Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Hari bol Gaura das
I am not sure why you are sending me this, but I will respond to it:
you wrote:
The bhajans sung by Srila Narayana Maharaja are not his as far as I know but are Gaudiya property for public domain, not exclusive. Is Isa prabhu looking for excuses to find fault in the name of being a great proponent of Vaisnava etiquette ?
my response:
The song Vraja mana sukhakari is written by Srila Narayana Maharaja ,for anyone to sing this bhajan without giving credit to Srila Narayana Maharaja is not proper vaisnava etiquette
Then you wrote :
Srila Narayana Maharaja never found faults with anyone ???
He siad in one video that "You will not find any bhakti in ISKCON, they are only after money"
That is a pretty effeicient way to blaspheme thousands of devotes in one statement. This is not finding fault ???
My response is : Srila Narayana Maharaja response is "right on the money".Harikesa for example left stealing laxmi from ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada and married his own female disciple.I warned the GBC in 1996 that he would soon be falling down.I left his zone in 1989 due to some of his leading discipels stealing money from ISKCON ,one also falling down with several matajis. How many examples do you want? I was asked to leave the temple in ISKCON Potomac in 1995 because I exposed demigod worship in the temple ,that laxmi went in the pocket of Sasthiva das,that even stole Srila Prabhupadas marble murti , and replaced it with an inferior resin one.If the shoe fit wear it.Sadly
there is so much to this video and ISKCON is not transperent with money. Yes maybe not every single ISKCON leader is a thief ,but way to many over the past have been.Srila Prabhupada did not allow salary in ISKCON this goes on also.
Then you wrote:
He criticised the editors of the Bhagavad Gita on the mam hi partha verse accusing them of demeaning women as being lower and fallen. This is only two of many exapmples in the way he waged war with ISKCON, unlike Srila Sridhar amaharaja or other godbrothers of Srila Prabhupada.
My response: It has nothing to do with the editor Jayadvaita Swami , yes he did nto agree with Srila Prabhupadas books being edited by Jayadvaita Swami ,because Srila Prabhupada said in june 1977 to leave his books as they are.He never authorized further editing .
If you would actually listen to that lecture Srila Narayana Maharaja is defending Srila Prabhupada that though Srila Prabhupada may have said things about blacks being Nisadas and women less intelligent, we have to understand that was not his mood to put anyone down but so see all as spirit souls.
Then you wrote:
Paramananda prabhu calling Basu Ghosh, Basu Gross is the same Viasnava apardha that he is ranting and raving about here, and pretneds to be so conscious of
My response: What is a Viasnava? Different from a vaisnava? Basu Ghosh is constantly attacking Srila Narayana Maharaja due to hatred. Secondly he has many misunderstandings and misconceptiones about sastra.For exampel he specualtes Lord Narasimha did not appear at Ahovalam this is gross intelligence.Lord Caitanya accepted Ahovalam as the place of Lord Narasimhadevas apperance in Satya yuga.So has all the Sri Vaisnava acaryas, so has Brahmanda Purana ,Kurma Purana, Ahovalam Mahatmya etc.He send me some brahmacaries  from his temple to train in bookdistribution ,they refused to distribute a single book, and their leader stole my Srila Prabhupadas sloka book and other books of mine .Srila Vrindavana das Thakura has warned to stay away from offenders to pure vaisnavas. By the way Basu Ghosh never chants even 16 rounds ..this is gross  behavior.His friend Bhakti Vikas Swami told me to give up my initiation from Srila Narayana Maharaja and take reinitiation from him.He joined 4 years earlier than me and is a neophyte devotee, comparing himself to be better in Kc than Narayana Maharaja, he lacks vaisnava sadacara.
Then you wrote:
If Bhavananda prabhu has given up his past sexual deviancy, and Isa is accusing him of the past on this, then Isa will get reactions for this, and it sounds like he already is getting them
My response: In 1986 I met Acuyta a nepali Gurukula boy that was thrown out of Mayapure with many other boys because Bhavananda and Satadhanya and Nitai Chand sexually molested  these boys.Not only was Bhavananda a pedophile Kirtananda as well that to this day is well  respected in ISKCON , but Srila Naryaana Maharajaj is attacked by wild worshippers of pedophiles like yourself. Bhavananda even had sex with a young boy during Srila Prabhupadas time in Mayapure and still this rascal was made a Guru. and talking about passing stool and having sex in his classes.He introduced Hong kong paintings in ISKCON and Harikesa and other rascals  forced us bookdistirbutors to sell these illegal paintings. Why is the GBC allowing a pedophile like Bhavananda in Mayapure  ????Ask some Gurukulis how he used to abuse you have a heart or you want to cover up for criminals ? Are you like a Nazi without a heart?
Then you wrote:
Payonidhi was already very puffed up when I met him in 1992 when I was with Gunagrahi Swami on Krsnafest inDC. and since leaving Harikesa for Narayana Maharaja, I see he has become much much worse
He claims to want to clean up the mess but he is creating a larger one
my response:
I never met you in 1992 in Washington DC , and Guna Grahi was sitting at masturbating watching porn movies in 108 building at ISKCON Potomac. I once ran after him when he forgot his tridanda in Vrindavana ,but it seems he is more attached to his "ekadanda"
Last year he came to ISKCON Potoamc in his usual puffed up mood hitting me in the stomach and head with the microphone during kirtana ,really humble.He is totally puffed up.He talks about Harinama in 1992 ,so why does he and you not come here and do some chanting  again in Washington DC, you obviously have both nothing better to do in KC.than waste my time.??
THE NAME IS PARAMANANDA, you rascal, I am reinitated by a bonafide Guru. SrilaBhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja ,not one of Srila Prabhupadas neophyte disciples.
Then you wrote:
I helped him with his heart condition givng him various suggestions but in the ned he just lashed out at me. he seems mentallu ill
My response:  You gave me some Auyrvedic suggestiones ,that was nice and kind of you ,I have never used any of your advises as alternative medicine when you have heart problems are not a good idea.
Mentally ill? I told you before not to contact me again.Ramabhadra called me mentally ill and retarded when I suggested to him to close the bingo hall with meat prices .So you go hang out with you Bingo pal ,Ramambhadra and other selfish divorcee godbrothers, thieves and liars and abusers.
Do me a favor once and for all ,do not write me again.I am distributing Srila Prabhupadas books since 1979 and chanting 64 rounds daily ,I never fell down with any mataji  since I joined ISKCON , or stole money from ISKCON .I worship Giriraja since 1986 and only take Giriraja prasadam.I have discipels now that I train in KC and bookdistribution . I appriciate you keep your nonsense to yourself.
In service to my Gurudeva ,Srila Prabhupada and true vaisnavas
Paramananda   das

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