Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Manager mistakes on Sankirtana
I could write a whole book ,how ISKCON managers made wrong descisions for sankirtana devotees, and properly one day I will write a book about so the future generation of devotees can learn from these mistakes.Of course the first mistake is that not enough devotees take bookdistribution serious and they do not make it their life and soul they are looking instead for comfort and positiones in ISKCON ,pure devotiona service in ISKCON means to dedicate your life to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.What kind of books? The original books written by Srila Prabhupada no those with offensive interpolationes and changes.Today a pastime came to mind where I had told Devamrta Swami and Harikesa in 1981 that we can not sell records in Denmark ,the police may shut us down ,or arrest us , and confiscate our van, they did not listen .I am from Denmark they are not I know my country better than these two rascals, they insisted we do this illegal thing, I told them both ,do not say I have not warned you .So we sold lots of records for few days , I was in a city in Jytland ,Denmark and this one morning I had sold 70 records in on hour and a half , then I got arrested sat all day in jail they other devotees got arrested also, the police was heavy and almost impounded the van, then they said since you are monks and priests, we are letting you of with a warning .I Copenhagen we could get away with selling records, such a huge city and the police back then was not so strict there but not in the rest of the country .I told Devamrta Swami please stop being stubborn, we will not get a second change, I do not like this record selling anyway I want to only distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, this is from that point Harikesa and Devamrta became offensive to me , I know I was right and they where wrong and disobeying Srila Prabhupada,But in ISKCON often even when you are wrong American Prabhupada disciples manipulate to make you look like you are the bad guy , they say just be a "good boy " .So I still hear this be a "good boy" from these rascals 40 years later.Trying to manipulate you.Be very very careful with Srila Prabhupadas discipels often they do what Srila Prabhupada never wanted you to do.Follow Srila Prabhupada first of all ,why go to jail for some rascal Prabhupada disciples? They should be "good boys " and obey Srila Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Book distribution is our real business. If we give them a record, they simply hear some magical sounds and take it for sense gratification, but if they receive one of our books and read even one page, Bhagavad- gila they get eternally benefited. ~Letter to Ajita, 6 January, 1975'Prabhupada.Now the rascals made over 5000 changes to Srila Prabhupadas books, they real disciples of Srila Prabhupada are opposed to these changes, but the rest with their female secretaries and BMW's and salaries in ISKCON have no back bone, as they simply live as parasites of ISKCON .

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