Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

mother Yasoda giving child birth to Krsna

dandavat pranams 
all glories to Srila Prabhupada 
 Mother Yasoda gave childbirth to Krsna this is also confirmed by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura in SB 10.3.53 purports ,wheras Devaki did not give birth to Krsna but He appeared first in a 4 armed Visnu murti form and then assumed the form of Lord Vasudeva as a child but not as Vrajendranandana Krsna .Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura states that Yasoda gave the fame of being Krsnas birth  mother to Devaki.However to think Mother Yasoda as the foster mother of Krsna is a huge mistake. Or course Krsna is the supreme eternal  lord and unborn .
As Krsna states in Bhagavad Gita: 

ajo 'pi sann avyayatma 
bhutanam isvaro 'pi san 
prakrtim svam adhisthaya 
sambhavamy atma-mayaya


ajah--unborn; api--although; san--being so; avyaya--without deterioration; atma--body; bhutanam--all those who are born;isvarah--the Supreme Lord; api--although; san--being so; prakrtim--transcendental form; svam--of Myself; adhisthaya--being so situated;sambhavami--I do incarnate; atma-mayaya--by My internal energy.


Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form.

PURPORT by Srila Prabhupada

The Lord has spoken about the peculiarity of His birth: although He may appear like an ordinary person, He remembers everything of His many, many past "births," whereas a common man cannot remember what he has done even a few hours before. If someone is asked what he did exactly at the same time one day earlier, it would be very difficult for a common man to answer immediately. He would surely have to dredge his memory to recall what he was doing exactly at the same time one day before. And yet, men often dare claim to be God, or Krsna. One should not be misled by such meaningless claims. Then again, the Lord explains His prakrti, or His form. Prakrti means nature as well as svarupa, or one's own form. The Lord says that He appears in His own body. He does not change His body, as the common living entity changes from one body to another. The conditioned soul may have one kind of body in the present birth, but he has a different body in the next birth. In the material world, the living entity has no fixed body but transmigrates from one body to another. The Lord, however, does not do so. Whenever He appears, He does so in the same original body, by His internal potency. In other words, Krsna appears in this material world in His original eternal form, with two hands, holding a flute. He appears exactly in His eternal body, uncontaminated by this material world. Although He appears in the same transcendental body and is Lord of the universe, it still appears that He takes His birth like an ordinary living entity. Despite the fact Lord Krsna grows from childhood to boyhood and from boyhood to youth, astonishingly enough He never ages beyond youth. At the time of the Battle of Kuruksetra, He had many grandchildren at home; or, in other words, He had sufficiently aged by material calculations. Still He looked just like a young man twenty or twenty-five years old. We never see a picture of Krsna in old age because He never grows old like us, although He is the oldest person in the whole creation--past, present, and future. Neither His body nor His intelligence ever deteriorates or changes. Therefore, it is clear that in spite of His being in the material world, He is the same unborn, eternal form of bliss and knowledge, changeless in His transcendental body and intelligence. Factually, His appearance and disappearance is like the sun's rising, moving before us, and then disappearing from our eyesight. When the sun is out of sight, we think that the sun is set, and when the sun is before our eyes, we think that the sun is on the horizon. Actually, the sun is always in its fixed position, but owing to our defective, insufficient senses, we calculate the appearance and disappearance of the sun in the sky. And, because His appearance and disappearance are completely different from that of any ordinary, common living entity, it is evident that He is eternal, blissful knowledge by His internal potency--and He is never contaminated by material nature. The Vedas also confirm that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unborn, yet He still appears to take His birth in multi-manifestations. The Vedic supplementary literatures also confirm that even though the Lord appears to be taking His birth, He is still without change of body. In the Bhagavatam, He appears before His mother as Narayana, with four hands and the decorations of the six kinds of full opulences. His appearance in His original eternal form is His causeless mercy, according to the Visva-kosa dictionary. The Lord is conscious of all of His previous appearances and disappearances, but a common living entity forgets everything about his past body as soon as he gets another body. He is the Lord of all living entities because He performs wonderful and superhuman activities while He is on this earth. Therefore, the Lord is always the same Absolute Truth and is without differentiation between His form and self, or between His quality and body. A question may now be raised as to why the Lord appears and disappears in this world. This is explained in the next verse.(end)
  In his Ananda Vrindavana Campu ,Srila Kavi Karnapure has never even mentioned the transcendental birth of Krsna in Mathura also ,but only mentiones the birth of Krsna from  mother Yasoda in Gokula and describes the festival .Mother Yasoda also gave birth to Yogamaya that is the younger sister of Krsna .
Devaki and Vasudeva had appared as the Supreme Lord parents on different occasiones as stated by Lord Vasudeva Himself.

tṛtīye ’smin bhave ’haṁ vai

tenaiva vapuṣātha vām

jāto bhūyas tayor eva

satyaṁ me vyāhṛtaṁ sati


tṛtīye—for the third time; asmin bhave—in this appearance (as Kṛṣṇa); aham—I Myself; vai—indeed; tena—with the same personality; eva—in this way; vapuṣā—by the form; atha—as; vām—of both of you; jātaḥ—born; bhūyaḥ—again; tayoḥ—of both of you; eva—indeed; satyam—take as truth; me—My; vyāhṛtam—words; sati—O supremely chaste.


O supremely chaste mother, I, the same personality, have now appeared of you both as your son for the third time. Take My words as the truth.
The 2 previous birth are described in the verses before: 

adṛṣṭvānyatamaṁ loke

śīlaudārya-guṇaiḥ samam

ahaṁ suto vām abhavaṁ

pṛśnigarbha iti śrutaḥ


adṛṣṭvā—not finding; anyatamam—anyone else; loke—in this world; śīla-audārya-guṇaiḥ—with the transcendental qualities of good character and magnanimity; samam—equal to you; aham—I; sutaḥ—the son; vām—of both of you; abhavam—became;pṛśni-garbhaḥ—celebrated as born of Pṛśniiti—thus; śrutaḥ—I am known.


Since I found no one else as highly elevated as you in simplicity and other qualities of good character, I appeared in this world as Pṛśnigarbha, or one who is celebrated as having taken birth from Pṛśni.


In the Tretā-yuga the Lord appeared as Pṛśnigarbha. Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura says, pṛśnigarbha iti so ’yaṁ tretā-yugāvatāro lakṣyate.


tayor vāṁ punar evāham

adityām āsa kaśyapāt

upendra iti vikhyāto

vāmanatvāc ca vāmanaḥ


tayoḥ—of you two, husband and wife; vām—in both of you; punaḥ eva—even again; aham—I Myself; adityām—in the womb of Aditi; āsa—appeared; kaśyapāt—by the semen of Kaśyapa Muniupendraḥ—by the name Upendraiti—thus; vikhyātaḥ—celebrated; vāmanatvāt ca—and because of being a dwarf; vāmanaḥ—I was known as Vāmana.


In the next millennium, I again appeared from the two of you, who appeared as My mother, Aditi, and My father, Kaśyapa. I was known as Upendra, and because of being a dwarf, I was also known as Vāmana.
   Actually the universe we are in is known even in Goloka Vrindavana as famous for the pastimes of Lord Vamana this is explained in Garga Samhita.
Srila Prabhupadas original Srimad Bhagavatam to SB 10.3.53  : 

yaśodā nanda-patnī ca

jātaṁ param abudhyata

na tal-liṅgaṁ pariśrāntā



yaśodāYaśodā, Kṛṣṇa’s mother in Gokulananda-patnī—the wife of Nanda Mahārājaca—also; jātam—a child was born; param—the Supreme Person; abudhyata—could understand; na—not; tat-liṅgam—whether the child was male or female; pariśrāntā—because of too much labor; nidrayā—when overwhelmed with sleep; apagata-smṛtiḥ—having lost consciousness.


Exhausted by the labor of childbirth, Yaśodā was overwhelmed with sleep and unable to understand what kind of child had been born to her.


Nanda Mahārāja and Vasudeva were intimate friends, and so were their wives, Yaśodā and Devakī. Although their names were different, they were practically nondifferent personalities. The only difference is that Devakī was able to understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead had been born to her and had now changed into Kṛṣṇa, whereas Yaśodā was not able to understand what kind of child had been born to her. Yaśodā was such an advanced devotee that she never regarded Kṛṣṇa as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but simply loved Him as her own child. Devakī, however, knew from the very beginning that although Kṛṣṇa was her son, He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Vṛndāvana, no one regarded Kṛṣṇa as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When something very wonderful happened because of Kṛṣṇa’s activities, the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana—the cowherd men, the cowherd boys, Nanda MahārājaYaśodā and the others—were surprised, but they never considered their sonKṛṣṇa the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sometimes they suggested that some great demigod had appeared there as Kṛṣṇa. In such an exalted status of devotional service, a devotee forgets the position of Kṛṣṇa and intensely loves the Supreme Personality of Godhead without understanding His position. This is called kevala-bhakti and is distinct from the stages of jñāna and jñānamayībhakti.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Tenth Canto, Third Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “The Birth of LordKṛṣṇa.”
 The interesting thing to notice is also when Krsna came to Mathura and killed Kamsa ,Devaki and Vasudeva asked Krsna about how to perform the Krsna Janmastami and this is explained in Brahma Vaivarta Purana and other places and Srila Sanatana Goswami  has also explained this in Hari Bhakti Vilasa and included the sastric references .
Lord Caitanyas pure devotee 
Raghupati-Upadhyaya spoke a verse that very much pleased Lord Caitanya: 
śrutim apare smṛtim itare bhāratam anye bhajantu bhava-bhītāḥ
aham iha nandaṁ vande yasyālinde paraṁ brahma

"Let others, fearing material existence, worship the Vedas, the Vedic supplementary purāṇas and the Mahābhārata, but I shall worship Nanda Mahārāja, in whose courtyard the Supreme Brahman is crawling."

This is the moth of Kartika so this verse is very much important 

your servant

Paramananda das


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