Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Lord Narasima roars for the protection of the devotees

Lord Narasimhadevas Roars for the Protection of the Devotees

Posted May 10, 2009

HH Gaura Govinda Maharaja would sometimes ask his diciples.Are you seeing Krsnaā Are you seeing Shyamasundaraā We all know from Brahma Samhita:


santah sadaiva hṛdayeṣu vilokayanti

yam Syāmasundaram acintya-guṇa-svarūpam

govindam ādi-puruṣam tam aham bhajāmi

I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Śyāmasundara, Kṛṣṇa Himself with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love.

Gopa Kumara when he came to Mahar Loka saw how all the sages saw so many different forms like Lord Narasimha manifest to them . On earth this direct perception of the Lord is also possbile. Krsna states

yo mam pasyati sarvatra sarvam ca mayi pasyati

tasyaham na pranasyami sa ca me na pranasyati

"For one who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me" (Bhagavad-gita 6.30).

Prahlada Maharaja is the personification of remembering Narasimhadeva:

"Prahlada Maharaja, he was put into so many difficulties by his atheist father, Hiranyakasipu, but he was simply remembering Narayana, Krsna. Because he was a child, five years old, how he ca n fight with his fatherā His father was the greatest demon, powerful, and he was against the child. So he used to simply think of Krsna, smaranam."
Srila Prabhupada Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam, 02-22-73, Auckland

Sri Prahlada Maharaja appeared again as Haridas Thakura . On the maha-prakasa day, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu embraced Haridasa Thakura and informed him that he was n one other than an incarnation of Prahlada Maharaja.

Just imagine Prahlada Maharaja was being thrown of a cliff, the spot is still there at Varaha Narasimha temple at Simhacalam in Andhra Pradesh.

There the Lord appeared to him as half Varaha form and half Narasimha.The face of Lord Varaha and the body of Lord Narasimha.

What is the significance ā Because Hiranyaksa was killed by Lord Varaha appearing in this form ,Varaha Narasimha was assuring Prahlada Maharaja : I have killed your demoniac uncle Hiranyaksa--and soon I will kill your father Hiranyakasipu.

Later after Hiranyakasipu was killed along with all his soldiers at Ahovalam..Lord Narasimhadeva disappeared and manifested Himself as Varaha Narasimha Deity at Simhacalam..the hill of Lord Narasimha.At this place Prahlada was installed as the king by Brahma himself as confirmed in the Sthala Puranas there.And the worship of Varaha Narasimha was started by Prahlada Maharaja himself in the assocaition of Lord Brahma and other sages.Later in Treta yuga this temple worship got neglected, and Urvasi and king Pururava ,rediscovered Varaha Narasimha on their pleasure travels in a h eavenly vimana ( airplane) through out the universe.

Lord Varaha Narasimha told them to always cover His transcendental body with Candana --around this time in the month of Vaisakha (the month of may) this chandan gets replaced ,and for one day only you can see Varaha Narasimha in His actual murti form otherwise the rest of the year He is covered in chandana (sandalwood) and looks like a large Siva Linga.Later Sri Ramanujacaray came to this place and Sri Vaisnavas have worshippled Varaha Narasimha ever since.If you go to this temple you will be amazed about the prasadam, that has been offered to Lord Varaha Narasimha.Lord Caitanya also visited this placed and danced in ecstacy in front of Lord Varaha Narasimha .Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada has installed the lotusfootprint of Lord Caitanya under a giant banyan tree to honor Mahaprabhu visiting this sacred place.

The Ganga is manifested from a spring in the mountain and pilgrims take bath there.Srila Prabhupada went there with devotees, it has been mentioned in Prabhupada lilamrta.Srila Prabhupadas dear godbrother HH Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja also opened a temple there nearby in Visakhapatnam.

Lord Narasimha is roaring to protect his devotees while he devotees is chanting His holy name:
In Srimad Bhagavatam 6.834 we find this mantra:

vidikṣu dikṣūrdhvam adhaḥ samantād

antar bahir bhagavān nārasiḿhaḥ

prahāpayan loka-bhayaḿ svanena

sva-tejasā grasta-samasta-tejāḥ

Prahlāda Mahārāja lou dly chanted the holy name of Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva. May Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva, roaring for His devotee Prahlāda Mahārāja, protect us from all fear of dangers created by stalwart leaders in all directions through poison, weapons, water, fire, air and so on. May the Lord cover their influence by His own transcendental influence. May Nṛsiḿhadeva protect us in all directions and in all corners, above, below, within and without.

May Lord Narasimha kindly roar while we chant His holy names, assuring us protection.At Ahovalam the pujaris sometimes he ar the angry roar of Lord Narasimhadeva and the ground is trebling as if He reappeared.I pray I may one day hear the roaring of my worshiabel Lord Narasimha as he kills the asuras in all directions, and He establishes a God conscious society ,Krsna consciousness will then again be prominet in the life of all on this planet.When wil we hear Lord Narasimha roar for us His devotees as He did for Sri Prahlada MaharajaāMay Lord Narasimhadevas roar and laughter vibrate throughout this planet and the whole univers we live in and protect all members of ISKCON:

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.8.14

durgeṣv aṭavy-āji-mukhādiṣu prabhuḥ

pāyān nṛsiḿho 'sura-yūthapāriḥ

vimuñcato yasya mahC4ṭṭa-hāsaḿ

diśo vinedur nyapataḿś ca garbhāḥ

May Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva, who appeared as the enemy of Hiraṇyakaśipu, protect me in all directions. His loud=2 0laughing vibrated in all directions and caused the pregnant wives of the asuras to have miscarriages. May that Lord be kind enough to protect me in difficult places like the forest and battlefront.

May Lord Narasimhadeva bless everyone with the sight of His auspiscious form, and make them all His devotees.

We can all remember this nice prayer of Sri Prahlada Maharaja as it is not to long:

SB 5.18.11: By associating with persons for whom the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mukunda, is the all in all, one can hear of His powerful activities and soon come to understand them. The activities of Mukunda are so potent that simply by hearing of them one immediately associates with the Lord. For a person who constantly and very eagerly hears narrations of the Lord's powerful activities, the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead in the form of sound vibrations, enters within his heart and cleanses it of all contamination. On the other hand, although bathing in the Ganges diminishes bodily contaminations and infections, this process and the process of visiting holy places can cleanse the heart only after a long time. Therefore who is the sane man who will not associate with devotees to quickly perfect his lifeā

With much love and affection for all devotees of Lord Narasimha.

Sri Narasimhadeva ki jaya

Sri Prahlada Maharaja ki jaya

Srila Haridasa Thakura ki jaya 


Views: 123

Comment by Paramananda das on December 16, 2010 at 2:26pm

Subject: summary of chapters of Narasimha Purana

As part of my work on the book about Lord Narasimha I am working on ,I am presenting this chapter summary of the Narasimha Purana that deals with the pastimes of Lord Narasimha and Prahlada Maharaja
Hirnayakasipu takes over the heavenly planets and kicks out the demigods.After wandering the earth for long time(disguised as ordinary human beings) the demigods talk with Brhaspati that confirms that he and other sages are predicting that soon Hiranyakasipu will be finished, and tells them to go to the ocean of milk , and headed by Lord Siva they go there and and chant many names of Visnu to Lord Visnu and being pleased He asks what they desire.And they answer that He being all knowing also knows this answer, so why is He asking them /Lord Visnu smiling answers that He is pleased they chanted 100 of His Holy names , and tells them not to worry ,  and tells Lord Siva that he can go back to  Kailash and that soon Sri Prahlada Maharaja will appear, and when Hiranyaksipu later tries to kill him, He, Lord Visnu will appear and kill Hiranyakasipu.
chapter 41:
Lord Brahma tells Narada Muni that Hiranyakasipu is doing Tapasya at Kailash and ask him what he suggest to do, Narada Muni tells him not to worrry as Lord Visnu has shown him a "few tricks", he goes there then
Narada Muni assumes the form of a bird starts to chant the name of Lord Visnu and it aggrevates Hiranyakasipu so much that he tried to kill that bird and simply gives up his penance there.
(It reminds us of the classical Indian movie made about Prahlada and Narasimha where you see the same, Hiranyakasipu chanting Om Rudray namah and the bird Om Visnave namah, however in the Narasimha Purana it is "Om Narayanaya Namah" ,the movie version has Brhaspati taking the form of a bird)
Coming back to his wife she is very happy and she asks him why he has finished his tapasya so early: She
did not expect him for the next 1000 celestial  years, Hiranyakasipu explains the birds was chanting:Om namo Narayanaya namah " and disturbing his meditation and as he states this he impregnates his wife [thus Kayadhu becomes pregnant with Prahlada.)and then an interesting statement is there: Just as devotion to Lord Hari increases more and more even in the harsh Kali yuga the devotion of Prahlada as he grew up increased daily.
Then it is explained that Prahlada one days meets his demoniac father and Prahlada starts glorifying the name of Krsna, and Hiranyakasipu  temporarily controls his angers and tells him that chanting Krsna's name is not allowed all over the universe under his rule. And Prahlada tells him this is a great sin and he should immediately start chanting, this infuriates Hiranyakasipu and he tells Prahlada to leave his palace at once and calls for the teacher being brought to him in chains.   He chastises the teacher who is a Vishnu bhakta and instructs the teacher to worship him instead.Hiranyakasipu   chastises Prahlada for not being obedient to he who is both his father and ruler of the univers and gloryfying "the enemy of the asuras Visnu".The teacher leaves and it stated from then on he starts worship of Hiranyakasipu simply to fill his belly
chapter 42
In this chapter Prahlada Maharaja goes to his teacher, after he comes back Hiranyakasipu questions him, and Prahlada glorified Lord Visnu and states no other subject is worthy of discussion, this infuriated Hiranyakasipu once more that then orders to have Prahlada killed and the soldiers rush at him with weapons that simply turn around and harm them, then Hiranyakasipu calls for  snake charmers that bring the most powerful  snakes in the universe to attack Prahlada,who again is fully absorbed in Lord Visnu and the fangs of the snakes are broken and they are all bleeding, and not even the skin of Prahlada is harmed.
The snake charmers explain to Hiranayakasipu these snakes normally could even melt stones with their fire of poison (such snakes are thousand times more poisonous that snakes we know, as their poison causes the victim to be burned to ashes) . Sanda and Amarka asks Hiranyakasipu to allow them to bring Prahlada to their ashram to teach him in the demoniac principals, and Hiranyakasipu agrees

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Comment by Paramananda das on December 16, 2010 at 2:28pm

Subject: Lord Narasimha and Gauranga 

gadadhara parena summukha bhagavata
suniya prakase prabhu prema-bhava yata
prahlada-caritra, ara dhruvera-caritra
sata-vrtti kariya sunena sarhita

"Whenever Sri Gadadhara would recite the Prahlada-caritra and Dhruva-caritra from Bhagavatam, the Lord would manifest various symptoms of love. The Lord would hear the glories of Prahlada and Dhruva hundreds of times." (Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Antya.10.13-14)

This pastime is mentioned in Caitanya-bhagavata Madhya-khanda, ch. 2, 253-269

" Walking by the riverbank, He (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) saw a herd of cows. They were mooing and drinking water. With raised tails some ran in the four directions. Some fought. Some napped. Some drank water. Seeing them, the Lord began to roar. I am He! I am He!" The Lord shouted again and again. In this way He ran to Srivasa's house.

"Srivasa, what are you doing now?", the Lord roared. Within his home, Srivasa was worshiping Lord Narasimha. Pounding again and again, Sri Caitanya broke the door open. Whom do you worship? On whom do you meditate? Look! The person you worship has come!" the Lord roared.

"Srivasa saw a form like blazing fire, Then his meditation broke. He looked in the four directions. He saw Sri Caitanya sitting in a virasana yoga posture. Sri Caitanya had four arms. He held a conch-shell, cakra, club, and lotus. He roared like a maddened lion. Slapping the palm of His hand against His left shoulder, He made a great sound. Seeing all this, Srivasa trembled. Then he became stunned. He did not move.

"The Lord roared, O Srivasa! For so many days you did not know My true identity? Because of your loud sankirtana I left Vaikuntha and came here with all My associates. Not knowing Me, You left Me and went to Santipura. I will rescue the devotees. I will kill all the demons. Don't worry. Now recite prayers to Me." Gazing at the Lord, Srivasa wept tears of love. The fears in his heart died. Now He was confident. His whole body was filled with joy.

"He offered dandavat obeisances. Then, folding his hands, he recited prayers. By his nature, Srivasa Pandita was a great devotee of the Lord. He accepted the Lord's order. By the Lord's desire, he recited prayers."



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