Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Shri Nandisvarastaka by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura

Eight Prayers Glorifying Nandisvara Hill



saksan mahattama-mahaghana-cid-vilasa-

punjah svayam sikhari-sekharatam upetah

yatresvarah sa khalu nandati yena veti

nandisvarah sa mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


May Nandisvara Hill, where the Supreme Personality of Godhead, crowned with a peacock feather and splendid as a monsoon cloud, enjoyed pastimes, delight me.





parjanya-santati-sukhaspada-purvako yo

nandisvarah sa mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


May Nandisvara Hill, rich with the nectar rivers of Krishna’s pastimes that please the grass of the living entities in the world, and previously the place of happiness for a great monsoon cloud, delight me.



yat-saubhagam bhagavata dharani-bhrtapi

na prapyate sura-girih sa hi ko varakah

nandah svayam vasati yatra sa-putra-daro

nandisvarah sa mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


With his son and wife King Nanda lived on Nandisvara Hill.  The good-fortune of Nandisvara Hill was never attained by any other mountain. What is tiny Mount Meru in comparison to it?  May Nandisvara Hill delight me.



yatra vrajadhipa-purapratima-prakasa-


barhiksyate bhuvi jaya-dhvaya-ketu-bhuto

nandisvarah sa mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


May Nandisvara Hill, where the king of Vraja had his capitol of splendid palaces with spires and domes where a peacock could be seen happily dancing among the colourful victory flags, delight me.




krishnah sa-trsna-nayanah parito vrajabjam

alokate dvisad-udara-dalatavis ta

nandisvarah sa mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


Krishna sometimes climbs its aromatic summit and sits on a rock, gazing out with thirsty eyes at the twelve forests that are the great petals of the Vrajabhumi lotus spread beneath Him.  May Nandisvara Hill delight me.



jigye yadiya-tat-raji-saroja-raji-


trailokya-varti-vara-tirtha-yaso rasaughair

nandisvarah sa mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


May Nandisvara Hill, which by sprinkling the nectar waters of it’s lakes fragrant with lotus flowers defeats the glory of the most exalted holy places in the three worlds, delight me.



yat-tira-sangi-pavanair abhimrsyamanah

syuh pavana api janah sva-dasam paresam

sa pavanakhya-sarasi yad-upatyakayam

nandisvarah sa mad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


May Nandisvarah Hill, which has at its base a lake named Pavana that purifies and liberates all its touches with the purifying breeze from its shore, delight me.



krishnakhyam asti mahad-ujjvala-nila-ratnam

sute tadeva vasu tat sva-bhuvaiva drstam

tal labhyate sukrtinaiva yadiya-sanau

nandisvarah samad-amanda-mudam dadhatu


May Nandisvara Hill, which has at its peak a great and splendid sapphire treasure named Krishna, which was seen by the demigod Brahma, and which may be gotten by the most pious person, delight me.



durvasana-sata-vrto pi bhavat-prayatnah

padyastakam pathati yah sikharisa tubhyam

krishnanghri-padya-rasa eva sada sa-trsnam

etam janam kuru guru-pranayam dadhanam


O Nandisvara Hill, O king of mountains, please be kind to they who try to glorify you by reading these prayers.  Even if such readers are infested with hundreds of sinful desires, please transform them into great devotees, full of devotion for their spiritual master, and thirsty for the nectar of Krishna’s lotus feet.

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