One foolish person that joined in ISKCON Nigeria has spoken much foolishness against Sri Garga Samhita ,it is my duty to speak out.
kathādiṣv iti gargaḥ
Word for word:
kathā-ādtiṣu — for narrations and so on; iti — so; garga — Garga Muni.
Garga Muni says that bhakti is fondness for narrations about the Lord, by the Lord, and so on.
this is from Narada Bhakti Sutra spoken by Sri Narada Muni
Srila Garga Muni was the Guru of the Vrijabasis and Nanda Maharaja some envious persons do not accept his book Sri Garga samhita as they are of a demoniac mentality ,Krsna will never allow these offenders to enter Vraja ,they will take birth again and again untill all their offences and envy of him is gone.
My Gurudeva Srila Narayana Maharaja quoted Garga Samhita in his Vraja Mandal Parikrama book.If anyone is an offender to Garga Muni please they should never speak to me as they are an evil demon .…/sastras-acharya…/acharyas/garga-muni
"I don't care what the sastra says. Prabhupada has given us the siddhanta !" (Spoken by a leading sannyasi, Disappearance observances of Sripad Gaura Govinda Maharaja, Bhagavatam class, Bhuvaneswara, India, 1996.) this is the narrowminded stupidity we often find in ISKCON and some parts of Gaudiya Math,it is sastra ninda.Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhi has said, "vedasraya nastikya-vada bauddhake adhika ", "Those who have taken shelter of the Vedas, yet preach agnosticism (Mayavadis ) are worse than Buddhists." A half truth is worse than no truth at all.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada has also stated that Sri Advaita Acarya does not have a beard this is not accepted by many in name of following Srila Prabhupada blindly .
Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya 16.99
tarjje garjje acarya dadite diya hata
bhrukuti kariya nace santipura-natha
“The Acarya threatened and roared, placing His hand on His chin That Lord of Santipura furled his eyebrows and began to dance.”
this vers has been wrongly translated by some as Sri Advaita Acarya having a beard ,Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada however has stated in his commentary to this sloka.sri-advaita-prabhu sastracara-sampanna gumpha-smasru-kesadi-mundita chilena. dadi va cibuke ye unnata kesa (smasru) deya yaya; uhake sadharana bhasaya ‘dadi’ bale. taj-janya keha keha anabhijnata-vase ajna bauliyara vesa smasru-kesadir niyoga karena. kintu prakrta prastave tini mundita-kesa chilena. tanhake ‘nada’-sabde abhihita karaya mundita-keseri nirdesa bujha yaya.
Translation of Commentary
“Sri Advaita Prabhu was perfectly fixed in proper behavior according to scripture, and was clean shaven, without whiskers, beard and hair on his head. A ‘beard’ or long-grown hair (smasru) found on the chin is called in the vernacular dadi. Therefore some people, swayed by their ignorance, try to ascribe to Him the dress of a foolish Baul and a Baul’s beard, hairy head and so on. But actually He had all His hair shaven. This is indicated by the word Nada, which refers to one who is clean-shaven.”
Srila Prabhupada wrote:
According to the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya, they keep themselves clean-shaven. And only single instance is there, Advaita Prabhu. He had his beard. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu never asked Him to cleanse. Because one reason is that Advaita Prabhu was just contemporary to His father, so He did not like to dictate. But otherwise, all His disciples, they were clean-shaved.
--from a lecture on Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 20.66-96 -- New York, November 21, 1966
However this is not stated anywhere in sastra , where is one quote in CC, Caitanya Bhagavata , Caitanya Mangala etc where Sri Advaita Acarya had a beard you can not find one place, but devotees blindly follow Srila Prabhupada in this and reject Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and sastra .The chanting of 64 rounds is also a standard given by Lord Caitanya but it has been rejected by many pseudo devotees in ISKCON and Gaudiya math .If you do not accept Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada you path to hell is wide open.
I personally will not be blinded by ignorance and take shelter of my Gurudeva and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada that ordered chanting 64 rounds daily ,he ordered all members of Gaudiya math to chant this much daily ,it only takes 5 hours and after that you can distribute Srila Prabhupadas books and /or do Harinama :
Chaitanya Bhagavata on Laksha Naam
In Shri Chaitanya-bhagavata, Antya Khanda 9.121-122, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu instructed everyone on whose worship and service He will accept:
(121) prabhu bale,-"jana, 'lakshesvara' bali kare?
prati-dina laksha-nama ye grahana kare"
"Do you know who is a laksesvara? He is someone who chants one laksa or 100,000 holy names (64 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra) everyday."
Purport by Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
shri gaurasundera balibena-"jini pratidina laksha-nama grahana karibena, tanharai grihe bhagavan sevita hana.
Shri Gaurasundera spoke as follows-"The Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts service only in the home of those who chant one hundred thousand names daily.
"bhagavan tanharai nikate bhoga-dravyadi grahana karena.
"The Lord accepts bhoga (foodstuffs) and other ingredients only from such personalities.
"jini laksha-nama grahana karena na, tahara nikate haite bhagavan naivedya svikara-dvara seva-saubhagya pradana karena na.
"Those who don't chant 100,000 names (64 rounds) daily, are never awarded the great fortune of rendering service to the Lord by offering Him naivedya (bhoga). This is because the Lord never accepts (svikara) their offerings.
Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
"bhagavad-bhakta matrei pratyaha laksha-nama grahana karibena natuva vividha visaye asakta haiya bhagavad-seva karite asamartha haibena."
The Lord continued-"Those who consider themselves devotees of the Lord must compulsorily chant 100,000 names of Krishna everyday otherwise they will gradually but surely become attached to varieties of sense-objects and thus become incapable to rendering any kind of service to the Lord."
Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
tajjanyai shri chaitanyadevera ashrita sakalai nyuna kalpe laksha-nama grahana kariya thakena. natuva gaurasunderera udeshya pradatta naivedya tini grahana karibena na.
(Shrila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada continues) "Therefore all the devotees who have taken shelter of Lord Chaitanyadeva perform the chanting of a minimum of 100,000 names of Krishna daily as their first and primary duty. Because they know that if they don't do so then Lord Gaurasundera will never accept the very bhoga (naivedya) which they cook for Him daily.
(122) "se janera nama ami bali 'lakshesvara'
tatha bhiksha amara, na yai anya ghara."
"Lord Gauranga continued-I call such a person a laksheshvara. I only accept meals in such a person's house. I never go anywhere else."
Purport by Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
shri chaitanya bhaktagana abhaktera sahita sambhashana karena na. jini bhaktivyatita karma, jnana o anyabhilashara kathaya pradatta tahara sahita bandhutva karibe na.
"The devotees of Lord Shri Chaitanya never talk with such non-devotees. They never do friendship with those who are engaged in the cultivation of karma, jnana or other desires which are devoid of bhakti.
pratyah laksha-nama grahana na karile patita vyaktiganera visaya-bhoga pravritti vriddhi paya, takhana ara tahara shri gaurasunderarera seva karite pare na.
"Those who don't accept this vow of chanting 100,000 names daily, fall down even more although they were fallen in the first place (due to the contamination of Kali-yuga). Thus their propensity for enjoying the senses and sense-objects continually and steadily increases and ultimately they are not able to render any kind of service even to the most merciful Lord Gaurasundera.
lakshesvara vyatita gaura-bhaktira adarsa gaudiyajana kehai svikara karena na.
"This is the precise reason why the real Gaudiya-bhaktas do not accept any other ideal (adarsa) in Gaura-bhakti or Krishna-bhakti except the process of chanting 100,000 names of the maha-mantra daily.
Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
adhapatita va adhapete gana eka-matra bhajana-sabda-vacya shri-nama-bhajane vimukhata-vasata laksha-nama grahana karibara parivarte anya bhajanera chalana korena, taddvara tahadera kona mangala haya na.
"Those spiritual aspirants who are already fallen or will fall down from spiritual life in the future are averse to this sole means of deliverance called nama-bhajana, which is the worship of the sound incarnation of God in the form of chanting 100,000 names of the the Holy Names daily. Coming under the sway of their averseness to chant laksha-nama daily, they duplicitously invent (chalana) other means of devotional service (bhajana) to justify their not chanting 100,000 names daily but it is to be clearly understood that by this action they will not achieve anything auspicious (mangala) in their spiritual life."
Shri Chaitanya-bhagavata Madhya Khanda 15.5,
ushah kale ganga-snana kariya nirjane;
dui laksha krishna-nama laya pratidine.
Purport by Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada:
kathita ache, shri haridasa thakura pratyaha tina-laksha nama grahana karitena. jagai-madhai u pratyaha dui laksha nama grahana karitena. yanhara pratyaha laksha nama grahana karena na, tanhadera nivedita kona vastui shri chaitanyadeva grahana karena na. shri caitany-carananucara-gana pratyaha atyalpa pakshe laksha-nama grahana avasyei kariya thakena, natuva shri krishna tanhadera naivedya grahana na karaya bhagavad-ucchishta praptira vicare vyaghat ghate.
"It is well-known that Namacharya Shrila Haridasa Thakura used to chant 300,000 names daily. Jagai-Madhai also used to chant 200,000 names daily after being delivered by the Lord. Lord Chaitanyadeva does not accept any kind of offering (or vastu) from those who don't chant 100,000 names of Krishna daily, The followers surrendered to the lotus of Lord Chaitanya compulsorily chant a bare minimum of 100,000 names daily. If they don't do so Lord Shri Krishna will not accept any of their offerings and thus they will be obstructed or remain unsuccessful in their attempt to obtain the transcendental remanants (prasadam) of the Lord."
One who rejects Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and sastra can never go back to Godhead in this life:
pancaratra-vidhim vina
aikantiki harer bhaktir
utpatayaiva kalpate
[BRS 1.2.101]
vaisnava das das anu das
Paramananda das
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