Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

I can teach you much more than Narayana Maharaja!!!!Wake up you rascals! dear devoteesPlease accept my humble obaisencesAll glories to Srila Prabhupada Narayana Maharajas teachings where filled with …

I can teach you much more than Narayana Maharaja!!!!Wake up you rascals!

dear devoteesPlease accept my humble obaisencesAll glories to Srila Prabhupada Narayana Maharajas teachings where filled with many holes, appasiddhantas .I have pointed some of them out in my various articles.I was talking with some of NM disciples yesterday, and they do not chant or read Caitanya Caritamrta, but think they are very learned.This is of course typical of many indian bodied devotees, they just do not read sastra or chant."I know it all I am from India",when the fact is they know nothing.Recently one boy Visala told me he chant 100 rounds every day, when I know he has little time to chant working like a donkey from 9am to 10 pm, 6 to 7 days a weekOf course many other western devotees are similar in maya.NM attracted many monkey disciples mostly sakama bhaktas with no interest in preaching KC.These kind of festival devotees are everywhere in ISKCONalso.Everyone likes festivals, but when it comes to go on Harinama and bookdistribution they have no interest.Some in the name of doing Harinamasits in the holy dham and shouts,"MORE HARINAMA", but flatly  refuse to leave the holy Dham to do Harinama.Such pretenders.....Srila Prabhupada and his Guru Maharaja again and again said preach. But  refuse, flatly refuse to daily do Harinama and bookdistribution, everything else they will do but that...and call it devotional service.They refuseto chant 64 rounds as ordered by Lord Caitanya and the acaryas ,headed by Srila Rupa Goswami.This is a dog stubborn mentality that needs a stick.We should apply this stick of mercy of Srila Prabhupada.There is the grhamedhis ,a few grhasthas and the sannyasis(some fallen some not) and a few brahmacaries .So why are we not going on sankirtana ? Wether in ISKCON or NM math, the answer simply maya, nothing else.Varnasrama, ragamarg, grhastha seminars has no value without bookdistribution.This bookdistribution is the life and soul of ISKCON.And if we do not distribute Srila Prabhupadas books we are not his sons and daughters, but simply useless like urin and stool.(see Prabhupadas purportsregarding the killing of Vrtasura )If you do bookdistribution and Harinama and chant 64 rounds (very least minimum 16) read Srila Prabhupadas books and the books of the acaryas then one day, all other things will come, but first things first, then the lotus of auspiscouness as described in the first sloka to Ceto darpana marjanam.So all you socalled disciples of Narayana Maharaja get of your lazy behinds and rejoin ISKCON and start distributing Srila Prabhupadas books and do Harinama  ,stop being lazy rascals.And for all the other lazy persons that refuse to at least go on Harinama, shame on you.What is the use of you socalled Narayana Maharaja disciples talking about manjari bhava that you are not qualified for, and then go and have sex withyour wife after the"'Harikatha" are simply shaming him.Your attachment to family life will not help you at death...Everyone please join the sankirtana movement and please the Pancatattva, if you  take this serious, then Bravo to have become a true friend.I keep no friends that do not chant minimum 16 rounds daily...and  do not distribute Srila Prabhupadas books and read them and worship Srila Prabhupada as thereal acarya for modern Kali yuga..there is one Guru; Srila PrabhupadaOne mantra :the Mahamantraand there is Srila Prabhupadas booksysPayonidhi das

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