My name is actually Paramananda ,I do not go with the Payonidhi name given by Harikesa.Narayana Maharaja gave me the name Paramananda das.
I never heard that Yamaraja was approached by his sister for marriage.
O Vidura, we have heard that Brahmā had a daughter named Vāk who was born from his body and who attracted his mind toward sex, although she was not sexually inclined towards him.
Balavān indriya-grāmo
vidvāṁsam api karṣati (
SB 9.19.17). It is said that the senses are so mad and strong that they can bewilder even the most sensible and learned man. Therefore it is advised that one should not indulge in living alone even with one's mother, sister or daughter.
Vidvāṁsam api karṣati means that even the most learned also become victims of the sensuous urge. Maitreya hesitated to state this anomaly on the part of Brahmā, who was sexually inclined to his own daughter, but still he mentioned it because sometimes it so happens, and the living example is Brahmā himself, although he is the primeval living being and the most learned within the whole universe. If Brahmā could be a victim of the sexual urge, then what of others, who are prone to so many mundane frailties?
Just like some former ISKCON sannyasi trying to marry his own female disciple or actually marrying her like Harikesa and Jagadish ex Swamis did, you can use them as example.Or use Prabhavisnu ex Swami as example, he was supposed to see all women as mothers and still he got involved with a woman.But of course such relevant examples are not used ,because then ISKCON will be "embarrassed," that is actually stupid,...and offensive
O Vidura, we have heard that Brahmā had a daughter named Vāk who was born from his body and who attracted his mind toward sex, although she was not sexually inclined towards him.
Balavān indriya-grāmo
vidvāṁsam api karṣati (
SB 9.19.17). It is said that the senses are so mad and strong that they can bewilder even the most sensible and learned man. Therefore it is advised that one should not indulge in living alone even with one's mother, sister or daughter.
Vidvāṁsam api karṣati means that even the most learned also become victims of the sensuous urge. Maitreya hesitated to state this anomaly on the part of Brahmā, who was sexually inclined to his own daughter, but still he mentioned it because sometimes it so happens, and the living example is Brahmā himself, although he is the primeval living being and the most learned within the whole universe. If Brahmā could be a victim of the sexual urge, then what of others, who are prone to so many mundane frailties? (end of purport)
Even Lord Siva chased after Mohini Murti, how careful we have to be in matters dealing with the opposite sex...All women should be seen as mothers, and the greatest sin would have sex with ones actual mother and sister, even lower than that or just as low and sinful , is to be gay or lesbian.
your servant
Paramananda das
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