Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Please accept my humble obaisences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
I previously posted 108 Names of Lord Rama and some nectar about Lord Rama at


CC Madhya 15.32: On the day celebrating the conquest of Lańkā — a day known as Vijayā-daśamī — Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu dressed up all His devotees as monkey soldiers

CC Madhya 15.33: Displaying the emotions of Hanumān, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu took up a large tree branch and, mounting the walls of the Lańkā fort, began to dismantle it.
CC Madhya 15.34: In the ecstasy of Hanumān, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu angrily said, "Where is that rascal Rāvaṇa? He has kidnapped the universal mother, Sītā. Now I shall kill him and all his family."

today is Vijay dasami
another year Lord Caitanya left for Vrindavan on this day:
CC Madhya 16.94: Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was very pleased to thus receive their permission. He waited until the rainy season passed, and when the day of Vijayā-daśamī arrived, He departed for Vṛndāvana.

nice yourtube videos about Dasara from Bhaktivedanta Manor 2009

in ISKCON there is a big celebration in ISKCON Potomac(USA) our local temple
and also Bhaktivedanta Manor UK I am sure at many other temples

today is the day to pray to Lord Rama to kill any Ravana mentality in the heart, desire for wealth and illicit sexual enjoyment

Properly most devotees have not read the glories of Vijaya Dasami, Dasara or Dussehra from Hari Bhakti Vilasa so for the pleasure of the vaisnavas I am copying it here this is from the 15th Vilasa of Hari Bhakti Vilasa:

Text 654



evam krite tu kaleya
vrate 'smin vijaya-dine
na durlabhataram kincd
iha loke 'thava pare

tan-mahatmyam-the glory of that; tatra-there; eva-indeed; evam-thus; krite-done; tu-indeed; kaleya-O Kaleya; vrate-vow; asmin-in this; vijaya-dine-on the day of Vijaya; na-not; durlabhataram-very difficult; kinct-something; iha-here; loke-in thismworld; athava-or; pare-in the next.

The Glory of This Vow

In the same scripture it is said:

O Kaleya, for one who follows this vow on the holy Vijaya day, nothing is difficult to attain, either in this world or the next.

Text 655

phalam asya vratasyoktam
dattva pitror narottamah
vamshoddhara-karo muktim
yati paitryad rinad api

phalam-the result; asya-of this; vratasya-vow; uktam-said; dattva-giving; pitroh-of parents; narottamah-the best of persons; vamsha-of the family; uddhara-deliverance; karah-doing; muktim-liberation; yati-attains; paitryat-paternal; rinat-from the debt; api-even.

A noble-hearted person who offers the pious results of this vow to his parents, delivers his ancestors. He is free of any debts to his parents.

Text 656

na pavanataram kincid
atah param ihocyate
vijaya-vrata-tulyam ca
na param paripathyate

na-not; pavanataram-more purifying; kincit-something; atah-than this; param-more; iha-here; ucyate-is said; vijaya-vrata-tulyam-equal to the vow of Vijaya; ca-and; na-not; param-more; paripathyate-is read.

Nothing is more purifying than this vow. The scriptures do not describe any vow equal to this vow of the holy Vijaya day.

Texts 657 and 658

bhavishyottare ca

samapte tu vrate tasmin
yat punyam tan nibodha me
catur-yugani rajendra

prapya vishnu-puram rajan
kridate kalam akshayam
ihagatya bhaved raja

bhavishyottare-in the Bhavisya Purana, Uttara-khanda; ca-and; samapte-attained; tu-indeed; vrate-vow; tasmin-in that; yat-what; punyam-piety; tan-that; nibodha-please know; me-from me; catur-yugani-four yugas; rajendra-O king of kings; sapta-saptati-sankhyaya-with 77 times; prapya-attaining; vishnu-puram-the abode of Lord Vishnu; rajan-O king; kridate-enjoys pastimes; kalam-time; akshayam-without end; iha-here; agatya-returning; bhavet-is; raja-a king; pratipaksha-bhayankarah-who fills his enemies with fear.

In the Bhavishya Purana, Uttara-khanda, it is said:

O king of kings, please hear from me the pious benefit earned by following this vow. By following this vow one stays in the abode of Lord Vishnu for seventy-seven catur-yugas. When he finally returns to this earth he becomes a great king who fills his enemies with fear.

Text 659

data bhokta vimatsarah
dirghayur nirujo bhavet

hasti-elephants; ashva-horses; ratha-chariots; yananam-vehicles; data-giving; bhokta-enjoying; vimatsarah-without envy; rupa-beauty; saubhagya-and good fortune; sampannah-endowed; dirghayuh-long life; nirujah-healthy; bhavet-is.

He will have the power to give many elephants, horses, and chariots in charity. He will enjoy many pleasures. He will be free from envy. He will be handsome, fortunate, and healthy. He will live a long life.

Text 660

putra-pautraih parivrito
jivec ca sharadam shatam

putra-with children; pautraih-and grandchildren; parivritah-surrounded; jivet-will live; ca-and; sharadam-of autumns; shatam-a hundred.

Surrounded by his children and grandchildren, he will live for a hundred autumns.

Text 661


ashvinasya site pakshe
dashamyam vijayotsavah
kartavyo vaishnavaih sardham
sarvatra vijayarthina

atha-now; ashvina-of Asvina; krityam-duties; ashvinasya-of Asvina; site-sukla; pakshe-in the paksa; dashamyam-on the dasami; vijaya-Vijaya; utsavah-festival; kartavyah-to be done; vaishnavaih-Vaishnavas; sardham-with; sarvatra-always; vijayarthina-desiring victory.

Duties of the Month of Ashvina (September-October)

On the shukla-dashami of the month of Ashvina, Vaishnavas desiring victory should always celebrate the festival of Vijaya.

Text 662

atha vijayotsava-vidhih

ratham aropya devesham
panim naktancarantakam

atha-now; vijayotsava-vidhih-the method of observing the Vijaya festival; ratham-on a chariot; aropya-placing; devesham-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sarvalankara-shobhitam-decorated with all ornaments; sasituna-with a quiver; dhanuh-bow; bana-and arrows; panim-in hand; naktancara-of demons; antakam-the slayer.

The Method of Observing the Vijaya Festival

One should decorate Lord Rama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the slayer of the demons, with all ornaments, place a bow, arrows, and quiver in His hand, and then place Him on a chariot.

Text 663

sva-lilaya jagat tratum
avirbhutam raghudvaham
rajopacaraih shri-ramam
shami-vriksha-talam nayet

sva-lilaya-with His own pastimes; jagat-the world; tratum-to protect; avirbhutam-manifested; raghudvaham-the scion of the Raghu dynasty; raja-upacaraih-with royal service; shri-ramam-Lord Rama; shami-vriksha-talam-to the Sami tree; nayet-should lead.

Then with royal pomp one should lead Lord Rama, who appeared in the Raghu dynasty and manifested His pastimes to protect the world, to a shami tree.

Text 664

sita-kantam shami-yuktam
bhaktanam abhayankaram
arcayitva shami-vriksham
arcayed vijayaptaye

sita-of Sita; kantam-the beloved; shami-yuktam-with the sami tree; bhaktanam-to the devotees; abhayankaram-giving fearlessness; arcayitva-worshiping; shami-vriksham-the sami tree; arcayet-should worship; vijayaptaye-to attain victory.

As He stands by the shami tree, one should worship Lord Rama, the beloved of Sita and the giver of fearlessness to the devotees. Then, in order to attain victory, one should also worship the shami tree.

Text 665

atha tan-mantrah

shami shamayate papam
shami lohita-kanthaka
ramasya priya-vadini

atha-then; tan-mantrah-that mantra; shami-sami; shamayate-may pacify; papam-sins; shami-sami; lohita-kanthaka-with red thorns; dharitri-the holder; arjuna-bananam-of straight arrows; ramasya-of Rama; priya-vadini-dear.

The Mantra For That

May the shami tree, which has red thorns like a host of straight arrows, and which is dear to Lord Rama, purify me of my sins.

Text 666

karishyamana ya yatra
yatra kalam sukham maya
tatra nirvighna-katri tvam
bhava shri-rama-pujite

karishyamana-will be done; ya-who; yatra-journey; yatha-as; kalam-time; sukham-happiness; maya-by me; tatra-there; nirvighna-katri-making free of obstacles; tvam-You; bhava-please become; shri-rama-pujite-worshiped by Shri Rama.

Please make the journey easy at the appropriate time. O tree worshiped by Lord Rama, please remove the obstacles in my path.

Comment: I tried to find out how when and were Lord Ramachandra worshipped the Shami tree but so far no luck, but since this is mentioned by Srila Sanatana Goswamipada,I follow his sastric reference and pray at his lotusfeet I may one day understand Lord Ramachandra's worship of the Shami tree, obviously it must be a very sacred tree like Banyana and other trees, or like in Vrindavan the Tamal tree and Kadambha tree is worshipped in relation to Radha Krsna so similarly this Shami tree is worhipped by Sri Ramachandra who is the Supreme Bhagavan. ,one though came to mind when looking at the picture of the Shami tree it reminds us of the beautiful greenish complexion of Lord Ramachandra, just like the Tamal tree reminds us of Krsna and the Kadambha tree reminds us of Radha.It would be interesting to find out when Sita was captured by Ravana if She was under the Shami tree remembering Her Lord Ramachandra...i will try to look in Ramayana and see if it is mentioned what kind of tree it was...I believe I remember asoka tree, but the real answer must simply be as explained in the end of this chapter:
Text 672

sita drishteti hanumad-
vakyam shrutvakarot prabhuh
vijayam vanaraih sardham
vasare 'smin shami-talat

On this day, at the base of a shami tree, Lord Rama celebrated with His monkey allies the festival of His victory when He heard Hanuman say, "I see Sita!".

Text 667

grihitva sakshatamardram
shami-mula-gatam mridam
tato devam grihe nayet

grihitva-taking; sakshatamardram-a clod of earth; shami-mula-gatam-at the root of the sami tree; mridam-earth; gita-sinign; vaditra-music; nirghoshaih-with sounds; tatah-then; devam-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; grihe-to the home; nayet-should lead.

Then, taking an unbroken clod of earth from the roots of the shami tree, one should, with singing and instrumental music, bring the Deity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead back to His temple.

Text 668

kaishcid rikshais tatra bhavyam
kaishcid bhavyam ca vanaraih
kaishcid rakta-mukhair bhavyam
koshalendrasya tushtaye

kaishcit-by some; rikshaih-stars; tatra-there; bhavyam-to be; kaishcit-by some; bhavyam-to be; ca-and; vanaraih-by monkeys; kaishcit-by some; rakta-mukhaih-red-faced; bhavyam-to be; koshalendrasya-of Lord Rama; tushtaye-for the pleasure.

Then, in a drama, some may be bears, some may be monkeys, and some may be rakta-mukha monkeys for the pleasure of Lord Rama.

Text 669

nirjita rakshasa daitya
vairino jagati-tale
rama-rajyam rama-rajyam
rama-rajyam iti dhruvam

nirjitah-defeated; rakshasa-raksasas; daitya-and daityas; vairinah-enemies; jagati-tale-in the world; rama-rajyam-the kingdom of Rama; rama-rajyam-the kingdom of Rama; rama-rajyam-the kingdom of Rama; iti-thus; dhruvam-certainly.

In that drama the demons and cannibals who opposed Rama are all defeated. Then one should call out: "Rama-rajya (the kingdom of Rama)! Rama-rajya! -rajya!"

Text 670

aniya sthapayed devam
nija-simhasane sukham
tato nirajya devesham
pranamed dandavad bhuvi
dharayed vaishnavaih saha

aniya-taking; sthapayet-should place; devam-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; nija-simhasane-on His throne; sukham-happily; tatah-then; nirajya-offering arati; devesham-to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; pranamet-should bow down; dandavat-like a stick; bhuvi-on the ground; maha-prasada-vastradi-the remnants of graments and other things; dharayet-should accept; vaishnavaih-Vaishnavas; saha-with.

Then one should place the Deity of the Lord again comfortably on His throne. One should offer arati to the Deity, and one should offer dandavat obeisances, falling to the ground like a stick. Then, with the other Vaishnavas, one should accept the remnants of garments and other things offered to the Lord.

Text 671

iti shri-vishnu-dharmokta-
nusarena vyalekhyayam
vidhih shri-rama-vijayot-
savasyotsava-krit satam

iti-thus; shri-vishnu-dharma-in the Shri Vishnu-dharma Purana; ukta-statement; anusarena-acording to; vyalekhyayam-I have written; vidhih-method; shri-rama-vijaya-utsavasya utsava-krit-the festival to celebrate the vitory of Lord Rama; satam-of the devotees.

Thus, following the description in the Shri Vishnu-dharma Purana, I have summarized the way to celebrate the festival of Lord Rama's victory.

Text 672

sita drishteti hanumad-
vakyam shrutvakarot prabhuh
vijayam vanaraih sardham
vasare 'smin shami-talat

sita-Sita; drishta-is seen; iti-thus; hanumat-of Hanumn; vakyam-the words; shrutva-hearing; akarot-did; prabhuh-the Lord; vijayam-victory; vanaraih-monkeys; sardham-with; vasare-on the day; asmin-this; shami-talat-from the base of a shami tree.

On this day, at the base of a shami tree, Lord Rama celebrated with His monkey allies the festival of His victory when He heard Hanuman say, "I see Sita!".

This is very helpful also:

There is 10 heads of Ravana they correspond to:
(1) Kama vasana (Lust)
(2) Krodha (Anger)
(3) Moha (delusion)
(4) Lobha (Greed)
(5) Mada (Over Pride)
(6) Matsara (Jealousy)
(7) Manas (Mind)
(8) Buddhi (Intellect)
(9) Chitta (will)
(10) Ahankara (Ego).

Ravana disguised himself as a sannyasi to attract women ,thus Lord Caitanya was very strict about sannyasi and women dealings:


So far your suggestion that they sew clothes for the sannyasis Deities it is not possible. Sannyasis may have no connection with women. (Letter to: Jayatirtha, Calcutta, 13 January, 1976)

Sannyasis should never associate with women. (Bg 18.5 purport)

Bhagavad-gita 1.37-39, London, July 27, 1973: VERY CAUTIOUS BECAUSE HE HAS GREAT RESPONSIBILITY

So this is the duty. They should be very cautious. A sannyasi, they should be very cautious. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, sannyasira alpa-chidre bahu kari' mane. An ordinary grhastha, or... Grhastha only, If he talks with woman nobody will blame. He is grhastha. But if a sannyasi talks with woman very intimately, oh, immediately people will take note of it. Sannyasira alpa-chidre bahu kari' mane. That is the practice. He should be very cautious. So a devotee, a sannyasi, they have got very, very great responsibility. People will very easily criticize them.


But Caitanya Mahaprabhu inaugurated. He Himself became sannyasa. Therefore we are trying to follow His footsteps, to accept sannyasa. But we should not become a sannyasi like Ravana. No. We should try to follow the footsteps of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He was very strict. No woman could approach Him. They were allowed to offer obeisances from distant place. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very strict about also...


We should not be sentimentally very much anxious--"Please give me sannyasa, give me sannyasa"--and then fall down and go to hell. That is not good. That is not good. If one is able to strictly follow the sannyasa rules and regulation, he should take.
A sannyasi that uses his superior asrama to seduce a woman is considered a Ravana sannyasa according to Srila Prabhupada:
In a lecture in Mayapure june 22,1973 Srila Prabhupada said one should
not become a sannysi like Ravana (who disguised himself as one to steal
Sitadevi) but instead one should follow the foodsteps of Lord Caitanya.
Also in a lecture in Vrindavan SB 5.6.2 Nov 24 1976 ,Srila Prabhupada
mentions that a sannyasi does not take remuneration for his service to Krsna.
In his Vyasa puja offering to his spiritual master Srila Prabhupada
mentions that some sannysis have bankaccounts with crores of rupies and
condems that(that is before he came to the west).
Other important lectures about this subject is SB 2.1.1. Paris june 9 1974, SB
2.1.5 LA August 13 1972.
In the brahmacari asrama there is no illicit sex or any kind, in grhastha life only for precreation of KC children etc, Lord Ramachandra showed all a very high moral standard for all humans to follow.
So in all asramas we are praying to Lord Ramachandra to properly excecute our varnasrama dharma duties in relationship to Him and we seek His
Divine protection
From Prema-vilasa Chapter 18: Shrila Narottama instructs his disciples:

adhanya manaye narottama apanake;
suna sishya bandhugana kahiye tomake.

"Shrila Thakura Narottama considering himself worthless in his natural humility, called all his disciples, followers and friends, and spoke to them the following important instructions.


prathamei krshna-pada prapti laksha jara;
se laiba laksha-nama sankhya apanara.

"Those whose top priority in this life is to achieve the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga-Krishna should voluntarily chant 100,000 Holy Names of daily."
In the Nrsimha-Purana, it is said:
satye daitya-kuladhi-nasa-samaye
tretayam das-kandharam
paribhavan rameti namakrtih

gopalan paripalayan vraja-pure
bharam haran dvapare
gaurangah priya-kirtanah
kali-yuge chaitanya-nama prabhuh
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead who in the Satya-Yuga appeared as a half-man, half-lion to cure a terrible disease that had ravaged the daityas, and who in the Treta-Yuga appeared as Rama [Lord Ramachandra], the person who defeated the ten-headed Demon Ravana, and who in the Dvapara-Yuga removed the earth's burden, and protected the Gopa [cowherd men] people of Vraja-pura, will appear again in the Kali-Yuga. His form will be golden, He will delight in chanting the Lord's holy names, and His name will be Chaitanya."
I pray this pleases the vaisnavas ,Srila Prabhupada and Lord Ramachandra along with all His associates
your insignificant servant
 Paramananda das

Views: 523

Comment by Paramananda das on October 17, 2010 at 6:39am
Sita Rama Stotram
By SRI Hanuman

This Stotra is a joint prayer to Rama and Sita. The first and third lines of every verse describe Rama’s qualities and the second and fourth line of every worse describes Sita’s qualities.
Ayodhya pura netharam,
Mithila pura nayikam,
Raghavanam alankaram,
Vaidehanam malankriyam., 1
Leader of the city of Ayodhya,
Leader of the city of Mithila,
Ornament to the clan of Raghu,
And ornament to the family of Vidheha.
Raghoonam kula dheepam cha,
Nimeenam kula dheepikam,
Soorya vamsa samudh bhootham,
Soma vamsa samudh bhavam., 2
The light of the clan of Raghu,
The light of the family of Nimi,
Born in the clan started by the Sun God,
Born in the family started by the moon God.
Puthram Dasaradasyapi,
Puthreem Janaka Bhoopathe,
Vasishtanu mathacharam,
Sathananda mathanugam., 3
Son of Dasaratha,
Daughter of Janaka,
Followed wishes of Vasishta
Obeyed the wihes of Sadananda.
Kousalya Garbha sambhootham,
Vedi Garbhoditham swayam,
Pundareeka Visalaksham,
Sphurad indhee varekshanam., 4
Born to the queen Kousalya,
Rose from the Yagna floor herself,
One who has lotus like eyes,
One who has eyes like fully open Indivara flowers.
Chandra kanthaananambhojam,
Chandra bhimbo up mananaam,
Matha mathanga Gamanam,
Matha hamsa vadhoo gathim., 5
Was like Lotus flower opened by chandra Kantha,
One who can be compared to the face of Moon,
One who walks like a active elephant,
One who walks like an active swan.
Chandana ardhra bhuja madhyam,
Kunkumardhraka kucha sthalim,
Chapalankrutha hasthabhjam,
Padmalankrutha panikam., 6
One who applies sandal on his chest,
One who decorates her breasts with saffron,
One who has a rope in his hands,
One whose hand is decorated by Lotus flower.
Saranagatha goptharam,
Pranipada prasadhikam,
Kala megha nibhakaram,
Kaartha swara sama prabham., 7
One who protects those who surrender,
One who is pleased with their devotion,
One who is of the colour of dark cloud,
One who shines like Gold.
Divya simhasanaaseenam,
Divya srag vasthra bhooshanaam,
Anukshanam kadakshabhyam,
Anyonya kshana kamkshinou., 8
One who sits on the divine throne,
One who wears divine garlands and cloth,
One who glances every second,
One who desires invitations from each other.
Anyonya sadrusa kaarou,
Trilokya graha dampathi,
Imou yuvam pranamyaham,
Bajamyadhya krutharthadham., 9
Form resembling each other,
They are the great couple of the three worlds,
And I salute both of them,
And with gratefulness sing their praise.
Idheeyam ramachandrasya,
Janakyascha viseshatha,
Krutha Hanumatha punya,
Sthuthi sadhyo vimukthidha., 10
These descriptions of Ramachandra,
And also that of Janaki,
Were given by the holy Hanuman,
He who prays using it,
Anaya sthouthi yad sthuthya,
Ramam Seetham cha bhakthitha,
Thasya thou thanutham preethou,
Sampada sakala aapi., 11
The problems of him who prays,
Rama as well as Sita with devotion,
Would vanish and he would become dear to them,
And his only wealth will be their lotusfeet


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