Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Misusing Srila Prabhupadas teachings

Dandavat pranams

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I have seen in 33 years how some ISKCON leaders promote a violent behavior even towards devotees.Such persons are demons. One extreme example is found on

This is an ISKCON "terrorist page" by disciples of  Danavir Swami. 

Morning Walk — January 21, 1976, Mayapura

Prabhupāda: Still, if you say, “You are mūḍha,” they become angry. Such mūḍhas, rascals, they are in the government service. And if you say that “You are mūḍhas,” he becomes angry. Upadeśo hi mūrkhāṇāṁ prakopāya na śāntaye: “If a mūḍha is advised nice instruction, he becomes angry.” He does not take it. Payaḥ-pānaṁ bhujaṅgānāṁ kevalaṁ viṣa-vardhanam: “If you give milk and banana to a snake, you simply increase his poison.” One day he will come-(growls). You see? “I have given you milk and you…” “Yes, that is my nature. Yes. You give me milk, and I am prepared to kill you.” This is mūḍha. We have to kill this civilization of mūḍhas. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām [Bg. 4.8]. Those who are actually human being, you have to give them Kṛṣṇa. And those who are mūḍhas, we have to kill them. This is our business. Kill all the mūḍhas and give Kṛṣṇa to the sane man. Yes. That will prove that you are really Kṛṣṇa’s. We are not nonviolent. We are violent to the mūḍhas.

Then how about those leaders that are criminals among the GBC leaders should this be followed:

Room Conversation — February 25, 1977, Mayapura

Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Gradually some of the people are beginning to understand what you’re up to, Śrīla Prabhupāda. Some of these big demons in America especially, they are beginning to understand that you are the most dangerous personality in the world to them.

Prabhupāda: To kill “demon-crazy,” LSD. (laughs) Yes, that is my mission. That is Kṛṣṇa’s mission, paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśāya ca duṣkṛtām BG 4.8 , to kill all these demons, crazy demons. I have no such power; otherwise I would have killed them. Either establish Kṛṣṇa conscious government or kill them- bas, finish. I would have done that, violence.

Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Yes, when good argument fails…

Prabhupāda: Kill them. Finish. Just like Paraśurāma did. Kill all them, twenty-one times.


Should leaders that have fallen down from sannyasa and still maintain their position of opulent living of brain washed neophyte disciples also be included in this,being killed 21 times ? How about Bhavananda the biggest mudha ever that sexually molested children should he be killed 21 times or Dhanudhara Swami for braking a childs jaw?

Morning Walk — March 15, 1974, Vrndavana

Prabhupāda: Arcye viṣṇau… [break] …when it will teach military art, with tilaka, soldiers will, “Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa…” (laughter) We want that. Marching with military band, “Hare Kṛṣṇa.” You maintain this idea. Is it not good?

Hṛdayānanda: Yes, Prabhupāda.


Where is the ksatriyas in ISKCON, that stood up to Kirtananda Swami being the biggest demon in ISKCON ever having devotees killed, he sexually molested children, etc etc.

Prabhupāda: When there will be military march of Kṛṣṇa conscious soldiers. Anyone who does not believe in Kṛṣṇa, “Blam!” (laughter) Yes. The same process as the Mohammedans did, with sword and Koran, we’ll have to do that. “Do you believe in Kṛṣṇa or not?” “No, sir.” “Blam!” Finished. (laughter, Prabhupāda laughs) What do you think, Madhudviṣa Mahārāja? Is that all right?

Madhudviṣa: Yes.

Prabhupāda: (laughing) What these communists can do? We can do better than them. We can kill many communists like that. (laughter) Then it will be counteraction of communist movement. And you think like that. “Why you are sitting idly, no employment? Come on to the field! Take this plow! Take this bull. Go on working. Why you are sitting idly?” This is Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Nobody should be allowed to sit down and sleep.

Comment: Where are the ISKCON ksatriyas that stop Ramabhadra in New york from running a bingo hall with meat prizes ?Should this rascal be killed 21 times?

then on the same page you see a picture with Gandhi holding a maschine gun , I ask the GBC to discipline Danavir Swami who in my humble opinion is not fit to be an ISKCON Guru and representative ,this clearly shows the low level of Hare Krsna Jihadis ,ready to kill for their neophyte Guru Danavir Swami.I have seen the worst behavior in one disciple Arya siddharta das ,that should obviously never have been initiated into KC.

So many persons misuse Srila Prabhupadas teachings, and obviously Srila Prabhupada was angry at some instances and these things should not be taken out of context.Lord Caitanyas movement is non violent disobedience to atheistic rule.We in ISKCON do not use violence except for in extreme self defense of our life and some devotees would not even be violent then.A devotee in general does not harm a flie.But one of Danvirs disciples apperently punched another devotee in the face in ISKCON LA .

Such neophyte ISKCON Gurus should not be killed 21 times nor should anyone.ISKCON is not the police or the military or takes laws into its own hands anywhere. Such quotes like this has caused killings in ISKCON before.

I humbly ask the GBC to monitor such insanity .

I have also gotten very furious and on some occasion said a person deserved a beating ,but these things are done in anger, like when one former GBC in Vrindavana insulted me  some years ago for having become a grhastha, I told him he deserved a good beating ...but these things are said in anger....the above quotes is not Srila Prabhupadas general mood, What devotee is not angry about abortion or meat eating .Hansa Dutta once shot guns into a liquor store where he had started to buy his alcohol from though he was still a sannyasi...There is fundamentalist christians that blow up abortion clinics in the name of Jesus Christ. Gandhi with a maschine gun? In Denmark a disciple of Hrdayananda Swami treatens with violence to anyone that does not agree with his Guru blessing of gays...Yes" kill for the Guru mood" is still there in many  neophyte ISKCON disciples, because the Guru is not bona fide and neither are such disciples....

Personally I do not even like to visit New Vrindavana because I know of all the innocent blood that has been spilled there, and so many murders done there...but devotees in ISKCON in general are brain washed and have a  dangerous zombie  mentality to follow immature ISKCON leaders.. that will do anything for their own selfish purposes,that has been seen again and again. More in the past ,but still up to the present day...

May Lord Parasura protect ISKCON from such immaturity and there will be no more killings, because way more than 21 murders have been taking place in ISKCON..does anyone want me to recount names of murdered devotees?Sulocana Prabhu was number one on this list for exposing demons in his "Gurubusiness " book...When I train my siksa disciples I also ask them to know such things and the mistakes that has been done in ISKCON in the past , but many do not want such things to be known in ISKCON as they are blind followers.... Monkey on a stick and Gurubusiness is a must read for all senior ISKCON devotees.... ....sobering and humbling .Is the GBC ready for this "humble pie"?

your servant

Paramananda das

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