Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Matajis ,when it is time to run for your spiritual life!

Ajit Krishna Dasa Check this out, prabhu! What do you say? Let's see if my Prabhupada quotation will be accepted on ISKCON NEWS! Maybe they prefer the liberal approach instead of Prabhupada's direct words?
We were asked a question: what if the wife is a devotee of Lord Krishna and her husband is a non- devotee (karmi)? If one partner is a devotee and the other one is not (yet), it is not a problem if the devotee wife knows what her duty is towards Krishna in this situation. In my answer that follows w...
  • You and Sivananda Dasa Kristensen like this.
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Prabhupada: "In Bhagavad-gita, however, the Lord says, na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah: [Bg. 7.15] "Those miscreants who do not surrender unto Me are the lowest of mankind." The word naradhama means "nondevotee." Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also said, yei bhaje sei bada, abhakta-hina [Cc. Antya 4.67], chara. Anyone who is a devotee is sinless. One who is not a devotee, however, is the most fallen and condemned. It is recommended, therefore, that a chaste wife not associate with a fallen husband. A fallen husband is one who is addicted to the four principles of sinful activity -- namely illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication. Specifically, if one is not a soul surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is understood to be contaminated. Thus a chaste woman is advised not to agree to serve such a husband. It is not that a chaste woman should be like a slave while her husband is naradhama, the lowest of men. Although the duties of a woman are different from those of a man, a chaste woman is not meant to serve a fallen husband. If her husband is fallen, it is recommended that she give up his association. Giving up the association of her husband does not mean, however, that a woman should marry again and thus indulge in prostitution. If a chaste woman unfortunately marries a husband who is fallen, she should live separately from him. Similarly, a husband can separate himself from a woman who is not chaste according to the description of the sastra. The conclusion is that a husband should be a pure Vaisnava and that a woman should be a chaste wife with all the symptoms described in this regard. Then both of them will be happy and make spiritual progress in Krsna consciousness."

      >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 7.11.28
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das thank you very nice ,I just read this vers recently but without the purport, Srila Prabhupada has made this vers so clear
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das also if the wife is fallen one can take varna prastha,Srila Prabhupada did this when his wife refused to give up drinking caffinated tea,and sold his Bhagavad Gita manuscript as used and useless papers(she properly did not pay attention)
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das Srila Ramanujacarya left his wife when she offended his siksa Guru that seemed to be just a sudra from external vision
      about an hour ago · 
    • ource%22%3A%220%22%2C%22assoc_obj_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22source_app_id%22%3A%220%22%2C%22extra_story_params%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22content_timestamp%22%3A%221312556809%22%2C%22check_hash%22%3A%22b9c7c4869c9dd62e%22%7D" title="" href="" role="button" aria-haspopup="1" rel="toggle" style="cursor: pointer; color: rgb(59, 89, 152); text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; zoom: 1; background-image: url(; height: 15px; width: 15px; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; border-top-width: 1px; border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; border-top-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; border-left-color: transparent; vertical-align: top; opacity: 0; "
      Ajit Krishna Dasa This article is simply some of the worst crap I've read lately!
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das in either case one should take varna prastha and get out of the" hell hole" of family like,this instruction is very clear by Sri Prahlada Maharaja see SB 5.18,8 to 14
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das I only read you comment not the article yet
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das there is so many useless and ignorant articles
      about an hour ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Terrible!
      about an hour ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Yes, this article is amazingly stupid!
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das one persons whoes Guru teaches about Varnasrama has written I do not want to be a woman in Varnasrama dharma but she is in a womans body?That to me is really ignorant
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das let me read it
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das she write :If husband wants her to serve him meat, alcohol, sex, etc, she should serve him. She will not get any reaction for doing that (BG 18.47), because she is doing her dharma (stri dharma); she is following her husband’s instructions, which means she is following her duty. So she will not get any reaction, but her husband will get reaction if he demands something that is not according to dharma.
      about an hour ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Yes, and this is not what Prabhupada says in his quote!
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das there is a story of a chaste wife that carried her crippled wife to a prostitute and even stopped the sun from setting, but these are not for women in general .If the husband wants you to serve meat or have illicit sex with him do not comply, do not be chaste to sinful activities, because you are blindly following another blind person,Guru in this case your reject him and take varna prastha
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das I did not have time to get into the purports yet
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das obviously not
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das one lady devotee told me her husband asks her to have illicit sex,and she complies, and she is initiated by Srila Prabhupada ,I instructed her this is all maya.
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das once a Prabhupada disciple mataji , wanted to leave her nondevotee husband, and approached some brahmacaries to ask them to marry her, I was also one of the brahmacaries she approached.Later she ended up marrying a devotee that then divorced his wife.
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das I once prayed to Srila Prabhupada what to do about such foolish things
      about an hour ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das I then had a dream of his Divine Grace one day :he was simply smiling and laughing and said one word: M- ISCON -CEPTIONS .
      59 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das Thank you for speaking out on this misconception Ajit Krsna Prabhu
      58 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das I pray to Srila Prabhupada he may kindly save me from all misconceptions
      56 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das did you get Srila Prabhupadas joke: M-SIKCON-CEPTIONS
      49 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das hahahaha, Srila Prabhupada perfect our lives
      48 minutes ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Ahh, sorry...I was just doing some other stuff also. I see it now :)
      46 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das and some of Prabhupadas disciples think his granddisciples has no connection with Srila Prabhupada without them, this is also a misconception
      44 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das Srila Prabhupada personally will keep guiding sincere devotees over many generations to come this is my firm faith
      34 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das no problem Prabhu I should have written :M-ISKCON- CEPTION's from the get go
      32 minutes ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa There is so much stupidity amongst devotees - it is incomprehensable! It is because they really don't like Krishna. They want Him to serve their ideas.
      31 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das In Jagannatha Puri, Svarupa Damodara Goswami was making sure there was no misconceptions being presented to annoy Lord Caitanya Candra
      30 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das yes this is the kanistha mentality, just like I am pointing out to the North American GBC why are you allowing a bingo hall in ISKCON Brooklyn temple, or allowing gas drilling in New Vrindavan so these things goes on even on leadership level ,deviations from Srila Prabhupadas standards
      28 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das not only serve their ideas, being seved ,respected and worshipped without proper merit
      28 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das Srila Prabhupada did not approve of marriage of nondevotees in the temple ,or indians but it still goes on,and it is big business
      27 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das Srila Prabhupada and his instructions and desires needs to always be kept in the forfront of ISKCON
      26 minutes ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Yes, it is a sick practice!
      25 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das but persons like me that speaks out is seen as deviators and this is vaisnava aparadha
      24 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das when I am not condoning such things that opposes Srila Prabhupadas desires and vision
      24 minutes ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Yes, but fortunately we don't have to care about their views. We just have to represent Prabhupada.
      23 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das Yes I am also humbly trying to represent Srila Prabhupada purely
      22 minutes ago · 
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa Wow, they actually posted my comment:​e/3810
      We were asked a question: what if the wife is a devotee of Lord Krishna and her ...See More

      20 minutes ago ·  · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das Srila Prabhupada was not pleased when Jayadvaita Swami did not speak out when chicken was cooked in ISKCON New York and Srila Prabhupada chastised him, he also pretends at present there is nothing wrong with the drilling of gas in New Vrindavana, personally I am not a "chicken' and will speak out
      18 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das our only business is propogating KC purely and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, do Harinama ,and HH Jayadvaita Swami should also only stick to Srila Prabhupadas business of book publishing and bookdistribution that is very much involved with.
      16 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das very good preaching Hare Krishna! Pamho,
      Submitted by Ajit Krishna Dasa on 5 August, 2011 - 10:55.
      Hare Krishna! Pamho, agtSP!
      I was shocked to read the above!To any woman seriously interesting in getting the full benefit of Krishna Consciousness, please read the follow carefully:
      Srila Prabhupada: "In Bhagavad-gita, however, the Lord says, na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah: [Bg. 7.15] "Those miscreants who do not surrender unto Me are the lowest of mankind." The word naradhama means "nondevotee." Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also said, yei bhaje sei bada, abhakta-hina [Cc. Antya 4.67], chara. Anyone who is a devotee is sinless. One who is not a devotee, however, is the most fallen and condemned. It is recommended, therefore, that a chaste wife not associate with a fallen husband. A fallen husband is one who is addicted to the four principles of sinful activity -- namely illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication. Specifically, if one is not a soul surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is understood to be contaminated. Thus a chaste woman is advised not to agree to serve such a husband. It is not that a chaste woman should be like a slave while her husband is naradhama, the lowest of men. Although the duties of a woman are different from those of a man, a chaste woman is not meant to serve a fallen husband. If her husband is fallen, it is recommended that she give up his association. Giving up the association of her husband does not mean, however, that a woman should marry again and thus indulge in prostitution. If a chaste woman unfortunately marries a husband who is fallen, she should live separately from him. Similarly, a husband can separate himself from a woman who is not chaste according to the description of the sastra. The conclusion is that a husband should be a pure Vaisnava and that a woman should be a chaste wife with all the symptoms described in this regard. Then both of them will be happy and make spiritual progress in Krsna consciousness."
      >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 7.11.28

      Read more:​e/3810#ixzz1UAihNRNi
      We were asked a question: what if the wife is a devotee of Lord Krishna and her ...See More

      12 minutes ago ·  · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das but practically many will say I will get married again anyway, and pay not attantion to Srila Prabhuapdas crystal clear instruction;" Giving up the association of her husband does not mean, however, that a woman should marry again and thus indulge in prostitution. If a chaste woman unfortunately marries a husband who is fallen, she should live separately from him."
      9 minutes ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das being married, then taking sannyasa again getting married and then propagate it is ok to take grains on Gaura Purnima, all rascaldom

Views: 442

Comment by Paramananda das on August 5, 2011 at 1:45pm
  • Payonidhi Das Das being married, then taking sannyasa again getting married and then propagate it is ok to take grains on Gaura Purnima, all rascaldom
    2 hours ago · 
  • Ankur Kakkar 
    Hare Krishna, please accept my humble obeisances. According to scriptures "from the very beggining of a female body, her life is always under the protection of one, like in childhood under the supervision of father then husband and so on.." But what i have studied if a women is chaste then whatever she performs in spiritual life 50% result directly goes to husband so a devotee women should never bother but perform her duties as best as she can! "Sincerity follows purity". According to Srila Prabhupad "We can change ourselves because we are in our hand".

    2 hours ago · 
Comment by Paramananda das on August 5, 2011 at 1:47pm
    • Ajit Krishna Dasa A woman duty is not to serve a fallen husband. She should leave him. This is Prabhupada's words!
      2 hours ago · 
    • Payonidhi Das Das CRYSTAL CLEAR
      2 hours ago · 
Comment by Paramananda das on August 5, 2011 at 1:48pm
  • Payonidhi Das Das just like some are finding faults with Mother Urmila for being a varnaprastha and not being with her husband
    2 hours ago · 
  • Payonidhi Das Das Mirabhai also left her fallen family that even tried to kill her
    2 hours ago · 
  • Payonidhi Das Das she went to Vrindavana and took full shelter of Krsna
Comment by Paramananda das on August 5, 2011 at 1:50pm
Comment by Paramananda das on August 5, 2011 at 1:52pm
Comment by Paramananda das on August 5, 2011 at 1:52pm
Ajit Krishna Dasa 
From Caitanya Caritamrta:

"Inform my daughter Sathi to abandon her relationship with her husband because he has fallen down. When the husband falls down, it is the wife's duty to relinquish the relationship.

From the purport:

As far as Sathi, the daughter of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, was concerned, she was advised to give up her relationship with her husband. Concerning this, Srimad-Bhagavatam (5.5.18) states, na patis ca sa syan na mocayed yah samupeta-mrtyum: "One cannot be a husband if he cannot liberate his dependents from inevitable death." If a person is not in Krsna consciousness and is bereft of spiritual power, he cannot protect his wife from the path of repeated birth and death. Consequently such a person cannot be accepted as a husband. A wife should dedicate her life and everything to Krsna for further advancement in Krsna consciousness. If her husband abandons Krsna consciousness and she gives up her connection with him, she follows in the footsteps of the dvija-patnis, the wives of the brahmanas who were engaged in performing sacrifices. The wife is not to be condemned for cutting off such a relationship. 

Next verse from CC:

"‘When a husband is fallen, one's relationship with him must be given up.'"

This is a quotation from the smrti-sastra. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.11.28):

santustalolupa daksa dharma-jna priya-satya-vak
apramatta sucih snigdha patim tv apatitam bhajet

"A wife who is satisfied, who is not greedy, who is expert and knows religious principles, who speaks what is dear and truthful and is not bewildered, and who is always clean and affectionate should be very much devoted to her husband if he is not fallen."

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 15.264
Comment by Paramananda das on August 5, 2011 at 1:57pm


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