Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

remaining a fool in front of Srila Prabhupada

no fasting for april fools day 

Giriraja Swami posted this nice note : 
Giriraj Swami's portrait.
Giriraj SwamiTrace tharr tracks
April Fools’ Day is celebrated yearly on April 1, and today I thought of Srila Prabhupada’s instruction that we remain fools before the spiritual master, as stated in a room conversation in Bombay, August 16, 1976.
A devotee asked, “Even nitya-siddha has guru . . . Even the liberated soul, nitya-siddha?” And Srila Prabhupada replied, “Liberated soul never says that ‘I am liberated.’ As soon as he says ‘liberated,’ he’s a rascal. A liberated soul will never say that ‘I am liberated.’ That is liberation. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He is God—guru more murkha dekhi’ karila sasan [Cc Adi 7.71]: ‘My Guru Maharaja saw Me fool number one, and he has chastised Me.’ He’s God. This is the example. If one remains always a servant, everlastingly, of guru, then he is liberated. And as soon as he thinks that he is liberated, he’s a rascal. That is the teaching of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Guru more murkha dekhi’. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is murkha? Why He’s posing Himself that murkha, ‘I am fool number one’? That means that is liberation. You must be ready always to be chastised by guru. Then he’s liberated. And as soon as he thinks that ‘I am beyond this chastisement. I am liberated,’ he’s a rascal. Why Caitanya Mahaprabhu says guru more murkha dekhi’ karila sasan? This is sahajiya-vada, thinking, “Oh, I have become liberated. I don’t require any direction of my guru. I’m liberated.” Then he’s rascal. . . . So better remain a foolish person perpetually to be directed by Guru Maharaja. That is perfection.”
I pray to be directed by Srila Prabhupada eternally, as his everlastingly humble servant, or servants’ servants’ servant.
Hare Krishna.
my comment : 
thank you dear Giriraja Maharaja and for the beautiful picture with you doing Guru puja for Srila Prabhupada The question what to do if the Guru acts like a fool , I am not talking about Srila Prabhupada of course , remaining a fool in front of Srila Prabhupada is good , but if one thinks I am a fool in front of Srila Prabhupada maybe for example one should be very careful before daring to edit his books for example when he never asked for that after I disappear edit my books ,he said the opposite leave my books alone in the rascal editor discussion on june 1977 obvious mistakes like planet of the trees , but many mistakes have been done in the name of editing because some persons was thinking I know better than Srila Prabhupada, For example with Bhagavad Gita 10.31 ,the BBT editors found that Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura stated the Rama in vers refers to Lord Parasurama ,but Srila Prabhupada writes it refers to Lord Ramachandra and this is also the commentaries of Srila Madhavacarya to this vers Srila Ramanujacarya and that of the Nimbarka Sampradaya commented by no one other than the Kesava Kasmiri that became an acarya in this Sampradaya
Srila Prabhupada also left a beautiful picture of Krsnas vibhutis  in his Macmillan Bhagavad Gita that also has Lord Ramachandra in it :
Bhagavad Gita: Know that all these beautiful, glorious and mighty creations spring from but a spark of My splendor.
why change Srila Prabhupadas words when Srila Prabhupada has given the correct understanding? 
pavanah pavatam asmi ramah sastra-bhrtam aham jhasanam makaras casmi srotasam asmi jahnavi
pavanah--the wind; pavatam--of all that purifies; asmi--I am; ramah--Rama; sastra-bhrtam--of the carriers of weapons;aham--I am; jhasanam--of all aquatics; makarah--shark; ca asmi--I am  also; srotasam--of flowing rivers; asmi--I am; jahnavi--the  River Ganges.
Of purifiers I am the wind; of  the wielders of weapons I am Rama; of fishes I am the shark, and of flowing  rivers I am the Ganges.
Of all the aquatics the shark is one of  the biggest and is certainly the most dangerous to man. Thus the shark  represents Krsna. And of rivers, the greatest in India is the Mother Ganges.  Lord Ramacandra, of the Ramayana, an incarnation of Krsna, is the  mightest of warriors.
the changed version is: 
Of purifiers I am the wind, of the wielders of weapons I am Rāma, of fishes I am the shark, and of flowing rivers I am the Ganges.
Of all the aquatics the shark is one of the biggest and is certainly the most dangerous to man. Thus the shark represents Kṛṣṇa
Scratching Srila Prabhupadda in the face by scratching out 2 lines in the purport ":And of rivers, the greatest in India is the Mother Ganges.  Lord Ramacandra, of the Ramayana, an incarnation of Krsna, is the  mightiest of warriors."
This was not a mistake done by Hayagriva it is perfect : 
Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Sri Ramanuja's Commentary
Lord Krishna reveals that of things that purify and things that are the  swiftest His vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence is the wind. The  words sastra-bhrtammeans weapon wielding heroes of which His vibhuti is Rama but unlike other vibhutiwhich are indirect. Rama  is an avatar or direct incarnation of the Supreme Lord Krishna who  manifests Himself as Rama the paragon of weapon wielding heroes. Indirect vibhutis such as the Maruts or the Vasus are still jivas or  embodied souls even though imbued with a filament of the Supreme Lords potency.  In relationship to the Supreme Lord they are exactly like potencies serving Him  as the weapons wielded by Rama are likewise serving Him.
Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Sri Madhvacarya's Commentary
Being of the form of ananda or bliss, being completely spiritual of  Himself, being the delighter of the people Lord Krishna's vibhutior  divine, transcendental opulence is known as Rama. In the Shandilya section it  states: Of blissful form, unlimited, from whom the world revels is known as  Rama. Ra and amaare the root and together as Rama mean  exceedingly pleasing to all.

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