis embraced Him. For the whole night He tightly held the gopis in His arms.
Text 21
iha parama-rama vibhati radha
sad-udu-gane gagane yathendu-murtih
tad iyam adhikaya gira sabhajya
tad anugatim dadhatam parah sapatnyah
iha-there; parama-rama-the supreme goddess of fortune; vibhati-shines; radha-Radha; sad-udu-gane-filled with stars; gagane-in the sky; yatha-as; indu-of the moon; murtih-the form; tat-that; iyam-that; adhikaya-more; gira-with words; sabhajya-to be praised; tat-that; anugatim-following; dadhatam-placed; parah-great; sapatnyah-the co-wives.
Shri Radha, the supreme goddess of fortune shines like a moon surrounded by stars. The gopis follow Her and praise Her virtues.
Text 22
agharipu-ramani-ramasu mukhya
svayam anuraga-vihara-hari-murtih
vraja-of Vraja; sukrita-vilasa-sara-transcendental pastimes; ratna-jewels; akara-reservoir; vrishabhanu-from King Vrishabhanu; sujata-born; shata-beautiful; lakshmih-goddess; agharipu-ramani-ramasu-of Lord Krishna's beautiful girls; mukhya-the most important; svayam-personally; anuraga-love; vihara-pastimes; hari-charming; murtih-the form.
She is a beautiful goddess born from King Vrishabhanu, who is a jewel ocean of the pastimes of saintly deeds in Vraja. She is the first of Lord Krishna's beautiful beloveds. She is charming and playful in the pastimes of love.
Text 23
dayita-the bloved; ghana-cloud; tadit-lightning flash; vilasi-splendid; varna-color; priyatama-of the beloved; varna-color; savarna-gold; svasta-manifested; vastra-garments; harimani-sapphire; tarala-locket; adi-beginning; divya-splendid; divyat-glistening; manimaya-made of jewels; bhushana-ornaments; bhushana-ornament; anga-of limbs; bhangih-the grace.
She is like a glittering lightning flash by the monsoon cloud of Her beloved. She wears beautiful garments colored like Her beloved. The beautiful grace of Her limbs decorates Her sapphire locket and glistening ornaments.
Text 24
upamiti-padavim svam eva yanti
upamiti-padavim-comparison; svam-own; eva-indeed; yanti-attains; su-parimita-beautiful; vyatishobhita-glorious; anga-sangha-limbs; prati-kakubha-in all directions; shubhankara-prathalih-giving auspiciousness; sahaja-natural; vilakshana-extraordinary; lakshana-characteristics; ankita-marked; shrih-beauty.
She can be compared only to Herself. Her limbs are very beautiful. Her glories have made all directions auspicious. She is glorious with the most auspicious marks.
Text 25
shashi-kamala-rucam padapi jetri
nija-nakha-kantibhir ujjvalena tena
avayava-kulam anyad anyad astu
pratinava-rocir upatta-kanti-cittam
shashi-moon; kamala-lotus; rucam-glory; pada-with a foot; api-even; jetri-defeating; nija-nakha-kantibhih-with the splendor of nails; ujjvalena-glorious; tena-by that; avayava-kulam-limbs; anyat-another; anyat-another; astu-may be; pratinava-rocih-new splendor; upatta-kanti-beauty; cittam-the heart.
The splendor of Her toenails defeats the beauty of the moon and the lotus. The beauty of each of Her limbs enchants the heart of Shri Krishna.
Text 26
tri-jagati saurabha-saurabhakara-shrih
su-kusuma-beautiful flowers; sukumarata-softness and delicacy; avatarah-descent; tri-jagati-the three worlds; saurabha-of all fragrant things; saurabha-the fragrance; akara-host; shrih-beauty; rita-true; mita-slight; madhura-sweet; priya-beloved; artha-for the sake; riti-movement; pravalita-done; varnana-description; riti-way; labdha-attained; varna-color.
She is the softness and delicateness of flowers descended to the three worlds. She is the fragrance of fragrances. She speaks sweet and graceful words to please Her beloved.
Text 27
sumati-mati-guruh samasta-vidya
sakala-kala-valitapi namra-citta
hriyam anu vinayam nayam samajnam
api dadhati svajanadi-sharma-datri
sumati-mati-guruh-the most intelligent of the intelligent; samasta-vidya-all knowledge; sakala-kala-valita-skilled in all arts; api-also; namra-humble; citta-heart; hriyam-shyness; anu-following; vinayam-gentleness; nayam-righteousness; samajnam-fame; api-also; dadhati-places; svajana-own devotees; adi-beginning with; sharma-auspiciousness; datri-giving.
She is the most intelligent of the intelligent, learned in all knowledge, artistic in all arts, humble at heart, and the giver of shyness, humbleness, righteousness, fame, happiness, and auspiciousness to Her devotees.
Text 28
nikhilaga-karunadikair gunais tam
sva-dayitam eva tulam sadapi dhartri
nikhilaga-going to all; karuna-mercy; adikaih-begining with; gunaih-with virtues; tam-to Him; sva-dayitam-Her beloved; eva-indeed; tulam-equality; sada-always; api-also; dhartri-manifesting; guru-nikara-great; daya-mercy; aspada-abode; ati-bhaktih-great devotion; sthira-cara-to the moving and unmoving beings; harda-friendship; sukha-happiness; amrita-nectar; abhishikta-anointed.
Her virtues, beginning with kindness to all living beings, are equalled only by those of Lord Krishna Himself. She is affectionate and devoted to Her superiors. She is the well-wisher of all living beings, moving and inert. She is sprinkled with the nectar of happiness.
Text 29
bhramaram api tadiya-duta-buddhya
pranayaja-citra-gira vicitrayanti
priya-dear; pada-nakha-toenails; kanti-splendor; lesha-fragment; nirmanchana-arati; para-devoted; citta-heart; dasha-condition; vasha-control; anuvelam-the limit; bhramaram-bee; api-also; tadiya-duta-buddhya-with the idea of a messenger; pranayaja-affectionate; citra-wonderful; gira-words; vicitrayanti-fills with wonder.
In Her heart She again and again offers arati to a single ray of light from Her beloved's toenail. Thinking a bumblebee to be His messenger, She speaks very wonderful words of love for Him.
Text 30
marud api calati sva-bhavatash cet
kvacid anukulataya nijabhisare
nava-vidham api tatra bhakta-bhavam
vinidadhati priya-bhakta-citta-sakta
marut-breeze; api-even; calati-moves; sva-bhavatah-by Her own nature; cet-if; kvacit-somewhere; anukulataya-with love; nijabhisare-in the meeting; nava-vidham-nine kinds; api-also; tatra-there; bhakta-bhavam-love of the devotee; vinidadhati-places; priya-bhakta-citta-sakta-heart attached to the dear one.
If the breeze moves as She approaches the rendezvous, She thinks Her lover must be coming. She enters the heart of a devotee that lovingly engages in nine kinds of devotional service.
Text 31
bahir anumiti-dura-bhava-pura-
sva-carita-carutaya sada vasanti
racayati rahasi priya-jane sa
sva-dayitam anv api narma-keli-sharma
bahih-outside; anumiti-comparison; dura-far; bhava-love; pura-flood; sva-own; carita-pastimes; carutaya-with the beauty; sada-always; vasanti-residing; racayati-does; rahasi-in secret; priya-jane-dear; sa-following; sva-dayitam-beloved; anv-following; api-also; narma-keli-sharma-playful joking pastimes.
She is always decorated with incomparable loving pastimes. In a secluded place She happily jokes with Her gopi friends and Her beloved.
Text 32
bhru-kuti-nayana-bhangi-sangi kutrapy
ati-vinaya-prathi catu kutracic ca
vashayati dayitam harim priya sa
kim idam iti prathanaya naham ise
bhru-kuti-nayana-bhangi-sangi-knitted eyebrows; kutrapi-somewhere; ati-vinaya-prathi-very humble; catu-flattering words; kutracic-somewhere; ca-and; vashayati-brings under control; dayitam-beloved; harim-Lord Krishna; priya-dear; sa-She; kim-what?; idam-this; iti-thus; prathanaya-to glorify; na-not; aham-I; ise-am able.
Sometimes She knits Her eyebrows and sometimes She speaks sweet and humble words. In this way She brings her beloved Krishna completely under Her control. How can I glorify Her properly? I do not have the power to glorify Her properly.
Text 33
harir api sushubhe sa yabhir uccair
anugati-maditaya su-gana-dhamni
pranaya-rini-dasham avapa yasam
prathamatama khalu tasu saiva saiva
harih-Krishna; api-also; sushubhe-shines; sa-he; yabhih-with whom; uccaih-greatly; anugati-maditaya-present before each gopi; su-gana-dhamni-in the rasa-dance circle; pranaya-rini-dasham-the state of being a debtor in love; avapa-attaining; yasam-of whom; prathamatama-the first; khalu-kindeed; tasu-among them; sa-She; eva-indeed; sa-She; eva-indeed.
Shri Krishna is splendidly manifest before each gopi in the rasa-dance circle. He is deeply in debt for the gopis' love. Radha is the first of the gopis. She is the first.
Text 34
shrinu gunam aparam kripa-vilasam
vrisharavijam anu rasa-keli-naktam
muraripur amukam ninaya duram
nija-nayanam bubudhe muda tu neyam
shrinu-hear; gunam-quality; aparam-peerless; kripa-vilasam-pastimes of mercy; vrisharavijam-the daughter of King Vrishabhanu; anu-following; rasa-keli-rasa pastimes; naktam-night; muraripuh-Krishna; amukam-her; ninaya-leading; duram-far away; nija-nayanam-own destination; bubudhe-knew; muda-happily; tu-indeed; na-not; iyam-She.
Now please hear the pastimes of mercy Radha enjoyed on the night of the rasa dance. Lord Krishna took Her far away. With great happiness She did not know where He was taking Her.
Text 35
tad api tad-asahishnavah sapatnyah
kim api jajalpur amur amum vinindya
iyam api tu murari-melanaya
svayam upapattim adad amushu sushthu
tad api-nevertheless; tad-asahishnavah-intolerant; sapatnyah-rivals; kim api-something; jajalpuh-said; amuh-they; amum-to Her; vinindya-rebuking; iyam-She; api-also; tu-iondeed; murari-melanaya-to meet Lord Krishna; svayam-personally; upapattim-attainment; adat-gave; amushu-to them; sushthu-indeed.
Unable to tolerate Radha's good fortune, Her gopi rivals criticized Her. Radha still arranged for their meeting with Krishna.
Text 36
guna-kulam aparam kim anga varnyam
ayi shrinu hridaya prage ca tasyas
caritam idam mridu tat-priyasya catha
guna-kulam-many virtues; aparam-peerless; kim-what?; anga-O gentle one; varnyam-describable; hari-with Lord Krishna; rati-amorous pastimes; varidhi-in the ocean; bhanga-sangha-waves; rupam-the form; ayi-O; shrinu-hear; hridaya-O heart; prage-in the presence; ca-and; tasyah-of Her; caritam-pastime; idam-this; mridu-sweet; tat-priyasya-of Her beloved; ca-and; atha-now.
How can I describe her peerless virtues? How can I describe the girl who is a flood of waves in an ocean of amorous pastimes with Lord Krishna? O heart, please hear a sweet pastime She enjoyed with Her beloved at sunrise.
Text 37
anumitam akarod yadalpa-kalpam
rajani-vibhagam iyam tada tu kantam
akuruta bhuja-pasha-baddham asra-
snapita-nibham kurute sma varshma casya
anumitam-followed; akarot-did; yada-when; alpa-kalpam-a little done; rajani-vibhagam-the night; iyam-She; tada-then; tu-indeed; kantam-beloved; akuruta-did; bhuja-pasha-baddham-bounbd with rope of the arms; asra-with tears; snapita-bathed; nibham-near; kurute sma-did; varshma-body; ca-and; asya-of Him.
When She understood that only very little of the night remained, Radha tightly bound Her lover with the ropes of Her arms and bathed His body with Her tears.
Text 38
atha bahu-vinayam dadhan murarih
nayana-payamsy apasarayann amushyah
sva-nayana-salilena sardham angam
nijam akarod idam iyam apy abhikshnam
atha-then; bahu-vinayam-great humbleness; dadhan-doinf; murarih-Lord Krishna; nayana-payamsi-tears from His eyes; apasarayann-wiping away; amushyah-of Her; sva-nayana-salilena-own tears from the eyes; sardham-with; angam-body; nijam-own; akarot-did; idam-this; iyam-Dhe; api-also; abhikshnam-again and again.
Lord Krishna very gently wiped away Her tears, but then He bathed His body again and again with His own tears.
Text 39
tad anu ca lalita-vishakhike dve
sama-vayasav anayor upetya parshvam
khara-vacanat patu lumpatah sma jadyam
tad anu-then; ca-and; lalita-vishakhike-Lalita and Vishakha; dve-both; sama-vayasau-the same age; anayoh-both; upetya-approaching; parshvam-the side; ahima-kara-warm; himartu-in the winter; rashmi-rays; tulyat-like; khara-vacanat-hard words; patu-sharp; lumpatah sma-broke; jadyam-coolness.
Then Radha's two friends Lalita and Vishakha came to Their side. With sharp words like a warm winter sun, the two girls broke the coolness of the divine couple's motionless embrace.
Text 40
hriyam iyam abala tada tu yata
dayita-tanor upaguhanam vishrijya
svapanam iva gata kshanam niriha
punar iva jagaranam bhayad dadambha
hriyam-syness; iyam-this; abala-girl; tada-then; tu-indeed; yata-attained; dayita-tanoh-of Her lover's body; upaguhanam-embrace; vishrijya-doing; svapanam-sleep; iva-as if; gata-attained; kshanam-a moment; niriha-motionless; punah-again; iva-like; jagaranam-wakefulness; bhayat-from fear; dadambha-cheated.
Radha became embarrassed. Again She embraced Her lover. Pretending to be asleep, She lay motionless for a moment. Frightened, She tried to cheat the wakefulness that had come.
Text 41
ahar-udita-nibham parash ca yata
hari-dayita hari-mataram bhaveyuh
iti tad-udita-sambhramad ayasid
ahar-udita-nibham-like the coming of day; parah-again; ca-and; yata-attained; hari-dayita-Lord Krishna's beloved; hari-mataram-to Lord Krishna's mother; bhaveyuh-would be; iti-thus; tad-udita-sambhramat-in haste; ayasit-went; ahar-udaya-the coming of daytime; anuga-following; karma-dharma-dhama-duties.
When daytime came, Krishna's dear gopis remembered Krishna's mother. In great haste they went to perform their duties.
Text 42
kulam ajahat tadiyam yad eva hridyam
aparam akurutanga-sangi yat tu
skhalayitum ishtam aho bali tu dishtah
rajani-night; vilasita-splendid; prasangi-touching; vasah-kulam-garments; ajahat-abandoned; tadiyam-His; yat-what; eva-indeed; hridyam-dear; aparam-peerless; akuruta-did; anga-limbs; sangi-touching; yat-what; tu-indeed; skhalayitum-to stumble; ishtam-desired; ahah-Oh; bali-powerful; tu-indeed; dishtah-showed.
When night came She was happy to abandon Her favorite garment. Now that day has come, She again holds the garment to Her limbs. Ah, time has the power to take away what is most dear.
Text 43
pada-kara-vadanam muhuh punana
yad iha jalam visasarja shubhra-patre
bhuvam api tad idam bhuvah-svaradiny
api bhuvanani sada punad vibhati
pada-feet; kara-hands; vadanam-mouth; muhuh-again and again; punana-washing; yat-what; iha-here; jalam-water; visasarja-took; shubhra-patre-in a beautiful cup; bhuvam-the ground; api-and; tat-that; idam-this; bhuvah-svaradini-beginning weithb worlds Bhuvar and Svar; api-also; bhuvanani-realms; sada-always; punat-purifying; vibhati-shines.
With water from a beautiful cup again and again She washed her mouth, hands, and feet, and then threw the water to the ground, water that purifies the celestial worlds beginning with Bhuvar and Svar.
Text 44
akuruta na param bahih-sniham sa
hari-dayita muhur antara-sniham ca
vinidadhati khalu ya tulam sisheve
akuruta-did; na-not; param-more; bahih-sniham-external love; sa-She; hari-dayita-Lord Krishna's beloved; muhuh-again and again; antara-sniham-love within; ca-and; hari-of Lord Krishna; vapuh-on the form; upayukta-engaged; taila-oil; shesham-remaining; vinidadhati-places; khalu-indeed; ya-who; tulam-equal; sisheve-attained.
No longer openly showing Her love, Lord Krishna's beloved now kept that love hidden in Her heart. Taking the remaining oil, She massaged Lord Krishna's limbs. She was His equal.
Text 45
surabhibhir atha mardanani kritva-
snapayad amum udakena tadrishena
sahaja-surabhita tatas tad-angad
udayamita vijita dishash cakara
surabhibhih-fragrant; atha-then; mardanani-massage; kritva-doing; asnapayat-bathed; amum-Him; udakena-with water; tadrishena-like that; sahaja-surabhita-naturally fragrant; tatah-then; tad-angat-from His body; udayamita-exalted; vijita-defeated; dishah-directions; cakara-did.
After massaging Him, She bathed Him with scented water, and all the directions became filled with a sweet fragrance.
Text 46
tanum anu vavase saramshukam sa
tad api tanush-chavim ujjagara tasyah
ghana-tati-pihite 'pi surya-bimbe
dishi dishi rajati tasya rashmi-sanghah
tanum-body; anu-following; vavase-covered; saramshukam-with fine garments; sa-She; tat-taht; api-also; tanuh-body; chavim-splendor; ujjagara-awakened; tasyah-of Her; ghana-tati-pihite-eclipsing a host of monsoon clouds; api-evebn; surya-bimbe-the sun; dishi-in the directions; dishi-after direction; rajati-shines; tasya-of Him; rashmi-sanghah-the rays of light.
Although She covered Krishna's form with beautiful garments, She made the glory of His limbs increase. He became like a host of monsoon clouds and a brilliant sun filling all directions with rays of light.
Text 47
hari-ratir ati-gupyate taya sa
tad api ca tac-chavir ikshyate bahish ca
vividha-mani-vibhushanam varakshyah
sukhayati tah sva-sakhir itidam ittham
athava-or; hari-ratih-Lord Krishna's love; ati-gupyate-became hidden; taya-by Her; sa-She; tad api-still; ca-and; tac-chavih-His glory; ikshyate-is seen; bahih-outisde; ca-and; vividha-mani-vibhushanam-various ornaments; varakshyah-of the girl with the beautiful eyes; sukhayati-pleases; tah-them; sva-sakhih-Her friends.
Or, it may also be said:
Although She carefully hid Her love for Krishna, it could still be seen manifested as Lord Krishna's glory. The many jewel ornaments beautiful-eyed Radha placed on Him delighted Her gopi friends.
Text 48
vraja-nripa-mithunasya canghri-tirtham
vraja-nripates tanayasya ca prapiya
hari-jananim avalokitum pratasthe
vraja-nripa-mithunasya-of the king and queen of Vraja; ca-and; anghri-of the feet; tirtham-to the holy place; vraja-nripateh-of the king of Vraja; tanayasya-of the son; ca-and; prapiya-drinking; japa-vidhi-vihita-dvi-varna-mantra-by chanting the mantra of two syllables; hari-Lord Krishna; jananim-the mother; avalokitum-to see; pratasthe-went.
By chanting the two-syllable mantra "Krish-na", Radha drank the sacred water of the feet of Lord Krishna, King Nanda, and Mother Yasoda. Then She went to see Yashoda, Lord Krishna's mother.
Text 49
atha hari-jananim prati prayatapy
abhimukham eti na sa sakhi-vritapi
api tu kutila-vartmananugamya
pranamati tat-padayor nidhaya bhalam
atha-then; hari-jananim-to Lord Krishna's mother; prati-to; prayata-went; api-also; abhimukham-before; eti-went; na-not; sa-She; sakhi-vrita-surrounded by friends; api-also; api-also; tu-indeed; kutila-vartmana-by the crooked path; anugamya-following; pranamati-bows down; tat-padayoh-at her feet; nidhaya-placing; bhalam-forehead.
Then Radha went to Lord Krishna's mother, Yashoda. Accompanied by many friends, and not able to approach her directly, Radha went by a crooked path, finally placing Her forehead at Yashoda's feet.
Text 50
atha hari-janani svayam karabhyam
shirasi samunnamite sa-yatnam asyah
parimalam upalabhya sasram enam
pihita-tanum parirabhya nandati sma
atha-then; hari-janani-Mother Yashoda; svayam-personally; karabhyam-with both hands; shirasi-on the head; samunnamite-raised; sa-yatnam-with care; asyah-of Her; parimalam-scent; upalabhya-attaining; sasram-with tears; enam-Her; pihita-covered; tanum-the body; parirabhya-embracing; nandati sma-was delighted.
With both hands touching Radha's head, Mother Yashoda carefully picked Her up, smelled Her head, wept, enveloped Her in a great hug, and became very happy.
Text 51
tad anu tad-upadeshatah samastam
guru-vanitam avanamya ramya-citta
prithag upavishati samasta-drishtir
aharata candra-mukhi cakora-tulyah
tad anu-then; tad-upadeshatah-by her instruction; samastam-all; guru-vanitam-the elder lady; avanamya-bowing down; ramya-beautiful; citta-heart; prithag-specific; upavishati-sits down; samasta-drishtih-all eyes; aharata-takes; candra-mukhi-moon face; cakora-tulyah-like cakora birds.
By Yashoda's order, Radha with the beautiful heart bowed down before the elder ladies and then sat down. Her face like the moon, She charmed everyone's cakora-bird eyes.
Text 52
yad api muhur iyam sadanubhuta
tad api tada milati pratisvam ardram
rajani-virahita cakara varsha-
janir iva gharma-kaniyasi samastam
yad api-although; muhuh-again and again; iyam-She; sada-always; anubhuta-experienced; tad api-still; tada-then; milati-meets; pratisvam-own; ardram-melting with love; rajani-virahita-without the night; cakara-did; varshajanih-frog; iva-like; gharma-kaniyasi-troubled by the hot summer; samastam-completely.
Again and again gazing at Her, the ladies melted with love for Radha. They became agitated like frogs troubled by summer heat when the cool night is over.
Text 53
iti sati carite hari-priyaya
hari-caritam shrinu citta varnayami
griha-gata-vibhave su-varnite syad
griha-pati-varnanam ashu saukhya-dayi
iti-thus; sati-being so; carite-pastimes; hari-priyaya-of Lord Krishna's beloved; hari-caritam-Lord Krishna's pastimes; shrinu-please hear; citta-O heart; varnayami-I shall describe; griha-gata-vibhave-in the opulence of His home; su-varnite-described; syat-is; griha-pati-varnanam-description of the master of the home; ashu-at once; saukhya-dayi-giving happiness.
O heart, I have told you something of Radha's pastimes. Now I will tell you something of Lord Krishna's pastimes. I have told you something of the glory of Lord Krishna's abode. Now I will give to you the blissful description of that abode's ruler.
Text 54
hari-dayitatama yadashu talpad
dina-mukha-kritya-krite kriteham asit
harir api sa tada tad-artham atma-
priya-sakha-dasa-gatena sevyate sma
hari-dayitatama-Krishna's dearest beloved; yada-when; ashu-quickly; talpat-from the bed; dina-mukha-kritya-krite-to perform daily duties; krita-done; iham-duty; asit-was; harih-Lord Krishna; api-also; sa-He; tada-then; tad-artham-for that purpose; atma-to His heart; priya-dear; sakha-friend; dasa-servant; gatena-attained; sevyate sma-was served.
When Krishna's most beloved Radha rose from bed to perform Her daily duties, Lord Krishna, rising for the same purpose, was served by His servant-friend.
Text 55
sa rajani-vasanam sasarja tac ca
sphutam iva sucayati sma gudha-vrittam
iha ca tad idam antarangam ittham
pishu-namitiva tada smitam suhridbhih
sa-He; rajani-vasanam-the grament of night; sasarja-abandoning; tac-that; ca-and; sphutam-clearly; iva-as if; sucayati sma-indicated; gudha-vrittam-confidentiual pastimes; iha-here; ca-and; tat-that; idam-this; antarangam-secret; ittham-thus; pishunam-indication; iti-thus; iva-like; tada-then; smitam-smile; suhridbhih-with friends.
When Lord Krishna removed His night garment, the marks of His secret amorous pastimes became exposed. They were like a traitor telling His secrets. Seeing them, His servant friends smiled and laughed.
Text 56
mukha-kara-caranam hareh su-dhautam
kamala-vanani jigaya tac ca pashya
vrajam anu kamalalayapi yasya
shrayati rajah padayor yathatra vandi
mukha-kara-caranam-face, hands, and feet; hareh-of Lord Krishna; su-dhautam-carefully washed; kamala-vanani-the forest of lotus flowers; jigaya-defeating; tac-that; ca-and; pashya-see; vrajam-Vraja; anu-following; kamalalaya-the abode of lotus flowers; api-also; yasya-of which; shrayati-takes shelter; rajah-dust; padayoh-of the feet; yatha-as; atra-here; vandi-praising.
O heart, gaze on Lord Krishna's carefully washed face, hands, and feet, which defeat forests of lotus flowers. Goddess Lakshmi, who is beautiful like a world of lotus flowers, has come to Vraja, become a poet, and taken shelter of the dust of His feet.
Text 57
bahu-vidham api tailam ishta-gandham
dhritam abhitah sa vidagdha-tani-digdhah
surabhitam iha radhaya tu devya
svayam urari-kurute sma krishnacandrah
bahu-vidham-many kinds; api-also; tailam-oil; ishta-gandham-sweetly scented; dhritam-held; abhitah-everywhere; sa-He; vidagdha-tani-digdhah-expertly anointed; surabhitam-fragrant; iha-here; radhaya-by Radha; tu-indeed; devya-goddess; svayam-personally; urari-kurute sma-accepted; krishnacandrah-Lord Krishnacandra.
Then Lord Krishnacandra allowed Goddess Radha to expertly anoint His limbs with many kinds of sweetly scented oil.
Text 58
tad aghajiti su-tailam adadane
samajani pushitata na tat tu citram
prathamam api sa tan-mudabhijghrann
agamad amudrishatam tad eva citram
tat-that; aghajiti-Lord Krishna; su-tailam-sweet oil; adadane-accepted; samajani-manifested; pushitata-nourished; na-not; tat-that; tu-indeed; citram-wonderful; prathamam-first; api-even; sa-He; tat-that; muda-happoily; abhijghrann-smelling; agamat-went; amudrishatam-to a condition like that; tat-that; eva-indeed; citram-wonderful.
Whoever accepts the remnants of this oil that massaged Lord Krishna attains intense love for Krishna. That is not surprising. Whoever even once happily smells the fragrance of that oil also attains intense love for Krishna. That is surprising.
Text 59
sa suci-surabhina jalena siktam
sva-vapur akarayad idrisham vidhatum
ahaha shrinu manas tad eva tat-tad-
guna-mahasa samabhud ativa sandram
sa-He; suci-surabhina-by that sweet fragrance; jalena-by water; siktam-sprinkled; sva-vapuh-own form; akarayat-caused; idrisham-like this; vidhatum-to place; ahaha-aha; shrinu-please hear; manah-O heart; tat-that; eva-indeed; tat-tat-various; guna-of qualities; mahasa-with the glory; samabhut-became; ativa-very; sandram-intense.
With scented water Lord Krishna then washed His own limbs. O heart, please hear about the great splendor of Lord Krishna's form.
Text 60
hari-tanum anumarjanam vidhitsan
mridur iyam ity adhigatya kampate sma
jala-guru-vasanam visarjayams tad-
dvayam aparam sa dadhat praphullati sma
hari-of Lord Krishna; tanum-the form; anumarjanam-massage; vidhitsan-doing; mriduh-gentle; iyam-She; iti-thus; adhigatya-understanding; kampate sma-trembled; jala-guru-vasanam-garments heavey with water; visarjayamh-removing; tat-that; dvayam-both; aparam-another; sa-He; dadhat-He; praphullati sma-blossomed.
After massaging Lord Krishna's body, the servant knew that Krishna's form was now very soft and relaxed. Trembling, the servant removed Lord Krishna's wet garments and dressed Him in two dry garments. He blossomed with happiness.
Text 61
kanaka-nibha-pata-dvayam patiyan
paridadhad ambuda-rocir upta-keshah
sa-tilaka-laghu-bhushanah sva-kantya
tri-jagati kanti-daya-sakhin didhinva
kanaka-nibha-pata-dvayam-two garments like gold; patiyan-expert; paridadhat-placed; ambuda-rocih-splendid like a cloud; upta-tied; keshah-hair; sa-tilaka-laghu-bhushanah-with tilaka and graceful ornaments; sva-kantya-with splendor; tri-jagati-in the three worlds; kanti-splendor; daya-mercy; sakhin-friends; didhinva-pleased.
The expert servant placed two garments splendid like gold on the monsoon-cloud limbs of Lord Krishna. Splendid, decorated with tilaka and graceful ornaments, and His hair expertly tied, Lord Krishna delighted the friends of splendor and mercy in the three worlds.
Text 62
harir atha kanakasane nivishya
vyaracayad acamanam yatha nidishtam
paridadhad upavitam anyad asij
japam anu sandadhad apy adipi tatra
harih-Lord Krishna; atha-then; kanakasane-on a golden throne; nivishya-sitting; vyaracayat-did; acamanam-acamana; yatha-as; nidishtam-indicated; paridadhat-placing; upavitam-sacred thread; anyat-another; asit-did; japam-japa; anu-following; sandadhat-did; api-also; adipi-shone; tatra-there.
Sitting on a golden throne, Lord Krishna performed acamana, accepted a new sacred thread, and chanted mantras. He shone with great splendor.
Text 63
yadu-puram anu yat pradhana-bhavam
harir akaroj janake 'pi vidyamane
tad ucitam ucitam tu natra yasmat
pitri-sutatagata-taratamyam asti
yadu-of the Yadavas; puram-to the city; anu-following; yat-what; pradhana-bhavam-bowing down three times a day; harih-Lord rishna;K akarot-did; janake-to His father; api-also; vidyamane-being so; tat-that; ucitam-proper; ucitam-proper; tu-indeed; na-not; atra-here; yasmat-because; pitri-father; sutata-being a son; agata-attained; taratamyam-hierarchy; asti-is.
Three times a day Lord Krishna bowed down to His father in Dvaraka. That was proper. It was not proper in Vraja. The father and son relationship in both places were different.
Text 64
vraja-pati-mithunam sadapi balyam
harim anucintayed evam aha nityam
vayam iha su-kritani yani kurmah
pratinidhayas tava tatra na sva-tantrah
vraja-pati-mithunam-the king and queen of Vraja; sada-always; api-also; balyam-child; harim-Krishna; anucintayet-remembered; evam-thus; aha-said; nityam-always; vayam-we; iha-here; su-kritani-poious deeds; yani-which; kurmah-we did; pratinidhayah-pictures; tava-of You; tatra-there; na-not; sva-tantrah-independent.
O Krishna, as the king and queen of Vraja daily meditated on You, so we have given these pictures of You. We have not invented anything.
Text 65
iti harir iha nati-dharma-karmany
ushasi karoti pituh pramoda-kari
api tu tad-anumodananukulam
bhavika-kritim vidadhati matur agre
iti-thus; harih-Lord Krishna; iha-here; na-not; ati-dharma-karmani-beyond religious duties; ushasi-at dawn; karoti-does; pituh-of the father; pramoda-kari-delighting; api-also; tu-indeed; tad-anumodananukulam-following his happiness; bhavika-kritim-religious duties; vidadhati-does; matuh-of the mother; agre-in the presence.
Lord Krishna never deviated from His religious duties. Every morning He would please His father and mother by performing these duties.
Text 66
harir atha calati sma matri-parshvam
saha sakhibhir dhvanayan vibhushanani
sa tad avakalayan vadhu-nikayah
sapadi sasara rahasya-paka-dhama
harih-Lord Krishna; atha-then; calati sma-went; matri-parshvam-to His mother's side; saha-with; sakhibhih-friends; dhvanayan-sounding; vibhushanani-ornaments; sa-He; tat-that; avakalayan-seeing; vadhu-nikayah-the women; sapadi-at once; sasara-went; rahasya-paka-dhama-to the kitchen.
His ornaments tinkling, Krishna went to His mother. Seeing that the gopis had come, He went to the kitchen.
Text 67
atha hari-janani harim nirikshya
vraja-mahilabhir iyaya tasya parshvam
sutam anugamanam vyaloki dhenoh
samam anaya na taram gavam parasam
atha-then; hari-janani-Krishna's mother; harim-Krishna; nirikshya-seeing; vraja-mahilabhih-with the girls of Vraja; iyaya-went; tasya-of Him; parshvam-to the side; sutam-the son; anugamanam-following; vyaloki-saw; dhenoh-a cow; samam-with; anaya-by her; na-not; taram-crossing; gavam-of the cows; parasam-transcendental.
When they saw Him, Yashoda and the gopis went to Krishna. A cow can approach her own calf but the other cows cannot.
Text 68
padam anu patanam bhaven na tasyah
savidha-jusha harina drutam milantyah
iti harir avanamya dura-deshac
ciram iva tadvad atishthad ishta-bhaktih
padam-foot; anu-following; patanam-falling; bhaven-may be; na-not; tasyah-of her; savidha-jusha-engaged in that way; harina-by Lord Krishna; drutam-quickly; milantyah-meeting; iti-thus; harih-Lord Krishna; avanamya-bowing; dura-deshac-from afar; ciram-slowly; iva-as if; tadvat-thus; atishthat-stood; ishta-bhaktih-devoted.
Krishna devotedly bowed to her from afar. She stumbled as she ran to Him.
Text 69
drutam atha janani tam etya putram
drutam udaninayad agraham dadhana
tad anu ca su-ciram prasajya murdhni
sravad-udakakshi-yugam tam aluloke
drutam-quickly; atha-then; janani-the mother; tam-Him; etya-attaining; putram-son; drutam-quickly; udaninayat-picked up; agraham-taking; dadhana-holding; tat-that; anu-following; ca-and; su-ciram-for a long time; prasajya-smelling; murdhni-on the head; sravat-flowing; udaka-tears; akshi-yugam-eyes; tam-at Him; aluloke-gazed.
Mother Yashoda ran to Her son, held Him, smelled His head, and gazed at Him with tear-filled eyes.
Text 70
harir avakalayan sa-rohinika
vraja-mahila janani-samana-bhava
tad-anugunaka-bhakti-bhag amusham
namana-krid ajasra-jalena sicyate sma
harih-Lord Krishna; avakalayan-seeing; sa-rohinika-with Rohini; vraja-mahila-the women of Vraja; janani-samana-like to His mother; bhava-love; tad-anugunaka-bhakti-bhaga-with devotion like that; amusham-of them; namana-krit-bowing down; ajasra-jalena-with tears; sicyate sma-was sprinkled.
Seeing Rohini and the other women of Vraja, women that loved Him as His mother loved Him, Lord Krishna respectfully bowed before them, and they sprinkled Him with the tears from their eyes.
Text 71
atha bala-valitah pare sakhayah
saha-madhumangalakah samagatas te
yad ajitam abhajams tad ahni citram
vidhum anusajya shubha-graha virejuh
atha-then; bala-valitah-accompanied by Balarama; pare-other; sakhayah-friends; saha-madhumangalakah-with Madhumangala; samagatah-came; te-they; yat-which; ajitam-Krishna; abhajamh-worshiped; tat-that; ahni-in the day; citram-wonder; vidhum-moon; anusajyabeing surrounded; shubha-graha-by auspicious planets; virejuh-shone.
Then Balarama, Madhumangala, and other friends came and worshiped Krishna. They were like a moon and many auspicious stars wonderfully shining in the daytime.
Text 72
atha punar upavesham agatas te
hari-bala-matri-mukhah sukhad asheshah
hari-bala-valita yathasvamasann
adhivividhashanam udyad-asra-netrah
atha-then; punah-again; upavesham-sitting; agatah-came; te-they; hari-bala-matri-mukhah-headed by Krishna, Balarama, and Yashoda; sukhat-happily; asheshah-the others; hari-bala-valita-accompanied by Krishna and Balarama; yatha-as; svam-own; asann-sitting; adhivividhasanam-various seats; udyat-rising; asra-tears; netrah-eyes.
Then Krishna, Balarama, Yashoda, and the others all happily sat down. Tears filled the eyes of the friends of Krishna and Balarama.
Text 73
atha puru-guru-dara-lambhitashir
batu-sahitah pratipadya vipra-bharya
valayita-sakalah sa rama-krishnah
pranamana-sangatam unnaman didhinva
atha-then; puru-guru-dara-the noble ladies; lambhitashih-blessing; batu-sahitah-with the boys; pratipadya-approaching; vipra-bharya-the wives of the brahmanas; valayita-sakalah-surrounded; sa-He; rama-krishnah-Krishna and Balarama; pranamana-sangatam-bowing down; unnaman-rising; didhinva-pleased.
Accompanied by their sons, the exalted brahmana ladies gave their blessings. Krishna and Balarama bowed before them, stood up, and did everything to please them.
Text 74
dvija-kula-mahila batu-pradhana
dina-dinam ashisham adbhutam dadanah
tad-udayam api shashvad ikshamana
vidadhati sakshata-laja-pushpa-vrishtim
dvija-kula-mahila-the brahmana ladies; batu-pradhana-with their sons in front; dina-dinam-day after day; ashisham-blessing; adbhutam-wonderful; dadanah-giving; tad-udayam-the rising of that; api-also; shashvat-always; ikshamanah-seeing; vidadhati-places; sakshata-laja-pushpa-vrishtim-a shower of grains and flowers.
Day after day the brahmana ladies and their sons came, blessed Krishna, gazed on Him, and showered Him with rice and flowers.
Text 75
harir atha kapilah sa-navya-vatsa
rajata-khura-prakarah suvarna-shringih
vividha-mani-vibhushanah samarcya
dvija-batusad akarod vidhana-yuktam
harih-Lord Krishna; atha-then; kapilah-the brown cows; sa-navya-vatsa-with new calves; rajata-khura-prakarah-with silver hooves; suvarna-shringih-with gold horns; vividha-mani-vibhushanah-with many ornaments; samarcya-worshiping; dvija-batusat-like brahmana boys; akarot-did; vidhana-yuktam-properly.
After worshiping the cows and calves, who all had silver hooves, gold horns, and many jewel ornaments, Lord Krishna gave them in charity to the brahmana boys.
Text 76
dhrita-mani-navakam suvarna-patram
paricita-mukha-bimba-bimbam ishas
tithi-ganakaya didesha desha-rupam
dhrita-mani-navakam-with nine jewels; suvarna-patram-golden plates; ghrita-paripurita-bhuri-kanti-madhyam-very splendid; paricita-mukha-bimba-bimbam-reflecting the face; ishah-the Lord; tithi-ganakaya-to the guests; didesha-gave; desha-rupam-beautiful.
Then Lord Krishna gave to His guests splendidly beautiful golden plates decorated with the nine kinds of jewels, plates like mirrors that gave a clear reflection of the holder's face.
Text 77
dvija-kulaja-satir batumsh ca krishnah
pranamana-purvakam ipsayabhivandya
madhuratara-gira vishrijya dhamne
nija-janani-ruci-mangalam puposha
dvija-kulaja-satih-to the saintly brahmana ladies; batumh-the sons; ca-and; krishnah-Krishna; pranamana-purvakam-first bowing down; ipsaya-with desires; abhivandya-praising; madhuratara-gira-with the most sweet words; vishrijya-giving; dhamne-in the abode; nija-janani-His mother; ruci-splendor; mangalam-auspiciousness; puposha-increased.
Then Lord Krishna bowed down before the saintly brahmana ladies and their sons, praised them with the sweetest of words, and fulfilled their desires. In this way He brought happiness and auspiciousness to His mother.
Text 78
janayatri-janani-svashrih pitrivya-
dika-vanitash ca vadhu-suta vimishrah
dibhir upaveshataya harir didhinva
janayatri-janani-svashrih-aunts; pitrivyadika-vanitah-the wives of His uncles; ca-and; vadhu-suta-children; vimishrah-mixed; anunaya-vinaya-pranama-humbkly bowing down; puja-worship; dibhih-beginning with; upaveshataya-with sitting; harih-Lord Krishna; didhinva-pleased.
Then Lord Krishna humbly bowed down before His aunts and cousins, worshiped them, gave them sitting places, and pleased them.
Text 79
iti puru-krita-mangalah sa krishnah
svaka-griha-nirmita-tat-kritir balash ca
sakhi-citam ucita-pradesham ancann
ashana-vidhim vidhina vidhitsati sma
iti-thus; puru-great; krita-done; mangalah-auspiciousness; sa-He; krishnah-Krishna; svaka-griha-own home; nirmita-done; tat-that; kritih-pious deed; balah-Balarama; ca-and; sakhi-citam-friends; ucita-pradesham-proper place; ancan-bowing; ashana-vidhim-meal; vidhina-peoperly; vidhitsati sma-desired to give.
His auspicious morning duties now completed, Lord Krishna took His friends to the breakfast room. Now He wished to eat.
Texts 80-86
jana-jana-lobhana-shobhaya manojnam
nirupama-vadanam sa-nila-shubhra-
kanaka-ghana-jid antaramshukamsha-
abhimukham upavishtam ishta-paras-
vapur unnata-dasha-jushta-prishtham
rahasi vinirmita-jala-randhra-vrindat
svayam api sa-misham nirikshamanam
tad anu gavaksha-kulam kriyakulaksham
dina-mukham adhikritya bhavya-krityam
smara sahaja-dvayam ishtam ishta-bhukti
asita-black; kutila-curly; kesha-hair; vesha-decoration; bhangi-graceful; jana-jana-the people; lobhana-eagerness; shobhaya-with splendor; manojnam-pleasing; nirupama-peerless; vadanam-face; sa-with; nila-dark; shubhra-beautiful; cchavi-splendor; sa-with; vilasa-playfulness; sa-with; shona-redness; kona-corners; netram-eyes; alaka-curly hair; vitata-expansion; bhala-forehead; mandi-pundram-tilaka; prithutara-nirada-mukta-mukta-nasam-His nose decorated with a great pearl; mani-gana-maya-kundala-prabhabhih-with the splendor earrings fashioned with many jewels; savalita-ganda-rucati-roci-tundam-with splendid cheeks; gala-valaya-vibhushanati-ramyam-beautiful with necklaces and other ornaments; mani-sara-madhya-nibaddha-ratna-varyam-studded with precious jewels; valaya-vilasad-urmikangadanam-with glittering bracelets, armlets, and rings; chavi-calad-urmi-bhuja-dvayati-caru-His two arms flooded with waves of handsomeness; nrihari-vat-like Lord Nrisimhadeva; avalagna-resting; lagna-kanci-belt; stabaka-bumvhes of flowers; calancala-cancat-moving; amshu-light; jalam-abundance; kanaka-ghana-jit-defeating gold and a cloud; antaramshukamshagsarment in the middle;- sprisha-mani-cintamani jewels; nupura-anklets; kanti-of splendor; pura-with a flood; purnam-flooded; abhimukham-facing; upavishtam-sitting; ishta-desired; parasparika-each other; nirikshana-glances; sakshana-with a festival of happiness; akshi-eyes; yugmam-two; nava-ghana-ghanasara-kanti-splendid like a new monsoon cloud; prada-giving; vapuh-form; unnata-dasha-jushta-prishtham-with a braod back; vividha-vidha-various; vicitra-wonders; mitra-of suns; pankti-multitude; dvaya-two; racita-made; drava-flowing; tarshi-thirsty; matri-mother; harshi-pleasing; nija-nija-own; vadhu-girls; drishya-to be seen; drishya-handsome; rupam-form; rahasi-in a secluded place; vinirmita-jala-randhra-vrindat-from the windows; svayam-personally; api-also; sa-misham-ona pretext; nirikshamanam-seeing; tat-that; anu-following; gavaksha-kulam-the windows; kriyakulaksham-with playful eyes; dina-mukham-the sun; adhikritya-in relation to; bhavya-krityam-pious duties; smara-please meditate; sahaja-dvayam-Krishna and Balarama; ishtam-worshiped; ishta-bhukti-who desired to eat.
O heart, please meditate on Krishna and Balarama, who are gracefully decorated with curly locks of hair, whose faces have no peer, who are splendidly fair and dark, the corners of whose playful eyes are reddish, whose foreheads are decorated with tilaka and curly locks of hair, whose noses are decorated with great pearls, whose cheeks are splendid with jewel earrings, who are glorious with jewel necklaces, whose handsome arms, decorated with jewel bracelets, armlets, and rings, are flooded with waves of splendor, who wear belts glorious like Lord Nrisimhadeva Himself, who are decorated with hosts of flowers, who are more glorious than gold and dark monsoon clouds, who are flooded with the splendor of cintamani-jewel anklets, who sit facing each other, who glance at each other with eyes filled with festivals of happiness, whose forms are splendid like white camphor and dark clouds, whose backs are broad and graceful, who pleased Their mothers and friends with many wonderful joking words, whose handsome forms the young girls, pretending to look at other things, secretly gazed at from their windows, and who, having completed Their morning duties, now wished to eat breakfast.
Text 87
bahushu dina-mukheshu goshu shighram
vrajanam iti vraja-bhubhrita su-bhojyam
svayam ashana-krita praheyam ity apy
ashanam idam laghu vashti krishnacandrah
bahushu-many; dina-mukheshu-in mornings; goshu-in the cows; shighram-quickly; vrajanam-going to pasture; iti-thus; vraja-bhubhrita-by the king of Vraja; su-bhojyam-with good foods; svayam-personally; asana-krita-eating; praheyam-to be sent; iti-thus; api-also; ashanam-food; idam-thus; laghu-light; vashti-desired; krishnacandrah-Lord Krishnacandra.
Every day in this way Lord Krishna quickly took the cows to pasture. Thinking, "The king of Vraja will send Our lunch," Lord Krishnacandra ate only a light breakfast.
Text 88
atha marica-sita-sitamshu-mishram
ghrita-paramannam adann asav amibhih
nija-ruci-mitaya nicalayamsh ca
prati-kavalam prashashamsa kamsa-shatruh
atha-then; marica-sita-sitamshu-mishram-mixed with pepper, sugar, and camphor; ghrita-paramannam-sweet-rice mixed with ghee; adann-eating; asau-He; amibhih-with them; nija-ruci-mitaya-with His glory; nicalayan-manifesting; ca-and; prati-kavalam-each bite; prashashamsa-praised; kamsa-shatruh-Kamsa's enemy.
Krishna and His friends ate sweet-rice seasoned with sugar, camphor, and pepper. Enjoying as He ate, Krishna praised every bite.
Text 89
nava-vadhu-nihitam balasya matra
svayam upaniya dhritam vrajadhirajyam
akuruta pariveshanam tatha sa
lavam api natra yatha sa hatum aishta
nava-vadhu-by the young girls; nihitam-placed; balasya-of Balarama; matra-by the mother; svayam-personally; upaniya-bringing; dhritam-held; vrajadhirajyam-the queen of Vraja; akuruta-did; pariveshanam-entrance; tatha-so; sa-He; lavam-a moment; api-even; na-not; atra-here; yatha-as; sa-He; hatum-to leave; aishta-desired.
Shri Radha cooked, Mother Rohini carried the finished dishes to Mother Yashoda, and Mother Yashoda served them to Krishna and His friends. For this reason Lord Krishna did not wish to leave the breakfast table for even a moment.
Text 90
sa-parimala-jalam tatha jananyor
mridu mridu jalpa-vikashi-manda-hasam
anubhavad iha rama-krishna-yugmam
kramam anubhojana-trishnatam ahasit
sa-parimala-jalam-with scented water; tatha-so; jananyoh-of the two mothers; mridu-gently; mridu-gently; jalpa-vikashi-talking; manda-gently; hasam-smiling; anubhavat-saw; iha-here; rama-krishna-yugmam-Krishna and Balarama; kramam-gradually; anubhojana-eating; trishnatam-hunger; ahasit-abandoned.
Gently smiling and very gently talking, the two mothers also served scented water. Gradually Krishna and Balarama lost Their hunger.
Text 91
punar api janani-dvayi shishunan
ashana-rasam vyatihasanat puposha
harir atha ca gavavanaya khela-
vana-gamanaya ca tam kramat tatara
punah-again; api-also; janani-dvayi-the two mothers; shishunan-of the boys; ashana-rasam-the meal; vyatihasanat-from joking; puposha-nourished; harih-Lord Krishna; atha-then; ca-and; gavavanaya-to herd the cows; khela-pastimes; vana-to the forest; gamanaya-for going; ca-and; tam-that; kramat-gradually; tatara-went.
Speaking joking words, the two mothers encouraged the boys to continue eating. Lord Krishna gradually ended His breakfast pastimes and prepared to take the cows to the pastime forest.
Text 92
khapura-pani-dali-putibhir ete
surabhita-vyanjitam uhur asya-madhyam
parimala-jala-with scented water; dhauta-washed; vaktra-bimba-moth; nava-haricandana-with new sandal paste; caru-beautiful; carcita-anointed; angah-limbs; khapura-pani-dali-putibhih-with betelnuts and camphor; ete-they; surabhita-vyanjitam-scented; uhuh-carried; asya-madhyam-mouth.
Then Krishna and His friends washed their mouths with scented water, anointed their limbs with sandal paste, and made their mouths fragrant with betelnuts and camphor.
Text 93
vraja-nripa-bhriti-bhuk kumara-vrindar-
suta-tanum anu sa virajayanti
jana-nayanany akarod virajitani
vraja-nripa-bhriti-bhuk-enjoyed by the king of Vraja; kumara-vrinda-to the boys; arpita-offered; maha-abharana-anci-kancuka-adi-the great garments and ornaments; suta-tanum-on the son's body; anu-following; sa-she; virajayanti-made shine; jana-nayanani-the eyes of the people; akarot-did; virajitani-splendid.
Dressing Him in the fine garments and ornaments used by His father, Mother Yashoda made her son very splendid in the eyes of the people.
Text 94
tam asita-mani-kanti-deha-kanti-
sva-viracita-vibhushanam nirikshya
stana-nayanad amritany avodha mata
tam-Him; asita-mani-kanti-the splendor of sapphires; deha-of the body; kanti-splendor; snapita-bathed; suvarnaja-golden; varna--color; kanta-beautiful; vastram-garments; sva-viracita-vibhushanam-ornaments made by her; nirikshya-seeing; stana-nayanat-from the breasts and eyes; amritani-nectar; avodha-flowed; mata-mother.
Mother Yashoda bathed Her son's sapphire-splendid form in the golden color of splendid garments. As she gazed at how she had decorated Him, nectar flowed from her eyes and breasts.
Text 95
pravara-sikhandaka-shobhaya ca krishnah
asukhayad avarodha-loka-drishtim
sukhayitum ittham iyesha sabhya-drishtim
mani-jewels; ruci-splendor; murali-flute; suvarna-golden; yashti-stick; pravara-best; sikhandaka-peacock feather; shobhaya-with the glory; ca-and; krishnah-Krishna; asukhayat-delighted; avarodha-loka-drishtim-the eyes ofn the people; sukhayitum-to delight; ittham-thus; iyesha-desired; sabhya-drishtim-the eyes of the people.
Wearing a peacock feather and holding a jewel flute and a golden stick, Krishna pleased everypne's eyes.
Text 96
harim anu kathaniyam atra yad yad
balam anu tat tad eva hi kintu yogyam
hari-bala-janani-yugam ca tulyam
parikelaya priyata hi tatra tulya
harim-Krishna; anu-following; kathaniyam-to be said; atra-here; yat-waht; yat-what; balam-Balarama; anu-following; tat-that; tat-that; eva-indeed; hi-indeed; kintu-however; yogyam-proper; hari-bala-janani-yugam-the mother of Krishna and Balarama; ca-and; tulyam-equality; parikelaya-with pastimes; priyata-dearness; hi-indeed; tatra-there; tulya-equality.
Whatever could be said about Krishna could also be said about Balarama. Yashoda and Rohini are equals. Look! The love they bear for their sons is the same.
Text 97
dina-dinam anu sa vanaya gantum
krita-manasas tanayasya mangalaya
sa-jala-kalasa-dipa-saram arat-
rika-mukha-mangala-vastu vistrinoti
dina-dinam anu-day after day; sa-He; vanaya-to the forest; gantum-to go; krita-manasah-decided; tanayasya-of the son; mangalaya-for auspiciousness; sa-jala-kalasa-dipa-saram-with ht ebest lamp and jar filled with water; aratrika-arati; mukha-beginning; mangala-auspicious; vastu-thing; vistrinoti-gives.
Every day as Krishna was about to go to the forest, Mother Yashoda would make offerings of a cup of water and a lamp, perform arati, and perform many auspicious rituals for His safety.
Text 98
atha calitu-manah sva-matur arad
aracayad anjalim acyutah pranamya
iyam avamrishati karena camum
stana-nayanamrita-sardram aha cedam
atha-then; calitu-manah-deciding to go; sva-matuh-His mother; arat-near; aracayat-made; anjalim-folded hands; acyutah-Lord Krishna; pranamya-bowing down; iyam-He; avamrishati-touches; karena-with a hand; ca-and; amum-Him; stana-nayanamrita-nectar from her eyes and breasts; sardram-intense; aha-said; ca-and; idam-this.
In His heart eager to depart for the forest, Krishna approached His mother and with folded hands bowed before her. She touched Him with her hand. Nectar flowed from her eyes and breasts. She said:
Text 99
vayam api bhavata samam prayamah
krita-pacanam drutam ushnam arpayamah
parinata-vayasash cirad abhuma
prathayasi lajjitam atra kim nu vatsa
vayam-we; api-also; bhavata-You; samam-with; prayamah-will go; krita-pacanam-cooked; drutam-at once; ushnam-hot; arpayamah-we will give; parinata-vayasah-expert; cirat-long time; abhuma-we have been; prathayasi-You give; lajjitam-embarrased; atra-here; kim-why?; nu-indeed; vatsa-O child.
I will go with You to the forest. I will, cook Your lunch and give it to You while it is still hot. Child, You are very wise. Why are You embarrassed?
Text 100
yadi vadati bhavan sva-dhamni ka syad
avasaram avakayos tada vidadhyam
griham aham ahani kva cadhivatsyamy
atha valasur api vatsyati kva capi
yadi-if; vadati-says; bhavan-You; sva-dhamni-in Your own home; ka-what?; syat-may be; avasaram-opportunity; avakayoh-of us; tada-then; vidadhyam-I will place; griham-home; aham-I; ahani-in the day; kva-where?; ca-and; adhivatsyami-I will stay; atha-then; balasuh-Balarama's mother; api-also; vatsyati-will stay; kva-where?; ca-and; api-also.
If You say, "Who will take care of the house?", then I say one day Rohini will go with You and I will stay home, and the next day I will go and Rohini will stay home.
Text 101
katham iva vadasi tvam etad evam
griha-kriti-ruddhatim apsyatiti vatsa
tava vana-gamane punas tad etat
kim api na sidhyati pricchyatam idam ca
katham-why?; iva-as if; vadasi-You say; tvam-You; etat-this; evam-in this way; griha-kriti-ruddhatim-held back by household duties; apsyati-will attain; iti-thus; vatsa-O child; tava-of You; vana-gamane-in going to the forest; punah-again; tat-that; etat-that; kim-why?; api-also; na-not; sidhyati-attains completion; pricchyatam-should be asked; idam-this; ca-and.
Child, why do You say I should stay at home bound up by household duties? Why should I not go with You to the forest? Ask the others what they think.
Text 102
ahar-aharayatam vanani vatsah
sva-sadana-vasa-sukham tyajava navam
iti mati pitarav amu na shankam
na ca hriyam atra labhavahe tanuja
ahar-aharayatam-day after day; vanani-to the forests; vatsah-son; sva-sadana-vasa-sukham-the happiness of their own homes; tyajava-abandoned; na-not; avam-of us; iti-thus; mati-thought; pitarav-parents; amu-following; na-not; sankam-fear; na-not; ca-and; hriyam-embarassment; atra-here; labhavahe-You attain; tanuja-O son.
Day after day our son goes to the forest and we, His parents, cannot leave this house. Child, Your parents are neither afraid nor embarrassed to follow You to the forest.
Text 103
iti sa tu janani-ritam nishamya
smita-valitam dhrita-bashpam alalapa
dvivida-ripur api pranamra-murdha
mridu tad-anuditam antara cacara
iti-thus; sa-He; tu-indeed; janani-ritam-His mother's words; nishamya-hearing; smita-valitam-a smile; dhrita-bashpam-with tears; alalapa-spoke; dvivida-ripuh-the enemy of Dvivda; api-also; pranamra-murdha-with bowed head; mridu-gentle; tad-anuditam-words; antara-between; cacara-did.
Hearing Mother Yashoda's words, Lord Balarama smiled, shed a tear, bowed His head, and gently said:
Text 104
janani yadi pita tatha ca mata
parinamati sma shishur babhuva yogyah
shishur ayam ubhayatra tatra rajany-
ati yadi tarhi vibhati sushthu yogyah
janani-O mother; yadi-if; pita-father; tatha-so; ca-and; mata-mnother; parinamati sma-changed; shishuh-son; babhuva-became; yogyah-proper; shishuh-son; ayam-He; ubhayatra-in both places; tatra-there; rajanyati-is splendidly manifested; yadi-if; tarhi-then; vibhati-is manifested; sushthu-clearly; yogyah-proper.
O mother, if mother and father become young and fit again, then this would be a good arrangement. It is right for the young to stay both at home and in the forest.
Text 105
vanam anu dhavalavanaya madrig
yad atati tan-misha-siddhim amba viddhi
sukha-viharanam eva tatra sardham
sakhibhir amibhir anukshanam bibharti
vanam-forest; anu-following; dhavalavanaya-to herd the cows; madrig-like Me; yat-what; atati-wanders; tan-misha-siddhim-a great trick; amba-O mother; viddhi-please know; sukha-viharanam-happy pastimes; eva-indeed; tatra-there; sardham-with; sakhibhih-friends; amibhih-them; anukshanam-at every moment; bibharti-enjoys.
O mother, please know that herding the cows is only the pretext we use to go to the forest. The truth is that we boys go to the forest to play.
Text 106
vipinam anu vihapitam bhavatya
janani catur-vidham anna-jatam admah
amrita-jayi-phalani yena vanyany
abhirucim attum ayama tatra bhuri
vipinam-the forest; anu-following; vihapitam-sent; bhavatya-by you; janani-O mother; catur-vidham-four kinds; anna-jatam-food; admah-we eat; amrita-jayi-phalani-fruits that eclipse nectar; yena-by which; vanyani-grown in the forest; abhirucim-enjoyment; attum-to eat; ayama-we go; tatra-there; bhuri-greatly.
O mother, we happily eat the four kinds of food you send to us in the forest. We go there to eat the forest-fruits sweeter than nectar.
Text 107
vraja-ripu-kula-mulam ashu hantum
puram agamam punar agamanam vrajam ca
ajani ca jagatam adrishya esha
sphuratu katham bata matar atra bhitih
vraja-ripu-kula-mulam-the root of the enemies oif Vraja; ashu-quickly; hantum-to kill; puram-to the village; agamam-return; punah-again; agamanam-return; vrajam-to Vraja; ca-and; ajani-is manifested; ca-and; jagatam-of the worlds; adrishya-invisible; esha-He; sphuratu-is manifested; katham-how?; bata-indeed; matah-O mother; atra-here; bhitih-fear.
I go to the forest to kill Vraja's enemies. Then I come back to the village of Vraja. No one in Vraja sees that I kill them. O mother, why should you be afraid?
Text 108
ahaha bata gavam kulam samastam
mama pathi tishthati mad-gatim pratikshya
mayi gatavati shashpam atti caivam
hridi mama dhira-dasham ashashyate sma
ahaha-Aha!; bata-indeed; gavam-of the cows; kulam-the herd; samastam-all; mama-of Me; pathi-on the path; tishthati-stays; mat-My; gatim-gait; pratikshya-waiting; mayi-on Me; gatavati-gone; shashpam-to the grass; atti-eats; ca-and; evam-thus; hridi-in the heart; mama-if Me; dhira-dasham-saintliness; ashashyate sma-manifested.
When I am gone the cows eat grass and wait for My return. They are very saintly and peaceful at heart.
Text 109
atha hari-jananim purandhrimanya-
tatir avadad dhrita-nira-vrishti-drishti
bhavikam anu manushva nitya-krityam
bhavati tad eva gatih paravara ca
atha-then; hari-jananim-to Lord Krishna's mother; purandhri-manya-tatih-the respectable ladies; avadat-said; dhrita-nira-vrishti-drishti-showers of water from their eyes; bhavikam-auspiciousness; anu-following; manushva-think; nitya-krityam-daily duties; bhavati-is; tat-that; eva-indeed; gatih-destination; paravara-the high and the low; ca-and.
Then the noble ladies of the village, tears in their eyes, said to Mother Yashoda, "It is most auspicious that you perform your daily duties. That is the best thing for you to do."
Text 110
tanujam anu purandhribhih shubhashir
vratatir akari tatah svayam tu mata
vidhrita-karatayanganaya sasrapy
amum avatarayati sma manda-mandam
tanujam-the boy; anu-following; purandhribhih-by the noble ladies; shubhashih-blessing; vratatih-host; akari-did; tatah-then; svayam-personally; tu-indeed; mata-mother; vidhrita-karataya-anganaya-her hands on His limbs; sasra-with tears; api-also; amum-Him; avatarayati sma-put down; manda-mandam-very gently.
Then the noble ladies blessed the boy Krishna. Mother Yashoda hugged Him and very gently let Him go.
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