Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Lord Nityananda Prabhus Gayatri mantra from Brahmanda Purana

One devotee asked me about Lord Nityananda Prabhus gayatri mantra one is found in Srila Dhyanachandra Goswamis Arcana Dipika :Klim deva-jåhnavî-vallabhåya svåhå.

. Concerning Nityånanda Prabhu’s mantra, a statement is made in the Brahmånda Puråna during a conversation between ¸Sesa någa and Mother Earth. The purport of that statement is such: At the beginning of the mantra, the kåmabîja shall be joined with the word deva and serve as a salutation. Then, in the middle will be jåhnavî, followed by vallabhåya and ending with svåhå. This twelve-syllable mantra of ¸Srî Nityånanda Prabhu is very charming to everyone. Using this mantra, ¸Srî Nityånanda Prabhu’s püjå shall be done. The mantra is thus: klîm deva-Jåhnavî-vallabhåya svåhå.

One can chant this Gayatri mantra 3 times daily ,especially if you have Brahmin Diksa ,the meaning is I meditate of Lord Nityananda Prabhu the beloved of His consort Sri Jahnava devi may Lord Nityananda constantly enthuse me in devotional service .

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