No Krishna does not smoke a pipe! Or does He ?
In 2007 I obtained a very sacred Govardhana Sila at Govinda Kunda ,my godbrother Vasudeva das born in Russia wanted to worship Giriraja Govardhana and claimed Srila Narayana Maharaja had allowed him to do so .He asked when I go to Vrindavana if I can obtain a Govardhana Sila for him ,I said sure.I went To Dana Ghati because at Dana Ghati is one of the places Radha Krsna had their Tax pastime as described in Dana Keli Cintamani and Dana Keli Kumudi , the problem is the Vrijabasis at this place will never bless you to take a single Govardhana sila, unless you properly pay them the amount in Gold ,even then they may not allow you .So then we went to Govinda Kunda, ( I went with this one sannyasi ,disciple of Srila Prabhupada ,but took sannyasa in Gaudiya math, now I forgot his name) We came to Govinda Kunda and Mysteriously he found a Radha Sila, a Govardhana Sila with Sri Radhas picture ..I have heard of such silas and seen a picture of a Govardhana Sila with Radharanis lotusfeet imprint but never seen on in person, it is very rare anyone even get to see such a Govardhana sila, I offered obaisences..and prayed to Sri Radha..:"You have allowed me to behold your transcendental form on this Govardhana sila, simply seeing you liberate one from birth and death, I beg you since you are known as Krsna Priya ,most dear to Krishna ,that you kindly allow me to find a Govardhana sila with your beloveds picture."
With folded hands and touching the Radha Sila, I then started to look for my own Krsna sila and by the grace of Srimati Radharani I obtained a Krsna Govardhana sila with Sri Krsnas pictures ..That night I showed the Govardhana sila to my friend Aindra Prabhu that joked it looked like He was smoking a pipe, he and Govinda and others were laughing I felt very offended not for myself but my darling Krishna how anyone dare state Krsna smokes a pipe? Aindra Prabhu still laughing and telling a story from Vrindavana how there was one beautiful village girl in Vraja that wanted to marry Krishna ,but only if the groom smoked the hooka.! Aindra Prabhu you have gone to far making such a terrible accusation that my Krishna smokes a pipe,,actually if you look closely on the Govardhana Sila you can see it is Sri Krsna playing His flute.
Govinda joked more , and I gently hit him on the head ,I said you have all smoked to much pot before becoming devotees that you think my Krishna smokes hooka.With that I left Aindra Prabhus room and I never entered it again , because I felt he had offended my sacred Govardhana Sila ,,then again I met him in 2010 and we had a brief exchange.. where he said:" Well it is nice you chant 64 rounds daily but I chant 120 rounds daily ".He was chanting all night long on this one ekadasi night as he normally did , so I thought well let me go to Aindra Prabhus kirtana and chant with him at ISKCON Krsna Balarama temple,but some Russian devotees were also chanting all night long Kirtana in their asrama and there was 200 of them dancing and chanting and they really insisted I go and chant with them which I did and it was wonderful Kirtana.But had I known I would never be able to chant all night long with Aindra Prabhu again I would have gone to him after all Aindra prabhu was and still is my dear friend, because though He went back to Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara the beloved Deities he always served in Vrindavana..I know I will one day meet him again ,,then one morning in July of 2010 I woke up around 4 am and there was a mild earthquake here in Maryland a small one, (these are all due to gas fracking ,that is another story as this region otherwise do not have earthquakes) ,,after I woke up and finished worshipped my Govardhana silas and before chanting Japa I wanted to see the latest Vaisnava news, there it was AINDRA PRABHU had left his body in a fire in Vrindavana in his room ..I cried for a week, my wife could not understand why I could not stop crying..I have never had so many Krsna consciouns times with anyone in this world as I did with Aindra Prabhu we used to read Krsna book for hours together in Vrindavana we read so many of Srila Prabhupadas books together, mostly I was reading while he did his Govardhana Puja and Salagrama Puja and since it was several hours worship this is how long I would read to him..and also other times I would read to him books like Govinda Lilamrta, Krsna Bhavananamrta, CC Caitanya Bhagavata, Bhakti Ratnakara, and so many books of Kusakratha Prabhu that I had and he did not, it was pure nectar ...but one thing I will still tell him next time I meet Aindra Prabhu :NO KRSNA DOES NOT SMOKE A PIPE EVER..Or does He ?
Views: 110
you really need listen to Indradyumna Maharaja mentioning this pastime
Actually Krsna never smokes a pipe, these are Vrijabasis stories we should not take them to seriously
the picture's on the Govardhana Silas were painted 5000 years ago by the Vraja Gopis and there was no pipes and hookas in India back then
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