dear devotee
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
First of all a sannyasi should be kind, because others will respect them, if he does not follow the guidelines of Bhagavad Gita last 5 slokas of 12 chapter what has he understood ?
As stated in Chaitanya-charitamrita (Antya 3.238):
dine daya kare, -- ei sadhu-svabhava haya
"It is a characteristic of all saintly persons to be kind toward the poor and fallen."
Also in the Chaitanya-charitamrita (Antya 5.84) it is said:
sannyasi pandita-ganera karite garva nasa
nica-sudra-dvara karena dharmera prakasa
"To vanquish the false pride of so-called renunciants and learned scholars, He spreads real religious principles, even through a sudra, or lowborn, fourth-class man."
we should not try to limit Krsna,that only Bhakti can be had only from a sannyasi ..that is daridra Narayana mentality ,a true sannyasi and true devotee engages 24 hours a day in hearing and chanting Hare Krsna and discussing about Krsna.
The harshness of a sannyasi or any of us , is often due to not being pure See SB 2,2.12
Even a fallen sannyasi is given respect in Kali yuga..if he becomes unkind and puffed up with false prestige he goes to hell
(in other words at leasts he will not develop ecstatic love for Krsna)..So for a sannyasi to insult other devotee: "That you think you are the best devotee is unbefitting"..a sudra though a devotee may know more and realize more about Krishna than even a sannyasi .This was shown in the example of Ramananda Raya socalled giving Lord Caitanya devotional any status we should remain humble and chant Hare Krishna ,if we think any status of varnas asrama will automaticically give one Bhakti then we are fools .Also the person that defends improper teachings and behavior of a sannysi or any person
simply to try to increase his false prestige or bank balance in ISKCON or ability to control and influence others is fallen .A real
sannyasi is advanced in devotional service and never supports irreligion and deviations.If he does he is a sannyasi in name only ,as true sannyasis defends real religion not the deviations of godbrothers for cheap adoration.The fact is there has to be respect, but if one deviates from Krsnas instructions ,He will not tolerate .If a sannyasi does not acknowlede one offering respect to Paramatma(or Krsna) in his heart, one should not offer him respect, and avoid him.But sastras advises to offer respects to all sannyasis...those who are truely humble sannyasis often offer respects back as they are free from pratistha...however if someone is a more advanced devotee than this sannyasis and he offers obaisences to this sannyasi ,and he thinks with pride I am better.Krsna will not tolerate.Abhirama Thakura exposed many fallen sannyasis simply by offering obaisences to them, and other socalled exalted persons.He was so powerfull ,the bhogus person would die.Noone has such great devotional powers like he.
Krsna punished Indra for accepting worship from Nanda Maharaja and other exalted vaisnavas, this is the real meaning behind the Govardhana Lilas ,He thought Krsna ordinary and the Vrijabasis ,
Krsna did not so much take offence for Himself, after all in Bhagavad gita He says I give the worshippers of demigods the faith in them.But Vaisnavas are never supposed to worship demigods, this is also clearly confirmed not only by Krsna in Bhagavad Gita ,but for example also by Narottama das Thakura(in his Prema Bhakti Chandrika).Sannyasis should preach KC..not engage in "ISKCON politics as their only duty".Real sannyasa is being absorbed like Srila Narottama das Thakura ,has explained in Prema bhakti Chandrika..what use is sannyasa if it does not help one develop pure love for Radha Krishna?It is useless.One sannyasi once told a devotee he thinks he is God..where is that socalled sannyasi now?Bhaktivinoda Thakura has stated in Kalyana kalpa Taru that bhakti is more important than sannyasi, what kind of sannya and devotee does not read and study these holy words of Bhaktivinoda Thakura in Kalyana kalpa taru and the nectar words Narottama das Thakura of his Prema Bhakti Chandrika,if we do not do that ,we are most unfortunate....Lord Gauranga attacks the pride of any devotee ..that is one of His holy names.So when I get so much "attacked" ,very good, it must be his mercy..if the person is envious, that is his problem, but the true vaisnava will say some critique ,such nectar. Let me try to improve my bhakti.Ramachandra was attacking Lord Caitanya , just see so much ants you are eating sweets,Lord Caitanya said no more sweets from Lord Jaganatha I will take only sakh (even He did not hardly touch such opulent prasadam, He said give to the "other devotees" ,thus setting a wonderful example by avoiding opulent prasadam and sweets.(though Mahaprasadam).One sannyasi recently also chastised me ,and when I read about Madhavendra Puris pure devotional service and again I felt peace of mind .His sarcasme:" It must be hard to be the greatest devotee", I have no such thought..he was obviously projecting his own state of mind..then when I read again the the devotion of Krsna das Kaviraja and how he got
his mercy of Lord Nityananda , I decieded to write this.I have lots of experience of sannyasis harshness and immaturity,and stil we keep offering them respects (hoping they wont fall down ,in some cases), even though some keep bankaccounts with hundreds of thousand of dollars.This is how Kali yuga rules....And still we keep respecting sannyasis that will not talk to us about Krsna and pure devotional service,and all they want is our money and tell them they are the greatest.Is this sannyasa or not ?I will assocaite with anyone that will talk to me about pure devotional service.Srila Prabhodananda Sarsvati Thakura writes:
29 Lord Caitanya is worshipped by the Upanisads. Lord Caitanya destroys the pride of the arrogant demigods and sages who do not worship His lotus feet. Ah, what person is so fortunate that he has personally seen Lord Caitanya?
43 Pathetic is his noble birth! Pathetic is his eloquence! Pathetic is his fame! Pathetic are his scholarship, wealth, and handsome young body! Pathetic is his status as a brahmana! Pathetic is his observance of varnasrama-dharma! Pathetic is he who in the age of Kali does not worship the golden form of Lord Gopinatha!
your servant
Payonidhi das
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