Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

one matajis question about Srila Prabupadas view on women

dear Sachi Mataji
You asked me about the women issue, and it is a big subject I will properly write something later in more detail
Many devotees have hard time to understand Srila Prabhupadas comments about ladies, however we are all spirit souls ,and have been males and females billions of times, why take it so serious?And it does not mean if someones husband is a "dog" and sleeps around with other women(or visa versa) one
should easy forgive him(her), chaste women might give their husband a change to rectifie, otherwise to stay in family life full of illicit sex is grhamedhi life, real grhastha life is strict.Srila Prabhupada many times did say the women in KC are equals to their brothers in the sense we are all spiritual souls,levels of advancment in KC is not dependent on gender.If we want to follow Lord Gauranga strictly the we should chant 64 rounds minimum and this bodily conception of life
will go away much faster
Many women in KC are sometimes more intelligent in a practical way than even some sannyasis and GBC's.Srila Prabhupada never put women down , due to the time of the hippy movement,He preached it is better for a woman to be married than be a hippy and be exploited by men.
Queen Kunti was the greatest devotee as was Mirabai
KC is not dependent on ones birth and gender,and Srila Prabhupada
obviously was on this level of KC
your servant
Payonidhi das

Views: 121

Comment by Paramananda das on September 22, 2010 at 11:26am
of course no gay intention meant in my writting:"should easy forgive him(her), chaste women might give their husband a change to rectifie, otherwise to stay in family life full of illicit sex is grhamedhi life, real grhastha life is strict.: What i meant was that husband and wife needs to be faithful in marriage that is all
Comment by Paramananda das on September 23, 2010 at 1:58am
there is so many discussions about grhastha life, Srila Prabhupada stated in Vrindavan grhastha couples should not stay in the same room (except for emergency when you travel and having hotel may be to expensive, and so on) ,there should be no illicit sex (sex which is not to concieve a KC child)


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