Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

 dear devotees 

 Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
 I joined ISKCON in 1979 and I was also asked to sell both painting that where illegal and records also illegal and candles fully illegal . I joined ISKCON to distribute Srila Prabhupada unchanged books ,and present his teachings as they are ,In 1983 I was fed up selling illegal paintings in Germany and I told my socalled authorities I had enough of this , I distributed for the last time to help collect for the installation of Gaura Nitai in Copenhagen in 1984 but Devamrta Swami  and  former Harikesa tried to force me to be their slaves (he no longer accepts Srila Prabhuapda was his Guru and left ISKCON with milliones of dollars he stole from ISKCON and ISKCON devotees).Srila Prabhupada gave a lecture how ISKCOn is the incarnation of Krsna, but when you start selling abhisekhas and serve grains on Janmastami and other appperancedays it is not ISKCON but a perverted reflection of ISKCON.Srila Prabhupada did no allow salaries, to me anyone that takes a salary in ISKCON is disobeying Srila Prabhuapda and is not  in ISKCON .I am totally against milking the hindu cash cow by removing Deties from one temple to another to make profit and also against weddings of non devotees as Srila Prabhupada described it is not allowed in ISKCON.Even samskaras sold to those who are not strict vaisnavas is another Hindu cash cow,What to speak of Satya Narayana Pujas and so on. In 1989 I left ISKCON Denmark because I was tired of the corruption.The TP Ciranjiva das was sleeping during the entire morning program and never attended at least mangal artik.Harikesa was the same , since I met Harikesa in 1979 he never attended a single mangal artik and never  chanted japa with the devotees.So the first time I left the temple was because of the painting anarthas, and it was obvious Harikesa abused power and all his rock and roll nonsense music.(frustrated he could not make it as a famous  musician in the material world he forced his music on us) still to this day when I visit ISKCON Kornaas in 2012 they had kept some of his albums and some devotees in Sweden still worship Harikesa as a Guru .
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 .In 1989 some TPs had misused laxmi to buy very expensive cars with ISKCON sankirtana money I was opposed to is as it was materialitic. I told Harikesa why I wanted to leave his zone and he gave me his blessings to go to USA and preach and distribute books .2 days before I was catching my flight to New York and from there to California Padayatra( HH Lokanath Swami had requested I join for the Padayatra California) ,The TP Ciranjiva das  stopped my worship of my Ugra Narasimha salagrama sila and told me that he was kicking me out of the temple for leaving ISKCON Denmark ( I helped start ISKCON Denmark in 1979 as the first devotee there and daily I would distribute Srila Prabhuapdas books 7 days a week, on Sundays I would go and bring people to the temple for the sunday feast).The last 2 years from 1987 to 1989 I had led a daily Hariama program with 6 to 8 hours chanting on the street of Copenhagen 6 days a week with book distribution and prasadam distribution .Within a months after I left this program fell apart no one had the power to push it without me.I was told if I did not leave the temple that very minut I would be beaten up and the police called. I said sure I will finish my worship of Ugra Narasimha and Govardhana and I will leave.He did not allow me too ,I took my Ugra Narasimha Sila in front of him and told him: "You think I am worshipping a stone ,Lord Narasimha will personally punish you".I broke my brahmin string on my exit from the temple and called out Narasimha <NARASIMHA<NARASIMHA, and went to our other temple in Denmark that was a farm .Same night that car was smashed in a million pieces in a car accident , that night I had a dream of Lord Narasimha :"I have have punished the offenders."
 Next morning I  got a call from one devotee Narayana Prabhu (a really sweet  devotee  from Denmark always engaged in bookdistribution but he later lost faith in ISKCON and left ) he apologized due to offences made to me.I said dear Narayana Prabhu you have never offended me in any way , kindly forgive me if I have offended you in any way.On Padayatra, Ciranjiva das send a  harrasing letter to Lokanath Maharaja asking him to kick me of the Padayatra and kick me out of ISKCON .
 Lokanath Maharaja response was wonderful he gave me a clipping of a new paper the day before I was leading the Harinama and my picture was on the front page of the newspaper ,he told me send this to Harikesa Maharaja  and tell him you are doing just fine.I did as he asked me too 
.So because of Ciranjiva I was banned from I"SS"KCON Denmark .Another disciple of Harikesa , Locana Prabhu was having illict sex with many matajis , and Harikesa never chastised him once, he also spend lots of sankirtana money and bought himself a jeep .I was also opposed to this.Brahma Muhurta das   the BBT in charge in Sweden once spend money on a limousine to take him and his other German  BBT devotees on Harinama from ISKCON Korsnas gaard to downtown Stockholm ,1982, I never forgot this abuse of Srila Prabhupadas BBT money .These days BBT in Scandinavia is dead ,there is no bookdistribuion and no interest to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books .When I visited ISKCON Sweden in 2012 hardly anyone attended even mangal artik , I mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam class I gave there one day Srila Prabhupada wanted all devotees to attend the morning program .To this day I am told they do not  care to attend mangal artik ,so I said unless devotees attend mangal artik I will never visit this temple again.So I guess I am now  also  banned in ISKCON Sweden? I visited Vaidyanath Prabhu also that year in Hamburg,Germany  which was really a very lovely stay and Vaidhyanath Prabhu treated me and my family with much love and kindness, but sadly Vaidynath Prabhu did not  chant 16 rounds daily .He is the brother of Saccinandana Swami .I was also disturbed by Vaidyanath Prabhus wife telling me how some of the female disciples of Saccinandana Swami treated her like a sister in law ,and she was unhappy about  that .I do not want this to disturbe the family of Vaidyanath Prabhu so I do not want this to be distributed to the public . What has changed since now and then is I go with my initiated name given to me by srila Narayana Maharaja in 1998 and some take offence to that .I will not use the name Payonidhi afteer I heard a video of former Harikesa being totally envious of Srila Prabhupada and calling him ordinary
interview with the Empire of spirit Magazine.
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  In 1982 I recall how Harikesa was informed then then TP, Ravi das from the UK was having illlicit sex in the temple with one mataji and he never chastised him.He also knew of the falldown of Jayatirtha Maharaja that same year but he choose to not inform the devotees about   what was going on .Jahnu das that was a new bhakta happened to do more Bhagavad Gitas than me that Christmas   in Copenhagen, but I caught him smoking a  cigaret  in one hand and distributing Bhagavad Gita with the other.I told him he can not  do this ,I send him back to the temple as a punishment , to humble him.But I did not  tell other devotees, I  wanted him to be glorified as distributing Srila Prabhupadas books .I was not jealous of him I was his kind wellwisher as a senior devotee he was just a new bhakta.He properly told other devotee how evil I was , that he beat  in bookdistriubution   . On sankirtana.In 1984 while in Austria ,Maharama das the secretary of ISKCON Austria ,one day refused to pay for two taxis and almost got in a fist fight with the taxi driver then he reluctantly paid and left a very bad impression on the hundreds of bystanders  and we where all in Dhotis and the matajis in saris .I was later dropped in the middle of the highway by Maharama 300 KM from Vienna, .I explained these things to Harikesa , he did not  care he never disciplines Maharama but suggested he become a Guru and GBC in 1985 ,he did not last more than few months after that,He also had a big temper and often pushed out devotees in the middle of the night from a sankirtana van.He was never corrected.Saccinandana Swam called him a pure devotee to me .Saccinandana Swami owes me an apology .In Germany many devotees where acting like madmen on bookdistribution  sometimes .Brhad Bhanu that distributed properly the most books in Germany ever used to tell people that these where fairytales , I recall ,an old couple chasing him with their umbrella after his bogus lines.Antaranga Sakti also a former bookdistributor (may Krsna bless him,) he and I where distributing books  in southern Germany .One student a young lady bought a Bhagavad Gita wie sie ist (as it is) from me .She said I bought this book before but the hare Krsna devotee that sold it to me was so nasty to me that when I got home i could not  read it I was so disturbed I ended up throwing it in the trash. She said I made a mistake but now I have gotten another copy I will read it.Antaranga sakti came and blasted her :"WHAT YOU THREW THE BHAGAVAD GITA IN THE TRASH KRSNA WILL THROW YOU IN THE TRASH".I told him what are you doing Prabhu ? I told him let me deal with this : I folded my hands and apologized and smiled , and told the lady ,I am really really sorry .Can you please please forgive us .Krsna inspired me, I told her ,I am here to help make sure that our bookdistributor devotees are much nicer .She bought 2 more books and promised to read them and visit our temple in Heidelberg. 
 Anyhow I want to explain my side of the story as I am sure I have been misrepresented a million times .I could never explain any of these problems to ISKCON leaders they will never accept any suggestion of improvements.
 Before I left Denmark in 1988 I had suggested to the Scandinavian counsil to open a seperate temple for Brahmacaries ,I really felt that there was to much grhamedhi mentality in ISKCOn Copenhagen and our brahmacaries needed to be protected .They never agreed , it would have meant we might have had to sell Rajasthan silk paitings that had pictures of Krsna mostly with the gopis , that had showed up at the time and was sold along with Krsna books ,a better choice than the Hong kong paintings .They of course opposed it .   ISKCON Denmark   seems a lost case to me ,but I really still want to see Srila Prabhupadas original books be distributed.ISKCON Denmark now under the facistic leadership of Lalitanath das bans all devotees opposed to changes to Srila Prabhupadas books and he has called Srila Prabhupadas books with names: 
Jayadvaita Swami has also made similar statements to the fact he called Prabhupadas books full of warts ,he made this statement at the Bhaktivedanta Manor.
Devotees like Ajit Krsna Prabhu is banned from ISKCON Denmark , so is Bhakta Torben a former bookdistributor his name as TrayuMaya Prabhu . 
Both have very intelligently opposed many of the changes done to Srila Prabhupadas books .
By banning so many devotees Lalitanath has made ISKCON Denmark into a cult .I was banned this summer from taking darshan of Sri Sri  Gaura Nitai in Copenhagen ,i distributed hundreds of BBT books in English while visiting Copenhagen ,I had distributed almost 100.000 of Srila Prabhupadas books even before Lalitanath das joined in 1982 he was never properly trained in KC.What can you expect when the TP you joined under was having illlict sex in the temple?
 Now Srila Narayana Maharaja was visited both by Jayadvaita Maharaja and Radhanath Swami in 2009 .So Lalitanath bans a devotee like me that has not associated with Srila Narayana Maharaja since 2004 .Why Jayadvaita Swami and Radhanath Swami is not banned then? I am actually glad they knew how to respect a great vaisnava like HH Narayana Maharaja but why Radhanath Swamis disciples are so neophyte and untrained and totally offensive?
(The reason I left Srila Narayana Maharaja  sanga was he preached Kalki avatar does not appear in this Kali yuga contradicting Srimad Bhagavatam and he did not  respect Srimati Radharani but stated no fasting is needed on Radhastami ) .Since Lalitanath offended Srila Narayana Maharaja I cursed him he will not go back to Godhead, and I have informed the police in Denmark about Harikesas former illegal activities in Denmark and that of Radhanath Swamis involvement in the murder of Sulocana Prabhu (as testified in court in US in 1991 ).Showing a patern of criminal behavior.Lalitanath also is the cause of a 17 year old bhaktas death when visiting ISKCON Passau , he failed to lock the doors and this bhakta fell out and was killed instantly on the German highways .It is illegal to store many passengers in the back of a van due to risks of lives.
 I also reported a complain by one Bhakta Per that helped build former Govindas restaurant in Copenhagen .There was a fire in that restaurant and many devotees in Denmak claimed that the fire was set to avoid paying a huge electric bill of thousands and thousands of dollars .So I asked the police in Copenhagen to look into these allegationes to determine if it was true or false .
 I am considering talking futher with the Danish police and Goverment unless the GBC removes Lalitanath das as the head of ISKCON Denmark ,he is most unqualified.But he has high ambitiones , on top of this he is on wellfare  properly his wife as well ,that sets a bad example for ISKCON  Denmark and he sends his wife to get free prasadam at a local Govindas restaurant where he should be paying like everyone else.
Kesava priya mataji is another untrained disciple of Radhanath Swami that has sold paintings since 1982 ,she told me 2 years ago she hates me because I  encouraged her in 1981 to dedicate her whole life to distributing Srila Prabhupadas books .ISKCON Denmark also has a seminar on how to make lolipops when I was there in Copenhagen recently .They offend me the most senior devotee in Denmark because they know I will chastise them for their nonsense lolipop seminar.And so many other nonsense things they do.
 I want them to get of wellfare and go distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.
 Caitanya Chandra Prabhu a disciple of HH Radhanath Maharaja he is actually a very sweet devotee when I visit ISKCON Denmark in 2012 he was the TP and everyone loved him , Lalitanath has banned him because he also believes Srila Prabhupadas books in Danish should be closer to what Srila Prabhupada left us in 1977 and not so many changes that is not needed, some few changes where ok like Bihar over Beehar and and pitris over "planet of the trees" but there is many many devotees in Denmark that disagree with Lalitanath and his Hitler approach to the editing of Srila Prabhupadas books.While this fight is going on Kali personified is laughing because hardly no books are any longer distributed in ISKCON Denmark .My concern is also for Iceland it is one of our Scandinavian brothers and they need help to open a temple for Srila Prabhupada and distribute books there also.I went recently and distributed some books there and checked it out ,it is a great place for having a KC temple. I met one gentleman and his wife that is a priest and they for example are very open to the Hare Krsna movement coming to Iceland , the gentle man was even singing Hare Krsna with me ,he used to hear the devotees in Germany chant there in the 1970th ....
 My last complain is about Janesvara Prabhu , I  have lots of love and affection for him we have distributed Srila Prabhupadas books together for almost 3 years all over Denmark he is the first devotee I met in 1978 and sold me 3 of Srila Prabhupadas books I joined ISKCON Sweden few month later(my first book I got in 1977 Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad Gita in German).The problem with Janesvara Prabhu is 2 he is to bureaucratic as many devotees say in Sweden and have to loosen up and bit narrowminded and very blindly follows everything .However if he was all by the book I like to know when Tapana Misra das had sex with minors in ISKCON Almvik ,why did Janesvara never turn him over to the police .Janesvara is supposed to be a public school  teacher and a brahmin .He once told me that Harikesa has all mystic potencies ,I laughed at him and told him that was insane.I then challenged it in Bhagavatam class next time Harikesa came and asked Harikesa if he agreed with Janesvaras idea that HArikesa had all mystic powers , you can imagine they did not like that I had to go to another temple ,Welcome to the cult behavior in ISKCON Scandinavia.Harikesa had one" mystic power , he made lots of money disappear from ISKCON Northern Europe into his private bank account .Was he a false Guru , you bet he was .So if the GBC still thinks I should go with the name Payonidhi .... hahaha .I have to declare any such person as insane and should be locked up in a mental institution .
 your servant in service to Srila Prabhupada
Paramananda das
PS Srila Prahupada said that ISKCON in an incarnation of Krsna but I want to be in the real ISKCON  .According to Krsna Bhajanamrta when one has a Guru that falls into demoniac behavior one must accept a new and better Guru  ,I did not find anyone in ISKCON that chants 64 rounds daily but Srila Narayana Maharaja did and was a senior devotee to all ISKCON sannyasis and GBC's ,Srila Prabhupada in 1977 told Srila Narayana Maharaja to help ISKCOn devotees .I took advantage of his association ,I  want to mention former  Vipramukya Swami as an example of someone making offences to Srila Narayana Maharaja within 2 months of me asking him to calm down with his aggression he fell down from bhakti .Bhagavan das former ISKCON Guru of France and UK Belgium Holland and Spain,  burned the books of Srila Sridhara Swami ,Srila Prabhupadas exalted godbrother and within short time after his version of the Nazis Crystalnight (the day the nazis burned all books to control the masses) he fell down from bhakti 

Troubled Karma for the 
The murder of a disgruntled disciple sparks a grand jury probe

Time Magazine - Monday, Sep. 01, 1986 By FRANK TRIPPETT
The case of Steven Bryant (Sulocana das), who was found shot dead in his van in Los Angeles last May, might have slipped into oblivion were it not for the victim's reputation. Bryant, 33, was widely known as a longtime Hare Krishna who had turned against the sect in recent years. A bit of a crank, he bounced between West Virginia and California telling lawmen that the ever chanting, saffron- robed, pig-tailed, panhandling sect had turned corrupt.
Bryant accused the Hare Krishnas of child abuse, drug dealing and systematic violence. He charged that the Krishnatemple near Moundsville, W. Va. -- a 4,000-acre community called New Vrindaban that features an Oz-like palace decorated with gold leaf -- was becoming like the Rev. Jim Jones' notorious People's Temple.

Sulochan das at Moundsville police 
department being interviewed by a reporter
Law officers like Sheriff Donald Bordenkircher of Marshall County, W. Va., decided that Bryant's stories contained everything but substance. They dismissed his fear of being on a Hare Krishna hit list -- until he was murdered. Now authorities are reconsidering some of Bryant's tales.California police have charged Thomas Dresher (Tirtha das), 37, a formerKrishna devotee from New Vrindaban, with Bryant's slaying. Meanwhile, police in West Virginia have uncovered evidence to charge Dresher and an ex-sect member, Daniel Reid (Daruka das), 31, with murder in connection with the 1983 disappearance of yet another Krishna, Charles St. Denis (Chakradhara das).
Inquiries by the FBI and the state police are under way in West Virginia. William Kolibash, U.S. Attorney for northern West Virginia, will impanel a grand jury Sept. 15 to probe possible murder conspiracy and drug dealing at New Vrindaban. Said Kolibash: "The Bryant homicide triggered the inquiry."
Suspicions about the sect have circulated since 1979, when California Temple Leader Alexander Kulik was convicted of distributing heroin. He was also accused, with others, of laundering drug money through an investment company, Prasadam Distributors, controlled by sect members. The new questions could hardly have come at a worse time for the Hare Krishna movement in the U.S. (membership: about 3,000). Since the death in 1977 of Founder Srila Prabhupada, the sect has split into mutually hostile factions. The internal trouble was dramatized publicly last fall when a disillusioneddevotee (Triyogi dasa, Michael Schockman) bludgeoned the leader of the West Virginia temple, Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada. The assailant is serving a 15-month prison term in West Virginia.
Bhaktipada, 48, who was left partly deaf and slightly lame by the bludgeoning, dismisses the West Virginia investigations as "absurd." He claims that Bryant began attacking the sect because he thought it had caused his wife to leave him. "He was vindictive," says Bhaktipada. Is there dissension within the Krishna temples? The guru concedes, "We have differences of opinion."
Investigators admit that the Hare Krishnas' penchant for secrecy will make it hard to find out what goes on in the inner sanctum. Still, according to U.S. Attorney Kolibash, the authorities will have more leverage when the grand jury takes over the probe. He adds that he is determined to find out "who calls the shots." As Steve Bryant's end attests, that is not merely a figure of speech.
With reporting by Elizabeth Taylor / Moundsville
Tirtha das / Thomas Drescher, the murderer of Sulocana Prabhu – killed on the order of Radhanath Swami, after receiving 6000 dollar from Radhanath and Kirtanananda,it was testified in court to be so.Radhanath Maharaja was not charged but it is in the court transcripts ,so who is Lalitanath das to find faults with Srila Narayana Maharaja ? 
1. Kuladri, New Vrindaban's chief manager, was certainly aware of the other devotees who assisted and inspired Tirtha in his mission. Kuladri indirectly implicated Radhanath when he said: "I know Tapahpunja, along with other swamis, were saying that the community had to do whatever is necessary to protect the Swami [Kirtanananda]." At this time there were only three swamis at New Vrindaban: Kirtanananda, Tapahpunja and Radhanath.

(Kuladri dasa, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, "United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury," Day III (March 13, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 475.)

2. Kuladri claimed that Radhanath was one of the key actors in this sordid drama: "Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja were pushing like crazy for this [murder] to happen."

(Kuladri, cited by Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, "United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury," Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.)

3. Dharmatma claimed that Radhanath was involved to some degree: "he [Radhanath] was involved to some degree or had knowledge of Sulochan's murder. I know this for a fact."

(Dharmatma dasa, letter to Hansadutta (August 26, 1994).)

4. Janmastami dasa, who traveled with and assisted Tirtha while conducting surveillance on Sulochan in California, explained how he was recruited to assist in the elimination of Sulochan: "In January of 1986, on my return to New Vrindaban [after the Christmas marathon], I was ordered by Radhanath . . . not by Kirtanananda Swami, to terminate Sulochan. This happened with Tapahpunja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on traveling sankirtan until Christmas and didn't get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindaban, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech that he had delivered to Tirtha, Tapahpunja Swami and Kuladri many times before. Later talks with Tirtha confirmed this."

(Janmastami dasa, "New Vrindaban History, for the Record", The Sampradaya Sun (December 22, 2006).

5. Radhanath flattered Janmastami: "You are one of those rare few that Krishna has endowed with the ksatriya spirit and the courage enough to do what has to be done."

(Radhanath Swami, cited by Janmastami dasa, "Chapter Seven: Knowledge of the Absolute is not Absolute Knowledge," accessed from (November 4, 2008).)

6. Janmastami remembered in more detail:

Radhanath was saying to those he was giving marching orders to: "Sulochan poses a life threat to both Kuladri and to Kirtanananda Swami. He has written that in his diary, and for that reason alone, this guy must be transmigrated to his next body."

Radhanath was clear in his meaning beyond any shadow of a doubt. "Now that Srila Prabhupada has left us, the entire fate of this movement—OUR movement, Lord Caitanya's movement—rests in Kirtanananda Swami's hands, and according to our nature, it is up to us to do whatever we can to help the movement in that regard." . . .

Radhanath had made his pitch to at least a half a dozen sets of sympathetic ears before someone raised these Gita related questions:

"How have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life."
"The words existent and non-existent refer only to spirit and matter. Why worry?"
"How can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible, unborn, eternal, and immutable, kill anyone or cause anyone to kill?"

Tough questions, but from a submissive audience. Radhanath was undaunted. He quoted Krishna in his response to a potentially explosive volley of inquiry: "Everything has its proper utility, and a man situated in complete knowledge knows how and where to apply a thing, so there is no possibility of sinful reaction. Also, considering your specific duty as a ksatriya..."

That settled it. The order was there from your bona-fide spiritual authority and it was based on scripture, directly from Krishna. Either you followed those instructions or you were going to hell!

(Janmastami dasa, "Chapter 2: Contents of the Palace, Itemized," accessed from

7. Janmastami's story was collaborated by two eyewitnesses. Bhaktipada's chauffeur confirmed: "I was privy to much behind-the-scenes action, and I was there when Radhanath told Janmastami to ‘destroy the demon.'"

(Priyavenu dasa, conversation with the author (September 14, 2003).)

8. A teenage gurukula boy who served under Janmastami also claimed he overheard Radhanath order Janmastami to "destroy the demon."

(Harivrata dasa, conversation with the author (January 9, 2007).)

9. When Ramachandra dasa, a New Vrindaban sankirtan picker, asked Radhanath Swami: "Do you know who killed Sulochan?" Radhanath replied: "I don't know, but whoever it was, he was doing devotional service to Krishna."

(Ramachandra dasa, from a conversation with the author on April 10, 2007.)

10. Dharmatma continued his recollection of the day of the murder and remembered how Kuladri named three instigators who "were pushing like crazy for this to happen."

"Later on after the morning functions, I had a discussion with Kuladri. He was quite disturbed. He mentioned . . . how it shouldn't have been done like that. And that how Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja were pushing like crazy for this to happen, and how he had told them not to do it."

(Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, "United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury," Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.)

11. Janmastami collaborated: "Kuladri was VERY, VERY frightened by the time it was coming to ‘reaction time' because he knew that he and Radhanath were in very deep doo-doo."

(Janmastami, e-mail letter to the author (August 1, 2008).)

12. Although Tirtha successfully flew from California to Ohio, he was still in dire straits; New Vrindaban hadn't paid him what they promised, and he needed money to purchase plane tickets to get out of the country—fast. Dharmatma described how Bhaktipada and Radhanath came to him to pick up the escape money at the sankirtan house:

"The next day Bhaktipada, along with Radhanath, drove up in my driveway in Bhaktipada's vehicle and tooted the horn for me to come outside. When I came to the car we engaged in some small talk, I don't remember what. And then Bhaktipada asked me if I had six thousand dollars cash in the house. And I said, "I don't know. I will see if you want." He told me to go in and see if I had six thousand dollars.

I went in the house and went into my safe and . . . I counted out six thousand dollars and brought it out to him, and handed it in through the window. I don't remember if I gave it to Radhanath and he passed it to Bhaktipada, or I gave it directly to Bhaktipada. The mood was a little bit strained, and I said, "What is this? So they [Tirtha and Tapahpunja] can get out of the country?" And Bhaktipada and Radhanath smiled and nodded their heads: "Yes." And then they said, "Hey, we've got to go," and they left.

(Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, "United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury," Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.) 

Views: 1301

Comment by Paramananda das on September 15, 2016 at 10:47pm
 When Sulocana Prabhu found out that Kirtananda was not only a past homosexual but was still actively engaged in homosex and on top of this had sex with minors (children) ,Sulocana wanted to remove his family from New Vrindavana like any good father.Kirtananda split up the family manipulated his wife to remarry another devotee and after Sulocana was killed , his sons  mysteriously died in New Vrindavana also .
Sulocana Prabhu was right the 11 "Gurus" often  had no morals:, 
Kirtananda ,having homosex while a Guru proven in court and testified in 1991 and also testified he had sex with a 17 year old boy 
Bhagavan having sex with a female disciple and leaving with money from ISKCON 
 Jaya Tirtha taking LSD while acting as an ISKCON Guru ,GBC and sannyasi having sex with a female disciple at the Bhaktivedanta Manor (recorded in Monkey on a stick also)
Ramesvara hanging out with a minor girl Rukmini and picking her up from highschool though a sannysi and was said to have taken her to the movies, it was strange 
Bhavananda had homosex during Srila Prabhupadas time ,later on he again engaged in much homosex and pedophile behavior in Mayapure ,there is an infamous account of him having sex with a cap driver in Vrindavana , not made up 
Harikesa stole money from ISKCON fell down with him own female  disciple 
Satsvarupa had sex with a married disciple 
Hansadutta doing drugs and getting drunk and using fire arms got arrested
I am not eager to dig up all the dirt , just a few things of the scandals in ISKCON 
Comment by Paramananda das on September 15, 2016 at 10:55pm


Comment by Paramananda das on January 22, 2017 at 8:53am

dear devotees 

 Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 
 I joined ISKCON in 1979 and I was also asked to sell both painting that where illegal and records also illegal and candles fully illegal . I joined ISKCON to distribute Srila Prabhupada unchanged books ,and present his teachings as they are ,In 1983 I was fed up selling illegal paintings in Germany and I told my so called authorities I had enough of this , I distributed for the last time to help collect for the installation of Gaura Nitai in Copenhagen in 1984 but Devamrta Swami  and  former Harikesa tried to force me to be their slaves (he no longer accepts Srila Prabhuapda was his Guru and left ISKCON with millions of dollars he stole from ISKCON and ISKCON devotees).Srila Prabhupada gave a lecture how ISKCOn is the incarnation of Krsna, but when you start selling abhisekhas and serve grains on Janmastami and other appearance days it is not ISKCON but a perverted reflection of ISKCON.Srila Prabhupada did no allow salaries, to me anyone that takes a salary in ISKCON is disobeying Srila Prabhuapda and is not  in ISKCON .I am totally against milking the hindu cash cow by removing Deties from one temple to another to make profit and also against weddings of non devotees as Srila Prabhupada described it is not allowed in ISKCON.Even samskaras sold to those who are not strict vaisnavas is another Hindu cash cow,What to speak of Satya Narayana Pujas and so on. In 1989 I left ISKCON Denmark because I was tired of the corruption.The TP Ciranjiva das was sleeping during the entire morning program and never attended at least mangal artik.Harikesa was the same , since I met Harikesa in 1979 he never attended a single mangal artik and never  chanted japa with the devotees.So the first time I left the temple was because of the painting anarthas, and it was obvious Harikesa abused power and all his rock and roll nonsense music.(frustrated he could not make it as a famous  musician in the material world he forced his music on us) still to this day when I visit ISKCON Kornaas in 2012 they had kept some of his albums and some devotees in Sweden still worship Harikesa as a Guru .
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 .In 1989 some TPs had misused laxmi to buy very expensive cars with ISKCON sankirtana money I was opposed to is as it was materialistic. I told Harikesa why I wanted to leave his zone and he gave me his blessings to go to USA and preach and distribute books .2 days before I was catching my flight to New York and from there to California Padayatra( HH Lokanath Swami had requested I join for the Padayatra California) ,The TP Ciranjiva das  stopped my worship of my Ugra Narasimha salagrama sila and told me that he was kicking me out of the temple for leaving ISKCON Denmark ( I helped start ISKCON Denmark in 1979 as the first devotee there and daily I would distribute Srila Prabhuapdas books 7 days a week, on Sundays I would go and bring people to the temple for the sunday feast).The last 2 years from 1987 to 1989 I had led a daily Hariama program with 6 to 8 hours chanting on the street of Copenhagen 6 days a week with book distribution and prasadam distribution .Within a months after I left this program fell apart no one had the power to push it without me.I was told if I did not leave the temple that very minute I would be beaten up and the police called. I said sure I will finish my worship of Ugra Narasimha and Govardhana and I will leave.He did not allow me too ,I took my Ugra Narasimha Sila in front of him and told him: "You think I am worshipping a stone ,Lord Narasimha will personally punish you".I broke my brahmin string on my exit from the temple and called out Narasimha <NARASIMHA<NARASIMHA, and went to our other temple in Denmark that was a farm .Same night that car was smashed in a million pieces in a car accident , that night I had a dream of Lord Narasimha :"I have have punished the offenders."
 Next morning I  got a call from one devotee Narayana Prabhu (a really sweet  devotee  from Denmark always engaged in bookdistribution but he later lost faith in ISKCON and left ) he apologized due to offences made to me.I said dear Narayana Prabhu you have never offended me in any way , kindly forgive me if I have offended you in any way.On Padayatra, Ciranjiva das send a  harassing letter to Lokanath Maharaja asking him to kick me of the Padayatra and kick me out of ISKCON .
 Lokanath Maharaja response was wonderful he gave me a clipping of a new paper the day before I was leading the Harinama and my picture was on the front page of the newspaper ,he told me send this to Harikesa Maharaja  and tell him you are doing just fine.I did as he asked me too 
.So because of Ciranjiva I was banned from I"SS"KCON Denmark .Another disciple of Harikesa , Locana Prabhu was having illict sex with many matajis , and Harikesa never chastised him once, he also spend lots of sankirtana money and bought himself a jeep .I was also opposed to this.Brahma Muhurta das   the BBT in charge in Sweden once spend money on a limousine to take him and his other German  BBT devotees on Harinama from ISKCON Korsnas gaard to downtown Stockholm ,1982, I never forgot this abuse of Srila Prabhupadas BBT money .These days BBT in Scandinavia is dead ,there is no bookdistribuion and no interest to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books .When I visited ISKCON Sweden in 2012 hardly anyone attended even mangal artik , I mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam class I gave there one day Srila Prabhupada wanted all devotees to attend the morning program .To this day I am told they do not  care to attend mangal artik ,so I said unless devotees attend mangal artik I will never visit this temple again.So I guess I am now  also  banned in ISKCON Sweden? I visited Vaidyanath Prabhu also that year in Hamburg,Germany  which was really a very lovely stay and Vaidhyanath Prabhu treated me and my family with much love and kindness, but sadly Vaidynath Prabhu did not  chant 16 rounds daily .He is the brother of Saccinandana Swami .I was also disturbed by Vaidyanath Prabhus wife telling me how some of the female disciples of Saccinandana Swami treated her like a sister in law ,and she was unhappy about  that .I do not want this to disturbe the family of Vaidyanath Prabhu so I do not want this to be distributed to the public . What has changed since now and then is I go with my initiated name given to me by srila Narayana Maharaja in 1998 and some take offence to that .I will not use the name Payonidhi afteer I heard a video of former Harikesa being totally envious of Srila Prabhupada and calling him ordinary
interview with the Empire of spirit Magazine.
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  In 1982 I recall how Harikesa was informed then then TP, Ravi das from the UK was having illlicit sex in the temple with one mataji and he never chastised him.He also knew of the falldown of Jayatirtha Maharaja that same year but he choose to not inform the devotees about   what was going on .Jahnu das that was a new bhakta happened to do more Bhagavad Gitas than me that Christmas   in Copenhagen, but I caught him smoking a  cigaret  in one hand and distributing Bhagavad Gita with the other.I told him he can not  do this ,I send him back to the temple as a punishment , to humble him.But I did not  tell other devotees, I  wanted him to be glorified as distributing Srila Prabhupadas books .I was not jealous of him I was his kind wellwisher as a senior devotee he was just a new bhakta.He properly told other devotee how evil I was , that he beat  in bookdistriubution   . On sankirtana.In 1984 while in Austria ,Maharama das the secretary of ISKCON Austria ,one day refused to pay for two taxis and almost got in a fist fight with the taxi driver then he reluctantly paid and left a very bad impression on the hundreds of bystanders  and we where all in Dhotis and the matajis in saris .I was later dropped in the middle of the highway by Maharama 300 KM from Vienna, .I explained these things to Harikesa , he did not  care he never disciplines Maharama but suggested he become a Guru and GBC in 1985 ,he did not last more than few months after that,He also had a big temper and often pushed out devotees in the middle of the night from a sankirtana van.He was never corrected Swam called him a pure devotee to me .Saccinandana Swami owes me an apology .In Germany many devotees where acting like madmen on bookdistribution  sometimes .Brhad Bhanu that distributed properly the most books in Germany ever used to tell people that these where fairytales , I recall ,an old couple chasing him with their umbrella after his bogus lines.Antaranga Sakti also a former bookdistributor (may Krsna bless him,) he and I where distributing books  in southern Germany .One student a young lady bought a Bhagavad Gita wie sie ist (as it is) from me .She said I bought this book before but the hare Krsna devotee that sold it to me was so nasty to me that when I got home i could not  read it I was so disturbed I ended up throwing it in the trash. She said I made a mistake but now I have gotten another copy I will read it.Antaranga sakti came and blasted her :"WHAT YOU THREW THE BHAGAVAD GITA IN THE TRASH KRSNA WILL THROW YOU IN THE TRASH".I told him what are you doing Prabhu ? I told him let me deal with this : I folded my hands and apologized and smiled , and told the lady ,I am really really sorry .Can you please please forgive us .Krsna inspired me, I told her ,I am here to help make sure that our bookdistributor devotees are much nicer .She bought 2 more books and promised to read them and visit our temple in Heidelberg. 
 Anyhow I want to explain my side of the story as I am sure I have been misrepresented a million times .I could never explain any of these problems to ISKCON leaders they will never accept any suggestion of improvements.
 Before I left Denmark in 1988 I had suggested to the Scandinavian counsil to open a seperate temple for Brahmacaries ,I really felt that there was to much grhamedhi mentality in ISKCOn Copenhagen and our brahmacaries needed to be protected .They never agreed , it would have meant we might have had to sell Rajasthan silk paitings that had pictures of Krsna mostly with the gopis , that had showed up at the time and was sold along with Krsna books ,a better choice than the Hong kong paintings .They of course opposed it .   ISKCON Denmark   seems a lost case to me ,but I really still want to see Srila Prabhupadas original books be distributed.ISKCON Denmark now under the facistic leadership of Lalitanath das bans all devotees opposed to changes to Srila Prabhupadas books and he has called Srila Prabhupadas books with names: 
Jayadvaita Swami has also made similar statements to the fact he called Prabhupadas books full of warts ,he made this statement at the Bhaktivedanta Manor.
Devotees like Ajit Krsna Prabhu is banned from ISKCON Denmark , so is Bhakta Torben a former bookdistributor his name as TrayuMaya Prabhu . 
Both have very intelligently opposed many of the changes done to Srila Prabhupadas books .
By banning so many devotees Lalitanath has made ISKCON Denmark into a cult .I was banned this summer from taking darshan of Sri Sri  Gaura Nitai in Copenhagen ,i distributed hundreds of BBT books in English while visiting Copenhagen ,I had distributed almost 100.000 of Srila Prabhupadas books even before Lalitanath das joined in 1982 he was never properly trained in KC.What can you expect when the TP you joined under was having illlict sex in the temple?
 Now Srila Narayana Maharaja was visited both by Jayadvaita Maharaja and Radhanath Swami in 2009 .So Lalitanath bans a devotee like me that has not associated with Srila Narayana Maharaja since 2004 .Why Jayadvaita Swami and Radhanath Swami is not banned then? I am actually glad they knew how to respect a great vaisnava like HH Narayana Maharaja but why Radhanath Swamis disciples are so neophyte and untrained and totally offensive?
(The reason I left Srila Narayana Maharaja  sanga was he preached Kalki avatar does not appear in this Kali yuga contradicting Srimad Bhagavatam and he did not  respect Srimati Radharani but stated no fasting is needed on Radhastami ) .Since Lalitanath offended Srila Narayana Maharaja I cursed him he will not go back to Godhead, and I have informed the police in Denmark about Harikesas former illegal activities in Denmark and that of Radhanath Swamis involvement in the murder of Sulocana Prabhu (as testified in court in US in 1991 ).Showing a patern of criminal behavior.Lalitanath also is the cause of a 17 year old bhaktas death when visiting ISKCON Passau , he failed to lock the doors and this bhakta fell out and was killed instantly on the German highways .It is illegal to store many passengers in the back of a van due to risks of lives.
 I also reported a complain by one Bhakta Per that helped build former Govindas restaurant in Copenhagen .There was a fire in that restaurant and many devotees in Denmak claimed that the fire was set to avoid paying a huge electric bill of thousands and thousands of dollars .So I asked the police in Copenhagen to look into these allegationes to determine if it was true or false .
 I am considering talking futher with the Danish police and Goverment unless the GBC removes Lalitanath das as the head of ISKCON Denmark ,he is most unqualified.But he has high ambitiones , on top of this he is on wellfare  properly his wife as well ,that sets a bad example for ISKCON  Denmark and he sends his wife to get free prasadam at a local Govindas restaurant where he should be paying like everyone else.
Kesava priya mataji is another untrained disciple of Radhanath Swami that has sold paintings since 1982 ,she told me 2 years ago she hates me because I  encouraged her in 1981 to dedicate her whole life to distributing Srila Prabhupadas books .ISKCON Denmark also has a seminar on how to make lolipops when I was there in Copenhagen recently .They offend me the most senior devotee in Denmark because they know I will chastise them for their nonsense lolipop seminar.And so many other nonsense things they do.
 I want them to get of wellfare and go distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.
 Caitanya Chandra Prabhu a disciple of HH Radhanath Maharaja he is actually a very sweet devotee when I visit ISKCON Denmark in 2012 he was the TP and everyone loved him , Lalitanath has banned him because he also believes Srila Prabhupadas books in Danish should be closer to what Srila Prabhupada left us in 1977 and not so many changes that is not needed, some few changes where ok like Bihar over Beehar and and pitris over "planet of the trees" but there is many many devotees in Denmark that disagree with Lalitanath and his Hitler approach to the editing of Srila Prabhupadas books.While this fight is going on Kali personified is laughing because hardly no books are any longer distributed in ISKCON Denmark .My concern is also for Iceland it is one of our Scandinavian brothers and they need help to open a temple for Srila Prabhupada and distribute books there also.I went recently and distributed some books there and checked it out ,it is a great place for having a KC temple. I met one gentleman and his wife that is a priest and they for example are very open to the Hare Krsna movement coming to Iceland , the gentle man was even singing Hare Krsna with me ,he used to hear the devotees in Germany chant there in the 1970th ....
 My last complain is about Janesvara Prabhu , I  have lots of love and affection for him we have distributed Srila Prabhupadas books together for almost 3 years all over Denmark he is the first devotee I met in 1978 and sold me 3 of Srila Prabhupadas books I joined ISKCON Sweden few month later(my first book I got in 1977 Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad Gita in German).The problem with Janesvara Prabhu is 2 he is to bureaucratic as many devotees say in Sweden and have to loosen up and bit narrowminded and very blindly follows everything .However if he was all by the book I like to know when Tapana Misra das had sex with minors in ISKCON Almvik ,why did Janesvara never turn him over to the police .Janesvara is supposed to be a public school  teacher and a brahmin .He once told me that Harikesa has all mystic potencies ,I laughed at him and told him that was insane.I then challenged it in Bhagavatam class next time Harikesa came and asked Harikesa if he agreed with Janesvaras idea that HArikesa had all mystic powers , you can imagine they did not like that I had to go to another temple ,Welcome to the cult behavior in ISKCON Scandinavia.Harikesa had one" mystic power , he made lots of money disappear from ISKCON Northern Europe into his private bank account .Was he a false Guru , you bet he was .So if the GBC still thinks I should go with the name Payonidhi .... hahaha .I have to declare any such person as insane and should be locked up in a mental institution .
 your servant in service to Srila Prabhupada
Paramananda das
PS Srila Prahupada said that ISKCON in an incarnation of Krsna but I want to be in the real ISKCON  .According to Krsna Bhajanamrta when one has a Guru that falls into demoniac behavior one must accept a new and better Guru  ,I did not find anyone in ISKCON that chants 64 rounds daily but Srila Narayana Maharaja did and was a senior devotee to all ISKCON sannyasis and GBC's ,Srila Prabhupada in 1977 told Srila Narayana Maharaja to help ISKCOn devotees .I took advantage of his association ,I  want to mention former  Vipramukya Swami as an example of someone making offences to Srila Narayana Maharaja within 2 months of me asking him to calm down with his aggression he fell down from bhakti .Bhagavan das former ISKCON Guru of France and UK Belgium Holland and Spain,  burned the books of Srila Sridhara Swami ,Srila Prabhupadas exalted godbrother and within short time after his version of the Nazis Crystal night (the day the nazis burned all books to control the masses) he fell down from bhakti 



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