Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Śrī Śrī Rādhikā Aṣṭottara-Śata-Nāma-Stotraṃ

Śrī Śrī Rādhikā Aṣṭottara-Śata-Nāma-Stotraṃ
The 108 Names of Śrīmatī Rādhāraṇī
by Śrīla Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmi

this is from Srila Raghunath das Goswamis Stavavali in seperation from Sri Radha , and the mood of his eternal seva Nitya Seva as a manjari , Rati Manjari Srila Raghunath das Goswami chanted these 108 names of Sri Radha he shared with us

this is from Bhajan Rahasya translation and commentary by my Gurudeva Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja :

Govinda-līlāmṛta (2.1) describes the early morning pastimes (prātaḥlīlā) as follows:
राधां स्नात-विभूषितां व्रजपयाहूतां सखीभिः प्रगे तद्-गेहे विहितान्न-पाक-रचनां कृष्णावशेषाशनाम्
कृष्णं बुद्धम् अवाप्त-धेनु-सदनं निर्व्यूढ-गो-दोहनं सुस्नातं कृत-भोजनं सहचरैस् तां चाथ तं चाश्रये
rādhāṃ snāta-vibhūṣitāṃ vrajapayāhūtāṃ sakhībhiḥ prage tad-gehe vihitānna-pāka-racanāṃ kṛṣṇāvaśeṣāśanām
kṛṣṇaṃ buddham avāpta-dhenu-sadanaṃ nirvyūḍha-go-dohanaṃ susnātaṃ kṛta-bhojanaṃ sahacarais tāṃ cātha taṃ cāśraye
After the kuñja-bhaṅga-līlā, or niśānta-līlā (pastimes at night’s end), Śrī Rādhā-Śyāmasundara return to Their respective abodes and lie down on Their beds. The condition of Śrī Kiśorī in Jāvaṭa is indescribable as She burns in separation from Her beloved. Śrī Rūpa and Rati Mañjarīs are absorbed in their service to Her and give Her encouragement, again infusing Her with life. Sometimes Jaṭilā, sometimes Mukharā and sometimes Paurṇamāsī enter Śrī Kiśorī’s quarters, and at this time Śyāmalā also comes. Kiśorī and Śyāmalā become immersed in joking with each other. In this way, the pastime always takes on newer and newer aspects. Rūpa, Rati and other mañjarīs render intimate service to Śrīmatī by bathing Her, decorating Her and so forth, and at the same time, they remind Her of Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes.
राधा स्नात विभूषित, श्री-यशोदा-समाहुत,
सखी-सङ्गे तद् गृहे गमन
तथा पाक-विरचन, श्री-कृष्णावशेषाशन,
मध्ये-मध्ये दुङ्हार मिलन
rādhā snāta vibhūṣita, śrī-yaśodā-samāhuta,
sakhī-saṅge tad gṛhe gamana
tathā pāka-viracana, śrī-kṛṣṇāvaśeṣāśana,
madhye-madhye duṅhāra milana
कृष्ण निद्रा परिहरि, गोष्ठे गो-दोहन करि,
स्नानाशन सहचर सङ्गे
एइ लीला चिन्ता कर, नाम-प्रेमे गरगर,
प्राते भक्त-जन-सङ्गे रङ्गे
kṛṣṇa nidrā parihari, goṣṭhe go-dohana kari,
snānāśana sahacara saṅge
ei līlā cintā kara, nāma-preme garagara,
prāte bhakta-jana-saṅge raṅge
एइ लीला चिन्त आर कर सङ्कीर्तन
अचिरे पाइबे तुमि भाव-उद्दीपन
ei līlā cinta āra kara saṅkīrtana
acire pāibe tumi bhāva-uddīpana
Commentary: Bhajana-rahasya-vṛtti:
Śrī Kiśorī and Her sakhīs depart for Nanda-bhavana. On the way, they meet Śrī Śyāmasundara and many past imes full of rasa take place. Our Gosvāmīs have revealed these pastimes in their writings. Upon reaching Nanda-bhavana, Kiśorī starts to cook and prepares many tasty dishes on the countless stoves that surround Her.
Śyāmasundara is sleeping in His home. Yaśodā-maiyā awakens Him, and upon seeing the nail-marks on the body of her dear son (lālā), she becomes sad and says, “The limbs of my lālā are as soft as the petals of a blue lotus. Why have the boys hurt Him in their wrestling matches? And His limbs are smeared with so much mineral pigments! Alas, alas! What to do? I do not know how to put an end to this.”
Kundalatā jokingly says, “Your lālā is performing rāsa at night.” But the word rāsa is unknown to Yaśodā-maiyā. Then, after expressing affection for His mother, Śyāmasundara jumps up from bed and goes to milk the cows. Upon His return, He bathes, eats and then leaves for cowherding. Kiśorī shyly accepts some of Her beloved’s remnants and returns to Jāvaṭa with Her sakhīs.
Many other pastimes take place amidst all these līlās, and it would be very difficult to describe them all. A premī-bhakta performs bhajana while remembering these pastimes, which are alluded to here, and tastes their rasa even in the stage of sādhana.
Thus ends the Dvitīya-yāma-sādhana,
Prātaḥ-kālīya-bhajana, of Śrī Bhajana-rahasya.

Texts 1-2
अवीक्ष्यात्मेश्वरीं काचिद् वृन्दावन-महेश्वरीम्
तत्-पदाम्भोज-मात्रैक-गतिर् दास्य् अति-कातरा
पतिता तत्-सरस्-तीरे रुदत्य् अर्त-रवाकुलम्
ता-छ्री-वक्त्रेक्षणावाप्त्यै नामान्य् एतानि संजगौ
avīkṣyātmeśvarīṃ kācid vṛndāvana-maheśvarīm
tat-padāmbhoja-mātraika-gatir dāsy ati-kātarā
patitā tat-saras-tīre rudaty arta-ravākulam
tā-chrī-vaktrekṣaṇāvāptyai nāmāny etāni saṃjagau
Some maidservant, unable to find her mistress, has fallen on the bank of Rādhākunda, crying in great anxiety, being very eager to take exclusive shelter of Her lotus feet, glorifying Her by singing the following names of Her:
Text 3
राधा गान्धर्विका गोष्ठ-युव-राजैक-कामिता
गान्धर्वा राधिका चन्द्र-कान्तिर् माधव-सङ्गिनी
rādhā gāndharvikā goṣṭha-yuva-rājaika-kāmitā
gāndharvā rādhikā candra-kāntir mādhava-saṅginī
1. Rādhā, 2. Gāndharvikā, 3. The only girl desired by the prince of Vraja, 4. Who is worshipped by the Gāndharvā-angels, 5. Whose luster is like the moon, 6. Who accompanies Mādhava.
Text 4
दामोदराद्वैत-सखी कार्त्तिकोत्कीर्तिदेश्वरी
dāmodarādvaita-sakhī kārttikotkīrtideśvarī
7. Dāmodār's unrivalled girlfriend, 8. The queen who bestows fame on the Kārtika month, 9. The crestjewel of Mukunda's ladyfriends.
Text 5
भस्करोपासिका वार्ष-भानवी वृषभानुजा
अनङ्ग-मञ्जरी-ज्येष्ठा श्रीदामा-वरजोत्तमा
bhaskaropāsikā vārṣa-bhānavī vṛṣabhānujā
anaṅga-mañjarī-jyeṣṭhā śrīdāmā-varajottamā
10. Who worships the sun, 11. Who belongs to King Vṛṣabhānu, 12. Who is born from King Vṛṣabhānu, 13. Anaṅga Mañjarī's older sister, 14. Śrīdāmā's younger sister, 15. The greatest (fem.)
Text 6
कीर्तिदा-कन्यका मातृ-स्नेह-पीयूष-पुत्रिका
विशाखा-सवयः प्रेष्ठ-विशाखा-जीविताधिका
kīrtidā-kanyakā mātṛ-sneha-pīyūṣa-putrikā
viśākhā-savayaḥ preṣṭha-viśākhā-jīvitādhikā
16. Kīrtidā's daughter, 17. Who is the nectarean object of Her mother's affection, 18. Who is of the same age as Viśākhā, 19. Who is dearer than life to Viśākhā.
Text 7
प्राणाद्वितीय-ललिता वृन्दावन-विहारिणी
ललिता-प्राण-लक्षैक-रक्षा वृन्दावनेश्वरी
prāṇādvitīya-lalitā vṛndāvana-vihāriṇī
lalitā-prāṇa-lakṣaika-rakṣā vṛndāvaneśvarī
20. Who is none other than Lalitā's very life, 21. Enjoys in Vṛndāvana, 22. Who saves Lalitā's life lakhs of times, 23. Queen of Vṛndāvana.
Text 8
24. Who is as dear to Mother Yaśodā as Kṛṣṇa, 25. Who is the only life of the life of the cows, cowherdsmen and cowherdgirls of Vraja.
Text 9
26. Who is the object of King Nanda's affection, 27. Who gets parental affection from Balarām, 28. Who is the object of Govinda's love (Govinda is eager to serve His surabhi cows).
Text 10
29. Who is very eager to go to Nandīśvara for serving Kṛṣṇa, 30. Who is regarded as non-different from her by Dhaniṣṭha and seen in her meditations, (Dhaniṣṭha is Yaśodā's maidservant).
Text 11
आयुर्-वर्धक-रद्धान्ना रोहिणी-घ्रात-मस्तका
āyur-vardhaka-raddhānnā rohiṇī-ghrāta-mastakā
31. Who is seen in Mother Yadosa's kitchen, 32. Whose cooked grains increase Kṛṣṇa's life, 33. Whose head is smelt by Rohiṇī.
Text 12
सुबल-न्यस्त-सारूप्या सुबल-प्रीति-तोषिता
मुखरा-दृक्-सुधा-नप्त्री जटिला-दृष्टि-भीषिता
subala-nyasta-sārūpyā subala-prīti-toṣitā
mukharā-dṛk-sudhā-naptrī jaṭilā-dṛṣṭi-bhīṣitā
34. Who has bestowed a form equal to Hers to Subala, 35. Who is very fond of Subala, 36. Who is nectar in Mukharā's eyes, 37. Who is afraid to see Her mother-in-law, Jaṭilā.
Text 13
38. Who smiles like the moonbeams after hearing Madhumangala's jokes, 39. The she-parrot of Whose heart is caught in Paurṇamāsi's cage.
Text 14
स्व-गणाद्वैत-जीवातुः स्वीयाहङ्कर-वर्धिनी
sva-gaṇādvaita-jīvātuḥ svīyāhaṅkara-vardhinī
40. Who is the only life of Her friends, 41. Who increases the pride of Her relatives, 42. Who is very happy to touch Upendra's feet with Her friends.
Text 15
43. Who has placed Vṛnda in charge of Vṛndāvana's gardens, 44. Who is known by all the vines, trees, deer and birds of Vrndavana.
Text 16
45. Whose body shines with fresh vermillion ground with some sandalpaste, 46. Whose silken dress shines more reddish than the java flower.
Text 17
हरि-चित्त-चमत्कारी चारु-नूपुर-निःस्वना
hari-citta-camatkārī cāru-nūpura-niḥsvanā
47. Whose lotus footsoles make the surface of the earth shine crimson-red, 48. Who astonishes Hari's mind with the sweet sound of Her anklebells.
Text 18
49. The nice sounds of whose waistbells remove Kṛṣṇa's fatigue, 50. The pearl necklace on whose firm, raised breasts is everything to Kṛṣṇa.
Text 19
51. Whose two beautiful arms are adorned with conchshell bangles inset with various jewels, 52. On Whose wrist the beautiful Syamantaka jewel shines.
Text 20
53. The shining of Whose face defeats that of a golden mirror, 54. Whose teeth, that shine like ripe pomegranate seeds, attract the parrot-like Aghabhit (Kṛṣṇa).
Text 21
55. Whose ruby earrings are shaped like lotus buds, 56. Whose wagtail-like eyes are anointed with beautiful eyeliner, giving great joy to the eyes.
Text 22
57. Whose nose, that is beautiful as a sesame flower, is adorned with a round pearl, 58. Whose forehead is adorned with beautiful tilak made of fresh musk.
Text 23
59. Whose divine hairbraid is worshiped by peacock feathers (being defeated in beauty), 60. The arrows of Whose glances destroy the patience of Kṛṣṇa, Who defeated the Cāṇūra wrestler.
Text 24
माधवोल्लासकोन्मत्ता पिकोरु-मधुर-स्वरा
mādhavollāsakonmattā pikoru-madhura-svarā
61. Who is blooming teenage beauty personified, 62. Who pleases Mādhava, 63. Who maddens Mādhava with Her sweet, cuckoo-like voice.
Text 25
64. Who is more attached to Mādhava's great glories than to millions of lives, 65. Whose nectarean smiles provide bubbles on the waves of Kṛṣṇa's glances.
Text 26
करुण-विद्रवद्-देहा मूर्तिमन्-माधुरी-घटा
karuṇa-vidravad-dehā mūrtiman-mādhurī-ghaṭā
66. Who is the very form of cleverness, embarrassing the whole world, 67. Whose body melts in kindness, 68. Who is abundant sweetness personified.
Text 27
69. Whose glories arre loudly sung by all the great ladies of the world, 70. Who is incessantly praised by beautiful ladies like Śacī.
Text 28
71. Who is expert in singing and playing vina in the rasa dance, 72. Whose pure glories are sung by sages headed by Nārada, giving joy to the world.
Text 29
गोवर्धन-गुहा-गेह-गृहिणी कुञ्ज-मण्डना
govardhana-guhā-geha-gṛhiṇī kuñja-maṇḍanā
73. She is the housewife in the caves in Govardhana, 74. She decorates the kuñja, 75. She has a sisterly relationship with Yamunā, (Yamunā is the daughter of the Sun and Rādhā is thedaughter of Vṛṣabhānu, the Sun in Taurus).
Text 30
76. She is adorned with the wreath of divine Kuṇḍalatā's friendship, 77. She is the professor in amorous rapture, giving joy to the holder of Govardhana.
Text 31
78. She is Lakṣmī on the chest of the holder of Govardhan, 79. She is the life of the enemy of Śaṅkhacūḍa, 80. She is the settlement of Cupid for the love of the son of Gokulendra.
Text 32
81. Who made Her own pond after the killer of Ariṣţā mocked Her, 82. Who defeats Sankarsana's younger brother in sports in Her own pond.
Text 33
83. She is the ambrosial pond of enjoyment for the intoxicated elephant who defeated Mūra, 84. She is a powerful lioness fighting amorous sports with the king of lions, the holder of the best of mountains.
Text 34
85. Who enchants Madhava with Her intoxicating bodily fragrance, 86. Who agitates Keśava by playfully showing Her armpit.
Text 35
87. Who expands Her artful plays in the kunja on the bank of Her own pond, 88. Who makes a bed of divine jasmine flowers there with joy.
Text 36
89. Who places Her beautiful right cheek on Kṛṣṇa's left arm, 90. Who holds Kṛṣṇa's right arm with Her left vine-like arm.
Text 37
91. Whose beautiful, broad, banana-like left hip touches Kṛṣṇa's right hip, 92. Whose nice, mountain-like breasts are being massaged by the Holder of Govardhana.
Text 38
93. Whose leaf-like lips are scented by the nectar of Govinda's lips, 94. Whose beautiful words distribute nectar, cooling Mādhava off.
Text 39
95. Whose cheeks are colored by the pan from Govinda's lips, 96. Who realizes Kṛṣṇa's fancies of amorous enjoyments.
Text 40
97. The profuse perspiration from whose face is wiped off by Govinda, 98. Who is being fanned by Visākhā when She falls asleep after playing with Kṛṣṇa.
Text 41
99. Who has placed Her life, body and mind at Govinda's lotus feet, 100. Who worships the dust of Hari's lotus feet with billions of hearts.
Text 42
101. Who curses Her eyes for every second that they do not see Acyuta, 102. Who beholds Govinda's ever-fresh moonlike face.
Text 43
103. Who is the only enjoyer of Hari's endless sweetness and beauty, 104. Who can only blink at the fortune of Her co-wife, the Murāli flute.
Text 44
105. Who takes Kṛṣṇa's flute after defeating Him in a gambling match, 106. Who increases the ocean of Kṛṣṇa's desires by the full moonbeams of Her joking words.
Text 45
107. Who is the moonlike resting place for all the senses of the moon of Vrāja (Śrī Kṛṣṇa), 108. The two syllables of Whose name Rā-dhā madden all of Kṛṣṇa's senses.
Text 46
इदं श्री-राधिका-नाम्नाम् अष्टोत्तर-शतोज्ज्वलम्
श्री-राधा-लम्भकं नाम स्तोत्रं चारु रसायनम्
यो ऽधीते परम-प्रीत्या दीनः कतर-मानसः
स नाथम् अचिरेणैव स-नाथम् ईक्षते ध्रुवम्
idaṃ śrī-rādhikā-nāmnām aṣṭottara-śatojjvalam
śrī-rādhā-lambhakaṃ nāma stotraṃ cāru rasāyanam
yo 'dhīte parama-prītyā dīnaḥ katara-mānasaḥ
sa nātham acireṇaiva sa-nātham īkṣate dhruvam
Whoever recites these 108 names of Śrī Rādhā, that consists of all beautiful, nectarean Rādhā-nāma, with great love, humility and eagerness, will certainly and swiftly behold Her Master.
|| इति श्रीमद्-रघुनाथ-दास-गोस्वामि-विरचित-स्तवावल्यां
श्री-राधिकाष्टोत्तर-शत-नाम-स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ||
|| iti śrīmad-raghunātha-dāsa-gosvāmi-viracita-stavāvalyāṃ
śrī-rādhikāṣṭottara-śata-nāma-stotraṃ sampūrṇam ||
Thus ends Śrīman Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmi's Śrī Rādhikā's 108 names-prayer.

Rādhā = Rādhā
Gāndharvikā = Gāndharvikā, she who is expert in singing and dancing
Goṣṭha-yuva-rājaika-kāmitā = The only girl desired by the prince of Vraja,
Gāndharvā rādhikā = Who is worshipped by the Gāndharvā-angels,
Candra-kāntir = Whose luster is like the moon,
Mādhava-saṅginī = Who accompanies Mādhava.
Dāmodarādvaita-sakhī = Dāmodar's unrivalled girlfriend,
Kārttikotkīrtideśvarī = The queen who bestows fame on the Kārtika month,
Mukundadayitā-vṛnda-dhammilla-maṇimañjarī = The crest jewel of Mukunda's ladyfriends.
Bhaskaropāsika = Who worships the sun,
Vārṣa-bhānavī = Who belongs to King Vṛṣabhānu.
Vṛṣabhānujā = Who is born from King Vṛṣabhānu,
Anaṅga-mañjarī = Anaṅga Mañjarī's older sister,
Jyeṣṭhā śrīdāmā = Śrīdāmā's younger sister,
Varajottama = The greatest (fem.)
Kīrtidā-kanyakā = Kīrtidā's daughter,
Mātṛ-sneha-pīyūṣa-putrikā = Who is the nectarean object of Her mother's affection,
Viśākhā-savayaḥ = Who is of the same age as Viśākhā,
Preṣṭha-viśākhā-jīvitādhikā = Who is dearer than life to Viśākhā.
Prāṇādvitīya-lalitā = Who is none other than Lalitā's very life,
Vṛndāvana-vihāriṇī = Enjoys in Vṛndāvana
Lalitā-prāṇa-lakṣaika-rakṣā = Who saves Lalitā's life lakhs of times,
Vṛndāvaneśvari = Queen of Vṛndāvana.
Vrajendra-gṛhinī-kṛṣṇa-prāya-sneha-niketanam = Who is as dear to Mother Yaśodā as Kṛṣṇa,
Vraja-go-gopa-gopālī-jīva-mātraika-jīvanam = Who is the only life of the life of the cows, cowherdsmen and cowherdgirls of Vraja.
Snehalābhīra-rājendra = Who is the object of King Nanda's affection,
Vatsalācyuta-pūrvajā = Who gets parental affection from Balarām,
Govinda-praṇayādhāra-surabhi-sevanotsukā = Who is the object of Govinda's love (Govinda is eager to serve His surabhi cows).
Dhṛta-nandīśvara-kṣema-gamanotkaṇṭhi-mānasā = Who is very eager to go to Nandīśvara for serving Kṛṣṇa,
Sva-dehādvaitatā-dṛṣṭi-dhaniṣṭhā-dhyeya-darśanā = Who is regarded as non-different from her by Dhaniṣṭhā and seen in her meditations, (Dhaniṣṭhā is Yaśodā's maidservant).
Gopendra-mahiṣī-pāka-śāla-vedi-prakāśikā = Who is seen in Mother Yaśoda's kitchen.
Āyur-vardhaka-raddhānnā = Whose cooked grains increase Kṛṣṇa's life.
Rohiṇī-ghrāta-mastakā = Whose head is smelt by Rohiṇī.
Subala-nyasta-sārūpyā = Who has bestowed a form equal to Hers to Subala,
Subala-prīti-toṣitā = Who is very fond of Subala,
Mukharā-dṛk-sudhā-naptrī = Who is nectar in Mukharā's eyes,
Jaṭilā-dṛṣṭi-bhīṣitā = Who is afraid to see Her mother-in-law, Jaṭilā.
Madhumaṅgala-narmokti-janita-smita-candrikā = Who smiles like the Moonbeams after hearing Madhumaṅgala's jokes.
Paurṇamāsī-bahiḥ-khelat-prāṇa-pañjara-śārikā = The she-parrot of Whose heart is caught in Paurṇamāsī's cage.
Sva-gaṇādvaita-jīvātuḥ svīyāhaṅkara-vardhinī = Who is the only life of Her friends,
Sva-gaṇopendra-pādābja = Who increases the pride of Her relatives.
Sparśa-lambhana-harṣiṇī = Who is very happy to touch Upendra's feet with Her friends.
Svīya-vṛndāvanodyāna-pālikī-kṛta-vṛndakā = Who has placed Vṛndā in charge of Vṛndāvana's gardens,
Jñāta-vṛndāṭavī-sarva-latā-taru-mṛga-dvijā = Who is known by all the Vines, trees, deer and birds of Vṛndāvana.
Īṣā-candana-saṅghṛṣṭa-nava-kāśmīra-deha-bhāḥ = Whose body shines with fresh vermillion ground with some sandalpaste.
Javā-puṣpa-prabhā-hāri-paṭṭa-cīnāruṇāmbarā = Whose silken dress shines more reddish than the java flower.
Caraṇābja-tala-jyotir-aruṇī-kṛta-bhū-talā = Whose lotus footsoles make the surface of the earth shine crimson-red,
Hari-citta-camatkārī cāru-nūpura-niḥsvanā = Who astonishes Hari's mind with the sweet sound of Her anklebells.
Kṛṣṇa-śrānti-hara-śroṇī-pīṭha-valgita-ghaṇṭikā = The nice sounds of whose waistbells remove Kṛṣṇa's fatigue,
Kṛṣṇa-sarvasva-pīnodyat-kucāñcan-maṇi-mālikā = The pearl necklace on whose firm, raised breasts is everything to Kṛṣṇa.
Nānā-ratnollasā-chaṅkha-cūḍā-cāru-bhuja-dvayā = Whose two beautiful arms are adorned with conchshell bangles inset with various jewels.
Syamantaka-maṇi-bhrājan-maṇi-bandhāti-bandhurā = On Whose wrist the beautiful Syamantaka jewel shines.
Suvarṇa-darpana-jyotir-ullaṅhi-mukha-maṇḍalā = The shining of Whose face defeats that of a golden mirror.
Pakva-dāḍima-bījābha-dantākṛṣṭāghabhī-chukā = Whose teeth, that shine like ripe pomegranate seeds, attract the parrot-like Aghabhit (Kṛṣṇa).
Abjarāgādi-sṛṣṭābja-kalikā-karṇa-bhūṣaṇā = Whose ruby earrings are shaped like lotus buds,
Saubhāgya-kajjalāṅkāktā-netra-nindita-khañjanā = Whose wagtail-like eyes are anointed with beautiful eyeliner, giving great joy to the eyes.
Su-vṛtta-mauktika-muktā-nāsikā-ṭila-puṣpikā = Whose nose, that is beautiful as a sesame flower, is adorned with a round pearl,
Su-cāru-nava-kastūrī-tilakāñcita-bhālakā = Whose forehead is adorned with beautiful tilak made of fresh musk.
Divya-veṇī-vinirdhūta-keki-piñchā-vara-stutiḥ = Whose divine hairbraid is worshiped by peacock feathers (being defeated in beauty),
Netrānta-śara-vidhvaṃsi-kṛta-cāṇūrajid-dhariḥ = The arrows of Whose glances destroy the patience of Kṛṣṇa, Who defeated the Cāṇūra wrestler.
Sphurat-kaiśora-tāruṇya-sandhi-bandhura-vigrahā = Who is blooming teenage beauty personified.
Mādhavollāsakonmattā = Who pleases Mādhava.
Pikoru-madhura-svarā = Who maddens Mādhava with Her sweet, cuckoo-like voice.
Prāṇāyuta-śata-preṣṭha-mādhavotkīrti-lampaṭā = Who is more attached to Mādhava's great glories than to millions of lives,
Kṛṣṇāpaṅga-taraṅgodyat-smita-pīyūṣa-budbudā = Whose nectarean smiles provide bubbles on the waves of Kṛṣṇa's glances.
Puñjībhūta Jagallajjā-vaidagdhī-digdha-vigrahā = Who is the very form of cleverness, embarrassing the whole world.
Karuṇa-vidravad-dehā mūrtiman = Whose body melts in kindness,
Mādhurī-ghaṭā = Who is abundant sweetness personified.
Jagad-guṇavatī-varga-gīyamāna-guṇoccayā = Whose glories are loudly sung by all the great ladies of the world.
Śacyādi-subhaga-vṛnda-vandyamānoru-saubhagā = Who is incessantly praised by beautiful ladies like Śacī.
Vīṇā-vādana-saṅīta-rāsalāsya-viśāradā = Who is expert in singing and playing vinā in the rasa dance.
Nārada-pramukhodgīta-jagad-ānanda-sad-yaśaḥ = Whose pure glories are sung by sages headed by Nārada, giving joy to the world.
Govardhana-guhā-geha-gṛhiṇī = She is the housewife in the caves in Govardhana.
Kuñja-maṇḍanā = She decorates the kuñja,
Caṇḍāṃśu-nandinī-baddha-bhāginī-bhāva-vibhramā = She has a sisterly relationship with Yamunā, (Yamunā is the daughter of the sun and Rādhā is the daughter of Vṛṣabhānu, the sun in Taurus).
Divya-kundalatā-narma-sakhya-dāma-vibhūṣitā = She is adorned with the wreath of divine Kundalatā's friendship.
Govardhana-dharāhlādi-śṛṅgāra-rasa-paṇḍitā = She is the professor in amorous rapture, giving joy to the holder of Govardhana.
Girīndradhara-vakṣaḥḥ = She is Lakṣmī on the chest of the holder of Govardhan,
Śrī-śaṅkhacūḍāri-jīvanam = She is the life of the enemy of Śaṅkhacūḍa,
Gokulendrasuta-prema-kāma-bhūpendra-paṭṭanam = She is the settlement of Cupid for the love of the son of Gokulendra.
Vṛṣa-vidhvaṃsa-narmokti-sva-nirmita-sarovarā = Who made Her own pond after the killer of Ariṣṭa mocked Her.
Nija-kuṇḍa-jala-krīḍā-jita-saṅkarṣaṇānujā = Who defeats Saṅkarṣaṇa's younger brother in sports in Her own pond.
Muramardana-mattebha-vihārāmṛta-dīrghikā = She is the ambrosial pond of enjoyment for the intoxicated elephant who defeated Mura,
Girīndradhāra-pārīndra-rati-yuddhoru-siṃhikā = She is a powerful lioness fighting amorous sports with the king of lions, the holder of the best of mountains.
Sva-tanu-saurabhonmattī-kṛta-mohana-mādhavā = Who enchants Mādhava with Her intoxicating bodily fragrance,
Dor-mūloccalana-krīḍā-vyākulī-kṛta-keśavā = Who agitates Keśava by playfully showing Her armpit.
Nija-kuṇḍa-taṭī-kuñja-klpta-keli-kalodyamā = Who expands Her artful plays in the kuñja on the bank of Her own pond,
Divya-malli-kulollāsi-śayyā-kalpita-vigrahā = Who makes a bed of divine jasmine flowers there with joy.
Kṛṣṇa-vāma-bhujānyasta-cāru-dakṣiṇa-gaṇḍakā = Who places Her beautiful right cheek on Kṛṣṇa's left arm,
Savya-bāhu-latā-baddha-kṛṣṇa-dakṣiṇa-sad-bhujā = Who holds Kṛṣṇa's right arm with Her left vine-like arm.
Kṛṣṇa-dakṣiṇa-cārūru-śliṣṭa-vāmoru-rambhikā = Whose beautiful, broad, banana-like left hip touches Kṛṣṇa's right hip.
Girīndradhara-dhṛg-vakṣo-mardi-su-stana-parvatā = Whose nice, mountain-like breasts are being massaged by the Holder of Govardhana.
Govindādhara-pīyūṣa-vāsitādhara-pallavā = Whose leaf-like lips are scented by the nectar of Govinda's lips.
Sudhā-sañcaya-cārūkti-śītalī-kṛta-mādhavā = Whose beautiful words distribute nectar, cooling Mādhava off.
Govindodgīrṇa-tāmbūla-rāga-rājyat-kapolikā = Whose cheeks are colored by the pan from Govinda's lips,
Kṛṣṇa-sambhoga-saphalī-kṛta-manmatha-sambhavā = Who realizes Kṛṣṇa's fancies of amorous enjoyments.
Govinda-mārjitoddāma-rati-prasvinna-san-mukhā = The profuse perspiration from whose face is wiped off by Govinda.
Viśākhā-vījita-krīḍā-śrānti-nidrālu-vigrahā = Who is being fanned by Viśākhā when She falls asleep after playing with Kṛṣṇa.
Govinda-caraṇa-nyasta-kāya-mānasa-jīvanā = Who has placed Her life, body and mind at Govinda's lotus feet.
Sva-prānārbuda-nirmañchya-hari-pāda-rajaḥ-kaṇā = Who worships the dust of Hari's lotus feet with billions of hearts.
Aṇu-mātrācyutādarśa-śapyamānātma-locanā = Who curses Her eyes for every second that they do not see Acyuta.
Nitya-nūtana-govinda-vaktra-śubhrāṃśu-darśanā = Who beholds Govinda's ever-fresh moonlike face.
Niḥsīma-hari-mādhurya-saundaryādy-eka-bhoginī = Who is the only enjoyer of Hari's endless sweetness and beauty.
Sāpatnya-dhāma-muralī-mātrā-bhāgya-kaṭākṣiṇī = Who can only blink at the fortune of Her co-wife, the Muralī flute.
Gāḍha-buddhi-bala-krīḍā-jita-vaṃśī-vikarṣiṇī = Who takes Kṛṣṇa's flute after defeating Him in a gambling match.
Narmokti-candrikotphulla-kṛṣṇa-kāmābdhi-vardhinī = Who increases the ocean of Kṛṣṇa's desires by the full moonbeams of Her joking words.
Vraja-candrendriya-grāma-viśrāma-vidhuśālikā = Who is the moonlike resting place for all the senses of the moon of Vraja (Śrī Kṛṣṇa),
Kṛṣṇa-sarvendriyonmādi-rādhety-akṣara-yugmakā = The two syllables of Whose name Rā-dhā madden all of Kṛṣṇa's senses.

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