My visit to BhavaNarayana Swami
Most likely you have never heard of this temple neither had I in 1986 somehow I was invited to stay with one devotee family in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh , from there I visited Ahovalam ,Mangala Giri, and Simhacalam and many temples of Lord Narasimha. Harikesa my ex Guru had asked me to be on Padayatra, and I was in all of 1985 , but I really did not care much about Harikesa due to his envious politics of me because I just wanted to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books but this human dog wanted me to sell Hong Kong paintings and I refused.So in Kakinada there is Bhava Narayana temple it is very ancient.Some say it is there since Satya Yuga.This is the place where Sri Narada Muni in the beginning of Satya Yuga performed austerities in his previous birth he was the son of a maid .Narada Munis life is a bit complicated and explained in Garga Samhita so you get the full picture.Just like the Kumaras Narada Muni objected to become a prajapati and have children, he said I just want sing the glories of Lord Krsna, and being angry that his order was disobeyed, Lord Brahma cursed him to become a demigod, (Lord Brahma is not free from the mode of passion and ignorance we can clearly see that,so what to speak of others like ourselves we must watch out for the influence of the 3 modes of nature).So Sri Narada Muni became Upa Barhana.Due to his curse by Lord Brahma ,when Lord Brahma saw Upa Barhana siging mundane demigod songs in glorification of the Devas , Lord Brahma cursed him (the other demigods where doing sankirtana ,and Up Barhana was singing Demigod songs ) Lord Brahma said become the son on a sudrani on earth , thus Narada Muni was born as a son of a Sudrani and we all know how some "Bhaktivedantas" sannyasis visited and stayed with Narada and his mother (not sure what Narada Munis name was in that birth,not mentioned in the first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam ) so after mist mother died from a snake bite he went to Kakinada and performed tapasya ,,this was in Satya yuga ,some commentators claim in a previous Yuga, the Sri Vaisnavas insist in this Satya yuga and this opinion seemes to have been supported by Sri Ramanujacarya and the acaryas in the Sri Sampradaya.So when Narada Muni saw Lord Narayana finally he cried when Lord Narayana left : all these pastimes are mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam canto 1 chapter 5 and 6
ŚB 1.6.21
हन्तास्मिञ्जन्मनि भवान्मा मां द्रष्टुमिहार्हति ।
अविपक्वकषायाणां दुर्दर्शोऽहं कुयोगिनाम् ॥ २१ ॥
hantāsmiñ janmani bhavān
mā māṁ draṣṭum ihārhati
durdarśo ’haṁ kuyoginām
hanta — O Nārada; asmin — this; janmani — duration of life; bhavān — yourself; mā — not; mām — Me; draṣṭum — to see; iha — here; arhati — deserve; avipakva — immature; kaṣāyāṇām — material dirt; durdarśaḥ — difficult to be seen; aham — I; kuyoginām — incomplete in service.
O Nārada [the Lord spoke], I regret that during this lifetime you will not be able to see Me anymore. Those who are incomplete in service and who are not completely free from all material taints can hardly see Me.
So Sri Narada Muni cried a whole lake of tears , as soon I found out about that I took a Gumcha and bathed, bathing in Narada Munis tears ? You are sure I would not pass on this opportunity and there was a small temple of BhavaNarayana,Why is He called Bhava Narayana ? Because Sri Narada Muni cried a lake of tears in seperation from Lord Narayana .After this Narada Muni again got his form as Narada Muni ,for reference I can show all these things from Garga Samhita, though Bhava Narayana is not mentioned in Garga Samhita it is in other Sthala Puranas local Puranas It seems the service and temple of BhavaNarayana Swami has expanded, since I was there in early 1986.I never got an opportunity to go back but I never forgot about this Holy place and thus I want to share about it as well
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